HomeMy WebLinkAbout2015-10-26-GCC-min Greenways Corridor Committee October 26, 2015 Training Room, Hadley DPW Building Lexington, Massachusetts Members Present: Alex Dohan, Peggy Enders, Eileen Entin, Don Grant, Bob Hausslein, Paul Knight, Keith Ohmart Other Attendees: Susan Kenyon, soon to be member Votes : Minutes approved: 9/28/2015 Reports/Updates : • Susan Kenyon has been appointed to the GCC by the Board of Selectmen, but some paperwork is still outstanding. It will be official by the November meeting. • The ACROSS and GCC websites are being revised by Kathy Santos at the Town office. They will be ready to go and in 6 months or so we will be able to arrange for updates. Town staff will do the updates. It would be nice to have some photos for the sites. • The Lincoln Street development will have 4 parking spaces and the trail will be able to connect Old Shade Street to the Cambridge Reservoir and Cranberry Hill. It is the first property on the right after going under Rte 128, heading west on Lin- coln Street. • Ruth Rose did a lot of work on the websites for us. We agreed that a gift certificate would be a nice thank you. Keith will ask Karen if we can use GCC funds for that, otherwise we will all chip in. To be determined at the November meeting. • If you want to attend the Trails conference on November 14 please contact Linda Rainville at the Town Office. • Grain Mill Alley is still under discussion/planning by the Center Streetscape Com- mittee and others. Peggy is working on developing a kiosk that will aid ACROSS users, Bikeway users, and Center visitors of all sorts. Funding approval is pending on Town Meeting, and Town staff are working on coordinating the Grain Mill Alley and the Bikeway projects. Ongoing Business : A meeting was scheduled for October 27 to meet with abutters of the Freemont Street Play Area. Peggy and Keith will present the planned trail to those who at- tend, and answer any questions. Bob will attend, and perhaps Richard Canale. Keith and Peggy have flagged the route in case anybody wants to try it out. They will begin putting in posts this week, with logo signs at the entrances, but only ar- rows on the interior. The land is under Recreation jurisdiction, but there is some wetland area in there so Conservation is also involved. Bob will be at the Nov. 2 Conservation Commission meeting to present the trail plan for the wetland area. Peggy has talked with the Recreation Committee and they are supportive of the project. She will let Karen Simmons know the outcome of the abutters meeting. John Livsey will be available either Thursday or Friday to work on the Cedar Street to Lincoln Park connection. Keith had a large map with potential future routes mapped out. We discussed naming procedure and agreed to continue with letters, labelling routes chronologi- cally as opposed to geographically (i.e. routes will not necessarily be alphabetically contiguous). New Business: Discussion of moving meeting location to new Community Center ended in a deci- sion to remain at Hadley DPW location Regarding the East Lexington Corridor Improvement Project, we agreed to take the basic position that any changes/upgrades should take bicyclists and pedestri- ans into consideration and make travel safer for them as well as safer for cars. Keith will draft a letter and circulate for edits. Next Meeting : November 23, 2015, 4:30-6:00pm, DPW Training Room Future meeting dates: December 14 Future Agenda Items: - Certification of ACROSS Lexington Completion program update - Gil Benghiat - Easement/Town Access Project - Expenditure of FY16 monies - Keith Respectfully Submitted by Alexandra Dohan, Secretary