HomeMy WebLinkAboutTraffic Calming Guidelines for Massachusetts Highway Department - November 2000 TRAFFIC CALMING GUIDELINES Prepared by NEWENGLAND SECTION, ITE TECHNICALCOMMITTEE For the MASSACHUSETTS HIGHWAYDEPARTMENT November, 2000 TABLE OFCONTENTS INTRODUCTIONPAGE 1. Purpose of this Guideline1 2. Goals of Traffic Calming2 3. Traffic Calming Objectives2 THE PLANNING PROCESS 1. Initiate the Study3 2. Identify Problems and Issues3 3. Develop a Plan4 4. Review the Process5 5. Implement the Plan5 TRAFFIC CALMING à DEFINITION OFDEVICES 1. Vertical Shifts6 2. Horizontal Shifts7 3. Route Alteration8 DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS 1. Safety10 2. Maintenance10 3. Emergency Vehicles10 4. Diversions to Other Residential Streets10 5. Self Enforcement10 6. Drainage10 7. Costs/Financing11 8. Funding Source Issues11 APPLICABILITYOFTRAFFIC CALMING DEVICES 12 APPENDICES 16 List of Traffic Calming Sources16 Acknowledgements17 TRAFFIC CALMING GUIDE INTRODUCTION Traffic calming, as a proactive action taken by afied professional engineer (PE) are needed at city or town, can protect neighborhood roadwaysleast before the implementation of traffic calming from traffic diverted from congested arterials.devices, and preferably from the project planning The purpose of Traffic Calming is to ÅKeep thestage. As with any transportation improvement Arterial Traffic on the Arterial Streets, andplan, liability issues can arise, so it is advanta- Keeping the Local Streets for Local Traffic.Æ Togeous to have a design by a PE. Drainage issues, achieve this purpose, traffic calming is a strategyfor example, can result from ill-designed traffic to introduce self-enforcing capacity and speedhumps that can cause ice in the winter and pond- reduction on the neighborhood roads. The objec-ing in the summer. State funds for implementa- tive is to make the arterial more appealing thantion of any traffic calming plan can not be the local road to the transient motorist. Whilesecured unless the advice of a qualified PE has there may be exceptions, traffic calming isbeen included in the traffic calming process. intended for roadways functionally classified as local or collector. Traffic calming proposals forTraffic calming should be viewed as the develop- arterials will generally meet resistance for bothment of a final "plan" that would include such approval and state funding sources.components as: Most motorists and truck drivers will stay on¥ Providing education and understanding of traffic arterials until the level of congestion makes thecalming (local awareness); arterial slower than local roads, even with their¥ Documenting problems/assessing needs; inherent narrower rights of way and on-street¥ Developing preferences; parking. Thus all traffic calming plans should¥ Setting policies; and attempt to identify the problem that causes arteri-¥ Organizing the process/plan al traffic to divert to neighborhood roads. Correcting the root cause of the congestion isTraffic calming is an excellent tool. It can often easier than correcting the symptom ofenhance the quality of life in neighborhoods as excessive arterial traffic penetrating the neighbor-well as achieving the basic premise of traffic hoods. The traffic calming proposal should alsocalming: "Keep the arterial traffic on the arterials, address the surrounding neighborhood and trans-and local traffic on the local roads." portation system, not just the affected street. 1. Purpose of this Guideline Without this comprehensive areawide approach, traffic will simply move from one local street to another. The purpose of this document is to provide an introduction to a wide array of traffic calming As important as determining the root cause of thetechniques to municipal officials. The Guideline congestion and taking a neighborhood approachillustrates the applicability of these techniques to to addressing transportation issues is the need tovarying conditions. The Guideline is not meant seek professional advice. The services of a qualito replace the need for proper planning, design ITE New England SectionTraffic CalmingPage 1 3. Traffic Calming Objectives and construction. Rather, public officials can determine if the tools presented in these guide- lines apply to their situation, and then choose aThe following are examples of some objectives proper course of action.that may be achieved by traffic calming: ¥ Increase the level of respect for non-motorists; 2. Goals of Traffic Calming ¥ Create a feeling of safety for all users and abutters; ¥ Improve safety and convenience for all users; It is important to review the goals of the traffic ¥ Reduce accidents; calming plan as an initial step in this process. ¥ Reduce noise; Well thought out goals, community participation ¥ Provide space for non-traffic uses; and professional assistance are the key compo- ¥ Enhance street appearance; nents to the traffic calming process. Some of ¥ Reduce vehicular speed; these goals include: ¥ Reduce