HomeMy WebLinkAbout2015-08-31-BOS-Packet-releasedSELEC T MEN'S MEETING Mo nday, Augus t 31, 2015 Selec tmen Meeting Room 7:00 PM AGENDA PUBLIC COMMENTS Pub lic c o mments are allo wed fo r up to 10 minutes at the b eginning of eac h meeting. Eac h s p eaker is limited to 3 minutes for comment. Memb ers of the Board will neither c o mment no r respond , o ther than to as k q ues tions of clarific ation. Speakers are encouraged to notify the Selec tmen's Offic e at 781-698-4580 if they wis h to s peak during pub lic comment to assist the Chairman in managing meeting times. SELECTMAN CONCERNS AND LIAISON REPORTS TOWN MANAGER REPORT ITEMS FOR INDIVIDUAL CONSIDERATION 1.G rant of Loc ation - Evers o urc e - Maguire Road/Hartwell Avenue (5 min.)7:00 PM 2.G rant of Loc ation - Natio nal Grid - Belfry Terrac e (5 min.)7:05 PM 3.G rant of Loc ation - Verizon/Evers o urc e - Philip Ro ad (5 min.)7:10 PM 4.Pub lic Hearing-Amendment to HOME Annual Actio n Plan (15 min.)7:15 PM 5.Approve R egulatory Monitoring R ep o rt-Avalon and LexHAB (5 min.)7:30 PM 6.Joint Meeting with Planning Bo ard - P o licy P rio rities 7:35 PM 7.Dis c us s ion of Sc hool District Building Projec ts Plan (10 min.)8:35 PM 8.Dis c us s Wayland Req uest to Withd raw fro m Minuteman Tech (10 min.)8:40 PM 9.Liquo r Licens e - Busa Bro thers Liquo rs - Pledge of Lic ense (5 min.)8:50 p.m. 10.Liquo r Licens e - Vineb ro o k Corp o ration - Pledge of Lic ense (5 min.)8:50 p.m. 11.Renewal o f Theatre Lic enses – Lexington Venue (5 min.)9:00 PM 12.Approve C o mmo n Vic tualler Lic ens e fo r New Owner of Panera Bread (5 min.)9:05 PM 13.Selec tmen Co mmittee Ap p o intment - Des ign Ad visory Co mmittee (5 min.)9:10 PM 14.Appointing Autho rity Determinatio n o f F inancial Interes t - His to ric Dis tricts Commis s ion (5 min.) 9:15 PM 15.Approve and S ign Eagle Congratulation Letter for Jac k Sc hulz (5 min.)9:20 PM 16.To wn Manager Appointments - Counc il on Aging and Permanent Building Committee (5 min.) 9:25 PM CONSENT AGENDA 1.Water and Sewer Co mmitments and Ad jus tments 9:30 PM 2.Sign Proc lamation - Cons titution Week 9:30 PM 3.Approve One-Day Liq uor Lic ens e - Czec h and Slovak Assoc iatio n 9:30 PM 4.Approve One-Day Liq uor Lic ens e - His to rical Soc iety 9:30 PM 5.Approve Tax Bill Insert - Cons ervation S teward s 9:30 PM 6.Approve Us e of the Battle Green - Lexington Minute Men 9:30 PM ADJOURN The next meeting of the Board o f Selec tmen is s ched uled fo r Wednes day, Septemb er 9, 2015 at 9:00 a.m. in the S electmen's Meeting R o o m, 1625 Massac hus etts Avenue. Hearing Assistance Devices Av ailable on Request All agenda time and the order of items are approximate and subject to change. AGENDA ITEM SUM M ARY LEXINGTON BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Grant of Location - Eversource - Maguire Road/Hartwell Avenue (5 min.) PRESENTER: William P Had ley, Directo r of Pub lic Works ITEM NUMBER: I.1 SUMMARY: The Department o f P ublic Works /Engineering has reviewed the petition, plan, and o rd er for Evers o urc e, fo rmally NSTAR Elec tric Co mp any, fo r a Grant o f Lo catio n to install appro ximately 117 feet o f c o nduit in Maguire Rd and 155 feet in Hartwell Ave. T his c ond uit will be used as the feed fo r the s o lar projec t. In ad d ition to the feed, the o verhead wire running to the Town Compost Facility will be p ut undergro und for s afety c o nc erns . A S treet Opening Permit is req uired p rio r to excavation. Since this petitio n ap p ears to be in o rd er, we rec o mmend ap p ro val b e granted. RECOMMENDATION / SUGGESTED MOTION: Mo tion to app ro ve the petition of Evers o urc e Energy, fo rmally NStar Elec tric Company, to c o nstruc t, and a lo catio n fo r, a line o f c o nduits and manho les with the necessary wires and c ables therein to b e loc ated in Maguire Ro ad s o uthwes terly at pole 399/11 thenc e turning and running southeas terly ap p ro ximately 57 feet northwes t o f Hartwell Avenue, a distanc e of about 117 feet o f c o nduit and Hartwell Avenue at and s o utheasterly from Magurie Ro ad , a distanc e o f about 155 feet o f c o nduit. FOLLOW-UP: Engineering Divis io n DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 8/31/2015 7:00 PM ATTACHMENTS: Des crip tion Type Hartwell & Maguire Grant of Location Conduit Cover Memo AGENDA ITEM SUM M ARY LEXINGTON BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Grant of Location - National Grid - Belfry Terrace (5 min.) PRESENTER: Dennis Regan, National Grid ITEM NUMBER: I.2 SUMMARY: Natio nal Grid req ues ts a Grant of Loc ation to ins tall 50 feet o f 4 inch gas main in Belfry T errace fro m the existing 4 inch main at Hous e #15 northerly to Hous e #18 fo r a new gas servic e. A Street Op ening P ermit is required prior to exc avation. Since this petition ap p ears to be in o rd er, Engineering recommend s that ap p ro val b e granted . RECOMMENDATION / SUGGESTED MOTION: Mo tion to app ro ve the petition of Natio nal Grid to ins tall and maintain appro ximately 50 feet more o r less of 4 inc h gas main in Belfry Terrac e, fro m the exis ting 4 inc h main at hous e #15 to ho us e #18 for a new gas s ervic e. FOLLOW-UP: DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 8/31/2015 7:05 PM ATTACHMENTS: Des crip tion Type Plan Backup Material Petition Cover Memo AGENDA ITEM SUM M ARY LEXINGTON BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Grant of Location - Verizon/Eversource - Philip Road (5 min.) PRESENTER: P enny Kane, Verizo n ITEM NUMBER: I.3 SUMMARY: Joint p etitio n for ins tallation of a new p o le on Philip R o ad . Install one JO p o le, P.325-5 on the northwes terly s id e of Philip Ro ad at a point ap p ro ximately 550' northerly fro m the center of Roc kville Ave. Engineering rec ommend s approval the p etition of Verizon/Eversource to ins tall a new p o le, P.325-5, o n Philip Road. RECOMMENDATION / SUGGESTED MOTION: Mo tion to app ro ve the petition of Verizon New England, Inc. and Eversourc e Energy to lo cate poles, wires , cables and fixtures , inc luding the necessary anc hors , guys and other s uc h s us taining and protecting fixtures to b e owned and us ed in c o mmo n b y your petitio ns , along and across Philip Road to install one (1) JO pole, P.325-5, o n the northwes terly side o f Philip R o ad at a p o int approximately 550 feet northerly from the centerline of R o c kville Avenue. FOLLOW-UP: A Street Op ening P ermit is required prior to exc avation. Since this petition ap p ears to be in o rd er, we recommend that ap p ro val b e granted . DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 8/31/2015 7:10 PM ATTACHMENTS: Des crip tion Type Verizon/Evers ource petition for a pole on Phillip Rd Cover Memo AGENDA ITEM SUM M ARY LEXINGTON BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Public Hearing-Amendment to HOME Annual Action Plan (15 min.) PRESENTER: Liz Rust, Regional Ho using Services Offic e; Aaron Henry, P lanning Directo r ITEM NUMBER: I.4 SUMMARY: The To wn of Lexingto n is c urrently in a regio nal affo rd ab le ho using cons ortium, rec eiving ap p ro ximately $34,600 p er year in fed eral HOME fund s . Given the limited amount of this grant, the T o wn has had few o p p o rtunities to expend these fund s . They have go ne, therefore, to other members o f this cons o rtium. The To wn's Regio nal Hous ing S ervic e Offic e