HomeMy WebLinkAbout2015-08-12-LEXHAB-min: min Aug , 2015 LEXHAB Minutes of meeting held on August 12, 2015 at the offices of LexHAB at 1620 Massachusetts Avenue in Lexington e meeting opened at 7:09 A.M. 11 Kennedy as chair presided. sent were Bill Kennedy (Chairman), Bob Burbidge (Vice- Chairman), Lester vage and Bill Hays. Also present were Suzie Barry (the Board of Selectmen's on to LexHAB) and Bob Pressman. I Minutes Several corrections were noted to the minutes of the previous (July) meeting.. Subject these changes, the July minutes were unanimously approved as presented. Financials In Gerry Howell's absence, Bill Kennedy commented on the spreadsheets and the & L statement. Bill noted that the year -to -date statement is in line with expectations but that eginning in late August, there will be both capital expenditures and operating out -flows ssociated with the Fairview project. Lester noted that the condominium fees for Muzzey appear to be uniform for all units otwithstanding the non - uniformity of the units owned by LexHAB. Possible ,xplanations were suggested; Bill K. agreed to look into the matter with MaryAnn. Busa Farm Project Town counsel has ruled that the set -aside of the LexHAB housing parcel needs to be eapproved by Town Meeting. Thus, unless a Special Town Meeting is called dwng the Fall, final separation of our housing parcel will not occur until Spring. Bob Pressman wondered if this ruling has been reviewed by Pat Nelson, LexHAB's legal counsel. The Chair said he did not know the answer but suggested that in no event would it be in LexHAB's vital interests to challenge Town Counsel's opinion. It was noted that Jennifer VanCampen will request DHCD's review of our submission 'thstanding the likely delay in receipt of the deed setting off our housing plot. Against the risk that Town Meeting might in the Spring turn down the set -off article th > reby reversing the approval it thought it had already OK'd, Suzie indicated that she e a ected that the Selectmen would present the Article as a corrective action to be di nosed of as such without discussion of any substantive aspects. It was the consensus of meeting that this approach should be adopted. 4.i ;right Farm Project No report 5 Fairview Project f Bill Kennedy stated that he has designated Lester to act as LexHAB's contact person this project. Les reported that the site plan for Fairview has been returned to Ben Nickerson, our hitect, for amendment of data relating to dimensional requirements. Les stated that he not expect any hold -up by reason thereof Bill K. and Lester invited discussion of the proposed rehabilitation of the existing use, stating that it seemed likely that the bathroom and kitchen would need to be gutted d replaced and that hazardous materials would need to be removed before Minuteman ocational students could enter onto the site.. The consensus was that Bill and Lester re correct in their assessment. Les reported that Kyle Roman for the Vocational school and Donna Leary for Rotary ould be the contact persons on this project.. Lester will try to convene a meeting of the contact persons as recommended by our d at the July meeting. Finally, Lester indicated that Vocational School students would be brought in by ransformations at critical points in the new construction so as to involve them in the ergy aspects of the project. . Muzzey Condominium The Chairman stated that there would be no report as such, that nothing needs to be ecided at today's meeting. He did however wonder whether the condominium board as the representative of the ondominium or LexHAB as owner and landlord of the LexHAB units is the appropriate ody to commence eviction process against our tenants. Bill said he would consult with at Nelson on this question. 7. iew Business The Chairman said he would send a letter to the Eagle family confirming the gift in D. p 're's name by the Housing Foundation to 41.(p)He also moved that the gift be co firmed as a gift to LEHAC, which motion was seconded and unanimously approved. 1 The Chairman next noted that Board members may still suggest candidates to fill the va °fancy left following Dave's death. Suggestions should be made through Martha. A question was raised as to our practice in attracting applicants for LexHAB housing. S .' ifically, do we draw from (among other sources) the lists prepared by Jennifer's app licants for CPA funded units? Bill K. will check on this question with MaryAnn. 8. ext Meeting The next meeting will be held on September 23rd at 7 A.M. at the Lexhab offices at 0 Massachusetts Avenue in Lexington. NOTE: subsequent to the Meeting but before the preparation of these minutes, the e for the next meeting has been changed to September 24th, same time and place. The meeting adjourned upon a unanimous vote to do so. The time then was 8: ► 5 A.M. Respectfully submitted' William C. Hays Secretary pro tem