HomeMy WebLinkAbout2015-10-05-BOS-Packet-releasedSELEC T MEN'S MEETING Mo nday, Octo ber 5, 2015 Pub lic Services Build ing Cafeteria, 201 Bedford S treet 7:00 PM AGENDA PUBLIC COMMENTS Pub lic c o mments are allo wed fo r up to 10 minutes at the b eginning of eac h meeting. Eac h s p eaker is limited to 3 minutes for comment. Memb ers of the Board will neither c o mment no r respond , o ther than to as k q ues tions of clarific ation. Speakers are encouraged to notify the Selec tmen's Offic e at 781-698-4580 if they wis h to s peak during pub lic comment to assist the Chairman in managing meeting times. SELECTMAN CONCERNS AND LIAISON REPORTS TOWN MANAGER REPORT ITEMS FOR INDIVIDUAL CONSIDERATION 1.Continued Pub lic Hearing - Flammable Sto rage Lic ense – 128 Spring Street (5 min.) 7:00 PM 2.Update on Res toratio n Projec t for Minuteman S tatue and Minuteman Mo nument (10 minutes ) 7:05 PM 3.Approve P ro p o s ed F Y2016 Water and Wastewater Rates (20 minutes )7:15 PM 4.Dis c us s ion of Parking Meter and Permit Rates (15 minutes )7:35 PM 5.Dis c us s ion of Sc hool District Building Projec ts Plan (30 min.)7:50 PM a. Sc hool Committee Input o n P ro jec ts b. DiNis co 20 P elham Road Stud y Proposal c . P rep aring F inancing Mo d el 6.Review Proposed Agenda fo r Oc to b er 14 Mas s . Avenue Ro adway Imp ro vement Projec t Meeting (10 minutes ) 8:20 PM 7.Permanent Build ing Co mmittee Roles and Respons ib ilities 8:30 PM 8.Interim Trans fer of Sidewalk Committee Res p o nsibilities 8:45 PM 9.Review Draft Intermunic ip al Agreement-Animal Co ntro l Servic es (10 minutes )8:55 PM 10.Selec tmen Co mmittee Ap p o intment/Reappointments (10 min.)9:05 PM 11.To wn Manager Appointments - Youth C o mmis s io n and Commis s io n o n Disability 9:10 PM 12.Approve C o mmo n Vic tualler Lic ens e fo r Tres Petite Creperie (5 min.)9:15 PM 13.Sign Warrant for the No vember 2015 Spec ial Town Meetings 9:20 PM CONSENT AGENDA 1.Water and Sewer Co mmitments and Ad jus tments 9:25 PM 2.Sign Utilities Easement - 19 Revere Street 9:25 PM 3.Street Ac ceptanc e Timeline 9:25 PM 4.Sign Proc lamation - Lexington High Sc hool PE Teac her 9:25 PM 5.O ne-Day Liquo r Licens es 9:25 PM a. S t. Brigid b. Lexingto n Elks c . Lexington Co mmunity Farm Coalitio n EXECUTIVE SESSION 1.Exemp tion 3: Dis cus s Strategy with Res pec t to Collec tive Bargaining (C usto d ians, Polic e); and Exemp tion 6-Cons ider Purchas e, Exchange, Lease or Value of Real Property (20 P elham Road) (30 min. 9:30 PM ADJOURN Hearing Assistance Devices Av ailable on Request All agenda time and the order of items are approximate and subject to change. AGENDA ITEM SUM M ARY LEXINGTON BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Continued Public Hearing - Flammable Storage License – 128 Spring Street (5 min.) PRESENTER: Jo e Pato ITEM NUMBER: I.1 SUMMARY: Attac hed is the reques t fro m 128 S p ring Street LLC fo r a Flammable Sto rage Lic ens e at 128 Spring Street (Map 18, Lot 2B). At your meeting on Septemb er 21 you dec id ed to c o ntinue the hearing to Oc tober 5 to allo w time to verify the address. The Assessors Offic e and Engineering Offic e were c o ntacted regard ing whether the 128 Spring Street addres s was correc t. Both have c o nfirmed 128 Spring S treet is the c o rrect address and the Assessor's Office will be correc ting the d atabas e. See attached emails from the Engineering and Ass es s o r offic es . See attached informatio n that was inc luded in yo ur p acket fro m S ep tember 21. SUGGESTED MOTION: Mo tion to app ro ve a F lammab le S torage Lic ens e fo r 128 S p ring Street Lexington LLC, fo r the s torage, o p eration and maintenance o f exis ting flammable and combus tible s torage at 128 Spring Street (Map 18, Lot 2B), as p res ented. FOLLOW-UP: Selec tmen's O ffic e DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 10/5/2015 7:00 PM ATTACHMENTS: Des crip tion Type Engineering Email Regarding 128 Spring Street Backup Material Assessor Email Regarding 128 Spring Street Backup Material Legal Notice-Flammable Storage-128 Spring Street Backup Material Request, Application and Licens e for Flammable Storate at 128 Spring Street Backup Material GIS Map of 128 Spring Street Backup Material Town of Lexington September 17, 2015 1" = 451 ft Property Information Property ID 18-2B Location 124 SPRING ST Owner ONE LEDGEMONT LLC C/O THE BEAL COMPANIES LL MAP FOR REFERENCE ONLY NOT A LEGAL DOCUMENT The Town makes no claims and no warranties, expressed or implied, concerning the validity or accuracy of the GIS data presented on this map. Parcels updated October 27, 2014 AGENDA ITEM SUM M ARY LEXINGTON BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Update on Restoration Project for Minuteman Statue and Minuteman Monument (10 minutes) PRESENTER: David Pins onneault, Directo r of Operatio ns, DP W ITEM NUMBER: I.2 SUMMARY: The Bo ard will b e up d ated o n the c o mments at the pub lic meeting regarding the res toratio n o p tions for the Minuteman Statue/Monument. SUGGESTED MOTION: NA FOLLOW-UP: Continue res to ratoin efforts , b as ed on the Board's comments. DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 10/5/2015 7:05 PM AGENDA ITEM SUM M ARY LEXINGTON BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Approve Proposed FY2016 Water and Wastewater Rates (20 minutes) PRESENTER: Ro b Ad d els on, As s is tant Town Manager fo r Financ e ITEM NUMBER: I.3 SUMMARY: This is the third o f three meetings o n p ro p os ed water/was tewater rates fo r FY2016. At the first meeting held o n Septemb er 9, 2015, the Bo ard reviewed the res ults of FY2015 water and was tewater o p erations ; b illed usage and retained earnings his tories; the FY2016 water and was tewater b ud gets as ad o p ted at the 2015 annual town meeting (direc t and indirec t costs that will s erve as the b as is for calc ulating FY2016 water and wastewater rates), and pro p o s ed c hanges to the bud gets ad o p ted las t s p ring; and, preliminary F Y2016 water and wastewater rates . At the s econd meeting, held on S ep tember 21, 2015, the Bo ard to o k p ublic c omment o n p ro p o s ed Water/Was tewater rates for FY2016. To night’s meeting is fo r the p urpose o f setting F Y2016 water/was tewater rates . The p ro p o s ed rates p res ented on Sep tember 9th reflected a combined increas e of 0.9%, or $13.48 annually, fo r the average us er of 120 hundred cub ic feet. S ubs equent to the Septemb er 21st meeting, the fall 2015 reads for Sec tion 1 irrigatio n acc o unts were completed. An analysis o f us age fo r Sec tion 1 and the ap p licatio n o f that usage to projec tio ns o f S ectio ns 2 and 3 (to be read in Oc tober and November) indic ate that the projec tio ns o f irrigatio n usage fo r F Y16 that was used to generate proposed rates o n September 9th c an b e increased b y an ad d itional 60,000 HCF . In additio n, a closer examinatio n o f his toric al data has p ro mp ted a proposed d ec reas e o f us age es timates fo r Tier 2 water and was tewater by 7,000 HCF and 4,000 HC F res p ectively, and a p ro p o s ed increas e of us age estimates fo r Tier 3 water and wastewater by 15,000 HCF eac h. These changes res ult in a water rate inc reas e of 3.9% versus 7.7% p res ented on Sep tember 9th, a wastewater rate dec reas e o f 4.6% versus a dec reas e of 2.3% p res ented o n Septemb er 9th, and a combined d ecrease fo r the home o f average annual us age (120 HCF ) of 1.9% vers us the c o mb ined inc reas e of 0.9% pres ented o n Septemb er 9th. Als o , as part o f the rate p ro p o s al it is p ro pos ed that an ad d itional $75,000 in water retained earnings b e ap p ro p riated at the upc o ming spec ial to wn meeting to finance the FY16 water b udget which wo uld s upplement the $200,000 in retained earnings voted at the 2015 annual town meeting. The c o mb ined total of $275,000 in retained earnings would effec tively come from the F Y15 s urplus revenue attrib utab le to Bedford usage in exc es s of FY15 es timates and wo uld mitigate the inc reas e in the FY16 MWRA water as s es s ment attributab le to Bed fo rd ’s 2015 exc es s us age. A table s howing the c hange in rates fro m FY2015 to proposed FY2016 is attac hed. SUGGESTED MOTION: Mo ve that the Bo ard approve proposed FY16 water and was tewater rates as s hown o n the enclosed s heet. FOLLOW-UP: DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 10/5/2015 7:15 PM ATTACHMENTS: Des crip tion Type Proposed FY16 Rates Cover Memo Material Provided by John Bartens tein Backup Material Residential / Commercial / Industrial FY15 Water Rates Proposed FY16 Water Rates % Change FY15 Wastewater Rates Proposed FY16 Wastewater Rates % Change Tier 1 $3.45 $3.58 3.9%$7.05 $6.73 -4.6% Tier 2 $5.18 $5.38 3.9%$11.52 $10.99 -4.6% Tier 3 $6.82 $7.09 3.9%$18.31 $17.46 -4.6%0 irrigation $6.82 $7.09 3.9%NA NA 0.0% municipal $2.42 $2.61 7.9%$2.88 $3.02 4.9% Hanscom/Lincoln Labs $5.08 $5.28 3.9%NA NA NA VA Hospital $6.07 $6.31 3.9%NA NA NA Bedford-water $2.44 $2.64 7.9%NA NA NA PROPOSED FY2016 RATES To: Board of Selectmen From: John Bartenstein, Appropriation Committee Date: October 2, 2015 Re: Recommendations on FY2016 Water and Sewer Rates This is an update of the comments I submitted at the public hearing on September 21. Section 1 irrigation meter readings for the summer of 2015 came in earlier this week and were at record levels. Usage for section 1 was 79,804 hcf compared with last year’s usage of 59,309 hcf, a 35% increase. This projects to town-wide usage of approximately 390,000 hcf for FY2016 compared with the estimate of 265,000 hcf used in the current rate proposal, which alone would generate surplus revenue in the water fund of $924,000. See Attachment 1. The high irrigation usage is not surprising in view of this summer’s extended dry spell and record overall water usage in Lexington reported this summer by MWRA. See Attachment 2. Even if the projected town-wide irrigation water usage for FY2016 is reduced to the highly conservative figure of 350,000 hcf, see Attachment 3, it would yield at the current proposed rates approximately $625,000 in additional water fund revenue (350,000 hcf – 265,000 hcf X $7.35/hcf). This is more than sufficient to obviate the need for the rate subsidy of $200,000 from retained earnings that was appropriated at the spring ATM and would also allow for a substantial reduction in the proposed water rate increase of 7.35%.1 The new information about FY2016 irrigation water usage has significant implications for the setting of FY2016 rates required to achieve financial targets. Under the circumstances, I recommend the Board of Selectmen consider one of the following two alternatives: Option 1: Using the modest revisions in projected usages for Tier 1-3 water and sewer usage I recommended on September 21, a revised conservative irrigation estimate of 350 hcf, and rescinding the unnecessary $200,000 water rate subsidy, financial targets could be achieved with a water rate reduction of .21% and a sewer rate reduction of 4.87%, for a combined rate reduction of approximately 3.5%. See Attachment 4. Option 2: Alternatively, the Board could simply vote to leave the FY2015 water and sewer rates unchanged. This would also allow the water rate subsidy to be retired, generate modest surpluses on the sewer side which would help to better balance the water and sewer fund retained earnings, and avoid any change in the “progressivity” of rates between high and low-end users. See Attachment 5. 