HomeMy WebLinkAbout2015-09-10-TREE-min Town of Lexington Lexington Tree Committee Minutes September 10, 2015 Department of Public Works, Room 125 A meeting of the Lexington Tree Committee was held on September 10, 2015, 7:30a.m. at the Samuel Hadley Public Services Building, Room 125. A quorum of six was present. Members Present: Chris Filadoro, (Superintendent of Public Grounds, Tree Warden), John Frey(Chair), Jewel Kuljian, Karen Longeteig, Gerry Paul, Anne Senning, Nancy Sofen, Suzanne Barry(Selectman Liaison). Member Absent: Jim Wood The meeting acted on the following items: 1.Jewel Kuljian was appointed as scribe. The minutes of 8/13/2015 meeting were approved as changed. 2.Tree Bylaw Removal Applications and Activity: Data not reported. Chris told us Builders now ask what mitigation fee they have to pay and he tells them they have to follow the rules of the By-law, follow the procedures, including the sign-off. They now come to Chris with a plot plan which provides more accuracy. Comparison: Lex Tree Bylaw with bylaws of Wellesley, Newton, and Brookline Gerry also reported about his review of nearby towns. Few have bylaws as we do. Cambridge, Newton and Wellesley do and some others are in process, as Arlington. . Gerry and Chris may meet to look at the inflow/outflow of the mitigation fees to determine how many trees are not replanted. Nancy Sofen suggested that large trees planted on properties be given credit for “canopy trees”. A work group on canopy trees will be formed (Anne, Karen, Nancy, Jewel, others?). Discussion th to be continued at the next meeting. Group to meet on Tuesday, October 6, 10a.m. at Karen's home.Suzanne suggested a pamphlet about the Tree Program could be prepared to have available when flu clinics are offered and for other suitable locations/functions to promote the number of requests for trees as offered by the Town. Chris points out an overflow of requests is good as residents can be added to a waitlist for the next season/s. 3.Status of White Oak at 524 Concord Avenue. Chris reported that this White Oak has been saved. The Town does not require an easement and the stone wall is in the process of being moved. The resident is satisfied. Pruning of the tree will take place when the other tree work begins on Concord Avenue. 4.Fall 2015 Tree Planting. Jim provided lists from Schichtel and Bailey's for bareroot trees available for fall planting. Anne submitted a short list of suggestions and John, Karen, Jewel and Nancy met to review and add to the list to order 70 trees with a backup list in the event some are sold out. The final list is: 10 trees each of the following(1.5”): Aesculus carnea 'Ft.McNair' Quercus palustris(Pin Oak) Cladrastis kentukea(Yellowwood) Platanus acer 'Bloodgood'(London plane tree) Tilia americana 'Sentry' Chionanthus virginicus, Fringe tree (4' clump) nd Catalpa erubescens 'Purpurea', 2 choice Catalpa speciosa Backup list in the event any of the above are sold out: Cercidiphyllum japonicum (Katsura Tree) Tilia americana 'Redmond' Celtis occidentalis (Hackberry) Quercus palustrus (Pin Oak) another 10, making 20 Karen will give this list to Jim and check with him about handling the ordering process. Publicity: Jewel will send Anne a copy of the last article submitted to the Lexington Minuteman to inform residents about requesting trees along with a photo so she can work on submitting an article to the Minuteman and Colonial Times. Jewel made a suggestion regarding the ordering of other species not usually available at the nursery we have been using: i.e. Oxydendrum arboreum (Sourwood), Cotinus obavatus (Smoke Tree), Nyssa sylvatics (Black tupelo), Magnolia virginiana (Sweetbay Magnolia), Magnolia stellata 'Centennial'. Karen will contact Garden in the Woods/Nasami Farm and see if we can order any of these trees in the future. Trees on both sides of Massachusetts Avenue in the Center are in the process of being replaced. 5.Tree Committee web page update/revision. Anne will send an email of the last update to Nancy. Nancy will set up a meeting with Candy regarding the basics of the web site and also speak with Cathy Santos, Webmaster for the town. 6.Tree Management Manual revision. John and Anne continue their work on the revision. Printing of the revision may be able to be done at the Harrington Print Shop. Suzie will explore this and report back. Reducing the number of copies printed is also a possibility. 7.Tree Inventory. Chris is pleased with his interactions with David Rines, Mass. Certified Arborist of Rines Arborworks, LLC and plans to set up a meeting with him as potential candidate for completion of the inventory this fall. 8.Lincoln Park sign for Nell Walker's striped maple grove. Anne contacted David Williams. He will th address this at the next meeting of the Lincoln Park Committee on September 17 , match other signage in the Park and install this sign in the fall. 9. Other: Beech at Visitor's Center. Karen will check on the status of the renovation of the Visitor's Center to determine if it will be the same footprint, etc. prior to exploring issues about the landscape and the said tree in question. Meeting Adjourned: Next regular meeting: October 8, 2015