the need for police enforcement; ¥ Eliminate/reduce cut through traffic; and ¥ Improving the quality of life; ¥ Reduce truck activity ¥ Reducing impacts of motor vehicles on local roads; Some traffic calming techniques and plans will ¥ Creating safe and attractive streets; and not achieve all of these objectives and some may ¥ Creating a friendly environment for pedestrians contradict each other. The objectives should be and bicyclists. assembled and evaluated as part of the goal set- ting agenda and the local awareness campaign. ITE New England SectionTraffic CalmingPage 2 THE PLANNING PROCESS Atraffic calming plan needs a structured planningthrough traffic calming techniques. process and consultation with all relevant authori- ties. The planning process for a traffic calming¥ Establish an Advisory Committee.An plan is complex and also requires significant pub-Advisory Committee that includes community lic participation because the project is probablyrepresentatives should be established to effective- being undertaken in response to the needs of thely involve the community. It is highly recom- community. Traffic calming is more than simplymended that representatives of the local police providing a technical solution to a specific trafficand fire departments be included on the Advisory problem. It is an interaction between land use,Committee. The role and responsibilities of an transportation, and community needs.Advisory Committee must be clearly defined. The following steps are provided as a guide for a¥ Define the study scope and study area.A traffic calming planning process. The planningclearly defined study area should be established process may consist of the following stages.before the study team proceeds. This helps to ensure that key objectives, constraints, deliver- ables and points of public contact are identified ¥ Initiate the Study and agreed upon in advance. ¥ Identify Problems and Issues ¥ Develop a Plan ¥ Develop a Team.Depending on the extent and ¥ Review the Process nature of the traffic calming study, it may be ¥ Implement the Plan desirable to form a team. The team may consist 1. Initiate the Study of the municipality, the Advisory Committee and a qualified professional engineer with expertise in It is important that activities undertaken at thetraffic calming to assist with the work. beginning of a traffic calming study determine whether or not the resulting plan will be success-¥ Meet with the team.Astudy initiation meeting ful. At study initiation the study team should:among the team, the Advisory Committee and the municipal staff should be held to ensure that all ¥ Identify the need for a traffic calming study.parties are satisfied with and aware of the issues The need for study can be identified in a varietyand scope of work. All financial and organiza- of ways. In many communities, neighborhoodtional matters should be discussed and clarified residents or organizations initiate studies inbefore the project proceeds. Based on this meet- response to requests. Where this is the case, aing, the team should develop a detailed work pro- formal initiation policy and process is desirable togram, schedule and budget for the overall project. ensure that requests are addressed consistently 2. Identify Problems and Issues and objectively. Some studies are initiated as a result of ongoing monitoring efforts by municipal staff in communities where established trafficIt is important that any deficiencies be identified calming programs exist. As important as deter-and documented through the Problems and Issues mining a real problem is the need to identify aIdentification Process. It is equally useful to perceived problem that should not be addressed determine that no problem appropriate for a traf- ITE New England SectionTraffic CalmingPage 3 fic calming measure exists. In order for thisthere are no operational problems or deficiencies, process to be successful, the study team should:which might be contributing to traffic concerns in the neighborhood. If there are any, identify pos- ¥ Hold community events.Community eventssible modifications to the adjacent arterial street are typically held at the outset of the study tonetwork to eliminate or reduce traffic problems identify and clarify the issues to be addressed andon neighborhood streets. In this way, the traffic to explain the study process to the community.calming planning process can reach its objective Early public involvement is critical to the successby developing improvements on arterial streets of the project.that obviate the need for further neighborhood ¥ Collect data.Data should be collected totreatments. identify, confirm and quantify the extent of any¥ Examine neighborhood streets.Also consider problems. This information will be used to identi-the effects of traffic calming measures on adja- fy appropriate traffic calming measures, and tocent streets to ensure that problems would be establish "before" conditions for subsequent