1 Because the high levels of water usage resulting from the dry summer occurred across the entire MWRA community, there is no need to “bank” surplus revenue from FY2016 to subsidize future MWRA assessment increases. Unlike the increased usage by the Town of Bedford, the increased irrigation usage should not materially change Lexington’s allocable share of future MWRA costs relative to other member towns. JCBSection 1 Irrigation Usage AnalysisA1 2015‐10‐01 Section 1 Analysis (Updated with Section 1).xlsxAttachment  1A1 2015‐10‐01 Section 1 Analysis (Updated with Section 1).xlsxAttachment  1Irrigation Usage%%%%%ChgChgChgChgChgSection 1 Actual,Sep‐10 Sep‐11‐Sep 12‐Sep 13‐Sep 14Sep‐15Fall69,70051,953‐25%54,9326%58,8027%59,309 1%79,804 35%FY2011FY2012FY2013FY2014FY2015Town‐Wide Actual,Full Year288,631229,764‐20%259,10613%287,953 *11%293,073 2%Town‐Wide Proj.from Section 1215,140242,939277,360290,436 *390,800 ** 35%Est. Used to Set Rates208,816230,000244,000254,000265,000AnticipatedIrrigation Surplus HCF125,800AnticipatedRevenue Surplus $@ $7.35$924,627.45* The FY2014 actual Town‐wide number was adjusted from the actual figure given last year of 277,793; based on the original figure, my projection for FY2015 was 268,145; the figure shown here, 290,436,  is the projection that would have been used if the adjusted Section 1 data had been used**  Preliminary, "unscrubbed" data for Summer 2015 (first half of FY2016) but expected to be close 12.5%oritytro SystemYTD CHANGES (CY15 vs. CY14)Water SuppliedLexington 2.92%18.2%7.508.008.50Lexington Water Consumption10/1/20153:28 PMA2 2015-09-29 MWRA Usage Graph for Lexington.xlsxLexington10/1/20153:28 PMA2 2015-09-29 MWRA Usage Graph for Lexington.xlsxLexingtonMassachusetts Water Resources AuthShare of Me Water UseYear to Date (YTD)AnnualWater Supplied: Town of Lexington2015 20142014Metro System LexingtonSystem Share3.28%2.95%5.1%MGDJanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNov Dec YTD AverageAnnual AverageCY20133.9013.9184.0023.7594.7925.9667.3357.6076.7655.2654.064 3.739 5.178 5.102CY20143.9843.7183.4693.9934.8736.9307.3897.4707.1865.7334.170 4.082 5.245 5.259CY20154.2434.3864.1725.1477.9197.9877.6457.9590.0000.0000.000 0.000 6.201 6.201MGJanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNov Dec YTD Total Annual TotalCY2013120.944109.717124.075112.764148.561178.976227.381235.803202.945163.213121.913 115.918 1,258.220 1,862.210CY2014123.509104.102107.526119.798151.050207.907229.072231.563215.574177.719125.094 126.542 1,274.528 1,919.457CY2015131.541122.813129.339154.418245.478239.596236.989246.7210.0000.0000.000 0.000 1,506.895 1,506.8953.003.504.004.505.005.506.006.507.007.50Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov DecMGDCY2013CY2014CY2015Attachment 2 JCBHistorical Water and Sewer Usageand ProjectionsFY2016 Projections3,A3 2015‐10‐01 FY2016 Projections.xlsxAttachment 3A3 2015‐10‐01 FY2016 Projections.xlsxAttachment 3Tier 27RAJB JB FinalEstimate Used toFinal Rec. Est. toActualBuild Rates"Prediction" Build RatesProposedFY2015FY2016 FY2016 FY2016FY2006FY2007FY2008FY2009FY2010FY2011FY2012FY2013FY2014 FY2015WaterTier 1678,957685,189692,360673,076680,747669,898668,771677,967677,135677,006670,000674,000 675,000 675,000Tier 2153,558141,115152,098116,055117,493117,536103,386106,650106,000102,919110,000110,000 100,000 100,000Tier 3193,594163,047161,145 16,160 177,434194,452206,690211,757231,938 228,852210,000200,000 230,000 220,000Irrigation215,651172,174 253,909 198,300 167,201288,811229,764259,106287,953 293,073254,000265,000 390,000 350,000Municipal10,96412,768 11,594 12,15413,07817,21717,46116,37824,524 26,196 17,000 19,000Hansc/Linc263,609258,943 237,924 235,542 214,910238,236266,648256,648231,201 238,980 240,000 238,000VA Hospital52,65543,641 33,016 33,61433,78934,65429,80933,23735,370 34,275 33,000 33,000Bedford658,558543,765 567,208 511,273 545,198611,682556,733635,024651,226 746,380 580,000 625,000SewerTier 1652,777659,297 669,168 654,454 663,454634,504655,519665,681665,464 666,105650,000655,000 660,000 660,000Tier 2145,164145,164134,38134,3833 145145,727727 112112,225,225 11114,3684,368110,847110,847100,327100,327103,928103,928103,4103,41515 100,7100,70909 108,000 104,108,000000 100,000 100,000104,000100,000100,000Tier 3169,230151,419149,007 15,472 170,784178,401197,406208,380228,377 225,110205,000200,000 225,000 215,000Municipal8,9747,213 10,4114,8962,09712,87413,81912,39113,791 12,003 13,000 13,000Proposed FY2016 Rate Structure Water Sewer CombinedTier 1$3.71$6.89 $10.60Tier2$5.58 $11.25 $16.83Each additional 1,000 hcf in Tier 3 equals $7,350 in water revenueTier3$7.35 $17.88 $25.23Each additional 1,000 hcf of irrigation equals $7,350 in water revenueIrrigation $7.35Each additional 1,000 hcf in Tier 3 equals $17,880 in sewer revenue JCBWater/Sewer Rate Model AnalysisOption 1Bedford635,024 651,226 746,380 625,000 625,000 0 $2.44 $2.64 8.20% $1,650,000A4 Option 1 Rate Model.xlsxAttachment 4A4 Option 1 Rate Model.xlsxAttachment 4Bedford635,024651,226746,380625,000625,0000$2.44$2.648.20%$1,650,000Tier 3208,380 228,377 225,110 200,000 215,000 15,000 $18.31 $17.42‐4.87% $3,744,935Municipal12,39113,791 12,003 13,000 13,000 0 $2.38 $2.26‐4.87% $29,433Total Sewer Revenue $9,296,665Tier 3$25.13 $24.22‐3.61%Sewer$293Option 1:  Required Rates with JB Recommended Projections (9/21/15), Irrigation at 350K, no Water Rate SubsidyWithout$200,000 WaterTarget:Rate SubsidyWater SewerWater Revenue:$9,735,738$9,935,738PercentageSewer Revenue:$9,296,372Change:‐0.21%‐4.87%OriginalJBProposedFY2013FY2104FY2015ProjectedProjectedFY2015FY2016 % ProjectedActual Usage Actual UsageActual UsageFY2016 UsageFY2016 UsageDiff.RateRate Increase RevenueWaterTier 1677,967677,135677,006674,000675,000 1,000$3.45$3.44‐0.21% $2,323,860Tier 2106,650106,000102,919107,000100,000‐7,000$5.18$5.17‐0.21% $516,912Tier 3211,757231,938228,852200,000220,000 20,000$6.82$6.81‐0.21% $1,497,249Irrigation259,106 287,953293,073265,000350,000 85,000$6.82$6.81‐0.21% $2,381,987Municipal16,37824,52426,19619,00019,0000$2.42$2.41‐0.21% $45,883Hanscom/Linc Labs256,648 231,201238,980238,000238,0000$5.08$5.48 7.87% $1,304,240VA Hospital33,23735,37034,27533,00033,0000$6.07$6.54 7.74% $215,820Total Water Revenue $9,935,952SewerTier 1665,681 665,464666,105655,000660,000 5,000$7.05$6.71‐4.87% $4,426,399Tier 2103,928103,415100,709104,000100,000‐4,000$11.52$10.96‐4.87% $1,095,898Above Target By:Combined RatesFY2015FY2016 % ChangeTier 1$10.50$10.15‐3.34%Water$214Tier 2$16.70$16.13‐3.42% JCBWater/Sewer Rate Model AnalysisOption 2Bedford635,024 651,226 746,380 625,000 625,000 0 $2.44 $2.64 8.20% $1,650,000A5 Option 2 Rate Model.xlsxAttachment 5A5 Option 2 Rate Model.xlsxAttachment 5Bedford635,024651,226746,380625,000625,0000$2.44$2.648.20%$1,650,000Tier 3208,380 228,377 225,110 200,000 215,000 15,000 $18.31 $18.31 0.00% $3,936,650Municipal12,39113,791 12,003 13,000 13,000 0 $2.38 $2.38 0.00% $30,940Total Sewer Revenue $9,772,590Tier 3$25.13 $25.13 0.00%Sewer $476,218Option 2:  No Rate Change with JB Recommended Projections (9/21/15), Irrigation at 350K, no Water Rate SubsidyWithout$200,000 WaterTarget:Rate SubsidyWater SewerWater Revenue:$9,735,738$9,935,738PercentageSewer Revenue:$9,296,372Change: 0.00% 0.00%OriginalJBProposedFY2013FY2104FY2015ProjectedProjectedFY2015FY2016 % ProjectedActual Usage Actual UsageActual UsageFY2016 UsageFY2016 UsageDiff.RateRate Increase RevenueWaterTier 1677,967677,135677,006674,000675,000 1,000$3.45$3.45 0.00% $2,328,750Tier 2106,650106,000102,919107,000100,000‐7,000$5.18$5.18 0.00% $518,000Tier 3211,757231,938228,852200,000220,000 20,000$6.82$6.82 0.00% $1,500,400Irrigation259,106 287,953293,073265,000350,000 85,000$6.82$6.82 0.00% $2,387,000Municipal16,37824,52426,19619,00019,0000$2.42$2.42 0.00% $45,980Hanscom/Linc Labs256,648 231,201238,980238,000238,0000$5.08$5.48 7.87% $1,304,240VA Hospital33,23735,37034,27533,00033,0000$6.07$6.54 7.74% $215,820Total Water Revenue $9,950,190SewerTier 1665,681 665,464666,105655,000660,000 5,000$7.05$7.05 0.00% $4,653,000Tier 2103,928103,415100,709104,000100,000‐4,000$11.52$11.52 0.00% $1,152,000Above Target By:Combined RatesFY2015FY2016 % ChangeTier 1$10.50$10.50 0.00%Water$14,452Tier 2$16.70$16.70 0.00% John Bartenstein, Appropriation Committee Comments on Proposed FY2016 Water-Sewer Rates September 21, 2015 • At last year’s rate-setting, I did not challenge the proposed rates but noted that the use of 5-year and 10-year averages to estimate projected consumption failed to take into account several important trends o Steady and significant growth in Tier 3 water and sewer usage due to gradual build-up of water-intensive lab manufacturing operations by Shire (2,3,4) o Small but steady downward trend in Tier 2 water usage as residential water conservation measures continue to be implemented across the Town (2) o Gradual convergence of water and sewer usage as most of the remaining homes that had septic systems have been converted to use of Town sewer system (2,5) • I also noted that the use of historical averages to project irrigation usage is problematic due to significant “dry year” and “wet year” fluctuations; however, we have a very solid tool available to project FY16 irrigation usage by extrapolation from summer irrigation water usage readings in Section 1, which will be available very shortly (6) • The projections I made last year taking into account the trends noted above and Section 1 irrigation readings proved to be highly accurate; and the accommodations made last year to recognize these trends improved the accuracy of the final rate model and results (7) • Applying the same logic, I have recommended to Town staff that the usage projections used to calculate this year’s proposed rates be adjusted as follows (8): o Add an additional 10k to each of the Tier 3 water and sewer usage projections, to 220,000 hcf and 215,000 hcf respectively – still conservative but more accurate o Lower the Tier 2 water and sewer usage projections to a maximum of 100,000 hcf o Adjust the irrigation usage projection – upward or downward, but this year almost certainly upward – based on Section 1 readings which will be available shortly • Applying these revised consumption estimates to the currently proposed rates would generate approximately $275,000 in additional water revenue, and a somewhat smaller amount of additional sewer revenue. This creates an opportunity finally to “wean off” the residual water rates subsidy of $200,000, which can be accomplished as part of anticipated adjustments at the upcoming Special Town Meeting. On the sewer side, we could either lower the proposed rate slightly or “budget a surplus.” (9, 10) AGENDA ITEM SUM M ARY LEXINGTON BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Discussion of Parking Meter and Permit Rates (15 minutes) PRESENTER: Melisa Tintoc alis , Ec o nomic Development Direc to r ITEM NUMBER: I.4 SUMMARY: The Parking Management P lan, approved by the Board o f S electmen, c alls fo r an adjus tment in p arking meter and p ermit rates as a way to enc o urage long-term p arkers (e.g., employees working in Center witho ut ac ces s to p rivate parking s p aces ) to use o utlying To wn p arking s p aces thereb y freeing up c los e-in spac es for tho s e s hopping o r d o ing bus iness in the Center. T he intro d uc tion of the new p arking meters will fac ilitate this change. Staff wo uld like to b egin disc ussing with the Bo ard the recommendatio ns in the P arking Management Plan. Any c omments o r ques tions raised by the Selec tmen will then be d is c us s ed with the Center Co mmittee at its meeting on Oc tober 8 and with the Town Manager's Parking Management Group . SUGGESTED MOTION: NA FOLLOW-UP: Ec o nomic Develo p ment Directo r, working with the C enter Co mmittee and Parking Management Gro up, will b ring a recommendatio n to the Board o f Selec tmen at a future meeting. DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 10/5/2015 7:35 PM ATTACHMENTS: Des crip tion Type Staff Summary of Recommendation in Parking Management Plan Cover Memo Parking Map Showing Propos ed Parking Meter Rates Backup Material 2015 Letter to Parking Permit Holders Regarding Future Increas e in Backup Material Town of Lexington Memorandum To: Carl Valente, Town Manager From: Melisa Tintocalis, Economic Development Director David Kucharsky, Assistant Planning Director Date: October 2, 2015 RE: Proposed Increases to Parking Meter Rates and Parking Permits On September 22, 2015 the Town installed 21 new technology meters in Lexington Center. After a two-month preview period, the Town expects to install an additional 100 new technology meters, primarily along Mass Avenue and Waltham Street. Implementing new meter technology is part of a comprehensive set of interrelated parking recommendations outlined in the Lexington Center Parking Management Plan accepted by the Board of Selectmen in June 2014. Included in these recommendations is the use of price as a means of managing parking and setting an appropriate price for meters and permits to encourage the type of parking behavior that would optimize the use of all parking spaces in the Center. On October 6, 2015, the Town Manager’s Parking Management Group will review the recommended pricing structure and discuss any suggested refinements with the Center Committee at their regular meeting on October 8, 2015. Below outlines the Town’s current parking prices and the recommendations that will be under consideration over the month of October (also see the attached map which summarizes the various recommendations). Parking Meter Rates: Current and Proposed The current parking meter rate throughout the Center Business District is $0.25 per hour. The plan’s recommended rates are tiered depending on a meter’s location. Highest priced parking is proposed in the Core Zone where demand is greatest. Lower priced parking