HomeMy WebLinkAbout2015-09-10-WSAB-min Minutes of the Meeting 9/10/15 Lexington Water and Sewer Abatement Board 201 Bedford Street Lexington, MA 02420 Approved 10/15/15 Attendance: BoardMembers:LorenWood,ChairpersonandJimOsten,Member.Staff:RobAddelson,Assistant TownmanagerforFinance,BillHadley,DPWDirector,RalphPecora,Water/SewerSuperintendent,and ElizabethTuckerandRobinFullford,UtilityBilling. 4:30pmCallmeetingtoorder LorenWoodcalledthemeetingtoorderat4:30pm. StatusReportofAbatementRequests 12Recommendationstobeheardtonight 41Recommendationsonholdforhistoryordocumentation Reviewthreeyearhistoryofabatements ReviewMinutesoftheAugust13,2015meetingforapproval ItwasmovedbyMr.Osten,secondedbyMr.WoodandvotedunanimouslytoapprovetheMinutesof theMeetingofAugust13,2015aspresented. Appeals: 5:00PM MeetwithSyedRizvi,theownerof237WorthenRoadEast.Hehasappealedtheboard͸s7/23/15 decisiontodenyanabatementintheabsenceofleaks. Mr.Rizvitoldtheboardthathehadfoundevidencethatahosewasleftconnectedandslightly winter.Theabatementwillberecalculatedandbecausetheleakdidnotenterthe onduringthe sewer,nosewerwillbechargedontheleakedwater.Staffwillbringanewrecommendationto theboardattheOctobermeeting. 5:15PM MeetwithJacobHandwerker,theownerof17PineknollRoad.Hehasappealedtheboard͸s 8/13/15decisiontodenyanabatementintheabsenceofleaks. Mr.Handwerkerandhiswifemetwiththeboard.Hehadexpectedthatwewouldhavetested themeterandwasverydisappointed.Howeverheprovidedevidencethattherewasanoutside winterafterall.Theabatementwillberecalculatedandbecausetheleakdidnot leakduringthe enterthesewer,nosewerwillbechargedontheleakedwater.Staffwillbringanewrecom mendationtotheboardattheOctobermeeting. 5:30PM MeetwithShayneHolland,theownerof15TaftAvenue.Hehasappealedtheamountrecom mendedforaleakbasedabatement. 1 Minutes of the Meeting 9/10/15 Lexington Water and Sewer Abatement Board 201 Bedford Street Lexington, MA 02420 Approved 10/15/15 Mr.Hollandmetwiththeboardandaskedforfurtherconsiderationonhisleakbasedabate ment.HoweverwithnonewevidenceMr.Woodexplainedthatthisboardhastheauthorityto recalculateleakedwaterattieroneratesonly.HeexplainedthattheTownhasalreadypaidfor thewaterandsewerusageandthattieroneratesrepresentabreakevenpointfortheTown. Mr.Hollandthanksmembersoftheboardfortheirtime. AbatementRequestsforConsideration Leaks 10CentreStreet The homeowners filed for an abatement on bill #808862 for irrigation on a domestic meter. In June of 2015 they found and repaired a leaking outside faucet. They have reapplied for a leak-based abatement. The average fall usage is 56; we recalculated the excess usage at tier one water rates. The balance to be abated is $74.14. 44EldredStreet This property was rented until recently. The tenant left a running hose connected over the winter. The only pre-leak history the tenant had with us was from 6/24/14 to 10/31/14 so staff derived us- age for Bill #823103. All usage was recalculated at tier one water rates and only 20 units were cal- culated at sewer rates. Also staff estimated Bill #786243 believing that the meter has failed. In fact the house was empty and outread at 369 shows zero usage. Staff recommended abating Bill # 786243 down to zero. Staff recommended a total abatement of $2,774.44. 10RossRoad The owner filed for an abatement on Bill #822020. A plumber replaced flappers and adjusted levels in 2 toilets. An invoice was provided. The average spring usage is 48; we recalculated all but 8 units at tier one rates. Staff recommended an abatement of $762.82. 5WhitmanCircle The homeowners applied for an abatement on Bill #3276 due to a leak in their irrigation system. They provided a plumber's receipt. The average fall usage is established at 9 units; all but 9 units have been recalculated at tier one rates. Also on 5/6/14 the meter was replaced with an outread of 0038 indicating we had billed incorrectly and overestimated usage. Staff confirmed that the Touch- pad reading obtained on 10/5/2012 was actually 0032 but cannot explain why the reading was changed to 74. We calculated ADU and derived annual usage for 2012 and 2013 fall bills. Staff rec- ommended an abatement of $1,432.96. 