has s uggested that the Bo ard c ons id er us ing HOME fund s fo r a tenant-b as ed rental as s is tanc e program, to as s is t thos e very low income families with financial as s is tance by way of a rental s ub s id y (s ee attac hed memorand um). This p ublic hearing is required prior to the Bo ard c o ns idering amending the HOME Annual Ac tion Plan for this p urpose. RECOMMENDATION / SUGGESTED MOTION: Mo ve to ap prove modifying the HOME Annual Actio n Plan to fund a Tenant-Bas ed Rental Assistanc e Program with c urrent HOME fund s of $34,671. FOLLOW-UP: If approved b y the Board o f S electmen, the R HS O will prepare ap p lication material and adminis ter this p ro gram. DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 8/31/2015 7:15 PM ATTACHMENTS: Des crip tion Type Proposal from Regional Hous ing Services Office Cover Memo Legal Notice for Public Meeting to Dis cus s FY2016 Annual Action Plan Backup Material 141 Keyes Road Concord MA 01742 (978) 287-1090 info@RHSOhousing.org Regional Housing Services Office Serving Acton, Bedford, Burlington, Concord, Lexington, Sudbury and Weston Date: August 25, 2015 To: Carl Valente, Lexington Board of Selectmen From: Liz Rust CC: Aaron Henry RE: Lexington HOME-funded Tenant Based Rental Assistance Program (TBRA) This proposal, for the Selectmen approval, is to establish a rental assistance program with the Town’s HOME funds. Summary In this program, the Town of Lexington would offer rental assistance to income qualified residents, providing assistance in the form of initial move in costs – first and last month rent (if required by the landlord) and the security deposit. The intention is to assist households in obtaining and retaining permanent housing, helping to reduce and eliminate housing barriers. The program will meet HOME Program requirements and will utilize Lexington’s annual HOME Program Allocation, currently $35,000 ($25k from HUD and $10k repayment of HOME loan from Concord). With an estimated budget of $4,000 per case, this may translate to approximately 9-10 cases per year. The assistance provided is in the form of a grant, with no repayment due to the Town or the Consortium. Applicant Eligibility Eligible applicants are under low income (60% AMI) households. They do not own property, have documented income to be able to afford the rent, have never been granted assistance in the program, and are not obligated to the Housing Authority for any past due funds. Priority is given to households with Lexington connections. The applicants will need to complete all required screening by the landlord additionally. 1 2 3 4 5 6 60% AMI $41,400 $47,280 $53,220 $59,100 $63,840 $68,580 Apartment Eligibility These apartments must pass housing quality standards (performed by the Lexington Housing Authority) and must be rented at low, affordable rents. Lexington will use a local Payment Standard for its Program in order to give Lexington TBRA participants the most opportunity to locate eligible affordable units. This Payment Standard is designed to enable the TBRA Program to be used for tenants using Section 8 vouchers, and also for tenants to rent at restricted affordable units at properties in Lexington. [The Lexington HOME TBRA Payment Standard is the higher of the HUD Fair Market Rent (FMR), the DHCD LIP (Local Initiative Program) Rent or MassHousing 40B Rent for each available bedroom size.] 141 Keyes Road Concord MA 01742 (978) 287-1090 info@RHSOhousing.org Regional Housing Services Office Serving Acton, Bedford, Burlington, Concord, Lexington, Sudbury and Weston The Program will be used for units that are already restricted as affordable (Avalon or LexHAB for example). At Avalon, where tenants first move in they pay first month rent, a security deposit of $500-$700 and no last month rent. LexHAB’s approach is more customized for the tenant, and other properties also have different standards. Affordable units are difficult to come by (long waiting lists) and require a year-long lease. Security deposits will be returned to the tenant when they leave. Other options discussed included returning the security deposits to the Consortium (such funds, known as Program Income, are not returned to the program that generated them). However, it was thought that the tenant might not take as much care if it was not their funds. Additionally, since the security deposit (for Avalon) is $500-$700, the administrative cost of tracking such small funds was prohibitive. HOME Funds This is an appropriate use of HOME funds, and allows Lexington to expend their funds in the community in the 15 month ‘exclusive use period’, after which the funds transfer to the Consortium-level pool. The funds are paid directly to the landlord, and do not cover pet deposits, realtor fees, or other ‘extras’. The funds will be awarded on a First-come First-Served basis. Next Steps and Implementation This program requires approval from the Selectmen (as it is a substantial change to the Annual Action Plan) with a public hearing. The Selectmen approve modifying the Annual Action Plan to fund a Tenant-Based Rental Assistance Program with current HOME funds of $34,671. The RHSO will administer the Program for Lexington, and Lexington will perform the outreach and publicity. The Program will be marketed to affordable property owners. Once approved, the program materials will be completed, which includes application materials, lease addendums and HOME administrative forms. The number of cases expected in the first year may not achieve the target – ie. We may not have enough applicants to spend the funds before they ‘expire’. The income and rent limits are very restrictive, and there are few eligible households and units that turnover annually. Publicity is important, and it will take some time to get the word out. It is a good use of HOME funds though, and has the potential to assist a number of households annually. AGENDA ITEM SUM M ARY LEXINGTON BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Approve Regulatory Monitoring Report-Avalon and LexHAB (5 min.) PRESENTER: Liz Rust, Regional Ho using Service Offic e ITEM NUMBER: I.5 SUMMARY: The To wn is required to monitor affo rd ab le hous ing units in to wn to determine whether the units are in compliance with their regulatory agreements . T he regulatory agreements largely require that rents meet affo rd ab ility req uirements, tenent s electio n follow S tate and federal non disc rimination requirements , tenants meet lo w o r mo d erate inc o me levels and that there is the proper d o cumentatio n in p lace fo r these req uirements . The To wn's Regio nal Hous ing S ervic es Offic e recently c o mp leted its monitoring o f the Avalo n and LexHab affo rd ab le units . T he rep o rts are attac hed. RECOMMENDATION / SUGGESTED MOTION: Mo ve to certify, b as ed on the informatio n provid ed to the T o wn, that each Low and Moderate Income Unit at Avalo n Lexingto n, Lexingto n Hills, and those units owned b y the Lexington Ho us ing Assistanc e Board (LexHab) continue to be a Lo w and Mo d erate Inc ome Unit as provid ed in the regulato ry agreements and that the Pro ject and Low and Moderate Income Units have b een maintained in a manner c o nsistent with regulations and guid elines and this agreement. FOLLOW-UP: Reports to be filed with DHCD. DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 