HomeMy WebLinkAbout2015-08-03-BOS-Packet-releasedSELECTMEN'S MEETING Monday, August 3, 2015 Selectmen Meeting Room 6:30 PM AGENDA EXECUTIVE SESSION 1. Exemption 6: Consider Purchase, Exchange, Lease or Value of Real Property (School Site) (30 min.) 6:30 PM PUBLIC COMMENTS Public comments are allowed for up to 10 minutes at the beginning of each meeting. Each speaker is limited to 3 minutes for comment. Members of the Board will neither comment nor respond, other than to ask questions of clarification. Speakers are encouraged to notify the Selectmen's Office at 781- 698-4580 if they wish to speak during public comment to assist the Chairman in managing meeting times. SELECTMAN CONCERNS AND LIAISON REPORTS TOWN MANAGER REPORT ITEMS FOR INDIVIDUAL CONSIDERATION 1. Request for New Streetlight at Hancock Church Driveway (5 min.) 7:00 PM 2. Update on Public Information Meeting Regarding Minuteman Statue and Monument (10 min.) 7:05 PM 3. Visitors Center FY2015 Financial Report (15 min.)7:15 PM 4. Minuteman Regional High School Update (15 min.) 7:30 PM 5. Discussion of School District Building Projects Plan (10 min.) 7:45 PM 6. Review Goal Setting Items (20 min.)7:55 PM 7. Authorize MWRA Sewer Loan (5 min.)8:15 PM 8. Transportation Safety Group Recommendation - Bridge School/Middleby Road Parking Regulation (5 min.) 8:20 PM 9. Town Manager Evaluation (15 min.)8:25 PM 10. Selectmen Committee Resignation - 20/20 Vision Committee (5 min.) 8:40 PM CONSENT AGENDA 1. Sign MPO Nomination Paper for Arlington 8:45 PM 2. Approve Minutes and Executive Session Minutes 8:45 PM 3. Approve Releasing Executive Session Minutes for 2012 8:45 PM ADJOURN The next regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen is scheduled for Monday, August 31, 2015 at 7:00 pm. in the Selectmen Meeting Room, 1625 Massachusetts Avenue. Hearing Assistance Devices Available on Request All agenda time and the order of items are approximate and subject to change. AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Exemption 6: Consider Purchase, Exchange, Lease or Value of Real Property (School Site) (30 min.) PRESENTER: Joe Pato ITEM NUMBER: E.1 SUMMARY: Suggested Motion by Chairman for Executive Session: I move that the Board go into Executive Session to consider the purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property; and to reconvene in Open Session. Further, as Chairman I declare that an open meeting discussion may have a detrimental effect on the negotiating position of the Town. RECOMMENDATION / SUGGESTED MOTION: FOLLOW-UP: DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 8/3/2015 6:30 PM ATTACHMENTS: Description Type subject info Backup Material AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Request for New Streetlight at Hancock Church Driveway (5 min.) PRESENTER: David J Pinsonneault, Manager of Operations ITEM NUMBER: I.1 SUMMARY: Present a request to install a new streetlight at the Hancock Church driveway on Mass Ave. Public Works has reviewed this request and recommends the installation of the streetlight. RECOMMENDATION / SUGGESTED MOTION: Motion to approve installation of the new streetlight at the driveway to the Hancock Church. FOLLOW-UP: Public Works DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 8/3/2015 7:00 PM ATTACHMENTS: Description Type Hancock Church streetlight request Cover Memo Dear William Hadley and David Pinsonneault: Please consider installing a new street light on Massachusetts Avenue, north of the Hancock United Church of Christ building. Better visibility is needed on that edge of the common for the safety of drivers and pedestrians; anyone with handicapped mobility; and for the personal security of anyone who travels through the common or utilizes the parking on the streets surrounding the common: Mass Ave, Bedford St, and Harrington Ave. The Hancock Church building is not only used by our congregation but by a number of Lexington Community organizations. On any given evening, our building is occupied by up to 250 participants of Boy Scouts, Cub Scouts, Math Club, the Lexington Pops, Charles River Sail and Power, Fife and Drum classes, Martial Arts Classes, Lexington Community Yoga, and many others. This does not even include the up to 75 congregants who are taking part in committee meetings, book groups, support meetings, youth education, choir rehearsals, evening services, and well-attended special concerts. With the high number of building users and community events here at Hancock Church, we want to make sure everyone feels welcome and safe in and around this area. BETTER VISIBILITY FOR DRIVERS AND PEDESTRIANS Lighting in the vicinity suggested would increase visibility for drivers around the curve of Mass Ave as they are driving