HomeMy WebLinkAbout2012-08-06-STAS-min Ad Hoc School Transportation and Safety Study Committee August 6, 2012 at 2pm Conference Room, Central Administration Blg Meeting Minutes 1 Attending Elaine Celi (LPS Transportation),Judy Crocker, Elaine Dratch (TAC), MaryEllen Dunn (Asst Superintendent), Cpt Manny Ferro (LPD), Sharon Kendall, Jessie Steigerwald (SC) Guest. Louise Lipsitz (Hastings principal), Dr Ash (LPS Superintendent) 2 Meeting minutes of June 25 were reviewed and accepted. 3 School Bus Registration Update Total enrollment figures as of Aug 6 were reviewed. These included • Bus registration stands at 2379(37%) • Increases in bus registration from FY12 to FY13 include Clarke (62%), Bowman (50%), Diamond and Estabrook(43%), Harrington and Hastings (34%), LHS (24%), and Fiske (23%) • Decreases in bus registration include Bridge (34%) • Bus ridership equaled or surpassed June 21 figures when including distance eligible riders for Bowman and LHS • Greatest increase in bus ridership from FY12 to FY13 includes Estabrook (14%), Bowman (7%), LHS (6%) • The school bus fleet added 4 buses, which represents an additional 4 over FY12 levels.At of this date,bus routes will be added to Clarke, Diamond, Estabrook, Hastings and LHS. No change to bus routes is needed for Bridge and Harrington, and Fiske will lose a bus. Buses are available for one elementary route and for nine high school routes. • Regarding FY13 additional bus programming,the Flexpass has 151 subscribers at LHS, 34 at Clarke, and 26 at Diamond. • 174 students are being transported to 7 programs through the elementary after-school destinations service. This is 6% of the elementary population. These programs include Hayden, Munroe Center, Chinese Math and Language, Russian School of Math, Temple Emunah, Temple Isaiah, and IDIIL. To date,the Recreation Dept had expressed interest but their program catalogue and registration period is not until mid-September Some programs expressed interest but did not have sufficient parent interest to warrant the service These programs included French for Kids,Alan Azoff Martial Arts, and New Generations Martial Arts Seats must be reserved for those students who are Distance eligible (DE) DE is defined as those students Grades K-6 who reside 2 miles or greater from school. However,these students must still formally register for the bus. Efforts have been underway to reach out to these specific families Historically, about 15% of students register for the bus during the summer months, particularly in August. Bus capacity differs for each school level. The high school bus can seat 50, middle school 55, and elementary 60 students. Bus routes are sent to the Police Sept, principals, and DPW Check-off lists of participating students will be supplied for each of the elementary after-school destinations. 4 School Safety Greeter "Welcome Back to School 2012" The purpose of these kits is to compliment existing school drop-off and pick-up procedures by positively communicating common safety measures to parents who drive onto school grounds. Sharon Kendall and Jessie Steigerwald created an instructional rubric for participants with a timeline as well as a page listing the kit's contents Kits will be housed in a drip-dry mesh bag and contain 11 reflective vests, laminated signage, safety reminder slips (previously referred to as safety tickets), and a summary sheet. Working with the PTA Executive Boards and principals, safety captains will be named for each school. This person will serve as the point person for the principal and volunteers The principals can then individually train their captains during the third week of August. The captain can then in turn recruit and train volunteers The PTA Executive Board and moving forward, Site Council members were considered to begin this program given the tight time line and that these are each school's elected members who are most likely to be most familiar with their school's parents. The suggested schedule includes everyday of the first week of school followed by 3 days the following week and 2 days the third week. Ms Lipsitz recommended continuing on Thursday's for elementary schools. A discussion ensued if members of TMMA, BoS, or SC should be asked if they would like to participate It was felt that volunteers from each PTA would be most familiar with their school grounds,traffic patterns, principals, and parent population. The safety reminder slips was reviewed and changes were suggested. These included changing the language in the Rules section, eliminated timed bells under arrival schedule and adding Thursday dismissal to elementary slips. Individual slips will be made for Clarke and Diamond due to their different start and end times. Dr Ash commented positively on the safety greeter kits and safety reminder slips Cpt Ferro noted that any staff or volunteer who works directly in a roadway, driveway, crosswalk or the like is expected to wear the reflective safety vests at all times for their own personal safety Elaine Celi modeled the vest. 5 Draft of suggested school improvements as they relate to school transportation services using the LPS SIP goal template The Committee will convert their outlined objectives into administration and principals preferred template, namely that used with the school improvement plan (SIP) Members were asked to review the draft document and make revisions. Principals will provide feedback to Ms Dunn. To illustrate for Ms. Lipsitz,the topic of before-school work was discussed. Apparently, some teachers at some schools expect before-school work to be completed before school, and have penalized students (must complete work during recess or as homework) if not completed. By the time some buses arrive to school and the students then visit their lockers, not enough time is allocated for these students to complete the work. In essence,these students are penalized for taking the bus. Ms Lipsitz said that she agrees that no student should be penalized but felt that some before-school work is essential in focusing students to the day's tasks 6 Review of Tuly C&W Meeting Judy and Elaine Celi met with Shannon Maloney of C&W bus on July 23 Talking points included • Two suggested Signs for the interior of each bus These included "Hello! My name is "for the bus driver and "My job is to drive safely,your job is to behave respectfully" Pending approval by C&W owners,the signs will be in place for the start of school. • Improving the discipline procedure Starting this year, each C&W bus will have a three-copy book on each bus where drivers can record interactions. One copy will go to C&W, one to the school principal, and one to Elaine Celi. • Ride-alongs with SC, BoS, principals Liked the idea and will request permission from the C&W owners.Would like to schedule in October • Comments from drivers Drivers feel that they have little face time with the students. They would like to pursue efforts to teach good behavior It is felt that a better relationship with their riders will develop if the students better understood their role as young citizens In addition, drivers and crossing guards would like to meet with the principals so that each can better understand their respective roles and hurdles each face Instead of working separately, it is felt that these groups would better serve the students by working together • Ms. Maloney inquired about PTA bus monitors It was explained that they are not allowed due to LPS Administration liability issues. Dr Ash was positive about the idea of the ride-alongs,but preferred to keep participants to principals and assistant principals and not include Asst Superintendents except for Ms Dunn. 6 Minuteman "Back to School" Issue The Aug 24 issue of the Minuteman focuses on back-to-school. The Committee would like to include pertinent topics such as safety reminders, what's new on the buses, Flexpass and after-school destinations, pedestrian and bicycle safety, no idling reminder, and perhaps notes about the construction at Bridge and Bowman. Bus routes will not be posted but the article(s) should include the fat that there are many new routes and changed bus stops. The primary emphasis should be on valuing walkers and bussers over cars A separate safety item by the Police would also be a plus. Our next meeting will be September 6, 2012 at 9am in the Conference Room at Central Administration. Respectively submitted, Judy Crocker