HomeMy WebLinkAbout2015-10-19-ARTS-minLexington Council for the Arts Meeting Minutes (Draft) 1. Pre - Meeting Tasks a. Review of handouts & minutes b. Attendance: • Present: Diana South, Cristina Burwell, Lynne Klemmer, Seetha Ramnath, Jean Hart, Emily Passman, Cheryl Meadow, Zoe Perry -Wood, Jessie Steigerwald, Susan Hammond. • Absent: Regie Gibson O'Hare, Matt Schumann - Cary Library Staff • Guests: Koren Stembridge, Faith Lin (potential member), LaiSun • Recording Secretary: Seetha Ramnath Meeting start time: 7:10pm 2. REPORTS a. Chairperson's Report • 2015/16 Meetings - Community Center • November Roll Call - need quorum 11.9.15 - 10 people confirmed as expected to attend Nov meeting • Committee Officer Notebooks - handouts to Recording Secretary, Treasurer. Other council members received handbooks • Membership 2015/16 b. Secretary's Report • Approval of previous meeting's minutes (September 2015)- motion by Cheryl, seconded by Diana • Approval of April 2015 Minutes - motion made by Lynne , seconded by Cheryl c. Treasurer's Report • Pending Grant Reimbursements - $4800 approved by MCC, estimated $6300 to be handed out • Total funds for 2016 granting • Local Revenue - $2,194. Not yet seen a deposit from Golden Tricorns d. Fundraising Update • Susan has scheduled meetings with several individuals, and has requested a series of questions to be developed by the council to review. Following this, dates will be discussed and a Doodle poll will be constructed to reflect the input received.. e. Grants • Charles River Sinfonietta - To be reviewed on whether it will be held in Lexington (Hancock Church) to allow funds to be used. f. Website & Social Media Report • Website review: purpose, maintenance, budget 1 of 3 • Council requested to consider both Field Test and Current website - need to confirm which method will most increase fundraising, create visibility and value,and increase gallery space • There are three options - keep website as -is, changed to blog website (field test) or develop a combination of new and old designs. • Zoe has described the value of the artists directory in Dreamweaver (137 artists, 60% of artists have their own website). Diana has communicated there may be a "plug -in" available to overcome the technical hurdle. Cheryl has communicated her test on Weebly allowed the hot -links to be retained for the artists directory. • Other considerations : There is a perceived higher risk that viruses would enter a blog/WordPress website relative to one on Dreamweaver, SEO (search engine optimization) may be less effective on Wordpress (blog site), mobile integration is a must for Google rules starting 2016, Cost savings using Wordpress (with domain name registration) is not negligible - $15 -30 per year vs. $100 per year for Dreamweaver (with Just Host for hosting with LOS) • Motion by Cristina to take a vote on the 3 options in the November 2015 meeting • Facebook Update: LC4A page has 171 "Likes" • Best recent reach & engagement from ArtWalk, and zentangle coloring pages (Reach = no. of people who see a post, Engagement = no. of Likes, Shares, Comments) 3. OLD BUSINESS a. Community Center Update - Koren Stembridge, Cary Library Director Koren spoke about gallery space at the Library as well as the Community Center. She is reviewing the current method used at the Library to request gallery space and would like to collaborate with LCA going forward, in an effort to create a standardized approach. She has agreed to manage the LCC gallery space. She has two requests: (1) for LCA volunteers to help reevaluate the process the library currently employs. Matt Shuman will be working with a small committee to do this. Timeline is tight. After the process has been approved, a call to artists will go out 1/15/16. Applications will have a deadline of 3/15/16. List of approved artists will be in place by 5/1/16. First show will begin 7/1/16. She would also like to build a team to curate shows that consists of a rep from the major art organizations in town, as well as some non - organizational folks. (2) for LCA to help with for Jurors; she envisions a committee comprised of an LCA member, LOS member, LACS member, MCA member, Library member and possibly some members from the community. b. Update, Gallery Night Update & Window Painting Project c. Update, Grain Mill Alley Pocket Park 4. NEW BUSINESS a. Trainings: Town Ethics & MCC Basics • MCC Basics - For those who would like Emily suggested a team review of this training - Thurs Nov 5th at 2pm at LCC. Cristina will inform who will need to take this training for this year • Town Ethics - The procedure to email the Town Clerk will be confirmed following list of trainees b. 2016 Grant Review Planning • 19 grants have come in, 6 or 7 more in the mailbox today c. ArtsOffroad: May art walk in nature - May 14, 2016 2 of 3 5. ANNOUNCEMENTS a. Next Grain Mill Alley Meeting: October 22, 9am in the Parker Rm /Town Office Bldg. b. Next LC4A Meeting: November 9, 2015 - Rm. 237, Town Community Center c. Center ArtWalk: Artist Deadline 10/20, Walk dates 11/10 - 11/28 d. Gallery Night (part of Center ArtWalk): Friday, November 13 e. LACS Annual Fall Arts & Crafts Fair: October 23 - 25 f. LACS Holiday Marketplace: Dec 2 - 24 Meeting Adjourned at: 8:52pm Motioned by: Cristina Burwell Seconded by: Susan Hammond 2016 Arts Council Meetings Lexington Recreation and Community Programs Department 1625 Massachusetts Avenue (781) 698 -4800 Multi- Purpose /Conf Room #237 Room reserved 6:30 - 8:45 (building closes at 9pm) Mon 10/19/15 Mon 11/09/15 Mon 12/14/15 Mon 01/11/16 Mon 02/08/16 Mon 03/14/16 Mon 04/11/16 Mon 05/09/16 Mon 06/13/16 3 of 3