towards Lexington Center. It would also help drivers safely exit the driveway of the Hancock Church parking lot. Someone crossing the street would benefit from a street light as drivers will be able to see pedestrians better. Safety for pedestrians is especially a concern as we have events for all ages, youth to the elderly. SIDEWALK VISIBILITY FOR ANYONE WITH HANDICAPPED MOBILITY This is an issue close to our hearts, as we are currently undergoing a large construction project to become ADA compliant. We hope that by this time next year, our building will feel open and welcoming to everyone. We wish the same for the surrounding areas. While we cannot fix every sidewalk or pothole, we would like to increase visibility of uneven footing and avoid injury from falling. We serve an aging congregation, and issues of mobility are always a fresh concern for us. PERSONAL SECURITY All people should feel safe to park around the perimeter of the Battlegreen. On several occasions, people have been startled by the presence of evening loiterers on the common. In such a vibrant town, everyone should have the right to the feeling of personal security as they take part in community-building activities. By simply placing a street light across from the common, people will be able to see each other, rather than feel threatened, as they walk to their destination. We want to be welcoming, and we want everyone to feel safe. The Common is very dark, and improving visibility will improve personal security and benefit the use of our building by the surrounding community. It will also benefit the community as there is heavy foot traffic by our building. We are especially concerned during the winter time when the sun sets earlier, and all of the problems with visibility and handicapped mobility will increase. We request that you take this into consideration and it goes before your decision process. We are willing to provide funding up to $1,400 to assist with the installation of the light. Thank you for your time and consideration. Sincerely, Dana Allen Walsh, Minister AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Update on Public Information Meeting Regarding Minuteman Statue and Monument (10 min.) PRESENTER: David J Pinsonneault, Manager of Operations ITEM NUMBER: I.2 SUMMARY: Dave Pinsonneault will update the Board of Selectmen on the public information meeting scheduled for Sept 9, 2015 to discuss treatments for the Minuteman statue and the Minuteman monument. RECOMMENDATION / SUGGESTED MOTION: No action needed FOLLOW-UP: After the public information session on September 9, this item will come back to the Board for endorsement of the treatment type for the statue and monument. DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 8/3/2015 7:05 PM AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Visitors Center FY2015 Financial Report (15 min.) PRESENTER: Melisa Tintocalis, Economic Development Director ITEM NUMBER: I.3 SUMMARY: The Board will receive an update on the operations of the Visitors Center for the 9 month period (September 22, 2014-June 2015) since the Town took over the operations from the Chamber of Commerce. RECOMMENDATION / SUGGESTED MOTION: NA FOLLOW-UP: None at this time DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 8/3/2015 7:15 PM ATTACHMENTS: Description Type Visitor Center Presentation Presentation Lexington’s Visitors Center TOWN REVIEW OF TRANSITION/OPERATIONS FOR FY2015 Aug 3, 2015 1 Net Cost of Visitors Center for FY2015 $2,210 Aug 3, 2015 2 0 0 2,932 18,080 4,975 5,868 1,883 1,444 5,616 23,386 15,593 25,963 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000 July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May June Monthly Sales Revenue from 2013-2015 2015 2014 2013 Aug 3, 2015 3 114,772 Visitors FY2015 Based on the People Counter installed in February 2014 the number of people who have entered the Lexington Visitors Center over the last year to use the facilities, get info, or purchase items. 15,222 14,414 13,983 16,691 3,955 2,430 1,660 995 4,291 12,825 13,183 15,123 - 2,000 4,000 6,000 8,000 10,000 12,000 14,000 16,000 18,000 July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec January Februay March April May June Total Numer of Visitors from June 2014 to July 2015 Aug 3, 2015 4 Sample of Where Visitors Are Coming From Data from Sign-in Book Jan – May 2015 •California – 117 visitors •Texas – 51 visitors •Japan – 24 visitors USA 89% International 11% VISITOR DATA Aug 3, 2015 5 10% people who came in purchased something 8,514 = Total transactions (January 2015 – June 2015) 1,660 995 4,291 12,825 13,183 15,123 - 2,000 4,000 6,000 8,000 10,000 12,000 14,000 16,000 Jan Feb Mar Apr May June Visitors Transactions Aug 3, 2015 