8/31/2015 7:30 PM ATTACHMENTS: Des crip tion Type Avalon Monitoring Report Backup Material LexHab Monitoring Report Backup Material 1 | P a g e J u l y 9 , 2 0 1 5 141 Keyes Road Concord MA 01742 (978) 287-1090 www.RHSOHousing.org info@RHSOhousing.org Regional Housing Services Office Serving Acton, Bedford, Burlington, Concord, Lexington, Sudbury and Weston Avalon Lexington and Lexington Hills, Lexington Monitoring Report 2015 This Monitoring Report is prepared by the Regional Housing Services Office for the Town of Lexington. This report will serve as the DHCD monitoring requirement for Lexington Hills, as well as the Town monitoring report for Avalon at Lexington for the period 7/1/14 to 6/30/15, in accordance with the contract executed between the Town and Avalon. Background There are two Avalon developments in the Town of Lexington in scope for this report: Avalon at Lexington and Avalon at Lexington Hills. Avalon at Lexington is located at 100 Lexington Ridge Dr., Lexington, MA 02421 off Waltham Street. It was permitted through a Comprehensive Permit in 1990, with conditions issued by HAC, in 1992. The project was secured through a Regulatory Agreement with MHFA in 1994 (as Lexington Ridge), which was discharged in 2011 when the mortgage was satisfied. At that time, the Town became responsible for on -going monitoring. There are 198 total units, of which 56 (or 28%) are affordable (40 at 50% AMI and 16 at 80% AMI) and 142 market rate units. All units are garden style. Avalon at Lexington Hills is located at 1000 Main Campus Drive Lexington, MA 02421 on the former Metropolitan State Hospital site. It was permitted in 2004 through a Special Permit, executed a Regulatory Agreement in 2005 under the DHCD Local Initiative Program as Local Action Units (as Avalon at Lexington Square). The LIP Regulatory Agreement requires that the Board of Selectmen annually certify to DHCD that the rents are restricted, the residents are Eligible Tenants, and the Project with its affordable units have been maintained in a manner consistent with the Regulations and Guidelines. There are 387 total units in the development, 97 affordable at 80% of AMI and 290 market rate units. There is a cooperation agreement in place with DMR (now DDS) to provide 29 units (of the 97 affordable) on-site. One of the buildings (60 apartments total, 14 affordable) is reserved for residents where at least one member of the household is 55 or older. The development has a mix of mid-rise, town house and garden style apartments. Summary Findings Overall, we found Avalon again to be courteous, responsive and accommodating during the entire monitoring process. The items identified are small in nature and the Town commends Avalon for the housing opportunities it has brought to Lexington. Avalon at Lexington Avalon at Lexington Hills 2 | P a g e J u l y 9 , 2 0 1 5 141 Keyes Road Concord MA 01742 (978) 287-1090 www.RHSOHousing.org info@RHSOhousing.org Regional Housing Services Office Serving Acton, Bedford, Burlington, Concord, Lexington, Sudbury and Weston Monitoring Scope The Town conducted its annual monitoring for Avalon in May 2015, with a visit to the administrative office at the Avalon at Lexington Hills site. The 2015 monitoring process included review and approval of annual rents, review of rent rolls by tenant, and a s ite visit with a 10% sampling of tenant income certifications and physical inspections. The following unit numbers were included in the 2015 effort:  Avalon at Lexington: 7224, 5102, 4114, 1212, 6102, 7113  Avalon at Lexington Hills: 12431, 6006, 3110, 3102, 3304, 12117, 12238, 12211, 12258, 12113 Avalon at Lexington, as a 40B project, was initially required to comply with the Limited Dividend regulation with cost certification reporting. The annual audit requirement is no longer required once the project’s mortgage with MHFA was discharged. Avalon at Lexington Hills has no cost certification reporting requirement. Compliance Requirements The following compliance requirements are confirmed through the monitoring process. 1. Monthly Rent Requirement: The regulation requires that the monthly rents charged to tenants of Low and Moderate Income Units shall not exceed an am ount equal to thirty percent (30%) of the monthly adjusted income of a Family whose gross income equals eighty percent (80%) (or 50% as applicable) of the median income for the Area, with adjustment for the number of bedrooms in the Unit, as provided by HUD. It also requires that the Project Sponsor annually submit a proposed schedule of monthly rents. Determination: Annual rents for the Low and Moderate Income Units were reviewed and approved by the Town in March 2015, as presented, using the 2015 HUD income limits published on 3/6/15 and the utility allowance based on the Lexington Housing Authority schedule (effective 10/15/2014). Avalon uses a 1.5 persons/bedroom calculation – per both regulatory agreements. Avalon has annually presented a proposed schedule of monthly rents since the start of the Town monitoring efforts. In April 2015, Avalon agreed to reduce the rents for certain Section 8 voucher residents to accept the Lexington Housing Authority Section 8 payments at 100% of FMR, a recommendation from last year’s monitoring efforts. Capping the LHA voucher payments to Avalon for deed restricted affordable units at 100% of FMR is one approach to extending the Section 8 program, so that the LHA will be able to help more families find affordable housing. Lexington thanks Avalon for making this accommodation. 2. Tenant Eligibility Requirement: Determination of whether the tenant of each Low and Moderate Income Unit remains an Eligible Tenant. An Eligible Tenant is a Family whose annual income does not exceed eighty percent (80%) (or 50% as applicable) of the Area median income adjusted for family size as determined by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban 3 | P a g e J u l y 9 , 2 0 1 5 141 Keyes Road Concord MA 01742 (978) 287-1090 www.RHSOHousing.org info@RHSOhousing.org Regional Housing Services Office Serving Acton, Bedford, Burlington, Concord, Lexington, Sudbury and Weston Development (“HUD”)…Any Low or Moderate Income Unit occupied by an Eligible Tenant at the commencement of occupancy shall be deemed a Low or Moderate Income Unit so long as (i) such unit continues to be rent restricted and (ii) the tenant’s income does not exceed 140% of the Maximum Income.” Determination: A 10% sampling of individual tenant certifications were reviewed (17 tenants). Avalon has a thorough review process and is commended for their file organization. They have optimized their document management system for digital storage which is most efficient . Avalon has recently started collecting 5 paychecks for income verification in accordance with the guidelines. 