is proposed in areas with modest demand, further from the Core Zone, labeled the Secondary Zone. In addition, free parking would be available in areas with little or no demand to create an incentive to park in these areas and walk a little further to one’s destination. The tiered rates are intended to encourage those who are daily long-term users, such as employees, to find parking outside the Core Zone, thereby opening up parking spaces in the heart of the Center for customers, visitors, and other short-term users. Meter Location Current Rate Per Hour Proposed Rate Per Hour Core Zone $0.25 $1.00 Secondary Zone $0.25 $0.50 CVS/Edison Lot $0.25 $0.50 Cary Library Lot $0.25 $0.50 Waltham Street Lot $0.25 $0.50 Depot Lot** $0.25 $0.50 ** The Depot Lot does not have meters; attendants at the kiosk collect payment. However, it is considered part of the Secondary Zone and the current hourly rate is the same as the metered spaces, $0.25. The plan’s recommended price for this lot is the same as meters in the Secondary Zone, $0.50 per hour. Parking Permit Rates: Current and Proposed In addition to parking meter rates, the plan recommends that the price of the annual parking permits be increased based on the demand and location of each lot. In anticipation of permit increases and the need to notify permit users in advance, the Town Manger’s Parking Management Group had separately reviewed the plan’s recommendation for permits earlier this year. The table below reflects the group’s refined recommendation for the price structure at the different lots: Lot Current Fee Proposed Fee Deport Square Attended Lot $250 $400 Church of Our Redeemer Lot $225 $325 Town Hall Lot $225 $250 St. Brigid Lot $100 $100 Time Limits and Free Periods The Town Manager’s Parking Management Group will also review the plan’s recommendations regarding time limits and free periods. Their position on these aspects of parking management will be also be discussed with the Center Committee on October 8, 2015. Timeline for Implementation The goal is to present the Board of Selectmen with a recommendation for rate changes and time limits supported by the Town Manager’s Parking Working Group and Center Committee on October 19, 2015. A final vote from the Board would be needed by the first week of December 2015. Town of Lexington - DRAFTTown of Lexington - DRAFTPARKING MANAGEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS MAPMASSACHUSETTS AVENUEGRANT STREETFOREST STREETMERIAM STREETHAYES LANECLARKE STREETWALTHAM STREETBEDFORD STREETWINTHROP ROADPARKER STREETMUZZEY STREETWOBURN STREETVINE STREETOAKLAND STREETFLETCHER AVENUESLOCUM ROADVINEBROOK ROADPATRIOTS DRIVEHANCOCK STREETSHERBURNE ROADSHERMAN STREETGLEN ROADSHERIDAN STREETEDGEWOOD ROADWORTHEN ROADSTETSON STREETHUNT ROADCHANDLER STREETGLEN ROAD SOUTHHARRINGTON ROADABBOTT ROADBLOOMFIELD STREETHIGHLAND AVENUERAYMOND STREETUPLAND ROADMILITIA DRIVEROUND HILL ROADROWLAND AVENUEGOODWIN ROADBELFRY TERRACEOAKMONT CIRCLEWALLIS COURTFOREST COURTDEPOT PLACECOTTAGE STREETWADMAN CIRCLEWINTHROP ROADMERIAM STREETWORTHEN ROADJACKSON COURTSADDLE CLUB ROADMINOLA ROADLEXINGTON CENTER PHASE PARKING RECOMMENDATIONS PERMIT PROGRAMTier Three Pilot Side Street Permits: Economy TTier Two Initial Rate: $30/MonthHours: 9am to 6pm TTier OneInitial Rate: $40/Month Hours: 9am to 6pm TON-STREET PARKING Phase TwoCore Pricing Zone30 Minutes FreeInitial Rate: $1.00/hourHours: 9am to 8pm (4-hour time limit)SMInstall meter technology and monitor usageDepot Lot attendant as Center AmbassadorKiosk technologySmart metersReal-time wayfindingPaid Public Parking 30 Minutes FreeInitial Rate: $0.50/hourHours: 9am-6pm (no time limit) Paid Public Parking 30 Minutes FreeInitial Rate: $0.50/hourHours: 9am-6 pm (no time limit) Secondary Pricing Zone30 Minutes FreeInitial Rate: $0.50/hourHours: 9am to 8pm (4-hour time limit)Outer ZoneEconomy(no time limit)OFF-STREET PSMTBattle Green Evaluate time limitsand explore pricing technologyConduct Town employee parking needsassessment and develop better parkingsignage plan for Town employees, permit holders and publicIntroduce TransportationDemand Management StrategiesExplore reconfiguration of Town owned lots.Open access on Meriamfrom Depot LotPhase ThreeBattle GreenA separate but coordinated study is addressing pedes-trian and parking improve-ments, including tour bus parkingFormalize shared parkingagreement. Pilot low-cost/ economy lot.Public parking infomational signagePedestrian wayfinding signage for parkingPhase OneIdenify opportunitiesto expand and leaseprivate lots for sharedparking agreementsPWAdd extensive bicycle parking racksPilot free long-term parkingon Mass Ave. and Clarke Street.Research and pilot new technology forpayment options. Plan and budget for new technology based on research.On-going shared parking arrangements and continue to explore public/privatelot reconfigurationsPedestrian access improvementsCreate a process to incorporate Phase Two side-streets for permit parking.OT PLAOT PPPPTTPPPWPPWPSMTWWDRAFTBEDFORD STREETBEDFORD SBEDFORD STREETMMIILLIITTIADRRIIVVVVEEManaging parking in a complex, mixed-use downtown requires multiple strategies working together to achieve the type of parking availability needed.The Parking Management Map outlines the detail and complexity of how parking should be managed in Lexington Center, with related strategies listed below.The Map is organized by geography and Phases One, Two, and Three. Each Phase is meant to be a package of improvements that should be implemented together for maximum eectiveness.ADDITIONAL MANAGEMENT/IMPLEMENTATION STRATEGIES• Maintain a Parking Champion on Town Sta• Implement an Education/Marketing Campaign on Parking Management Changes• Manage System to a Parking Availability Goal of 15% On-Street and 10% O-Street• Continue Coordination with Streetscape Project • Include Key Stakeholders as part of a Monitoring Program to Measure Impacts:• Parking Champion• Parking Management Group• Center Businesses• Planning Department• Police Department• Economic Development Oce• Simplify Process for Making Adjustments to the Parking Management Plan to Achieve Availability Goals• Encourage Enforcement Ocers to be Center Ambassadors• Create a Process to Review Side Street Parking• Formalize a Process to Have Key Stakeholders Recommendations on How Parking Revenue is Spent• Continue Brokering Use of Private Lots and Encourage Shared Facilities January 7, 2015 Dear Permit Holder: It is time to renew annual Town parking permits in Lexington Center. You are asked to respond to the 2014 renewal request by February 3, 2015. Please note: The Town of Lexington has begun to implement a new Parking Management Plan to improve the parking availability for all users in the Center. Starting in 2016, new parking systems and permit prices will be introduced; however, for 2015 the permit prices will remain the same, see the table below. Please provide your email on the enclosed “Parking Permit Policies” form for future updates. Also, for more information contact: Melisa Tintocalis, Economic Development Director phone: 781-698-4563 or email: mtintocalis@lexingtonma.gov http://www.lexingtonma.gov/committees/lcc/parkingmanagementgroup.cfm Enclosed you will find: • A Parking Permit Holder summary listing all permits you or your firm hold in each lot • A document entitled Parking Permit Policies If you wish to renew your parking permit(s) for the 2015 year, please: 1. List registration numbers (up to five registration numbers per permit) 2. Return the Parking Permit Holder summary, the signed Parking Permit Policies statement and payment by February 3, 2015 Checks are payable to the Town of Lexington/ Parking Permit. Please send remittal to Lexington Police Department, Attention: Annmarie Kelleher, 1575 Massachusetts Avenue, Lexington MA 02420 The following table lists the fees for permit parking by lot for this year’s renewal and the proposed prices for next year (2016): Lot Fee for 2015 Renewal Proposed Fee for 2016* Deport Square Attended Lot (DS) $250 $400 Church of Our Redeemer Lot (CR) $225 $325 Town Hall Lot (TH) $225 $250 New! St. Brigid Lot (SB) available 3/1/15 $100 $100 *Subject to Board of Selectmen approval If you do not intend to renew, it would be appreciated if you work notify the office by calling (781) 863-9206 or sending the Parking Permit Holder summary indication cancellation of your permit. If you do not respond by Monday, February 3, 2015 your permit will be assigned to the next individual on the waiting list. Permits will be mailed directly to the address listed on the Permit Holder summary. New parking permits take effect as of March 1, 2015. If you have questions, please contact me at (781) 863-9206. Thank you for your attention to these directives. Sincerely, Annmarie Kelleher Traffic Bureau Supervisor AGENDA ITEM SUM M ARY LEXINGTON BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Discussion of School District Building Projects Plan (30 min.) PRESENTER: Jo e Pato ITEM NUMBER: I.5 SUMMARY: a. The Bo ard will review any changes in status regarding the district sc hool build ing projec ts. b . Review DiNis c o S tud y Proposal fo r 20 Pelham Rd and cons id er releasing funds . c. The Board will dis c us s a proc es s for p reparing a financ ing model fo r the s c hool capital projec ts. Items fo r cons id eration inc lude: 1. id entifying revenue requirements for the s et o f projec ts and the related tax-p ayer imp act 2. d etermining how broad an analys is to p erfo rm 3. id entifying the d egree o f c o nfidence in es timates SUGGESTED MOTION: FOLLOW-UP: DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 10/5/2015 7:50 PM ATTACHMENTS: Des crip tion Type DiNisco Scope of Work for Pelham Property Backup Material DiNisco Design Partnership a r c h i t e c t s a n d p l a n n e r s Limited 9 9 C h a u n c y S t r e e t S u i t e 9 0 1 B o s t o n M A 0 2 1 1 1 6 1 7 . 4 2 6 . 2 8 5 8 ( t ) 6 1 7 . 4 2 6 . 1 4 5 7 ( f ) w w w . d i n i s c o . c o m Kenneth DiNisco Donna DiNisco-Crawford Leno E. FilippiRichard N. Rice Gary E. Ainslie 02 October 2015 Town of Lexington Awarding Authority c/o Department of Public Facilities 201 Bedford Street Lexington, MA 02420 Reference: Lexington Multiple School Construction Project 20 Pelham Road RFQ #15-55 Subject: Feasibility / Concept Designer Services Additional Services Request Dear Pat: We are pleased to submit this Additional Services Request for preliminary feasibility / concept study at 20 Pelham Road as part of the overall Lexington Multiple School Project. Scope of Work The scope of work is outlined below: 1. Program: Preliminary program evaluation for a twelve (12) section K-5 school for approximately 260 students 2. Basis of Design: Provide a basis of design narrative of existing conditions and the possible re-use of the systems 3. Site Exploration: Provide preliminary site information to be utilized for site design at a subsequent phase of the project. Compensation The fixed fee for these services is $21,000.00. Reimbursable Expenses Reimbursable Expenses will be issued as authorized by the Town and upon an as needed basis. We will obtain scope and fee proposals from consultants, however for budgetary purposes please allow for the following: Work to be performed without site access: Preliminary Soils Analysis (remote and data only) $ 5,000.00 Environmental Plan $ 11,000.00 Sub Total $ 16,000.00 Lexington Multiple School Construction Project, 20 Pelham Road, 02 October 2015 Page 2 Work recommended prior to winter conditions, however site access is required: Topographic Survey (including wetland flagging) $ 34,000.00 Sub Total $ 34,000.00 Estimated Reimbursable Expenses $ 50,000.00 Other Basic Services Other Basic Services may be provided at an agreed upon fee per service or at an hourly rate as follows: Principals……………. $200/hour For purposes of this agreement, principals are Kenneth DiNisco, Richard Rice, Gary Ainslie, Leno Filippi and Donna DiNisco-Crawford Project Managers….. $150/hour Senior Architects…… $140/hour Technical Staff……… 2.50 times actual payroll costs Please acknowledge your consent of the foregoing by signing where indicated below. Thank you for the opportunity to assist the Town with this preliminary evaluation. Sincerely, Kenneth F. DiNisco DiNISCO DESIGN KFD/djc cc: Donna DiNisco Susan Cabral OWNER NAME OF PERSON AUTHORIZED TO SIGN CONTRACT Date 15534.0 Contracts/O-A Contract/15-10-02 20 Pelham Road AGENDA ITEM SUM M ARY LEXINGTON BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Review Proposed Agenda for October 14 Mass. Avenue Roadway Improvement Project Meeting (10 minutes) PRESENTER: Carl F. Valente, T o wn Manager; Bill