6 $9.00 Top 10 Items Sold Boston Harbor Tea First Shot Book Diorama Postcard Boston Baked Bean Candy Bag Snickers Candy Bar Tri Corn Hat for kids Battle Road Hour-by-Hour Book Lexington Cobalt Minuteman Mug Minuteman Statue Magnet Lexington Stars and Stripes Average sales transaction Aug 3, 2015 7 AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Minuteman Regional High School Update (15 min.) PRESENTER: David Horton, Minuteman School Committee Member Representing Lexington ITEM NUMBER: I.4 SUMMARY: Minuteman School Committee Member David Horton will provide the Board will an update on the Minuteman High School proposed building project. RECOMMENDATION / SUGGESTED MOTION: The Board should consider whether it wants to respond to the correspondence from the Sudbury Board of Selectmen. On behalf of the Board, Rob Addelson will be attending the meeting in Sudbury on August 3. FOLLOW-UP: DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 8/3/2015 7:30 PM ATTACHMENTS: Description Type Correspondance Regarding Building Project Backup Material AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Discussion of School District Building Projects Plan (10 min.) PRESENTER: Joe Pato ITEM NUMBER: I.5 SUMMARY: The board will review any changes in status regarding the district school building projects. RECOMMENDATION / SUGGESTED MOTION: FOLLOW-UP: DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 8/3/2015 7:45 PM AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Review Goal Setting Items (20 min.) PRESENTER: Carl F. Valente & Board Discussion ITEM NUMBER: I.6 SUMMARY: Based on the Board's goal-setting discussion on July 1, staff has revised the list of goals and organized them into three categories: Preliminary Priority Goals (e.g., higher priority goals that the Board will further rank)1. Preliminary Planning and Zoning Goals (e.g., goals related to the Planning Board/Department that will be the basis of a joint meeting with the Planning Board) 2. Other Goals Discussed (e.g., goals discussed, but that are not likely to be addressed in the near term due time/workload constraints of the Board and staff) 3. For the Board Discussion: Does this presentation accurately reflect the Board's prior discussion and current thinking?• If this presentation is accurate and/or amended, what are the top three goals for each Selectmen (The Chairman had previously suggested that each Selectman prioritize their interests). • NOTE: discussion of this item may be abbreviated and continued to the next meeting should the agenda be running long. RECOMMENDATION / SUGGESTED MOTION: FOLLOW-UP: Based on the Board's discussion/comments, staff will revise this list. DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 8/3/2015 7:55 PM ATTACHMENTS: Description Type Goal Setting List-Version 2 Exhibit Board of Selectmen Preliminary Goals Framework for FY2016-17 Topic Areas Proposed Selectmen GoalsProposed Selectmen PoliciesSelectmen Lead & Follow-upOriginal SourceDoc#SECTION 1: PRELIMINARY PRIORITY GOALS1Sustainability; standards and process for building projectsIntegrate sustainability design into building projects (have PBC and SLC, with any needed input from the energy committee, develop a model for integrating sustainability design requirements at the beginning of project specification; specify requirements in the context of a recognized design framework (e.g., LEED))Expand upon LEED requirements to incorporate concepts around Healthy Buildings, energy efficiency, and other stretch goals not yet captured in LEED. Improve process for working with multiple committees to reduce consultant costs, increase understanding of outcomes, reduce design delays, incorporate community objectives.Adopt a "Better Building" policy - continuous improvement of our standards for building "health" and sustainability - when embarking on construction or renovation projects.Develop clearly defined policy objectives for new or renovated municipal buildings. Clarify committee role, PBC, and DPF. Clarify Boards Goals regarding Sustainable Building DesignPeter, Joe, MichelleJoe, MichelleECC, CEC4,3,172Affordability for the ResidentsDevelop a process for evaluating what is an appropriate amount of a tax increase, given the need for a debt exclusion for schools. Define ways to mitigate impact on vulnerable citizens. Will enrollment growth impact budgets if so School Committee should inform BOS immediately. Involve BOS early in the process of identifying affordable options.Define policy, seek agreement from policy makers, define "correct" amount for capital debt exclusion for all projects before the Town. Define circumstances for which we would consider an operating override. Send clear policy signals and set expectations