3. Regulatory Requirement: Certification that each of the Low and Moderate Income Units continues to be a Low and Moderate Income Unit; and is maintained in a manner consistent with regulations and guidelines. Determination: A 10% sampling for the units were inspected (10 units at Lexington Hills, and 7 units at Avalon Lexington). All units appeared to be well maintained. We did observe in Unit 5102 at Avalon Lexington that the tenant had removed the smoke detector and placed it on the dining room table. Management indicated that maintenance will replace it and the tenant reminded of the importance of not tampering with safety equipment. The maintenance personnel were receptive and forthcoming. As noted above, the Regulatory Agreement with Avalon at Lexington has been discharged with the mortgage from MHFA. The Town is interested in exploring executing a local Regulatory Agreement with Avalon to formalize the preservation of the affordable housing restriction and covenants. Unit Mix: At Avalon at Lexington Hills, Avalon continues to provide more 1BRs and fewer 2BRs than called for in the Regulatory Agreement from 2012. This is in part due to the changing unit sizes for the DMH units. Avalon reserves 29 units for DMH clients per the cooperation agreement and as agreed, DMH has substituted one bedroom apartments for two bedroom apartments as the needs of their clients have changed. The unit mix is shown below: Agreement Actual 1BR 27 30 2BR 64 61 3BR 6 6 TOTAL 97 97 At our visit, there were four affordable unit vacancies – 3 2BR (12113, 12115, 12409) and 1 1BR (12215). At Avalon at Lexington, the unit mix is correct between the actual affordable units, and the regulated number of units (10 1BR moderate, 23 2BR low, 6 2BR moderate, 17 3BR low). 4 | P a g e J u l y 9 , 2 0 1 5 141 Keyes Road Concord MA 01742 (978) 287-1090 www.RHSOHousing.org info@RHSOhousing.org Regional Housing Services Office Serving Acton, Bedford, Burlington, Concord, Lexington, Sudbury and Weston The Town requests that Avalon Lexington Hills move towards the unit mix as defined in the Regulatory Agreement as vacancies occur. 4. Affirmative Fair Marketing Requirement: Verification that the on-going leasing is compliant with DHCD Affirmative Fair Housing Guidelines. Determination: Avalon is starting to update its Affirmative Fair Housing Marketing Plan (AFHMP). Recent change to the guidelines require update every 5 years. Additionally, vacancies must be posted to the MassAccess Registry system. The Town will review these items in detail in the next monitoring review. In one unit (3304) a couple was leasing a 3BR unit. Avalon indicated that they potentially would be moved to a smaller unit through a Compliance Transfer process. Waiting list. The waiting lists for each of the properties were reviewed. Avalon does not utilize any preferences or priorities in leasing from the list. Approximately 10 persons are offered units each year at each property across the bedroom sizes. The lists are years long. Avalon is implementing a new waiting list system in 2015. Lexington Hills Avalon at Lexington 1BR 39 42 2BR 79 70 (50%), 71 (80%) 3BR 73 59 TOTAL 191 242 1 | P a g e J u l y 2 7 , 2 0 1 5 141 Keyes Road Concord, MA 01742 (978) 318-1090 Info@RHSOhousing.org Regional Housing Services Office Serving Acton, Bedford, Concord, Lexington, Sudbury and Weston LexHAB Local Initiative Program Units, Lexington Monitoring Report 2015 This Monitoring Report is prepared by the Regional Housing Services Office for the Town of Lexington. This report will serve as monitoring requirement per the Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) for the period 7/1/14 to 6/30/15. Background LexHAB owns and operates 68 scattered site rental units throughout the Town of Lexington. Of these units, 41 are listed on the State’s Subsidized Housing Inventory (SHI), and further, 16 of those SHI units are subject to Local Initiative Program Local Action Unit (LIP LAU) regulatory agreements. There are specific compliance requirements for these LIP LAU units, the other units listed on the SHI, and the Parker Grove Village units. LexHAB is bound by the enabling legislation for LexHAB and not part of this monitoring review. The LIP Regulatory Agreement requires the Town Manager (as Chief Executive Office) to certify annually to the DHCD that the Low and Moderate Income units are occupied by income- eligible tenants who are paying a rent that is within the program guidelines and that the units have been maintained in a manner consistent with applicable regulations and guidelines. These requirements are generally found in Section 2 of the Regulatory Agreement, with the Town’s obligation in section 2e. The affordable housing restriction for the Parker Manor requires that LexHAB provide to the Town annual reports consisting of certifications regarding the annual and monthly gross and adjusted income of each Household occupying each Unit, as well as a proposed schedule of monthly rents and monthly allowances for utilities and services for the Units. Summary Findings It is clear that LexHAB continues to develop and maintain an impressive portfolio of properties. The organization and staff are dedicated to serving a diverse and low-income population. LexHAB enjoys the support and respect from the Town due to their successful track record and the large number of households they are able to assist. The LexHAB staff has addressed some of the items as noted in the 2014 monitoring rep ort, and continues to make improvements. The recommendations below are designed to strengthen the compliance of the affordable housing program as well as encourage a more consistent set of leasing and rent determination practices. Below are the findings from the detail report below. 2 | P a g e J u l y 2 7 , 2 0 1 5 141 Keyes Road Concord, MA 01742 (978) 318-1090 Info@RHSOhousing.org Regional Housing Services Office Serving Acton, Bedford, Concord, Lexington, Sudbury and Weston We recommend again this year that LexHAB formalize its annual rent determination results by providing a summary in the tenant file of the income calculated, and rent determined. We suggest that LexHAB compare their rent determination with the LIP program maximums and use the lower of the two figures. We recommend that LexHAB review ‘market’ rent and its processes for over-income tenants. We recommend again this year that LexHAB submit all initial rents and rent increases (with the utility allowance included in the calculation) to the Town. Town review is required for rent increases. Additionally, LexHAB should clarify its policy regarding eligibility limits. The State program allows Eligible Tenants to earn 140% of the 80% limit; LexHAB renewal forms require the tenant be under the 80% limit. We suggest that LexHAB review its lease for over-income and change in income processes. We recommend that LexHAB review its Policy and Guidelines to align with the State program. We also suggest that LexHAB retain documentation regarding the tenant selection process followed on each new tenant. Monitoring Scope This is the second year of monitoring the LexHAB’s LIP units. All files were reviewed and site visits were made to the units. The LexHAB units, as Local Action units and not Chapter 40B units, are not subject to a Limited Dividend restriction. Reporting Requirements 1. Requirement: The regulation requires that the monthly rents charged to tenants of Low and Moderate Income Units shall not exceed an amount equal to thi rty percent (30%) of the monthly adjusted income of a Family whose gross income equals eighty percent (80%) of the median income for the Area (as provided by HUD), with adjustment for the number of bedrooms in the Unit, including an allowance for any utilities and services which are paid for by the tenant. It also requires that the Project Sponsor annually submit a proposed schedule of monthly rents. Determination: LexHAB charges