Had ley, DPW Directo r; Selec tmen Co hen and Cic c olo ITEM NUMBER: I.6 SUMMARY: Staff has met with Selec tmen Co hen and Cic c olo (the Board's liais o ns to s taff on this p ro ject) to draft an agend a for the Oc to b er 14 p ublic meeting fo r the Mas s . Avenue intersec tion p ro ject. Deborah S trod (Dep uty To wn Moderator) has agreed to facilitate this p ublic meeting Further, with the p ublic interest/ques tions as to whether the ins tallatio n o f ro und -ab o uts c o uld b e a s uitable engineering s olution for any of the Mass. Avenue improvements , Engineering s taff is rec o mmending retaining an engineering firm that s p ecializes in ro und-abouts to p eer review BSC's (T o wn's engineering firm) analys is o f thes e intersec tio ns . Attac hed is a p ro p o s al fo r this p eer review work. SUGGESTED MOTION: NA FOLLOW-UP: If the Bo ard s upports the p eer review recommendatio n, staff will wo rk with Kittels o n and Assoic ates to begin this wo rk immediately. DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 10/5/2015 8:20 PM ATTACHMENTS: Des crip tion Type Draft Agenda for October 14 Meeting Backup Material Peer Review Propos al Backup Material 10/2/2015 Public Meeting Massachusetts Avenue Intersection Project High School Auditorium October 14, 2015 AGENDA 1. Overview Presentation on Proposed Project (15 minutes) 2. Summary of Public Comments (10 minutes) 3. Actions Taken/Proposed Modifications to Project as a Result of Public Comments (15 minutes) 4. Next Steps ( 5 minutes) 5. Public Comments/Questions Questions regarding project (20 minutes) Comments regarding project (20 minutes) FILENAME: K:\H_BOSTON\PROJFILE\19485 - TOWN OF LEXINGTON ROUNDABOUT PEER REVIEW\ADMIN\P\LEXINGTON ROUNDABOUT PEER REVIEW.DOCX September 30, 2015 Project #: 19485.P John Livsey, P.E. Town Engineer, Town of Lexington Samuel Hadley Public Services Building, Rm 202 201 Bedford Street Lexington, MA 02420 RE: Massachusetts Avenue – Roundabout Peer Review and Conceptual Design Dear Mr. Livsey, Attached is a scope of services and fee proposal in response to your request to conduct a peer review of the operational analysis and develop a conceptual design for a roundabout at the intersections of Massachusetts Avenue/Maple Street and Massachusetts Avenue/Pleasant Street in the Town of Lexington. Part “A” identifies our proposed scope of work for the project. Based upon our understanding of the Town’s needs, we have developed the scope in two phases. Phase I will include a peer review of the operational analysis and an independent operational analysis of the intersections (estimated Phase I cost: $10,500.00). A check-in meeting will be held at the end of Phase I to decide if Phase II is needed. In Phase II KAI will prepare concept design associated with potential roundabouts at the intersections of Massachusetts Avenue/Maple Street and Massachusetts Avenue/Pleasant Street (estimated Phase II cost: $15,700.00). The total project cost is estimated to be $26,200.00. We will conduct the work under a time and materials contract. I will serve as the Project Manager and Mr. Edward Myers, PE will serve as the Project Principal providing senior review and quality assurance. Any questions of a technical or contractual nature can be directed to either Ed or me. Please review this proposal at your earliest convenience. If the agreement is satisfactory, please return a signed copy. A fully executed copy will be returned for your records. Thank you for the opportunity to propose on this project. If you have any questions please call us at 857-265-2153. Sincerely, KITTELSON & ASSOCIATES, INC. Andy Paul Edward J. Myers, P.E. Project Manager Project Principal Lexington - Massachusetts Avenue Roundabout Peer Review & Conceptual Design Project #: 19485 September 30, 2015 Page: 1 of 6 Kittelson & Associates, Inc. Boston, Massachusetts AUTHORIZATION FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES September 30, 2015 50 Congress Street, Suite 935 Boston, MA 02131 857.265.2153 Town of Lexington Engineering Department located at 201 Bedford Street in Lexington, Massachusetts hereby requests and authorizes Kittelson & Associates, Inc. to perform the services as described in Part “A” - Scope of Work to this authorization and subject to all of the provisions described in Part “B” Terms and Conditions. PART A - SCOPE OF WORK PHASE I • Discuss project background and project history with the Town of Lexington • Review previously prepared operational analysis for 2011 and the design year including Sidra input parameters • Conduct 2015, and future year a.m. and p.m. peak hour operational analysis of both roundabouts • Compare traffic signals alternative to the roundabouts alternative from a traffic operations and safety perspective. • Prepare memo summarizing findings of the review and summarize KAI’s operational analysis • Two (2) meetings with the design team and the City (and others at the City’s discretion) to discuss the findings of the review. PHASE II • The Town of Lexington will provide CAD drawings for KAI to use as a base map in completing the roundabout concepts. • KAI will prepare up to two roundabout design concepts for each of the intersections at Massachusetts Avenue/Maple Street and Massachusetts Avenue/Pleasant Street using the lane assignments determined in Phase I above. The concepts will be developed based on our follow up conversations with the Town. • KAI will provide a brief summary of KAI findings and recommendations. Lexington - Massachusetts Avenue Roundabout Peer Review & Conceptual Design Project #: 19485 September 30, 2015 Page: 2 of 6 Kittelson & Associates, Inc. Boston, Massachusetts PART B – TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1. GENERAL: The terms and conditions set forth herein shall govern all work subsequently performed on behalf of CLIENT unless changed by a written agreement signed by KITTELSON & ASSOCIATES, INC. In case any one or more of the provisions contained in this Agreement shall be held illegal, the enforceability of the remaining provisions contained herein shall not be impaired thereby. 2. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY: CLIENT AGREES THAT IN RECOGNITION OF THE RELATIVE RISKS AND BENEFITS OF THE PROJECT, KITTELSON & ASSOCIATES, INC.'S AGGREGATE JOINT, SEVERAL AND INDIVIDUAL LIABILITY, WHETHER FOR BREACH OF CONTRACT, BREACH OF WARRANTY, NEGLIGENCE, PROFESSIONAL MALPRACTICE OR STRICT LIABILITY SHALL BE LIMITED TO AN AMOUNT NO GREATER THAN THREE TIMES THE TOTAL COMPENSATION RECEIVED BY KITTELSON & ASSOCIATES, INC. UNDER THIS AGREEMENT. THIS PROVISION SHALL SURVIVE THE TERMINATION OR EXPIRATION OF THIS AGREEMENT. 3. LIMITATION OF REMEDY: CLIENT COVENANTS THAT IT WILL NOT, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, BRING A LAWSUIT OR CLAIM AGAINST KITTELSON & ASSOCIATES, INC.’S INDIVIDUAL EMPLOYEES, OFFICERS, DIRECTORS OR SHAREHOLDERS AND THAT CLIENT’S SOLE REMEDY SHALL BE AGAINST KITTELSON & ASSOCIATES, INC. 4. WAIVER OF CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES: NEITHER KITTELSON & ASSOCIATES, INC. NOR ANY OF ITS OFFICERS, DIRECTORS, EMPLOYEES OR AGENTS SHALL BE LIABLE FOR ANY INDIRECT, PUNITIVE, CONSEQUENTIAL OR EXEMPLARY DAMAGES OF ANY NATURE, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO FINES, PENALTIES, LOST PROFITS, WHETHER SAID CLAIM IS BASED UPON CONTRACT, WARRANTY, TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE AND STRICT LIABILITY) OR ANY OTHER THEORY OF LAW. 5. INDEMNITY: To the maximum extent allowed by law, CLIENT and KITTELSON & ASSOCIATES, INC. shall indemnify, reimburse, and hold harmless each other and its employees, officers, directors and agents from and against all claims, losses, costs and expenses resulting from their bodily injury or property damage (with the sole exception that neither Party will have a duty to indemnify the other Party from claims or losses to the extent those claims or losses are from the direct fault or negligence of the other Party or its employees or agents). 6. OWNERSHIP OF DOCUMENTS: KITTELSON & ASSOCIATES, INC is deemed the author and owner of its documents and other instruments of service, and will retain all common law, statutory, and other reserved rights, including copyrights. KITTELSON & ASSOCIATES, INC. grants CLIENT a license to use instruments of professional service for the purpose of constructing, occupying and maintaining the PROJECT. Reuse or modification of any such documents by CLIENT, without KITTELSON & ASSOCIATES, INC.‘s written permission, shall be at CLIENT’s own sole risk and CLIENT agrees to indemnify and hold harmless KITTELSON & ASSOCIATES, INC. from all claims, damages and expenses, including attorney’s fees, related to the reuse by CLIENT or others acting through CLIENT. Lexington - Massachusetts Avenue Roundabout Peer Review & Conceptual Design Project #: 19485 September 30, 2015 Page: 3 of 6 Kittelson & Associates, Inc. Boston, Massachusetts 7. ELECTRONIC DOCUMENTS: If KITTELSON & ASSOCIATES, INC. provides CLIENT any documents or other instruments of service in electronic form (“Electronic Documents”), acceptance and use of the electronic documents by CLIENT shall be at CLIENT’s sole risk and CLIENT shall: a. Waive and covenant not to sue KITTELSON & ASSOCIATES, INC. alleging any inaccuracy or defect of the Electronic Documents. b. Agree that KITTELSON & ASSOCIATES, INC. makes no representation with regard to the compatibility of the Electronic Documents with CLIENT’S software or hardware. c. Indemnify, hold harmless, reimburse and defend KITTELSON & ASSOCIATES, INC. from, for and against any claim, damage, liability, or cost, including attorneys’ fees that may arise from CLIENT’S use of the Electronic Documents or any subsequent modification of the Electronic Documents by any person or entity. d. CLIENT agrees that prior to use of the Electronic Documents on any project other than the project for which the Electronic Documents were created, CLIENT shall retain the services of a licensed professional as necessary to review and revise the Electronic Documents for compliance with the local laws, practices and standards of the place where the Project will be located. 8. JURISDICTION/DISPUTE RESOLUTION: After first attempting to resolve disputes through good faith negotiations, CLIENT agrees that any claim or dispute arising out of this Agreement for any work performed by KITTELSON & ASSOCIATES, INC. shall be resolved by non-binding mediation. At the option of CLIENT, pending final resolution of a dispute hereunder, KITTELSON & ASSOCIATES, INC. shall continue diligently with the performance of Services under this Agreement. The rights and liabilities of the parties to this AGREEMENT shall be governed by the laws of the State of Oregon. 9. TIME BAR TO LEGAL ACTION: All legal actions by either party against the other arising out of or in any way connected with this Agreement or the services to be performed hereunder shall be barred and under no circumstances shall any such legal action be initiated by either party after the shorter of: three (3) years or the State’s applicable statute of limitations calculated from the date the Scope of Work herein is completed unless this Agreement shall be terminated earlier, in which case the date of termination of this Agreement shall be the date on which such period shall commence. 10. DIRECT EXPENSES: KITTELSON & ASSOCIATES, INC.'s Direct Expenses shall be those costs incurred on or directly for the CLIENT'S Project, including but not limited to necessary transportation costs including mileage at the current IRS-allowed rates, meals and lodging. Reimbursement for automobiles, meals and lodging, and any other expenses furnished by commercial sources shall be on the basis of actual charges. Lexington - Massachusetts Avenue Roundabout Peer Review & Conceptual Design Project #: 19485 September 30, 2015 Page: 4 of 6 Kittelson & Associates, Inc. Boston, Massachusetts 11. PROFESSIONAL SERVICES: KITTELSON & ASSOCIATES, INC. staff is defined as all permanent and temporary employees, as well as any and all contract labor of KITTELSON & ASSOCIATES, INC. All KITTELSON & ASSOCIATES, INC., staff time spent working on the Project will be billed at KITTELSON & ASSOCIATES, INC.’s cost plus fixed fee. Billing rates are subject to annual revision. 12. COST ESTIMATE: Any cost estimates provided by KITTELSON & ASSOCIATES, INC. during its scope of work will be on a basis of experience and judgment, but because it has no control over market conditions or bidding procedures KITTELSON & ASSOCIATES, INC. cannot warrant that bids, construction or other project costs will not vary from these cost estimates. 