mon-eliminated or minimized, and would not simply itoring of the implemented plan. The databe shifted from one location to another. Confirm required typically includes traffic volumes, speedthat all measures would work together to achieve data , accident data and other material of thisthe desired balance between safety, residential type.access, cost and acceptable traffic conditions. ¥ Quantify problems.Based on an analysis of the¥ Review and select potential traffic calming collected data, quantify the magnitude of reported measures.Potential measures should be selected problems (e.g. the number of vehicles per hour orusing the information presented in the Definition per day), the duration of the problem (e.g. peakof Devices section. Use this section to identify periods or all-day), the direction and route of traf-all traffic calming measures that could achieve fic, and other key characteristics. This informa-the desired result(s) in the study location. Then tion will be used to identify potential traffic calm-use Tables 1-3 to assess the applicability of these ing measures. If the problem extends into neigh-traffic calming measures. The implications of a boring communities, contact and coordinationspecific measure might be undesirable or inappro- must be made and maintained with that group.priate for a particular location, and consequently the measure should not be considered. For exam- ple, a full street closure would eliminate through 3. Develop a Plan traffic entirely, but might also significantly restrict local access for residents, businesses and Once the problems and issues have been identi-emergency vehicles. If local access were consid- fied and quantified, the next stage of the studyered important at this location, then a full closure involves developing the traffic calming plan. Thewould not likely be appropriate. exact manner of the Plan development will vary from town to town. The following steps present a¥ Develop alternative traffic calming plans.It is framework for a successful plan:important that more than one alternative traffic calming plan be developed for a project. ¥ Examine arterial streets.Prior to consideringCombining several traffic calming measures into traffic calming, traffic operations on adjacentone comprehensive traffic calming plan can be an arterial streets should be examined to ensure that effective way to solving transportation problems. ITE New England SectionTraffic CalmingPage 4 ¥ Hold a community meeting to discuss alterna-police, fire and maintenance departments. If, tive traffic calming plans.Meetings with thehowever, state funding is to be used for traffic community as a whole should be held to presentcalming on local roads, additional approval will the alternative traffic calming plans and solicitbe required from the state. Plans developed on input and comment from all affected and interest-all state roads will also require review and ed parties. Groups to be consulted include nearbyapproval by the State. Whatever the process, it is residents and businesses, and emergency andimportant to communicate with all relevant par- maintenance service providers. ties before implementation of the plan. ¥ Evaluate the alternatives and select the recom-Unfortunately some municipalities had to aban- mended traffic calming plan.Evaluate the alter-don traffic calming plans shortly after construc- native traffic calming plans based on the criteriation because the review process was not complet- identified in Tables 1-3. Based on this evalua-ed, alienating some parties before the plan was tion, select the preferred alternative for furthergiven a chance to be successful. design development. 5. Implement the Plan ¥ Present the recommended traffic calming plan. Upon completion of the technical and publicAfter the traffic calming plan has been reviewed review of the alternative plans, present the recom-and approved by the affected parties, the final mended plan to the public at an open house orstage involves design, implementation and moni- other appropriate forum. The forum should pro-toring. Implementation of the plan involves the vide the opportunity for the team to receive inputfollowing process: and address questions/comments from the public about the features of the recommended traffic¥ Prepare designs.Design should be based on calming plan.best available current practices. ¥ Develop an implementation strategy.Once the¥ Implement measures.Budget and construct draft final plan is confirmed, prepare cost esti-the traffic calming measures. Where appropriate, temporary ortrial mates and identify priorities, timing and stagingimplement measures on a basis fora predetermined time, of implementation. to confirm that they are effective in addressing identified prob- ¥ Finalize report and submit the Final Plan for lems, prior to constructing the measures on a per- approval.Prepare the Draft version of the Plan,manent basis. Using temporary measures pro- incorporate relevant comments from reviewingvides an opportunity to modify the configuration parties and then submit the Final Plan foror location of a device without incurring signifi- approval to the respective authorities. cant costs. 