rents based on the ability of their tenants to pay, that is that rent is determined based on 30% of the gross household income. LexHAB has started to formalize the charging of utility allowances and consistently handling them in rent determination. LexHAB does not annually submit rent schedules to the Town. LexHAB accepts Section 8 vouchers from the Lexington Housing Authority for a number (7 as of 12/31/2014) of its tenants. In these cases, LexHAB accepts the Section 8 rent. 3 | P a g e J u l y 2 7 , 2 0 1 5 141 Keyes Road Concord, MA 01742 (978) 318-1090 Info@RHSOhousing.org Regional Housing Services Office Serving Acton, Bedford, Concord, Lexington, Sudbury and Weston One tenant (109 Parker Street) was determined to be over income, and charged ‘marke t’ rent of $1600, which is a rent that is significantly below the going rents in Lexington, and is closer to the affordable regulated rents. We suggest again this year that LexHAB formalize its annual rent determination results by providing a summary in the tenant file of the income calculated, and rent determined. We suggest that LexHAB compare their rent determination with the LIP program maximums and use the lower of the two figures. We recommend that LexHAB review ‘market’ rent and its processes for over-income tenants. We recommend again this year that LexHAB submit all initial rents and rent increases (with the utility allowance included in the calculation) to the Town. Town review is required for rent increases and is a good practice for the initial rents to provide a check on the process. 2. Requirement: Determination of whether the tenant of each Low and Moderate Income Unit remains an Eligible Tenant. An Eligible Tenant is a Family whose annual income does not exceed 140% of eighty percent (80%) of the Area median income adjusted for family size as determined by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (“HUD”). Determination: As mentioned, there have been improvements in collecting paychecks and bank statements to verify income, rather than relying on tenant certifications. However, income determination documentation was not included in the tenant files, and it was difficult to review the administrator’s determination, even though income determination training was provided and templates provided. In some cases, the determination did not include currant wages, or income from all the household members, and in other cases, income documentation was missing from the file.  109 Muzzey: Used last year 1040 rather than current paychecks  2 Spenser: Used last year 1040 rather than current paychecks  1003 Mass Ave Missing bank statements  300 Woburn: Did not include spouse part-time income  142 Emerson: Used last year 1040 rather than current paychecks We suggest that LexHAB include the income determination in the tenant files, showing the income that was calculated. Additionally, LexHAB should clarify its policy regarding eligibility limits. The State program allows Eligible Tenants to earn 140% of the 80% limit; LexHAB renewal forms require the tenant be under the 80% limit. 3. Requirement: Certification that each of the Low and Moderate Income Units continues to be a Low and Moderate Income Unit; and is maintained in a manner consistent with regulations and guidelines. Determination: A 10% sampling for the units were inspected All units appeared to be well maintained with no issues or defects, and maintenance requests seem to be handled swiftly. 4 | P a g e J u l y 2 7 , 2 0 1 5 141 Keyes Road Concord, MA 01742 (978) 318-1090 Info@RHSOhousing.org Regional Housing Services Office Serving Acton, Bedford, Concord, Lexington, Sudbury and Weston 4. Requirement: All tenants are given a 1-year lease. Determination: Current leases were in the files and accurately completed (for example, tenant paid utilities were not always initialed as called for by the lease). One tenant who is in arrears has not been given a renewal lease nor has been income recertified, as it is LexHAB’s policy not to renew if the tenant has an outstanding balance. We suggest that LexHAB review its lease for over-income and change in income processes. 5. Requirement: Units are leased in compliance with the Marketing Plan and Tenant Selection Policy approved by DHCD at the time of the Regulatory Agreement and applicable laws and guidelines. Determination: Tenant files contain the application of the selected tenant though no documentation of the selection process nor of the other potential tenants for this unit , or evidence of advertising. Please provide updated LexHAB Policy and Guidelines We recommend that LexHAB review its Policy and Guidelines to align with the State program. We also suggest that LexHAB retain documentation regarding the tenant selection process followed on each new tenant. AGENDA ITEM SUM M ARY LEXINGTON BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Joint Meeting with Planning Board - Policy Priorities PRESENTER: Jo e Pato, BO S Chair/Nanc y Co ro coran-R o nc hetti, P B Chair ITEM NUMBER: I.6 SUMMARY: The Bo ard of S elec tmen and the P lanning Bo ard will meet in joint s es s io n to dis c us s the S electmen's zo ning p o licy go als . Topic s to be d is cus s ed include: Go vernmental / Civic Use Zoning Bylaw Center Divers ity Article 53 Bank Morato rium Street level s to refro nt us e Parking req uirements in Zoning Bylaw Affordable Ho us ing and Hous ing Diversity - Res idential Polic y Committee Enclosed is so me material regard ing the Governmental - Civic Us e Dis tric t. Firs t is the proposal o f the Planning Bo ard at last s p ring's Annual To wn Meeting. Majo r c atego ries of p ro p erty inc luded in the district included Federal, State, and munic ip ally-owned s ites. S ec ond is a modified version o f this p ro p o s al that SUBTRACTS land o wned b y Lexington, b ut ADDS certain properties owned b y entities that benefit fro m loc al property tax exemptio ns and /or lo cal zo ning p ro tec tions . T he ad d ed sites have b een s creened to limit the number o f p ro p erties in the p ro p o s ed district to generally larger s ites who s e c o nvers ion to their current zoning distric t would result in s ignific ant impac t to the c o mmunity. For referenc e, the pro p erties filtered o ut are s hown in gray o n the map. This map is for d is cus s io n p urp o s es only and is sub ject to further refinement and p ublic comment. The Planning Board will need an indic ation fro m the Selec tmen if the Governmental - Civic Use Districty p ro p o s al should be inc luded in the Sp ecial Town Meeting p ro p o s ed for later this year. RECOMMENDATION / SUGGESTED MOTION: FOLLOW-UP: The Planning Board is exp ected to c o ntinue to refine the c o nc ep t fo r an upc o ming Town Meeting. DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 8/31/2015 7:35 PM ATTACHMENTS: Des crip tion Type GC Map from ATM 2015 Backup Material Modified GC Map for Dis cus s ion Backup Material Legend GC - Gover nmental/Civic Use Distr ict RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS RO - One Family Dwelling RS - One Family Dwelling RT - Two Family Dwelling COMMERCIAL / INDUSTRIAL DISTRICTS CB - Central Business CLO - Local Office CM - Manuf actur ing CN - Neighborhood Busines CRO - Regional Office CRS - Retail Shopping CS - Ser vice Business PLANNED DEVELO PMENT DISTRICTS CD - Planned Commercial RD - Planned