13. TERMINATION: Either CLIENT or KITTELSON & ASSOCIATES, INC. may terminate this Agreement by giving 30 days written notice to the other party. In such event, CLIENT shall forthwith pay KITTELSON & ASSOCIATES, INC. in full for all work previously authorized and performed prior to effective date of termination as well as all unavoidable expenses incurred prior to termination. If no notice of termination is given, relationships and obligations created by this Agreement shall be terminated upon completion of all applicable requirements of this Agreement. 14. PAYMENT TO KITTELSON & ASSOCIATES, INC.: Monthly invoices will be issued by KITTELSON & ASSOCIATES, INC. for all work performed under the terms of this agreement. A retainer, if applicable, will be required in advance of start of work and will be credited to the final invoice(s) of this project. Invoices are due and payable within 30 days of receipt. The CLIENT must notify the KITTELSON & ASSOCIATES, INC.’s Project Manager or Billing Analyst, in writing, within said time frame if there are any disputed amounts. CLIENT must still pay undisputed invoiced amounts. Remainder will be due once disputed amount is resolved and agreed upon. Interest at the rate of 1.5 percent per month will be charged on all past due amounts, unless not permitted by law, in which case, interest will be charged at the highest amount permitted by law. Interest charges are in addition to the fixed ceiling for the contract. CLIENT’S failure to make payments to KITTELSON & ASSOCIATES, INC. before invoice is 90 days past due shall constitute a material breach of this agreement and KITTELSON & ASSOCIATES, INC. shall have the option to withhold services until paid, or to terminate this Agreement. Legal action will be taken on unpaid invoices that are over 120 days overdue. 15. ADDITIONAL INSURED: CLIENT and KITTELSON & ASSOCIATES, INC. shall cause its general liability insurers to name each other as an additional insured and shall require its Contractors performing Work on this Project to name KITTELSON & ASSOCIATES, INC. as an additional insured on their general liability and umbrella/excess insurance policies. 16. PROFESSIONAL STANDARDS: KITTELSON & ASSOCIATES, INC. shall be responsible for performing its work to the level of competency currently maintained by other practicing professional engineers performing the same type of work in CLIENT'S community, for the professional and technical soundness, accuracy, and adequacy of all designs, drawings, specifications, and other work and materials furnished under this Agreement. KITTELSON & ASSOCIATES, INC. makes no warranty, guaranty or assurance, express or implied that KITTELSON & ASSOCIATES, INC.’s work will yield or accomplish a perfect or particular outcome for the Project. Lexington - Massachusetts Avenue Roundabout Peer Review & Conceptual Design Project #: 19485 September 30, 2015 Page: 5 of 6 Kittelson & Associates, Inc. Boston, Massachusetts 17. ENTIRE AGREEMENT: These terms and conditions and the attached Exhibits constitute the entire, legally-binding contract between the parties regarding its subject matter and supersede any and all prior or contemporaneous understandings, agreements, or representations, whether oral or written. Amendments to this Agreement will be governed by this Agreement and must be in writing and signed by both the CLIENT and KITTELSON & ASSOCIATES, INC. 18. NO THIRD PARTY RIGHTS: To the fullest extent permitted by law, no party has any third party beneficiary or other rights arising from or related to the work performed by KITTELSON & ASSOCIATES, INC. 19. AUTHORIZATION TO PROCEED: Signing this form shall be construed as agreement with all terms and conditions and as authorization by CLIENT for KITTELSON & ASSOCIATES, INC. to proceed with the work. Project Task Description Billing Method Authorized Amount 1 Roundabout Peer Review & Operational Analysis Time and materials $10,500 2 Conceptual Design Time and materials $15,700 SO AGREED this ___ day of_________________, 2015. Accepted for: Approved for: KITTELSON & ASSOCIATES, INC. Town of Lexington _____________________________________ _____________________________________ Signature Signature _____________________________________ _____________________________________ Print Name Print Name _____________________________________ _____________________________________ Title Title 18378 AGENDA ITEM SUM M ARY LEXINGTON BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Permanent Building Committee Roles and Responsibilities PRESENTER: Jo e Pato ITEM NUMBER: I.7 SUMMARY: The To wn's b ylaw es tab lis hing the Permanent Build ing Co mmittee (PBC) provid es limited detail on which c o nstruc tio n/renovation/rehab ilitatio n projec ts will b e overs een b y the PBC . F urther, the To wn es tablished the F ac ilities Dep artment in 2007, after the PBC bylaw was created. P ro jects that are new cons tructio n, ad d itions or renovations tend to be und er the jurisdic tion of the PBC . Projec ts that are rehabilitiation (s ys tem up grades s uc h as the C ary Memo rial Build ing projec t) tend to b e under the juris d iction o f the Fac ilities Dep artment. This d ivision o f projec t management has been b y p ractice rather than a res ult o f an agreed upo n guid eline. T his ap p ro ach has als o help ed to balance the worklo ad of the P BC. The PBC has d rafted a doc ument to c larify their roles and res pons ib ilities. This d raft was reviewed b y the Board o f Selec tmen in Ap ril, further reviewed b y the S cho o l Co mmittee in Septemb er and is no w read y fo r final approval. SUGGESTED MOTION: FOLLOW-UP: DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 10/5/2015 8:30 PM ATTACHMENTS: Des crip tion Type Permanent Building Committee Recommendations Backup Material AGENDA ITEM SUM M ARY LEXINGTON BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Interim Transfer of Sidewalk Committee Responsibilities PRESENTER: Jo e Pato ITEM NUMBER: I.8 SUMMARY: The Sidewalk C o mmittee does not have enough c urrent members to reach q uorum and therefore cannot hold meetings and ac t o n res id ent reques ts fo r sid ewalks . A s hort-term p ro cess mus t b e put in p lace fo r addres s ing thes e reques ts until additio nal ap p o intments c an be mad e to the committee or the Town res tructures committee res p o nsibilities . SUGGESTED MOTION: FOLLOW-UP: DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 10/5/2015 8:45 PM AGENDA ITEM SUM M ARY LEXINGTON BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Review Draft Intermunicipal Agreement-Animal Control Services (10 minutes) PRESENTER: Carl F. Valente, T o wn Manager ITEM NUMBER: I.9 SUMMARY: The To wn Manager and P o lice Chief have had dis c us s ions with the Bed ford T o wn Manager and Polic e Chief ab o ut employing an Animal Co ntro l Offic er that would serve both To wn's . Bo th Lexingto n and Bed fo rd fund p art-time Animal C o ntro l Offic ers and b y jointly delivering this s ervic e, there would be a full-time Animal Control Offic er availab le to both To wns . Attac hed, for the Board's review and c omment, is a draft intermunicipal agreement that wo uld p ro vide for this s hared service d elivery. This Intermunic ip al Agreement is b as ed in the s imilar agreement the two To wns have for the Veteran's Servic es Dis trict. SUGGESTED MOTION: Not at this time. If the S electmen s upport this approac h, a final Intermunipal Agreement will be b ro ught b ac k to the Board for ap p ro val. FOLLOW-UP: Bas ed on the S elec tmen's comments/q uestions , the Town Manager and Polic e C hief will d is cus s any p ropos ed changes with Bed fo rd . DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 10/5/2015 8:55 PM ATTACHMENTS: Des crip tion Type Draft Intermunicipal Agreement Backup Material 834694v1 1 INTER-MUNICIPAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE TOWNS OF LEXINGTON AND BEDFORD ANIMAL CONTROL OFFICER (ACO) THIS AGREEMENT dated as of this _____ day of ________, 2015 (“Agreement”) by and between the Town of Lexington, a Massachusetts municipal corporation having a usual place of business at Town Hall, 1625 Massachusetts Avenue, Lexington, MA 02420, acting by and through its Board of Selectmen (“Lexington”), and the Town of Bedford, a Massachusetts municipal corporation having a usual place of business at 10 Mudge Way, Bedford, Massachusetts 01730, acting by and through its Board of Selectmen (“Bedford”). WITNESSETH THAT: WHEREAS, Lexington and Bedford desire to share the services and costs associated with an Animal Control Officer (ACO); and WHEREAS, Lexington and Bedford realize that the most cost effective and efficient means of providing a full-time Animal Control Officer is to do so jointly; WHEREAS, Lexington and Bedford have both appropriated funds in their respective Fiscal year 2016 budgets to provide animal control services; WHEREAS, Lexington and Bedford have voted to authorize Intermunicipal Agreements pursuant to Mass. General Laws Chapter 40, Section 4A at their Annual Town Meetings; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises set forth above and for other good and valuable consideration the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto, intending to be legally bound, hereby agree under seal as follows: A. Work Schedule. 1. A full-time 40-hour per week ACO will be hired by the Town of Bedford with input from the Town of Lexington, including an opportunity to comment on the candidates’ resumes and interviews. All necessary steps in the hiring process and maintenance of employee records will be the responsibility of the Town of Bedford. 2. The ACO’s regular work week will, on average, consist of 28-hours in Lexington and 12-hours in Bedford. In the event of overtime hours, the community generating the overtime work will cover the additional payroll expense. 3. Either Town may request of the other extra hours to cover emergency situations or heavier workloads that may be seasonal. Hours to be “paid back” to the other town would be at the discretion of the Chiefs of Police. 4. An annual performance evaluation of the ACO will be prepared by the Town of Bedford with input from the Lexington Police Chief or his designee. 5. The holiday schedule for the ACO will follow that of the Town of Bedford without consideration of which town is losing the hours for that particular week. 834694v1 2 B. Benefits. 1. Bedford shall provide all ACO benefits to which he/she is entitled under standard personnel practices of the Bedford. Both parties agree to allow the ACO enjoy such vacation, sick days, personal days and other leave as he may be entitled to receive under such agreement and under standard personnel practices of Bedford. Neither party shall make any demand on the ACO or take any action with respect to them that is in violation of their rights under standard personnel practices of Bedford or under any applicable legislation. Should the ACO file for unemployment insurance benefits or workers’ compensation benefits, Bedford and Lexington will share the costs (see item B- 3 below). 2. Retirement Benefits. The ACO will be a member of the Middlesex County Retirement System, assuming eligibility requirements are met. As part of Lexington’s annual payment, it will pay the agreed upon prorated normal cost or other retirement benefits toward the pension/retirement costs of the ACO. 3. Prorated costs will, when possible, be divided 70% payable by Lexington and 30% payable by Bedford. 4. Each town will reimburse the ACO for out of pocket miscellaneous expenses, as needed. Mileage accrued with a personal vehicle providing a town with ACO services will be reimbursed at the usual Federal rate. C. Service Area and Equipment. 1. The ACO will be responsible for animal control within the geographic boundaries of Lexington and Bedford. The Town of Lexington will provide an animal shelter (with office) at 15 Westview Street, Lexington. Lexington will pay for the routine water & sewer, electric, heating and internet expenses for the shelter. 2. Lexington will provide a suitable vehicle for animal control activities. The vehicle will be used for official Lexington/Bedford animal control and police operations only, with the understanding that mutual aid may be provided to neighboring communities. The ACO vehicle is not intended to be a “take home” vehicle and subject to Lexington’s “Vehicle Use” policy. Bedford will pay for the routine fueling and servicing of the ACO vehicle. 