regarding when BOS would or would not support an operating overrideMichelle & Joe to assist with outreach component / public communications plan Michelle3Public Safety facilitiesDetermine location(s) for Fire and Police facilitiesPeter & SuzieJoe, Peter4Tax burden on small retailersExplore RE Tax exemption program for small retailers. Board wants to understand the small Business Exemption.Joe - request assistance from ACMichelle5Road and Sidewalk maintenanceImprove Pavement Condition Index (PCI rating)Develop policy on what road and sidewalk rating we want for the community MichelleMichelleCEC36Complete StreetsProvide safer passage for all modes of transportation - with a focus on expanding accommodations to non-automobile modes of transportation. Complete workable plans for Center Streetscape and East Lexington projects. Educate Public on Complete Street concept, and respond to TM warrant article. Safe-passage for all modes of transportation is our highest priority - higher than aesthetics. Pass a policy so Town can participate in 90-IMichelle will serve as point person, but wait final DOT regulations - then evaluateJoe, MichellePB, TAC, LBAC10, 13, 7,187Sidewalks & Article 42 - Sidewalk SurfaceContinue to improve upon how we set priorities and public process for requesting a sidewalk. Decide how to move forward with Article 42 resolution on public way surface treatments.Michelle & Suzie along with TSGMichelle, NormanCEC, GCC3, 58Town Meeting Safety Resolution - Article 45Plann for and report on safety initiatives to 2016 Annual Town Meeting.Peter & Suzie - ask for input form TSGJoeLBAC, GCC, SC7, 5, 129PILOP Develop / finalize PILOP- policy for payment in lieu of parkingStaff, Planning Board, Center Committee will have a draft PILOP by SeptemberNorman, Peter10Public Information & CommunicationWork with CIO to make information more accessible to citizens. Centralize emergency notifications, consider survey tools to get a representive sample of community opinion. Develop policy, standard communication, outreach and polling plan to be applied in different types of situations. General goal to identify community engagement models.Joe & Suzie - underway staff working group Michelle, NormanCAC, PB, SMT1, 10, 2311Public service impacts of changing demographics, diversityAdopt 20/20 Vision demographics subcommittee recommendations on engaging minority residents in town activities (esp. with regard to committee/board appointments).Norman & Suzie - will review newly released report from the 20/20 CommitteeJoe, Norman20/20, SMT16, 21C:\Program Files (x86)\neevia.com\docConverterPro\temp\NVDC\04404083-9288-4B14-967C-A03203D66972\Lexington.583.1.FY2016-17goals-framework-BOS-_VERSION_2__7.27.2015.xlsxPage 17/23/2015 Board of Selectmen Preliminary Goals Framework for FY2016-17 Topic Areas Proposed Selectmen GoalsProposed Selectmen PoliciesSelectmen Lead & Follow-upOriginal SourceDoc#12Youth IssuesWeight request from the School Committee to develop Youth Coalition and determine on-going role of the existing Youth Service Council. Meeting with staff to review existing programs and options.Norman & Suzie - meet with staff NormanSC, SMT, HSC12, 24, 613Committee support and processInstitute a rolling reporting to BOS model for committees - at least once a year per committee. Evaluate which committees need to be Town-appointed and which might be better served as citizens' groups; Develop requirement for annual committee officer selection; Explore guidelines for membership or role term limits.Suzie & Joe will draft a recommended process for reporting out to the BOSJoeSMT2214Annual Town Meeting - WarrantConsider by-law change for delivery of warrant.Norman & JoeSuzie15Center Diversity & Article 53 Bank MoratoriumComplete review of "Bank Moratorium" with Planning Board & Center Committee to craft a policy / zoning changes for the Center w.r.t. businesses that more directly operate like offices rather than consumer engaging retail. Develop plan that is property owner friendly for limiting the number of banks and other non merchandising uses of ground floor CB spaces.Joe & Michelle Michelle, Norman1016Affordable housing/Housing Production PlanAffirm commitment to tracking growth of market-rate housing with 10% growth in affordable housing; develop plan for creating a "pipeline" for new housing units. Explore mechanisms to entice development of senior housing. Do this in cooperation with Planning Board's re-consideration of the Comprehensive Plan. CPC funding for community housing - Leary, new site.Planning Board has a working group JoeCEC, LHP3, 9, 19, 2018Street Level ZoningExplore limitations on types of storefront / street level options. Develop policies on how to make Lexington Center