Residential ´P r o p o s e d G o v e r n m e n t a l /C i v i c U s e D i s t r i c t M a pProposed G o v e r n m e n t a l /C i v i c U s e D i s t r i c t M a p 1 in = 1,200 ft 0 0.75 1.50.375 Miles D a t e : 3 /5 /2 0 1 5 Legend OSGC Parcels Filtered-Out Properties Private Education Religious Federal, State, and Neighboring Town-Owned Land Disclaimer: For Discussion Purposes Only AGENDA ITEM SUM M ARY LEXINGTON BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Discussion of School District Building Projects Plan (10 min.) PRESENTER: Jo e Pato ITEM NUMBER: I.7 SUMMARY: The b o ard will review any changes in status regarding the district sc hool build ing projec ts. 1. d is cus s s p ec ial Summit o n 9/16 RECOMMENDATION / SUGGESTED MOTION: FOLLOW-UP: DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 8/31/2015 8:35 PM AGENDA ITEM SUM M ARY LEXINGTON BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Discuss Wayland Request to Withdraw from Minuteman Tech (10 min.) PRESENTER: Jo e Pato ITEM NUMBER: I.8 SUMMARY: The Bo ard will d is c us s Wayland's req uest to withdraw from the Minuteman R egional S cho o l Dis tric t. Suc h a withdrawal will req uire unanimous approval b y all to wns that are p art o f the regio nal d is tric t. The Minuteman Sc hool Committee has reques ted that towns plac e the q uestio n o n the warrant fo r their next To wn Meeting. RECOMMENDATION / SUGGESTED MOTION: FOLLOW-UP: DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 8/31/2015 8:40 PM ATTACHMENTS: Des crip tion Type Letter from Minuteman Regarding Wayland Request to Withdraw from District Backup Material MINUTEMAN July 16,2015 Joseph N.Pato,Chair Board of Selectmen Town of Lexington 1625 Mass.Ave. Lexington,MA 02420 Dear Mr.Pato: On April 15,2015 the Wayland Town Meeting voted to seek the Town of Wayland’s withdrawal from the Minuteman Regional School District.Section IX of the current Minuteman Regional Agreement requires the Minuteman Regional School Committee,under such circumstances,to draft an amendment to the Regional Agreement setting forth the terms by which the town seeking to withdraw may withdraw from the District.To this end,the Regional School Committee on July 7, 2015 voted to submit the enclosed Amendment to the member towns for their approval. Thus,I am writing to request on behalf of the Minutemen Regional School Committee that the Board of Selectmen include in the warrant for your town’s next annual or special Town Meeting an article calling for the acceptance of the enclosed Amendment.For your convenience,we are also enclosing the draft of a possible warrant article that you can consider utilizing. Please understand that this Amendment,as well as the withdrawal of the Town of Wayland from the District,will only occur if all sixteen of the current niember towns of the District,as well as the Commissioner of Education,approve this Amendment. Please feel free to contact Superintendent Edward Bouquillon,who would be happy to provide whatever further information you or the other Selectmen might desire.Thank you for your cooperation. Sincerely, David Horton,Secretary Minuteman School Committee cc:Carl Valente,Town Administrator Enclosures /58 Marrett Road,Lexington,MA 02421 T /81861.6500 F 781.863.1747 TDD 781.861.2922 minuteman.org Serving Acton Arflngton Belmont,Boltor Bosborouh Carl s e Concord,Dover Lancaster,Leamgton,Lmcoln Needham Stow,Sudbury,Wayland and Weston Approved by Minuteman School Committee 77,15 Amendment to Minuteman Regional Agreement regarding the Withdrawal of of Wa laid fro m the Mjt au Re io11al Scliool District Whereas the Wayland Town Meeting voted on April 15,2015 to seek withdrawal from the Minuteman Regional School District,and whereas Section IX of the Minuteman Regional Agreement requires the Minuteman Regional School Committee under such a circumstance to draft an amendment to the Regional Agreement setting forth the terms by which a town seeking to withdraw may withdraw from the District,the Regional School Committee voted at a meeting on July 7,2015 to submit the following amendment to the Regional Agreement to the member towns for their approval. dmeu1tNo.4toteMiu1utemaRReiollalVocationalTecicalScoolDistrictAreement 1.The references to the Town of Wayland will be stricken from the prefatory language of the Regional Agreement as well as from Section 1 and from wherever else a reference to Wayland appears in the Regional Agreement. 2.The Town of Wayland,even after the date that its withdrawal becomes effective,will remain responsible,consistent with the terms of Section IX of the Regional Agreement,for its share of the indebtedness of the District which is outstanding as of the effective date of Wayland’s withdrawal. 3.Pursuant to the terms of 603 CMR 41.03,assuming that the approval of this amendment has been voted by the town meetings in all of the member towns,as well as having been approved by the Commissioner of Education,by December31 of a given year,the effective date of this amendment and the effective date of Wayland’s withdrawal will be the July 1 following that December31 date. Article _____________ To see if the Town will accept and approve the “Amendment to Minuteman Regional Agreement regarding the Withdrawal of the Town of Wayland from the Minuteman Regional School District”which was approved by the Minuteman Regional School Committee on July 7, 2015 and which has been submitted to the Board of Selectmen consistent with the current Minuteman Regional Agreement. 862022v I AGENDA ITEM SUM M ARY LEXINGTON BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Liquor License - Busa Brothers Liquors - Pledge of License (5 min.) PRESENTER: Jo e Pato ITEM NUMBER: I.9 SUMMARY: I have received all the nec es s ary p ap erwork needed to req uest approval of a p led ge o f lic ense o n the Retail Pac kage Goo d s S tore liq uor cic ense fo r the Bus a Brothers Liquo rs , Inc , loc ated at 133 Mas s achs uetts Avenue. RECOMMENDATION / SUGGESTED MOTION: Mo tion to app ro ve the applic ation for a pled ge o f lic ense o f the Retail Package Goods Sto re liquo r lic ense for Busa Bro thers Liquo rs , Inc . lo cated at 133 Mas s achus etts Avenue. FOLLOW-UP: Selec tmen's O ffic e DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 8/31/2015 8:50 p .m. ATTACHMENTS: Des crip tion Type Bus a Brothers Liquor Store Application for Pledge of LIcens e Backup Material AGENDA ITEM SUM M ARY LEXINGTON BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Liquor License - Vinebrook Corporation - Pledge of License (5 min.) PRESENTER: Jo e Pato ITEM NUMBER: I.10 SUMMARY: I have received all the nec es s ary p ap erwork needed to req uest approval of a p led ge o f lic ense o n the Retail Pac kage Goo d s S tore liq uor licens e for the Vineb ro o k Corporatio n, loc ated at 131 Massac hus etts Avenue. RECOMMENDATION / SUGGESTED MOTION: Mo tion to app ro ve the applic ation for a pled ge o f lic ense o f the Retail Package Goods Sto re liquo r lic ense for Vineb ro o k Co rp o ration, lo cated at 131 Mass ac hus etts Avenue. FOLLOW-UP: Selec tmen's O ffic e DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 8/31/2015 8:50 p .m. ATTACHMENTS: Des crip tion Type Application for Pledge of Liquor Licens e for Vinebrook Corporation Backup Material AGENDA ITEM SUM M ARY LEXINGTON BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Renewal