43YorkStreet The homeowners filed for an abatement on bill #s 820125 and 3721. They provided an invoice for repair of a leaking toilet. The average spring usage is 49; we recalculated all but 9 units at tier one rates. The average fall usage is 42; we recalculated all but 2 units at tier one rates. The meter was replaced 8/11/15 with an outread of 1749 indicating the usage is back down to normal limits. Staff recommended an abatement of $935.88. 2 Minutes of the Meeting 9/10/15 Lexington Water and Sewer Abatement Board 201 Bedford Street Lexington, MA 02420 Approved 10/15/15 ItwasmovedbyMr.Osten,secondedbyMr.WoodandvotedunanimouslytoapproveallLeakBased Abatementrequests. IrrigationonaDomesticMeter 16WillowStreet This property was a tear down. During construction, only the domestic meter had been installed and extensive landscaping was irrigated. 70% of the total usage has been recalculated at irrigation rates. Staff recommended an abatement of $2,394.80. ItwasmovedbyMr.Osten,secondedbyMr.WoodandvotedunanimouslytoapproveallIrrigation onaDomesticMeterAbatementrequests Billing/MeterIssues 29BlossomcrestStreet The homeowners filed for an abatement on Bill #815037. We were unable to obtain readings and estimated Bill #s 815037 and 805587. The meter was changed on 5/26/15 with an outread of 0712 indicating a redistribution. Staff established ADU and redistributed the usage over two billing peri- ods. The replaced usage has been captured for the fall billing. Staff recommended an abatement of $50.10. However, the homeowner subsequently found a toilet leak, had it repaired and provided a receipt. The original recommendation did not go to the selectmen. Spring and fall averages are 36 and 40; all usage was recalculated at tier one rates. Staff recommended an abatement of $279.50. 23CedarStreet This is a staff-generated abatement recommendation. After a year of no usage staff estimated us- age at 40 hcf. The bill remains unpaid and staff have reported the house is empty. Staff recom- mended abating Bill #767052 altogether in the amount of $412.40. 23FairbanksRoad This account had been estimated for years. On 7/13/15 we replaced the meter with an outread of 2725 indicating we had overestimated usage. Going back to the last M read on 11/30/2011 we es- tablished ADU and derived usage. The replaced usage of 12 hcf has been captured for the fall bill run. All bills are paid in full. Staff recommended an abatement of $2,954.26. However the home- owner has not responded to repeated requests to return a signed application and Mr. Addelson rec- ommended making a further attempt with certified mail. Staff withdrew the recommendation. 16SaddleClub Staffwillbringa An error was found in the calculation and staff withdrew this recommendation. newrecommendationtotheboardattheOctobermeeting. 5WhitmanCircle The homeowners called about bill # 782856. The meter was replaced on 5/06/14 with an outread of 153 indicating that the meter had failed sometime after bill # 699197.We waited to complete 2 billing 3 Minutes of the Meeting 9/10/15 Lexington Water and Sewer Abatement Board 201 Bedford Street Lexington, MA 02420 Approved 10/15/15 cycles to establish average usage and redistributed accordingly. Staff recommended an abatement of $4,577.30. 4 Minutes of the Meeting 9/10/15 Lexington Water and Sewer Abatement Board 201 Bedford Street Lexington, MA 02420 Approved 10/15/15 243WoodStreet This is a staff-generated abatement recommendation. After several years of estimates we installed wire and pad and that produced a large catchup bill. In this calculation we calculated ADU and derived us- age. This account goes to lien most years. However the homeowner has not responded to repeated re- quests to return a signed application and Mr. Addelson recommended making a further attempt with Staffwillbringanewrecommendationtothe certified mail. Staff withdrew the recommendation. boardattheOctobermeeting. ItwasmovedbyMr.Osten,secondedbyMr.WoodandvotedunanimouslytoapproveBilling/Meter IssueAbatementrequestsfor29BlossomcrestStreet,23CedarStreetand5WhitmanCircle. Schedulefuturemeetingtimes ThenextmeetingwillbeheldonThursdayOctober15,2015at4:30at201BedfordStreet. Adjourn ItwasmovedbyMr.Osten,secondedbyMr.Woodandapprovedunanimouslytoadjournthemeeting at5:30pm. 5