more business-friendlyJoe & Michelle Joe, Peter, PB 1019Revisit institutional use zoning bylaw proposalProvide direction, feedback and support to the Planning Board.Michelle 20Parking requirements in zoning bylawProvide direction, feedback and support to the PB regarding parking requirements. Continue Center parking management initiative.Michelle, Norman, PB 1021Business GrowthActively seek out and support growth opportunities in all business zones.PeterPC1122TourismBegin transition to staff-run programs.No further action needed, provide status report to BOSJoeTC1423Business incubatorsResearch what other communities may offer to the private sector and consider creating a space that would foster innovation in one of our vacant buildings.Develop policies that could translate into an RFP for vacant building reuse by private sector at minimal cost. EDACMichelleSECTION 3: OTHER GOALS DISCUSSEDSECTION 2: PRELIMINARY PLANNING AND ZONING GOALSC:\Program Files (x86)\neevia.com\docConverterPro\temp\NVDC\04404083-9288-4B14-967C-A03203D66972\Lexington.583.1.FY2016-17goals-framework-BOS-_VERSION_2__7.27.2015.xlsxPage 27/23/2015 Board of Selectmen Preliminary Goals Framework for FY2016-17 Topic Areas Proposed Selectmen GoalsProposed Selectmen PoliciesSelectmen Lead & Follow-upOriginal SourceDoc#24Public Transportation UseEncourage ride sharing of shuttle buses, public transit and private services to connect to our business district. Continue efforts to expand school bus ridership.Monitor OnlyPeterTAC1325Property TaxesAvoid operating overridesPeter26Enrollment Growth and School BudgetsHold expense growth in anticipation of greater pressure on operating budget as school enrollment grows.Peter & Norman to take the lead on Minuteman HS initiativeJoeSC27Long-term capital spending planUnderstand the capital needs of the building program and correlate with existing debt-service schedule; understand competing needs for funds. Underway CEC & Finance DepartmentJoe, Michelle, NormanCEC328School Building ProjectDevelop a responsible project to address needs without overbuilding. Review all existing space.On-going process - Consensus plan underwayPeterSC1229Battle Green Master Plan and Visitor CenterComplete Battle Green plan and integrate with Center Streetscape. Complete the design, build and funding for the Visitors Center project.Underway, contract in placeTC1430Vacant BuildingsDevelop plan for reuse of vacant buildings: Ellen Stone, Hosmer, and Muzzey Condo in the near term, Carriage House in the long term.Peter, Norman, (Michelle help with drafting RFP)Michelle, NormanLCA831Tear-down housing phenomenonConsider review of mansionization in Lexington.No further action Peter32Conservation Land managementSupport implementation of plans for Leary, Cotton, Wright properties.Possible budget item for FY17CC233Stormwater bylawAdopt regulations for enforcement of stormwater bylaw.Staff - underway, final regulations in processPB1034Board EffectivenessEvaluate how to be strategic about work plan, and work collaboratively to advance complex projects and how we can better support staff efforts.Michelle & Joe will develop a project plan for goal setting & on-going work of the BoardMichelle35Annual Town Meeting - Public PresentationConsider standard presentation format, timelines for review by BOS, TM and BOS role as champion. Build on progress we began this year.Staff assigned to work on this initiativeSuzie36Wireless communicationExplore greater use of Town property for wireless communications.Consider policies and regulations affecting service providers' ability to construct or augment facilitiesCAC will continue to work on this initiativeCAC137Community Preservation Committee StrategyWork with CPC to update its long term vision for use of funds with an eye towards how the Town can be supporting CPA initiatives.Set policies & procedures for providing adequate staff support to advance complex CPA projects. Norman & MichelleMichelleCEC338Shared VisionBoard's articulation of its vision for Lexington (modeled on 20/20 Vision and Comprehensive Plan)no further actionJoe39Annual Town Meeting - Position ReportConsider providing a BOS position report on Town Meeting Articles.Maintain past practices - no further actionSuzie40ATM - Article 44 Resolution Fossil FuelUnderway - Finance, AC with the pension boardATMC:\Program Files (x86)\neevia.com\docConverterPro\temp\NVDC\04404083-9288-4B14-967C-A03203D66972\Lexington.583.1.FY2016-17goals-framework-BOS-_VERSION_2__7.27.2015.xlsxPage 37/23/2015 AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Authorize MWRA Sewer Loan (5 min.) PRESENTER: Carl Valente, Town Manager ITEM NUMBER: I.7 SUMMARY: The Department of Public Works will be soliciting bids for removal