3. Bedford and Lexington will share mutual expenses for equipping the ACO vehicle and shelter with the understanding that equipment unique to either community will be paid for by that town. When necessary, major repair or replacement costs to either the shelter or ACO vehicle will be discussed by the Police Chiefs with a suitable plan submitted to the Town Managers for approval. 4. The ACO will wear the uniform issued by the Town of Bedford. A shoulder patch for Bedford Police and Lexington Police will be worn. D. Duties. 1. In general, the duties and responsibilities of the ACO are described in the job description. Changes to the job description will be made with the approval of each town’s Chief of Police. 834694v1 3 2. The primary supervisor of the ACO will be the Bedford Chief of Police, or his designee. While performing ACO services in the Town of Lexington, the ACO shall be under the direction and control of the Lexington Chief of Police, or his designee. 3. The Chiefs of Police, or designees, should meet as needed but no less than annually, to discuss the ACO services provided in each community. The goal of this cooperative agreement is to achieve public safety as well as a safe and healthy environment for animals. E. Term. The term of this Agreement shall commence on the date of execution hereof and shall be for a term not to exceed five-years, subject to the appropriation by the Towns. On or before May 1st of each year during the Term of this Agreement, the parties shall review their contractual relationship, the terms of which are set forth herein, to ensure that this Agreement continues to satisfy the needs and objectives of each community. F. Cost of District Operations. Lexington and Bedford shall assume their respective shares of the costs associated with a common ACO as shown in Appendix A. Shared expenses under this Agreement will include, but not necessarily be limited to, the following expenses attributable to the ACO’s: employee salary, benefits, Medicare tax, Worker’s Compensation, liability insurance, membership in professional associations, and recruitment costs. Bedford shall employ the ACO and pay all reasonable and customary salaries and operating expenses. Lexington shall contribute its share of the associated costs for this position by paying to Bedford an amount as required by the terms and conditions of this Agreement and Addendum B. Payments to Bedford shall be due and payable within fifteen (15) days after the commencement of such fiscal quarter (i.e., after 7/1, 10/1, 1/1 and 4/1). Bedford shall adjust the compensation it pays the ACO as it may elect to do in accordance with standard personnel practices, and shall give prompt written notice to Lexington of any such adjustment. To provide Lexington with certainty in planning its budget for the ACO, Lexington’s payment to Bedford each fiscal year shall be established and fixed by January 15, prior to the start of the fiscal year. Within 90 days of the close of each fiscal year, Bedford will provide the Town of Lexington with an analysis of actual staff and office expenses for the prior fiscal year. Any amount over or under the amount paid by Lexington will be adjusted in the subsequent year’s payment by Lexington. G. Indemnification. Notwithstanding the final sentence of G.L. c. 40, §4A, and to the extent permitted by law, the Town of Bedford agrees to indemnify the Town of Lexington, including all officials, officers, employees, agents, servants and representatives, from and against any claim arising out of the duties performed by the Animal Control Officer pursuant to the Agreement in or on behalf of the Town of Bedford for any claim of liability, loss, damages, costs and expenses for personal injury or damage to real or personal property by reason of any negligent act or omission by the Animal Control Officer while performing services for the Town of Bedford; and the Town of Lexington agrees to indemnify the Town of Bedford, including all officials, officers, employees, agents, servants and representatives, from and against any claim arising out of the duties performed by the Animal Control Officer pursuant to the Agreement in or on behalf of the Town of Lexington for any claim of liability, loss, damages, costs and expenses for personal injury or damage to real or personal property by reason of any negligent act or omission by the Animal Control Officer while performing services for the Town of Lexington. As to 834694v1 4 any claim or occurrence, the express indemnification set forth above shall be town-specific: Bedford's obligations shall be limited to the services provided for Bedford; Lexington's obligations shall be limited to the services provided for Lexington. H. Termination. This Agreement may be terminated by either party for any reason or no reason on one- hundred eighty (180) days written notice to the other, unless the parties agree otherwise. No such termination shall affect any obligation of indemnification that may have arisen hereunder prior to such termination. The parties shall equitably adjust any payments made or due relating to the unexpired portion of the Term following such termination. I. Assignment. Neither party shall assign or transfer any of its rights or interests in or to this Agreement, or delegate any of its obligations hereunder, without the prior written consent of the other. J. Severability. If any provision of this Agreement is held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable, or if any such term is so held when applied to any particular circumstance, such invalidity, illegality or unenforceability shall not affect any other provision of this Agreement, or affect the application of such provision to any other circumstances, and this Agreement shall be construed and enforced as if such invalid, illegal or unenforceable provision were not contained herein. K. Waiver. The obligations and conditions set forth in this Agreement may be waived only by a writing signed by the party waiving such obligation or condition. Forbearance or indulgence by a party shall not be construed as a waiver, nor limit the remedies that would otherwise be available to that party under this Agreement or applicable law. No waiver of any breach or default shall constitute or be deemed evidence of a waiver of any subsequent breach or default. L. Amendment. This Agreement may be amended only by a writing signed by both parties duly authorized thereunto. M. Governing Law. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the substantive laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, without regard to the conflicts of laws provisions thereof. N. Headings. The paragraph headings herein are for convenience only, are no part of this Agreement and shall not affect the interpretation of this Agreement. O. Notices. Any notice permitted or required hereunder to be given or served on either party by the other shall be in writing signed in the name of or on behalf of the party giving or serving the same. Notice shall be deemed to have been received at the time of actual receipt of any hand delivery or three (3) business days after the date of any properly addressed notice sent by mail as set forth below. a. To Bedford. Any notice to Bedford hereunder shall be delivered by hand or sent by registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, postage prepaid, to: Richard T. Reed, Town Manager Bedford Town Hall 10 Mudge Way Bedford MA 01730 834694v1 5 or to such other address(es) as Bedford may designate in writing to Lexington. b. To Lexington. Any notice to Lexington hereunder shall be delivered by hand or sent by registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, postage prepaid, to: Carl F. Valente, Town Manager Lexington Town Hall 1625 Massachusetts Avenue Lexington, Massachusetts 02420 or to such other address(es) as Lexington may designate in writing to Bedford. P. Complete Agreement. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties concerning the subject matter hereof, superseding all prior agreements and understandings. There are no other agreements or understandings between the parties concerning the subject matter hereof. Each party acknowledges that it has not relied on any representations by the other party or by anyone acting or purporting to act for the other party or for whose actions the other party is responsible, other than the express, written representations set forth herein. Q. Financial Accounting and Reporting. Bedford shall maintain separate, accurate and comprehensive records of all services performed for each of the parties hereto. Bedford shall maintain accurate and comprehensive records of all costs incurred by or on account of the Animal Control Officer, and all payments received from Lexington. An annual financial statement will be issued by Bedford to Lexington within 120 days of the end of the fiscal year. WITNESS OUR HANDS as of the first date written above. TOWN OF BEDFORD TOWN OF LEXINGTON By its Board of Selectmen By its Board of Selectmen 834694v1 6 APPENDIX A ANIMAL CONTROL ANNUAL COMPENSATION Community Percent Hours Rate Compensation Bedford 30% 12 $32 / hr $20,044.80 Lexington 70% 28 $32 / hr $46,771.20 Bedford will cover routine gasoline and service costs for the ACO vehicle and cover uniform costs. Lexington will provide the animal shelter, covering routine utility expenses, and provide the ACO vehicle. AGENDA ITEM SUM M ARY LEXINGTON BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Selectmen Committee Appointment/Reappointments (10 min.) PRESENTER: Jo e Pato ITEM NUMBER: I.10 SUMMARY: Attac hed is an updated list of all c o mmittees that have members with terms that exp ire S ep tember 30, 2015, which also inc lud es all current vacancies. Belo w are the C o mmittees that are read y for reap p o intments /appointments as indic ated o n the attac hed lis t: Counc il for the Arts Greenways C o rrid o r C o mmittee Mo numents and Memo rials Co mmittee Sidewalk Committee Any committee lis ting that ind icates someone d o es no t want to b e reappointed need s to be ad d ed to the existing vacanc ies . We will be s end ing a letter to the Histo rical S o c iety req uesting no minatio ns for their His toric Dis tric ts Commission ap p o intment. We will c o ntinue the reappointment p ro cess at need ed . If yo u have any ques tions on this ap p o intment/reap p o intment, p leas e let me know. SUGGESTED MOTION: Mo tion to reap p o int and appoint as ind icated o n the attac hed lis t o f c o mmittees . FOLLOW-UP: Selec tmen's O ffic e DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 10/5/2015 9:05 PM ATTACHMENTS: Des crip tion Type Reappointments /Appointments To Be Made Backup Material Susan Hammond Application for Arts Council Backup Material Current Council for the Arts Committee Members Backup Material Current Greenway Corridor Committee Members Backup Material Current Monuments and Memorials Committee Members Backup Material Current Sidewalk Committee Members Backup Material Committee Members with Terms Expiring - 2015 Service Start RecommendationTerm Expires 2020 Vision Committee 13 members, including 3 elected Boards, 3 year term staggered 9/2015 (1) vacancy Bio Safety Committee 5 members, 3 year term, expires February 1 9/2015 (2) vacancies Communications Advisory Committee 11 Members, 3 Year Term, Sept 30 9/2015 (1) vacancy Condo Conversion Board 5 Members, 3 Year Term, Sept. 30 9/2015 (2) vacancy Council for the Arts 11 Members, 3 Year Term, 2-term limit, Sept. 30, staggered 9/2015 appoint Susan Hammond (2) vacancy Design Advisory Committee 9 Members, 1 Year Term, Sept. 30 9/2015 (2) vacancy Design Advisory Committee Associates 8 Members, 1 Year Term, Sept. 30 9/2015 (6) vacancy Energy Conservation Committee 9 members, Sept. 30 9/2015 (1) vacancy Gammel Legacy Trust 2 Members, 1 Year Term, Sept. 30 9/2015 committee recommends reaching out to younger members of the community for future appointments (0) vacancy Greenways Corridor Committee 9 members, 3 year staggered, Sept. 30 9/2015 11/2014 rescind reappointmentKevin Breunig Friday, October 02, 2015 Page 1 of 3 Service Start RecommendationTerm Expires Historic Districts Commission 5 Members, 5 Year Term, Jan. 1, 2 Term Limit 12/2015 Chair 4/2013 letter to Historical SocietyLynn Hopkins Housing Partnership Board 3 Year term, 15 Voting Members, 3 Liaisons (Selectmen appoint 12; designated 3 for LexHAB, Hous. Auth. & PB) 9/2015 (6) vacancy 9/2015 member 3/2014 Planning Board appointment Nancy Corcoran-Ronchetti 9/2015 Chair 10/2006 Housing Authority appointment Melinda Walker Human Rights Committee 9 members including school, police and senior staff, Liaisons for School and BOS, 3-year staggered term, September 30 9/2015 (1) vacancy Human Services Committee 8 Members, 3 Year Term - staggered, Sept. 30 9/2015 (3) vacancy