HomeMy WebLinkAbout2015-10-07-AC-min 10/07/15 AC Minutes Minutes Town of Lexington Appropriation Committee October7, 2015 : ReedRoom,Town OfficeBuilding,7:30p.m. : Glenn Parker, Chair; John Bartenstein, Vice Chair and Secretary; Kate Colburn; Alan Levine;Beth Masterman; Eric Michelson; Richard Neumeier;Andrei Radulescu-Banu; Rob Addelson (non-voting, ex officio) Members Absent:Mollie Garberg Other attendees: Michael Flamang, PE, Senior Civil Engineer, Department of Public Works The meetingwas calledto order at 7:32p.m. Announcements: 1.Mr. Bartenstein reported that the Board of Selectmen finalized the FY2016water/sewer rates at their Monday meeting. The final staff recommendation, which incorporated many of his suggestions, was for a modest rate decrease of 1.9% on a combined basis. The BoS adoptedthat recommendationwithout comment. BackgroundInformation for Two Fall Special Town Meeting(STM)Committee 2. Reports: STM #2, Article 4: Appropriation for Water System Improvements:Mr. Flamang described the project, which involves replacing water mains under Massachusetts Avenue (Mass. Ave.) between Pleasant Street and Marrett Road in 2016. Background information included the following: The Town has been pursuing aprogram to upgrade water/sewer infrastructurefrom the water/sewer enterprise fund, using $900,000 annually for water system improvements and $1.2 million for sewer system improvements. As a result, less than 5% of the water mains remain unlined. There are unlined water mains under Mass. Ave. between the Arlington line and Woburn Street. This does not affect water quality; however, sophisticated testing shows that the iron is crystallizing. This can result in pin holes, thus leakage, and if there is any stress the main can break. The Town anticipates a state-financed 2017projectthatwould involve re-configuring Mass. Ave. and installing lightsbetween Pleasant Street and Marrett Road. It is best to replace the water mains before that work is initiated. The water main project could be completed in one construction season, currently anticipated tobe the spring/summer/fall of 2016. If it is determined that the state-financed project is going forward, the Town will apply temporary pavement after the mains are replaced. In response to funding questions, Mr. Addelson reported that this project request is for approximately $2.2 million, which would bedebt based. It hasn’t been determined whether this will impact water/sewer rates; this depends on the times at which previously-issued debt retires. It also hasn’t been determined whether there will be a request at the annual town meeting in the spring of 2016 for additional projects that use the annual $900,000 and $1.2 million normally expended. 1 10/07/15 AC Minutes Report Schedule and Assignments: The schedule for making submissions andfor printing the report was reviewed. A rough draft for STM #2 should be prepared by next week. In Mr. Parker’s absence, Ms. Masterman will becollecting the material and writing the introduction. Others are writing about specific articles, asassigned or as switched by mutual agreement. The report is scheduled for approval by this Committee on October 22 to facilitate publicationon the 26th. Material for STM #1 is scheduled for approval by this rd Committee on November 19 to facilitate publicationon November 23.Mr. Addelson reported that he is preparing a financial plan needed for STM #1 that he expects to have nd available by October 22. STM #2; Article 2: Amend Minuteman Regional Agreement: Mr. Michelson explained that Wayland’s request to withdraw from the Regional Minuteman Schooldistrict must be approved by all 16 member communities. He questions whether it is favorable to approve this request. Wayland did not support a revised regional agreement that was proposed last year that would have made it easier for them to leave the district.In response to questions about plans to rebuild the school, Mr. Michelson reported: The concept is to build a smaller schoolthan now exists that will accommodate 628 students. This is a Massachusetts School Building Authority(MSBA)approved project; there are three options for proceeding: Construct a new building usingMSBA criteria; the cost to the district will be o approximately $87 million; Renovate the existing buildingwithout MSBA funding; the cost to the district will o be approximately $100 million; Close the school. o If each community does not approve the proposed plans for rebuilding, it is also possible for the Minuteman School Committee, via a 2/3 majority vote, to call for a district-wide referendum votewhich wouldpass with a simple majority. Comments included the following: If Wayland leaves the district, Wayland students can still attend, if space is available, at a cost to Wayland that is lower thanthecurrentcostto in-district communities. It would be helpful to get inputfrom Carl Valente, Town Manager, and Dave Horton, Lexington’s representative on the Minuteman school board,regarding this issue. Positions on STM #2 Articlesto be Included in the Committee’s Report: 3. STM #2; Article 2: Amend Minuteman Regional Agreement:It was agreed that more information isneeded before taking a vote on this article. STM #2; Article 3:Transfer of Property to LexHAB: Mr. Neumeier questionedwhether this Committee should take a position on this article, which does not include a financial request; resolution of that issuewas deferred to the next meeting. STM #2, Article 4: Appropriation for Water System Improvements:A motionwas made and seconded to support approval of this article. The motion passed. VOTE: 8-0 STM #2; Article5: Appropriatefor Property Improvements –241Grove Street: It was noted that this appropriation was intended to be part of an article that was brought before the 2015 Annual Town Meeting, but it was determined to be outside the scope of the article because thewordingdidn’t include it. This willcorrect that issue. It is understood that the funding request will befor less than $100,000. A motion was made and seconded to support approval assuming the request is for no more than $100,000. The motion passed. VOTE: 8-0 2 10/07/15 AC Minutes STM #2;Article 6: Appropriate Funds for Fire Station Site Study: The request is for $25,000,to come from the tax levy. The intent is to study the current firestation site at Bedford Street and Worthen Roadto determine its suitability to meet the fire station needs, although the wording of the article would encompass the study of other sites as well.Mr. Levine will explore with the BoS their intent andexpected wording of the motion. A motion was made and seconded to support approval of this article. The motion passed. VOTE: 8-0 STM #2; Article7: Amend FY2016 Operating, Enterprise Fund and Community Preservation Budgets:A vote was deferred until dollar amounts for this article are available, perhaps in two weeks. It was noted that a possible request for a new platform (approximately $13,000) and a ramp (approximately $17,000) for the Patriots’ Day Parade reviewing standcould be included in this article. STM #2; Article8: Appropriate to and from Specified Stabilization Funds: A vote was deferred until dollar amounts for this article are available. STM #2; Article9: Appropriate for Authorized Capital Improvements: It is anticipated that this article will be indefinitely postponed. STM #2; Article10: Appropriate for Prior Years’ Unpaid Bills: Mr. Addelson reported that there is an outstanding FY2015 invoice for traffic signal maintenance for approximately $15,000. The invoice could not be paid because it was not issueduntil after the closing of the books for the fiscal yearand no encumbrance was made.Approval of prior-year unpaid bills at a special town meeting requires anine-tenths majority vote. The Committeewill defer consideration of itsrecommendation until the source of the funds has been determined. Minutes: 4.A motion was made and seconded to approve this Committee’s September 9, 2015,minutes,with minor edits.The motion passed. VOTE: 8-0. Liaison Reports: 5. Mr. Michelson noted thatsomenew parking meters have been installed in Lexington center on a trial basisand new rates for the meters and parking permits are being proposed in an gestion.Informa effort to decrease traffic contion about the new meter pricing planis going th to the businesscommunityand the BoS will be discussing this issueon October 15. Adjournment: 6.The Committee adjournedat 9:20p.m. The documentsused at the meeting arelistedbelow. Respectfully submitted, Sara Arnold Recording Secretary ApprovedOctober 14, 2015 Exhibits 1.Agenda,posted by Glenn Parker, Chair 3