of infiltration and inflow into its sewer lines in sewer basins 4, 5 and 14. These areas are shown on the attached maps. The work is scheduled to begin this fall at an estimated construction cost of $1.565 million. In May 2015, the MWRA made a zero interest loan/grant to the Town in the amount of $1.305 million of which $586,000 is to be applied against construction costs. The MWRA has made available an additional loan/grant of $929,000 to apply toward the remaining construction costs of which $244,750 is the zero interest loan portion and $734,250 is the grant portion. The purpose of this agenda item is to seek the Board's approval to borrow the loan portion against Article 12a of the 2014 annual town meeting, the annual authorization for wastewater system improvements. RECOMMENDATION / SUGGESTED MOTION: See the attached motion for the issuance of a $244,750 Sewer Bond to the Town by the Massachusetts Water Resources Authority. FOLLOW-UP: DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 8/3/2015 8:15 PM ATTACHMENTS: Description Type Maps of sewer basins 4, 5 and 14 Cover Memo Form of Motion for Board approval Cover Memo 091211131405040310M A S S A C H U S E T T S A V E N U EMAPLE STREETL O W E L L ST R E E T MAPLESTREETH IG H L A N D A V E N U EDOUGLAS ROADBRYANTROADFAIRLAWN LANEEASTSTREETSUMMERSTREETLOCUST AVENUEMARRETTROADWINCHESTERDRIVEGRANTSTREETF O L L E N R O A DWOBURN STREETTYLERROADLACONIASTREETSADDLECLUBROAD!(4!(2A!(4UV225O2,200Scale In FeetFIGURE 1TOWN OF LEXINGTON, MASSACHUSETTSPUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENTSEWER SYSTEMSCALE: NOTEDDate: 1/20/2015LegendManhole Inspection StatusSewer Manhole InspectedSewer Manhole (CNL)Sewer Manhole (Buried)Sewer Manhole (CNO)Sewer Manhole[ÚPump StationCapSewer Television Inspection StatusSewer PipeSewer Pipe TelevisedSewer Pipe Partially TelevisedSewer Pipe No TelevisionSewer BasinOther Structural RehabilitationContractPhase10-2911-2412-46Rebuild RiserContractPhase10-29 As-Built11-24 As-Built12-46 As-BuiltRaise Frame and CoverContractPhase10-2911-2412-46Manhole EncapsulationContractPhase10-2911-2412-46Manhole Root TreatmentContractPhase10-2911-2412-46Manhole Cementitious LiningContractPhase10-2911-2412-46Clean Inspect Test SealContractPhase10-2911-2412-46Manhole to Manhole LiningContractPhase10-2911-2412-46Structural Short LinerContractPhase10-2911-2412-46Short LinersContractPhase10-2911-2412-46Root TreatmentContractPhase10-29 As-Built11-24 As-Built12-46 As-Built 11131405MASSACHUSETTSAVENUECONCORD HIGHWAYFOLLENRO A D PLEASANTSTREETW ATERTOWNSTREET!(4UV225O1,000Scale In FeetFIGURE 1TOWN OF LEXINGTON, MASSACHUSETTSPUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENTSEWER SYSTEMSCALE: NOTEDDate: 1/20/2015LegendManhole Inspection StatusSewer Manhole InspectedSewer Manhole (CNL)Sewer Manhole (Buried)Sewer Manhole (CNO)Sewer Manhole[ÚPump StationCapSewer Television Inspection StatusSewer PipeSewer Pipe TelevisedSewer Pipe Partially TelevisedSewer Pipe No TelevisionSewer BasinOther Structural RehabilitationContractPhase10-2911-2412-46Rebuild RiserContractPhase10-29 As-Built11-24 As-Built12-46 As-BuiltRaise Frame and CoverContractPhase10-2911-2412-46Manhole EncapsulationContractPhase10-2911-2412-46Manhole Root TreatmentContractPhase10-2911-2412-46Manhole Cementitious LiningContractPhase10-2911-2412-46Clean Inspect Test SealContractPhase10-2911-2412-46Manhole to Manhole LiningContractPhase10-2911-2412-46Structural Short LinerContractPhase10-2911-2412-46Short LinersContractPhase10-2911-2412-46Root TreatmentContractPhase10-29 As-Built11-24 As-Built12-46 As-Built I, the Clerk of the Board of Selectmen of the Town of Lexington, Massachusetts, certify that at a meeting of the board held August 3, 2015, of which meeting all members of the board were duly notified and at which a quorum was present, the following votes were unanimously passed, all of which appear upon the official record of the board in my custody: Voted: that the sale of the $244,750 Sewer Bond of the Town dated August 17, 2015, to the Massachusetts Water Resources Authority (the “Authority”) is hereby approved and the Town Treasurer is authorized to execute on behalf of the Town a Loan Agreement and a Financial Assistance Agreement with the Authority with respect to the bond. The bond shall be payable without interest on August 15 of the years and in the principal amounts as follows: Year Installment Year Installment 2016 $24,475 2021 $24,475 2017 24,475 2022 24,475 2018 24,475 2023 24,475 2019 24,475 2024 24,475 2020 24,475 2025 24,475 Further Voted: that each member of the Board of Selectmen, the Town Clerk and the Town Treasurer be and hereby are, authorized to take any and all such actions, and execute and deliver such