Monuments and Memorials Committee 7 members, 3 year term staggered, 9/30 appt 9/2015 member 3/2014 do not reappointMike DaRu 9/2015 member/liaison 3/2014 reappointLinda J. Dixon 9/2015 member 7/2014 reappointBebe Fallick Noise Advisory Committee 5 Members, 3-year staggered term; Liaisons from BOS, PB BoH, HATS Env. Subc and Chamber 9/2015 1/2004 (1) vacancies Police Manual Policy Committee Open Memb., 1 Year Term, Sept. 30 9/2015 committee suggests reaching out to asian- american or indian- american community to fill vacancy (1) vacancy Sidewalk Committee 7 members, 3 year term 9/2015 (1) Vacancy 9/2015 10/2012 do not reappointJeanne Canale 9/2015 5/2013 do not reappointSean Osborne 9/2015 Chair 6/2014 do not reappointCraig Weeks Friday, October 02, 2015 Page 2 of 3 Service Start RecommendationTerm Expires Sustainable Lexington Committee 7 Members, 3 year staggered, Sept 30 9/2015 (1) Vacancy Tax Deferral and Exemption Study Committee 5 Members, until Report-Feb 04 9/2015 (1) vacancy Tourism Committee 9 members, one year term, Sept. 30 9/2015 (up to 4) vacancies 9/2015 10/2012Trisha Perez Kennealy 9/2015 member 11/2014Leeying Wu Town Celebrations Subcommittee up to 15 Members, 1 Year Term, June 30 6/2016 (4) vacancies Town Report Committee 9 Members, 1 Year Term, Sept. 30 9/2015 (3) vacancies 9/2015 member 12/2010Gloria A. Amirault 9/2015 member 7/2014Hank Manz 9/2015 member 7/2014 do not reappointTanya Morrisett 9/2015 member 11/2011Elaine Quinlan 9/2015 member 10/2010Margareth Sarmiento 9/2015 member 11/1998David S. Tabeling Friday, October 02, 2015 Page 3 of 3 AGENDA ITEM SUM M ARY LEXINGTON BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Town Manager Appointments - Youth Commission and Commission on Disability PRESENTER: Carl F. Valente, T o wn Manager ITEM NUMBER: I.11 SUMMARY: Douglas Lucente has been with the Youth Commis s ion since 2000. Mr. Luc ente is current with his Ethics Commission training. Vic toria Buc kley has b een with the Co mmis s ion on Dis ab ility since 2003. Ms . Buckley is c urrent with her Ethic s Co mmis s ion Training. Janet Perry has b een with the Co mmis s io n on Dis ab ility since 2007. Ms . Perry is c urrent with her Ethic s Commission T raining. SUGGESTED MOTION: Mo ve to ap prove the T o wn Manager's reappointments o f Do ug Luc ente as a memb er of the Yo uth Commission, and Victo ria Buckley and Janet P erry as members o f the Commis s io n o n Disability. FOLLOW-UP: The To wn Manager's Offic e will send reappo intment letters. DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 10/5/2015 9:10 PM ATTACHMENTS: Des crip tion Type Douglas Lucente Reappointment Application Backup Material Victoria Buckley Reappointment Application Backup Material Janet Perry Reappointment Application Backup Material AGENDA ITEM SUM M ARY LEXINGTON BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Approve Common Victualler License for Tres Petite Creperie (5 min.) PRESENTER: Jo e Pato ITEM NUMBER: I.12 SUMMARY: I have received an ap p licatio n fro m Tres Petite C rep erie for a Co mmo n Vic tualler Lic ense. The es tablishment will b e loc ated at 1707 Mas s achusetts Avenue, S uite 2. T he hours the es tab lis hment will b e open are: Monday- Friday 11:00 a.m. to 8:00 p .m., Friday and Saturday 11:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. and S und ay 11:00 a.m. to 7:00 p .m. SUGGESTED MOTION: Mo tion to app ro ve a C o mmo n Vic tualler Lic ens e fo r Tres Petite Creperie, 1707 Mas s ac hus etts Avenue, Suite 2. FOLLOW-UP: Selec tmen's O ffic e DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 10/5/2015 9:15 PM ATTACHMENTS: Des crip tion Type Common Victualler Application-Tres Petite Creperie Backup Material AGENDA ITEM SUM M ARY LEXINGTON BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Sign Warrant for the November 2015 Special Town Meetings PRESENTER: Jo e Pato ITEM NUMBER: I.13 SUMMARY: Attac hed are the two d raft warrants fo r the S p ec ial T o wn Meeting to begin on Mond ay, No vember 2, 2015. Still finalizing the warrants and the lo catio n for them. SUGGESTED MOTION: Mo tion to sign the Novemb er 2015 Spec ial T o wn Meeting warrants . FOLLOW-UP: Selec tmen's O ffic e DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 10/5/2015 9:20 PM ATTACHMENTS: Des crip tion Type Warrant for Special Town Meeting #1 (Schools)Backup Material Draft Warrant for Special Town Meeting #2 Backup Material D R A F T TOWN WARRANT Town of Lexington Special Town Meeting #1 Commonwealth of Massachusetts Middlesex, ss. To any of the Constables of the Town of Lexington Greetings: In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, you are hereby directed to notify the inhabitants of the Town of Lexington qualified to vote in elections and in Town affairs to meet in the Margery Milne Battin Auditorium in Cary Memorial Building, 1605 Massachusetts Avenue, in said Town on Monday, November 2, 2015 at 7:30 p.m., at which time and place the following articles are to be acted upon and determined exclusively by the Town Meeting Members in accordance with Chapter 215 of the Acts of 1929, as amended, and subject to the referendum provided for by Section eight of said Chapter, as amended. ARTICLE 1 REPORTS OF TOWN BOARDS, OFFICERS, COMMITTEES To receive the reports of any Board or Town Officer or of any Committee of the Town, or act in any other manner in relation thereto. (Inserted by the Board of Selectmen) DESCRIPTION: This article remains open throughout the Special Town Meeting. ARTICLE 2 APPROPRIATE FOR SCHOOL FACILITIES CAPITAL PROJECTS To see if the Town will vote to appropriate a sum of money for: continuing the school facility master planning study for specific capital projects for the Fiske, Hastings and Harrington Elementary Schools and the Clarke and Diamond Middle Schools; design, engineering and architectural services for these projects; and for the related remodeling, reconstruction or making extraordinary repairs to these or other school facilities; for the construction of the buildings, including original equipment and landscaping, paving and other site improvements incidental or directly related to such remodeling, reconstruction or repair, determine whether the money shall be provided by the tax levy, by transfer from available funds, by borrowing, or by any combination of these methods; determine if the Town will authorize the Selectmen to apply for, accept, expend and borrow in anticipation of state aid for such capital improvements; or act in any other manner in relation thereto. (Inserted by the School Committee) FUNDS REQUESTED: unknown at press time DESCRIPTION: This article is to request funding for the studies, design and construction of school facilities to address current and anticipated school enrollment. D R A F T ARTICLE 3 LAND PURCHASE AND IMPROVEMENTS - 20 PELHAM ROAD To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Selectmen to purchase or otherwise acquire, or to take by eminent domain for municipal or school purposes, any fee, easement, or other interest in all or any part of land known as 20 Pelham Road and shown as lot 65A on Assessors’ Property Map 31, owned by the Congregation of Armenian Sisters of the Immaculate Conception, Inc.; for design, engineering and architectural services for plans and specifications and related costs; and to make access and site improvements and to remodel, reconstruct and make extraordinary repairs to the existing school building on such property; and to appropriate a sum of money therefor and determine whether the money shall be provided by the tax levy, by transfer from available funds, or by borrowing, or by any combination of these methods; or act in any other manner in relation thereto. (Inserted by the Board of Selectmen) FUNDS REQUESTED: unknown at press time DESCRIPTION: This article requests funding to purchase the property at 20 Pelham Road for municipal or school purposes and to make access and site improvements, remodel, reconstruct and make extraordinary repairs to the existing school building on the property. ARTICLE 4 APPROPRIATE FOR ENGINEERING STUDY – 20 PELHAM ROAD To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate a sum of money for engineering studies and related costs for access roads and sidewalks connecting Pelham Road, the property at 20 Pelham Road and the Community Center at 39 Marrett Road and Marrett Road and any improvements that may be necessary to Pelham Road to access 20 Pelham Road; determine whether the money shall be provided by the tax levy, by transfer from available funds, by borrowing, or any combination of these methods; or act in any other manner in relation thereto. FUNDS REQUESTED: unknown at press time DESCRIPTION: Should Town Meeting approve the purchase of the 20 Pelham Road property, this Article would fund the engineering study for roadways and sidewalks to connect this property to the Community Center property, Marrett Road and Massachusetts Avenue. And you are directed to serve this warrant not less than fourteen days at least before the time of said meeting, as provided in the Bylaws of the Town. Hereof fail not and make due return of this warrant, with your doings thereon, to the Town Clerk, on or before the time of said meeting. Given under our hands this 5th day of October 2015. A true copy, Attest: D R A F T ______________________ Richard W. Ham, Jr. Constable of Lexington D R A F T TOWN WARRANT Town of Lexington Special Town Meeting #2 Commonwealth of Massachusetts Middlesex, ss. To any of the Constables of the Town of Lexington Greetings: In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, you are hereby directed to notify the inhabitants of the Town of Lexington qualified to vote in elections and in Town affairs to meet in the Margery Milne Battin Auditorium in Cary Memorial Building, 1605 Massachusetts Avenue, in said Town on Monday, November 2, 2015 at 7:35 p.m., at which time and place the following articles are to be acted upon and determined exclusively by the Town Meeting Members in accordance with Chapter 215 of the Acts of 1929, as amended, and subject to the referendum provided for by Section eight of said Chapter, as amended. ARTICLE 1 REPORTS OF TOWN BOARDS, OFFICERS, COMMITTEES To receive the reports of any Board or Town Officer or of any Committee of the Town, or act in any other manner in relation thereto. (Inserted by the Board of Selectmen) DESCRIPTION: This article remains open throughout the Special Town Meeting. ARTICLE 2 AMEND MINUTEMAN REGIONAL AGREEMENT To see if the Town will accept and approve the “Amendment to Minuteman Regional Agreement regarding the Withdrawal of the Town of Wayland from the Minuteman Regional School District”, which was approved by the Minuteman Regional School Committee on July 7, 2015 and which has been submitted to the Board of Selectmen consistent with the current Minuteman Regional Agreement, or act in any other manner in relation thereto. (Inserted by the Board of Selectmen) DESCRIPTION: The Town of Wayland voted to seek withdrawal from the Minuteman Regional School District. As required, the District School Committee drafted an amendment to the Regional Agreement setting forth the terms by which Wayland may withdraw from the District. The Amendment permitting the Town of Wayland to withdraw from the District will become effective only if all sixteen member towns of the District, as well as the Commission of Education, vote to approve this Amendment. D R A F T ARTICLE 3 TRANSFER OF PROPERTY TO LEXHAB To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Board of Selectmen to transfer the land known as 34 Lowell Street and further shown as Lot 2A on a plan of land entitled “Lowell Street, Lexington, Massachusetts, Assessor’s Map 20/Parcel 38, Subdivision Plan of Land Approval Not Required”, recorded at the Middlesex South Registry of Deeds in Plan Book 02015, Page 108, to the Lexington Housing Assistance Board, Inc. (“LexHAB”) for nominal consideration, or act in any other manner in relation thereto. (Inserted by the Board of Selectmen at the request of the Lexington Housing Assistance Board (LexHAB) DESCRIPTION: The property in this article is owned by the Town of Lexington. This article will authorize the transfer of ownership of the land to LexHAB. ARTICLE 4 APPROPRIATE FOR WATER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS To see if the Town will vote to make water distribution system improvements, including the installation of new water mains and replace or clean and line existing water mains and standpipes, conduct engineering studies and purchase and install equipment in connection therewith, in such accepted or unaccepted