of Theatre Licenses – Lexington Venue (5 min.) PRESENTER: Jo e Pato ITEM NUMBER: I.11 SUMMARY: The Lexington T heatre P ro ject, Inc . d /b/a Lexington Venue, has s ubmitted an applic ation to renew their two theatre licens es fo r weekdays and Sund ays. Their c urrent licens es exp ires Augus t 31, 2015. Fire inspec tio n has b een completed witho ut any is s ues . RECOMMENDATION / SUGGESTED MOTION: Mo tion to app ro ve the applic ation and issue two theatre lic enses to Lexingto n T heatre P ro ject, Inc ., d/b /a Lexington Venue, loc ated at 1794 Mass. Avenue, fo r Cinema 1 and 2 to s ho w mo vies weekd ays and Sund ays fro m Sep temb er 1, 2015 through August 31, 2016. FOLLOW-UP: Selec tmen's O ffic e DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 8/31/2015 9:00 PM ATTACHMENTS: Des crip tion Type Application for Renewal of Venue Theatre Licens e Backup Material AGENDA ITEM SUM M ARY LEXINGTON BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Approve Common Victualler License for New Owner of Panera Bread (5 min.) PRESENTER: Jo e Pato ITEM NUMBER: I.12 SUMMARY: PR Res taurants LLC now owns and o p erates the Panera Bread at 1684 Mas s ac hus etts Avenue. This new Common Vic tualler reflec ts the name c hange of the owner. RECOMMENDATION / SUGGESTED MOTION: Mo tion to app ro ve a C o mmo n Vic tualler Lic ens e fo r P R Restaurants LLC, d /b/a P anera Bread , 1684 Mas s achusetts Avenue. FOLLOW-UP: Selec tmen's O ffic e DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 8/31/2015 9:05 PM ATTACHMENTS: Des crip tion Type Application for Common Victualler - Panera Bread Backup Material AGENDA ITEM SUM M ARY LEXINGTON BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Selectmen Committee Appointment - Design Advisory Committee (5 min.) PRESENTER: Jo e Pato ITEM NUMBER: I.13 SUMMARY: Design Advis ory C o mmittee The Committee has reques ted that Caroline Fitzgerald b e appointed to the Committee. RECOMMENDATION / SUGGESTED MOTION: Mo tion to app o int C aro line Fitzgerald to the Des ign Advis o ry Committee for a term to exp ire S ep tember 30, 2016. FOLLOW-UP: Selec tmen's O ffic e DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 8/31/2015 9:10 PM ATTACHMENTS: Des crip tion Type Committee Application-DAC Backup Material                                 !   " #   $ % ### &    '        # ( )   *       #  '   *           + ,  #' -./01+2 3+ % # ) )&#     #  ##')'         ''##4       )&      5   #   6    #    % #       178 7/9 3: (       $     %4 (  AGENDA ITEM SUM M ARY LEXINGTON BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Approve and Sign Eagle Congratulation Letter for Jack Schulz (5 min.) PRESENTER: Jo e Pato ITEM NUMBER: I.15 SUMMARY: You are b eing as ked to s ign a letter of commendatio n fo r Boy S cout Eagle Jac k Sc hulz from Tro o p 160. Is there a Selec tman interested in attend ing the C o urt of Hono r and presenting the Selec tmen letter? RECOMMENDATION / SUGGESTED MOTION: Mo tion to send a letter o f c o mmendatio n congratulating Jac k Sc hulz for attaining the highest rank o f Eagle in Bo y Sc o uting. FOLLOW-UP: Selec tmen's O ffic e DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 8/31/2015 9:20 PM ATTACHMENTS: Des crip tion Type Proposed Eagle Letter for Jack Schulz Backup Material August 31, 2015 Jack Schulz Troop 160 St. Brigid Parish 2001 Massachusetts Avenue Lexington, MA 02421 Dear Jack, Congratulations on attaining the highest rank in Scouting. We know the trail to Eagle has not always been an easy one and we recognize that you have had to work hard to get this far. Your time in positions of leadership within Troop 160, and the successful completion of your Eagle project, speaks to your dedication. Being an Eagle is so much more than just another rank. It is a recognition of what you have achieved so far, but of more importance is the implied promise you have made to maintain the ideals of Scouting into your adult life. We know that your family and fellow Scouts are proud of you and will look to you to be a leader as you continue your journey beyond Eagle. Again, congratulations and good luck in all your future endeavors. Sincerely, Joseph N. Pato, Chairman Peter C. J. Kelley Norman P. Cohen Michelle L. Ciccolo Suzanne E. Barry AGENDA ITEM SUM M ARY LEXINGTON BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Town Manager Appointments - Council on Aging and Permanent Building Committee (5 min.) PRESENTER: Linda C. Vine, Deputy Town Manager ITEM NUMBER: I.16 SUMMARY: Nancy Ad ler has b een with the Co uncil o n Aging s inc e 2009. Ms . Adler is c urrent with her Ethics Commis s io n training. Ric hard Perry has b een with the P ermanent Build ing Co mmittee since 2003. Mr. Bro wn is current with his Ethic s Co mmis s ion training. RECOMMENDATION / SUGGESTED MOTION: Mo ve to ap prove the T o wn Manager's reappointment o f Nanc y Adler as a member o f the Counc il on Aging and Ric hard P erry as a memb er of the Permanent Build ing Co mmittee. FOLLOW-UP: To wn Manager's Offic e will send reappointment letters . DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 8/31/2015 9:25 PM ATTACHMENTS: Des crip tion Type Nancy Adler Reappointment Application - COA Backup Material Richard Perry Reappointment Application - PBC Backup Material AGENDA ITEM SUM M ARY LEXINGTON BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Water and Sewer Commitments and Adjustments PRESENTER: William P Had ley, Directo r of Pub lic Works ITEM NUMBER: I.1 SUMMARY: Adjus tments of Water and Sewer c harges as rec o mmended b y WSAB on 7/23/15 ($28,202.27) Commitment o f Water and S ewer Finals July 2015 $ 24,472.88 Commitment o f Water and S ewer Cycle 9 July 2015 $137,030.44 RECOMMENDATION / SUGGESTED MOTION: Mo tion to app ro ve the Water and Sewer commitments and ad justments as no ted ab o ve. FOLLOW-UP: Revenue Offic er DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 8/31/2015 9:30 PM ATTACHMENTS: Des crip tion Type Water & Sewer Commitments & Adjus tments Backup Material AGENDA ITEM SUM M ARY LEXINGTON BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Sign Proclamation - Constitution Week PRESENTER: Jo e Pato ITEM NUMBER: C.2 SUMMARY: The Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) have reques ted that the Selec tmen sign the annual Proc lamatio n fo r Co nstitution Week, c eleb rated Septemb er 17 through 23 each year. RECOMMENDATION / SUGGESTED MOTION: Mo tion to app ro ve the reques t o f the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) to s ign a Proc lamation fo r the 228th Cons titutio n Week, c eleb ration Septemb er 17 thro ugh 23, 2015. FOLLOW-UP: Selec tmen's O ffic e DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 8/31/2015 9:30 PM ATTACHMENTS: Des crip tion Type Proposed Proclamation for Cons titution Week Backup Material PROCLAMATION WHEREAS: Our Founding Fathers, in order to secure the blessings of liberty for themselves and their posterity, did ordain and establish a Constitution for the United States of America; and WHEREAS: It is of the greatest importance that all citizens fully understand the provisions and principles contained in the Constitution in order to effectively support, preserve and defend it against all enemies; and WHEREAS: The two hundred twenty-eighth anniversary of the signing of the Constitution provides an historic opportunity for all Americans to remember the achievements of the Framers of the Constitution and the rights, privileges, and responsibilities they afforded us in this unique document; and WHEREAS: The freedoms guaranteed to American citizens should be celebrated by appropriate ceremonies and activities during the Constitution Week, September 17 through 23 as designated by proclamation of the President of the United States of America in accordance with Public Law 915. NOW, THEREFORE, WE, THE BOARD OF SELECTMEN of Lexington, Massachusetts, do hereby proclaim the week of September 17 through 23 as CONSTITUTION WEEK and urge all citizens to reflect during the week on the many benefits of our Federal Constitution and the privileges and responsibilities of American Citizenship. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have hereunto set our hands on this thirty-first day of August in the year of our Lord Two Thousand and Fifteen. AGENDA ITEM SUM M ARY LEXINGTON BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Approve One-Day Liquor License - Czech and Slovak Association PRESENTER: Jo e Pato ITEM NUMBER: C.3 SUMMARY: Attac hed is a reques t fro m the Czec h and Slo vak As s o ciatio n fo r a o ne-day liq uor licens e to serve beer and wine at a Harves t F es t/Family Event o n Saturd ay, Oc tober 17, 2015 from 6:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. at the Sac red Heart Church lo c ated at 16 Follen Ro ad . RECOMMENDATION / SUGGESTED MOTION: Mo tion to app ro ve the c o nsent agend a. FOLLOW-UP: Selec tmen's O ffic e DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 8/31/2015 9:30 PM ATTACHMENTS: Des crip tion Type Application for One-Day Liquor-Czech and Slovak As s ociation Backup Material AGENDA ITEM SUM M ARY LEXINGTON BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Approve One-Day Liquor License - Historical Society PRESENTER: Jo e Pato ITEM NUMBER: C.4 SUMMARY: Attac hed is a reques t fro m the Histo rical Soc iety fo r a o ne-day liquo r lic ens e to s erve all alcoho l at the Lextopia Coc ktail Party and Mid -Century Marketplac e on F rid ay, Sep temb er 11, 2015 fro m 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p .m. at the Dep o t Building lo cated at 13 Dep o t Square. RECOMMENDATION / SUGGESTED MOTION: Mo tion to app ro ve the c o nsent agend a. FOLLOW-UP: Selec tmen's O ffic e DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 8/31/2015 9:30 PM ATTACHMENTS: Des crip tion Type Application for One-Day Liquor Licens e - His torical Society Backup Material AGENDA ITEM SUM M ARY LEXINGTON BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Approve Tax Bill Insert - Conservation Stewards PRESENTER: Jo e Pato ITEM NUMBER: I.5 SUMMARY: The Cons ervation S teward s have p lanned an o utreach and educatio nal event for the fall as a means to try to inc reas e the members hip of active volunteers and have reques ted that the attac hed flyer be inc luded in the next tax bill mailing. RECOMMENDATION / SUGGESTED MOTION: Mo tion to app ro ve ins erting the Cons ervation S teward s info rmation in the next tax b ill. FOLLOW-UP: DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 8/31/2015 9:30 PM ATTACHMENTS: Des crip tion Type Conservation Stewards Propos ed Flyer Backup Material Lexington Conservation Stewards Caring for our public land. A program of the Town of Lexington Conservation Division 1625 Massachusetts Avenue Lexington, Massachusetts 02420 Tel: (781) 862-0500 x84532 Fax: (781) 861-2780 Email: landstewards@lexingtonma.gov Website: www.lexingtonma.gov/conservation/stewards.cfm Lexington is fortunate to have over 1,300 acres of conservation land throughout town, with over 50 miles of trails that bring you through woods, meadows, and apple orchards and along brooks, marshes, and ponds. Help Maintain Our Town Conservation Land Join the Lexington Conservation Stewards The Lexington Conservation Stewards is a volunteer group that works closely with the Conservation Division and Conservation Commission to care for the town’s conservation land. Conservation Stewards build boardwalks and bridges, maintain trails, control invasive plants, clean up streams, host community events, and assist with a variety of conservation-related projects. They become caretakers for the open spaces in their neighborhoods. Becoming a Steward is easy, and it’s free! To join the Lexington Conservation Stewards, visit the Stewards’ website at www.lexingtonma.gov/conservation/stewards.cfm. As a member, you will receive monthly Steward E-newsletters, email notifications of upcoming stewardship events, projects, and news, and opportunities to work together with other like-minded residents to preserve and maintain Lexington’s important open spaces. Explore Lexington's Conservation Land! Trail Guides are available for purchase at the Conservation Division office, Visitor's Center, and Cary Memorial Library. Conservation Stewards 2014-2015 Highlights:  Maintained over 50 miles of conservation trails  Renovated large bridges at Meagherville and Dunback Meadow  Completed over 500 feet of new boardwalks at Whipple Hill  Hosted sustainable trail design and chainsaw safety trainings  Ecological restoration of the Idylwilde Old Community Garden Site *See reverse for information about our fall open house* Questions? Contact Jordan McCarron, Conservation Stewardship Program Coordinator, at jmccarron@lexingtonma.gov, 781-698-4532 The Lexington Conservation Stewards and the Town of Lexington Conservation Division Invite You to our Fall 2015 Open Space Open House Saturday, October 24th, 1-3 pm, Cary Memorial Library Meeting Room Join us for an afternoon of learning, exploration, and camaraderie as we celebrate Lexington’s conservation land and open spaces !!  Learn about Lexington’s Conservation Stewards volunteer program  Network with current volunteer Stewards and conservation staff and share ideas on projects for specific conservation sites  Tables/booths geared to a variety of interests  Interactive displays  Map displays, trail guides, and resource materials  Learn about upcoming conservation projects  Learn about volunteering to be the “eyes and ears” on a conservation site near you  Light refreshments AGENDA ITEM SUM M ARY LEXINGTON BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Approve Use of the Battle Green - Lexington Minute Men PRESENTER: Jo e Pato ITEM NUMBER: C.6 SUMMARY: The Lexington Minute Men have reques ted permis s ion to us e the Battle Green o n T hurs d ay, S ep tember 17, 2015, fro m 5:00 p .m. to 7:30 p.m. fo r a Change o f C o mmand Ceremony, inc luding the firing o f mus kets fo r a volley and salute. Polic e, Pub lic Works and Town Manager are OK with the req uest. RECOMMENDATION / SUGGESTED MOTION: Mo tion to app ro ve the c o nsent agend a. FOLLOW-UP: DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 8/31/2015 9:30 PM Lexington Minute Men Company  Adjutant Larry Conley, LMM    August 11, 2015 Selectmen@lexingtonma.gov Lexington Selectmen Re: Lexington Minute Men, Change of Command Ceremony Good morning Lynne, The Lexington Minute Men, are requesting the following…. 1. To reserve the Green for our ‘Change of Command Ceremony Thursday September 17th, from 5:00 pm to 7:30 pm 2. To advise Police for the firing of musket For a volley and salute 3. To have the DPW to have podium and small set of bleacher’s Set up similar to Patriots Day