certificates, receipts or other documents as may be determined by them, or any of them, to be necessary or convenient to carry into effect the provisions of the foregoing vote. I further certify that the votes were taken at a meeting open to the public, that no vote was taken by secret ballot, that a notice stating the place, date, time and agenda for the meeting (which agenda included the adoption of the above votes) was filed with the Town Clerk and a copy thereof posted in a manner conspicuously visible to the public at all hours in or on the municipal building that the office of the Town Clerk is located or, if applicable, in accordance with an alternative method of notice prescribed or approved by the Attorney General as set forth in 940 CMR 29.03(2)(b), at least 48 hours, not including Saturdays, Sundays and legal holidays, prior to the time of the meeting and remained so posted at the time of the meeting, that no deliberations or decision in connection with the sale of the bond were taken in executive session, all in accordance with G.L. c.30A, §§18-25 as amended. Dated: August 3, 2015 _______________________________ Clerk of the Board of Selectmen AM 53524278.1 AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Transportation Safety Group Recommendation - Bridge School/Middleby Road Parking Regulation (5 min.) PRESENTER: Carl F. Valente, Town Manager ITEM NUMBER: I.8 SUMMARY: The Transportation Safety Group (TSG) is proposing to amend the parking regulation on Middleby Road, by the Bridge School, in conformance with the School traffic safety plan being developed for each school. The recommendation is to replace the "No Parking" designation with "Emergency Stopping Only” (see attached map for locations). This section of Middleby Road is both winding and only 22 feet wide. The intent of the Bridge School on-site improvements (which includes expanding the number of parking spaces), coupled with the on-street regulations, is to encourage drop off/pick up and parking on the school campus. This signage would encourage this behavior not only during school hours but on evenings and weekends when activities are taking place at the school. The two residential abutters have been contacted regarding this proposed change in the parking regulation and have indicated their support. RECOMMENDATION / SUGGESTED MOTION: See attached proposed parking regulation. FOLLOW-UP: The Planning Department will update the Selectmen's parking regulations. DPW will remove the existing signage and install the new signage . DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 8/3/2015 8:20 PM ATTACHMENTS: Description Type Parking Regulation Map Exhibit Proposed Parking Regulation Exhibit Letter to Abutters Backup Material MIDDLEBY ROAD OUTLOOK DRI VEPROSPECT HILL ROAD No Pa rk in gHere t oCrosswalk No Pa rk in gHere t oCrosswalk BRIDG E ELEM ENTARY SCHO OL $µ12 0 0 12 060 Fee t Exi st in g Pa r kin g R e st r ict io n s Par c els Pr op o s ed "Em e r g en c y St op p in g O n ly " Ar e a VOTED: IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PROVISIONS OF CHAPTER 689 OF 1986 OF THE GENERAL LAWS, THE TRAFFIC RULES AND ORDERS OF LEXINGTON, ADOPTED BY THE BOARD OF SELECTMEN ON NOVEMBER 13, 1967, NOW CHAPTER 192 OF THE CODE OF LEXINGTON, ARE HEREBY AMENDED AS FOLLOWS: BY ADDING TO CHAPTER 192-18 SCHEDULE 1 THE FOLLOWING LOCATION FROM TO REGULATION ___________________________________________________________________ Middleby Road both sides 20 feet north of Bridge School crosswalk 20 feet south of Bridge School crosswalk Rescind NO PARKING HERE TO CROSSWALK Middleby Road both sides Vine Brook Trail crossing 375 feet southerly Rescind NO PARKING Middleby Road north side Outlook Drive Southerly Property Line of 40 Middleby Rd EMERGENCY STOPPING ONLY Middleby Road south side Outlook Drive 160’ north of Vine Brook Trail crossing EMERGENCY STOPPING ONLY ________________________ DATE OF PASSAGE _______________________________ BOARD _______________________________ OF _______________________________ __________________ ATTEST TOWN CLERK SELECTMEN _______________________________ _______________________________ Town of Lexington Planning Department David Kucharsky Tel: (781) 698-4563 Planner dkucharsky@lexingtonma.gov July 29, 2015 RE: Bridge School Interim Traffic Plan Neil McGaraghan or Current Owner: My name is David Kucharsky I am a planner in the Town of Lexington’s Planning Department. I would like to inform you about some proposed parking regulation changes along Middleby Road. Over last summer and throughout the school year, members of the Bridge Community, Bridge Safe Routes to Schools, public safety, municipal departments, and a traffic engineer met to work out both long term and short term