streets or other land as the Selectmen may determine, subject to the assessment of betterments or otherwise; and to take by eminent domain, purchase or otherwise acquire any fee, easement or other interest in land necessary therefor; appropriate money for such improvements and land acquisition and determine whether the money shall be provided by the tax levy, by transfer from available funds, including any special water funds, by borrowing, or by any combination of these methods; to determine whether the Town will authorize the Selectmen to apply for, accept, expend and borrow in anticipation of or from federal and state aid for such projects; or act in any other manner in relation thereto. (Inserted by the Board of Selectmen) FUNDS REQUESTED: unknown at press time DESCRIPTION: Funds requested in this article will be used to repair and replace large water mains in east Massachusetts Avenue. Some of these water mains date from 1896 and have deteriorated and have pin-hole size leaks. ARTICLE 5 APPROPRIATE FOR PROPERTY IMPROVEMENTS - 241 GROVE STREET To see if the Town will vote, upon recommendation of the Community Preservation Committee, to raise and appropriate a sum of money to remodel, reconstruct and make extraordinary repairs and related improvements to the existing farm house at 241 Grove Street for community housing purposes, and for other mitigation to the property, determine whether the money shall be provided by the tax levy, by transfer from available funds, including the Community Preservation Fund, by borrowing, or by any combination of these methods; or act in any other manner in relation thereto. FUNDS REQUESTED: unknown at press time DESCRIPTION: This article is to request funding for necessary improvements to the farm house on the Wright Farm property owned by the Town in order to provide a unit of affordable housing. ARTICLE 6 APPROPRIATE FUNDS FOR FIRE STATION SITE STUDY To see if the Town will vote to appropriate a sum of money for studying potential sites for a fire station; determine whether the money shall be provided by the tax levy, by transfer from available funds, by D R A F T borrowing or by any combination of these methods; or act in any other manner in relation thereto. FUNDS REQUESTED: unknown at press time DESCRIPTION: This article is to request funding for evaluating potential sites for a fire station. ARTICLE 7 AMEND FY2016 OPERATING, ENTERPRISE FUND AND COMMUNITY PRESERVATION BUDGETS To see if the Town will vote to make supplementary appropriations, to be used in conjunction with money appropriated under Articles 4, 5 and 8 of the warrant for the 2015 Annual Town Meeting, to be used during the current fiscal year, or make any other adjustments to the current fiscal year budgets and appropriations that may be necessary; to determine whether the money shall be provided by the tax levy, by transfer from available funds, from Community Preservation funds or by any combination of these methods; or act in any other manner in relation thereto. (Inserted by the Board of Selectmen) FUNDS REQUESTED: unknown at press time DESCRIPTION: This is an article to permit adjustments to current fiscal year (FY2016) appropriations. ARTICLE 8 APPROPRIATE TO AND FROM SPECIFIED STABILIZATION FUNDS To see if the Town will vote to appropriate sums of money to and from Stabilization Funds in accordance with Section 5B of Chapter 40 of the Massachusetts General Laws for the purposes of: (a) Section 135 Zoning By-Law, (b) Traffic Mitigation, (c) Transportation Demand Management, (d) School Bus Transportation, (e) Special Education, (f) Center Improvement District; (g) Debt Service, (h) Transportation Management Overlay District (TMO-1), (i) Avalon Bay School Enrollment Mitigation Fund, and (j) Capital Projects; and determine whether the money shall be provided by the tax levy, by transfer from available funds, or by any combination of these methods; or act in any other manner in relation thereto. (Inserted by the Board of Selectmen) FUNDS REQUESTED: unknown at press time DESCRIPTION: This article proposes to fund Stabilization Funds for specific purposes and to appropriate funds therefrom. Money in those funds may be invested and the interest may then become a part of the particular fund. The use of these funds may be appropriated for the specific designated purpose by a two-thirds vote of an Annual or Special Town Meeting. ARTICLE 9 APPROPRIATE FOR AUTHORIZED CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS To see if the Town will vote to make supplementary appropriations to be used in conjunction with money appropriated in prior years for the installation or construction of water mains, sewers and sewerage systems, drains, streets, buildings, recreational facilities or other capital improvements and equipment that have heretofore been authorized; determine whether the money shall be provided by the tax levy, by transfer from the balances in other articles, by transfer from available funds, including enterprise funds and the Community Preservation Fund, by borrowing, or by any combination of these methods; or act in any other manner in relation thereto. (Inserted by the Board of Selectmen) D R A F T FUNDS REQUESTED: unknown at press time DESCRIPTION: This is an article to request funds to supplement existing appropriations for certain capital projects in light of revised cost estimates that exceed such appropriations. ARTICLE 10 APPROPRIATE FOR PRIOR YEARS’ UNPAID BILLS To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate money to pay any unpaid bills rendered to the Town for prior years; to determine whether the money shall be provided by the tax levy, by transfer from available funds, or by any combination of these methods; or act in any other manner in relation thereto. (Inserted by the Board of Selectmen) FUNDS REQUESTED: unknown at press time DESCRIPTION: This is an article to request funds to pay bills after the close of the fiscal year in which the goods were received or the services performed and for which no money was encumbered. And you are directed to serve this warrant not less than fourteen days at least before the time of said meeting, as provided in the Bylaws of the Town. Hereof fail not and make due return of this warrant, with your doings thereon, to the Town Clerk, on or before the time of said meeting. Given under our hands this 5th day of October 2015. A true copy, Attest: ______________________ Richard W. Ham, Jr. Constable of Lexington AGENDA ITEM SUM M ARY LEXINGTON BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Water and Sewer Commitments and Adjustments PRESENTER: William P Had ley, Directo r of Pub lic Works ITEM NUMBER: C.1 SUMMARY: Commitment o f Water and S ewer charges Augus t C yc le 9 $ 364,002.23 Commitment o f Water and S ewer charges Augus t F inals $ 25,664.22 SUGGESTED MOTION: Mo tion to app ro ve the Water and Sewer commitments as no ted ab o ve. FOLLOW-UP: Revenue Offic er DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 10/5/2015 9:25 PM ATTACHMENTS: Des crip tion Type Comm of Water/Sewer Charges 10-5-15 Cover Memo AGENDA ITEM SUM M ARY LEXINGTON BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Sign Utilities Easement - 19 Revere Street PRESENTER: Jo e Pato ITEM NUMBER: C.2 SUMMARY: You are b eing as ked to s ign the attached Utilities Eas ement fo r 19 Revere Street. SUGGESTED MOTION: Mo tion to app ro ve the c o nsent agend a. FOLLOW-UP: Selec tmen's O ffic e DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 10/5/2015 9:25 PM ATTACHMENTS: Des crip tion Type Utilities Eas ement-19 Revere Street Backup Material AGENDA ITEM SUM M ARY LEXINGTON BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Street Acceptance Timeline PRESENTER: Jo e Pato ITEM NUMBER: C.3 SUMMARY: Attac hed is the propos ed FY2017 Street Acc eptanc e Timeline for your app ro val. SUGGESTED MOTION: Mo tion to app ro ve the c o nsent agend a. FOLLOW-UP: DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 10/5/2015 9:25 PM ATTACHMENTS: Des crip tion Type FY17 Street Acceptance Timeline Cover Memo TIME SEQUENCE FOR FY16 STREET ACCEPTANCE 1. November 3, 2014 Vote of intent to layout by the Board of Selectmen; Board of Selectmen to sign "Notice of Intention to Layout" and notify Planning Board and Constable; 2. January 5, 2015 By this date, written notice delivered to abutters by Constable informing them that the Board of Selectmen intend to vote to layout as public way; 3. January 26, 2015 Public Hearing by Board of Selectmen in regard to their intent to layout public ways; 4. February 9, 2015 Vote to layout public ways by Board of Selectmen; 5. February 23, 2015 On or before this date layout plans filed with the Town Clerk by the Town Engineer; 6. March 9, 2015 After this date and before the close of Town Meeting, acceptance of the layout by the Town at a Town Meeting. Within thirty (30) days of the date of acceptance of layout by the Town Meeting, adoption of an Order of Taking by eminent domain by the Board of Selectmen and an award of damages, if any; 7. Within thirty (30) days of adoption of the Order of Taking, recording in Registry of Deeds of said Order and any betterment by the Town Engineer. Approved by the Board of Selectmen at its meeting on September 22, 2015. AGENDA ITEM SUM M ARY LEXINGTON BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Sign Proclamation - Lexington High School PE Teacher PRESENTER: Jo e Pato ITEM NUMBER: C.4 SUMMARY: Ms . Barry will be p ro viding a proposed p roc lamation for James Banks . A d ed ic atio n ceremony to name the Estab ro o k Gym in his ho nor will b e held on Sunday, Octo b er 11, 2015, at 4:00 p .m. SUGGESTED MOTION: Mo tion to app ro ve the c o nsent agend a. FOLLOW-UP: Selec tmen's O ffic e DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 10/5/2015 9:25 PM ATTACHMENTS: Des crip tion Type Proposed Proclamation for James Banks Backup Material AGENDA ITEM SUM M ARY LEXINGTON BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: One-Day Liquor Licenses PRESENTER: Jo e Pato ITEM NUMBER: C.5 SUMMARY: St. Brigid Paris h has req uested a o ne-day liq uor licens e to serve beer and wine at a Texas Ho ld 'em Fundrais er o n Novemb er 6, 2015, from 6:30 p .m. to 11:30 p.m. at St. Brigid Parish loc ated at 2001 Mas s . Avenue. Lexington Elks has reques ted a one-d ay liq uo r lic ens e to s erve b eer and wine outs ide o nly at a Manager/Memb er Ap p reciatio n Day on Oc to b er 18, 2015, from 1:00 p .m. to 6:00 p .m. from rear door to 1s t p arking is land , 959 Waltham S treet. Sinc e the Lexingto n Elks liquo r lic ense does not includ e serving any liquo r in an o utd o or area, the ABCC allows them to get a one-d ay liq uor licens e as long as the alcoho l for the one- d ay liq uor licens e is bought s ep arately from their liq uor licens e sto ck for ins id e and the alcoho l c anno t cro s s fro m the o uts ide area to the inside area. The Lexington Community Farm Coalitio n has reques ted a one-d ay liq uor lic ens e to s erve b eer and wine at a Dono r Event on Oc tober 18, 2015, fro m 4:00 p .m. to 6:00 p.m. at LexFarm, 52 Lo well Street. SUGGESTED MOTION: Mo tion to app ro ve the c o nsent agend a. FOLLOW-UP: Selec tmen's O ffic e DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 10/5/2015 9:25 PM ATTACHMENTS: Des crip tion Type One-Day Application-St. Brigid Paris h Backup Material One-Day Liquor Application-Lexington Elks Backup Material One-Day Liquor Licens e-Lexington Community Farm Coalition Backup Material AGENDA ITEM SUM M ARY LEXINGTON BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Exemption 3: Discuss Strategy with Respect to Collective Bargaining (Custodians, Police); and Exemption 6-Consider Purchase, Exchange, Lease or Value of Real Property (20 Pelham Road) (30 min. PRESENTER: Exemptio n 3: C arl F . Valente; Denise Cas ey; Exemp tion 6: Carl Valente and Jo e Pato ITEM NUMBER: E1-2 SUMMARY: Sugges ted motio n fo r Exec utive Session: Move th a t the B oard go in to Execu tive Session to discuss strategy with resp ect to collective b a rgain ing (Custodia n s a n d Police) a n d to consid er the p u rchase, exch a n g e, lea se or valu e of rea l p rop erty (20 Pelham Road) a n d to recon ven e in Open Session only to a d jou rn. Fu rther, that as Ch a irman, I d eclare th a t a n op en m eetin g may h a ve a d etrimental effect on th e negotia tin g position of th e Town . 1 : Up d a te on C u stodia l u n ion barg a inin g 2 : Up d a te on Police union b a rgain ing 3 : Up d a te on 20 P elham R oad n eg otiations SUGGESTED MOTION: NA FOLLOW-UP: To wn Manager's Offic e DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 10/5/2015 9:30 PM