solutions to traffic congestion associated with the Bridge Elementary School. An interim plan has been developed which is designed to mitigate idling and traffic congestion on Middleby Road, while providing for efficient and safe arrival and dismissal procedures, as well as allowing for emergency access at all times and safety for all while on the Bridge School property. A part of this plan is modifying the existing on street regulations. Currently there is No Parking allowed in the vicinity of the raised Vine Brook Trail crossing. The plan recommends replacing the current regulations with the introduction of “Emergency Stopping Only” from the intersection of Outlook Drive to the northerly property line of the Bridge School. I’ve attached a map identifying the area. This type of regulation is intended to prevent idled/parked vehicles and encourage drop off/pick up and parking on the school campus. This signage would encourage this behavior not only during school hours but on evenings and weekends when activities are taking place at the school. A change in the parking regulations will require a vote by the Board of Selectmen (BOS). Prior to having the BOS discuss this we wanted to make sure abutters were aware and understood the proposed changes. Please contact me if you would like to learn more about this and/or you have any questions. Thank You, David A. Kucharsky Planner AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Town Manager Evaluation (15 min.) PRESENTER: Joe Pato ITEM NUMBER: I.9 SUMMARY: A draft evaluation will be circulated to the Board over the weekend and made available on Monday. RECOMMENDATION / SUGGESTED MOTION: Motion: to approve and sign the Town Manager's Evaluation for FY2015 through FY2016. FOLLOW-UP: DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 8/3/2015 8:25 PM AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Selectmen Committee Resignation - 20/20 Vision Committee (5 min.) PRESENTER: Joe Pato ITEM NUMBER: I.10 SUMMARY: 20/20 Vision Committee Saatvik Ahluwalia has submitted his resignation. RECOMMENDATION / SUGGESTED MOTION: Motion to accept the resignation of Saatvik Ahluwalia from the 20/20 Vision Committee, effective immediately. FOLLOW-UP: Selectmen's Office DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 8/3/2015 8:40 PM ATTACHMENTS: Description Type Ahluwalia Resignation Backup Material AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Sign MPO Nomination Paper for Arlington PRESENTER: Joe Pato ITEM NUMBER: C.1 SUMMARY: The Town of Arlington has held an "at-large" Town seat with the Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) for the past three years and they would like to maintain the seat. They are asking the Chairman to sign their nomination papers. RECOMMENDATION / SUGGESTED MOTION: Motion to approve the Chairman signing Arlington's MPO nomination paper for an "at-large" seat on the Metropolitan Planning Organization FOLLOW-UP: DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 8/3/2015 8:45 PM ATTACHMENTS: Description Type Arlington Request - MPO Nomination Backup Material AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Approve Minutes and Executive Session Minutes PRESENTER: Joe Pato ITEM NUMBER: C.2 SUMMARY: The minutes of May 18, 2015, June 1, 2015, June 8, 2015, June 10, 2015, June 22, 2015, June 29, 2015, July 1, 2015 and July 6, 2015 and the Executive Session minutes of June 8, June 22, 2015 and July 6, 2015 are ready for your review and approval. RECOMMENDATION / SUGGESTED MOTION: Motion to approve the minutes of May 18, 2015, June 1, 2015, June 8, 2015, June 10, 2015, June 22, 2015, June 29, 2015, July 1, 2015 and July 6, 2015 and the Executive Session minutes of June 8, June 22, 2015 and July 6, 2015. FOLLOW-UP: Selectmen's Office DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 8/3/2015 8:45 PM ATTACHMENTS: Description Type Minutes for Approval Backup Material Executive Session Minutes for Approval Backup Material AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Approve Releasing Executive Session Minutes for 2012 PRESENTER: Joe Pato ITEM NUMBER: C.3 SUMMARY: Approve releasing the following Executive Session minutes from 2012: January 9, 11, 18, 23 and 30, February 13 and 27, March 28, April 23 and 25, May 3, 21 and 24; June 4 and 5, July 24 and 30, September 10, October 1 and 22, November 5, 13 and 20, December 3 and 17. These were reviewed by the Town Counsel, the Town Manager and Selectmen Cohen. RECOMMENDATION / SUGGESTED MOTION: Motion to approve the Consent Agenda. FOLLOW-UP: Selectmen's Office DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 8/3/2015 8:45 PM ATTACHMENTS: Description Type Proposed 2012 Executive Session Minutes to Release Backup Material