4. Review the Process ¥ Once the predetermined test period is over, the temporary measures should be permanently The review process will vary, depending on own-installed. ership of the roadway being considered for traffic calming. Local roads require review and approval by local government officials, as well as ITE New England SectionTraffic CalmingPage 5 TRAFFIC CALMING Speed Bump à Arounded raised mound of pave- DEFINITION OFDEVICES ment, approximately 3 to 6 inches high and 1 to 3 feet wide, placed across a roadway, which causes 1. Vertical Shifts a jolt to the vehicle and its operator. This is not considered an acceptable traffic calming device Raised Crosswalk à Aflat-topped speed hump,on public roads. marked as a crosswalk, that extends curb to curb. Raised CrosswalkSpeed Bump Raised Intersection à Aflat area covering the Speed Hump à Arounded raised mound of pave- intersection of two or more streets, generallyment, approximately 4 inches high and 12 feet raised to the sidewalk level with ramps on allwide, placed across a street. approaches. (Also called an intersection hump or plateau.) Speed Hump Raised IntersectionSpeed Table à Aflat topped speed hump, which extends from curb to curb, constructed with brick or other textured paving materials. (Also called speed platform or trapezoidal speed hump.) ITE New England SectionTraffic CalmingPage 6 2. Horizontal Shifts Half Closure à Aphysical barrier, generally Chicane à Alternately placed chokers, parkingplaced at an intersection, which prohibits traffic bays, or other barriers into the street, which causein one direction on an otherwise two-way street. motorists to alter their travel path. (Also called(Also called partial closure or one-way closure.) serpentine.) Mid-Block Island à Aphysical device located on a segment of a street in order to reduce the width of the traveled way and provide a refuge for pedestrians. (Also called center island narrowing, median slow point or median choker.) ChicaneMid-Block Island Choker à Anarrowing of a street at an intersec-Narrowing Lanes à Pavement markings or tion, mid-block, or on a segment of a street inreduced pavement used to create lanes whose order to reduce the width of the traveled way (towidth is uniform, but less than typical. either two narrow lanes or a single lane) by con- struction of a sidewalk or landscape buffer. (Also Neckdown à Narrowing of a street at an intersec- called mid-block narrowing, pinch point, bulbtion to reduce the width of the traveled way by out, or constriction.)widening of a sidewalk or landscape buffer. (Also called curb extension, knuckle or intersec- tion narrowing.) ChokerNeckdown ITE New England SectionTraffic CalmingPage 7 scape features. On-Street Parking à Permitting vehicles to park legally on a street in order to reduce the width of Median Barrier- Aphysical barrier along the the travel way and define the entrance into a cen-center of a street through an intersection which tral business district.prohibits left turns and through traffic from the intersecting street. (Also called median diverter or island diverter.) One-Way Street à Astreet designated for travel in a single direction only. On-Street Parking 3. Route Alteration Cul-de-Sac à Astreet closure which includes construction of a turn-around area.One-Way Street Diagonal Diverter à Abarrier placed between Semi Diverter à Aphysical barrier which pro- opposite corners of an intersection, prohibitinghibits one or more traffic movements at an inter- through traffic. (Also called full diverter or diag-section or on a street, while not completely clos- onal road closure.)ing the street. Semi-Diverter Diagonal Diverter Street Closure à Aphysical barrier across a Gateway à Amedian island or other vertical treat-street, which prohibits through traffic, usually ment located at the entrance to a neighborhood,leaving sidewalks and bicycle paths open. (Also often combined with textured pavement and land-called full closure or dead end.) ITE New England SectionTraffic CalmingPage 8 Traffic Circle à Asmall raised island located in Woonerf à Alocal street treatment that guides the center of a local street intersection aroundvehicular traffic through a low speed, multi-use, which traffic circulates, with approaches typicallylandscaped environment. under yield control. Traffic CircleWoonerf Roundabout à Acircular island and associated approach treatments located at the intersection of two or more higher volume streets that will assign right-of-ways among competing traffic movements. Those in the roundabout have right- of-way over the entering traffic. Roundabout ITE New England SectionTraffic CalmingPage 9 and potential damage to roadway surfaces or DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS curbing. 1. Safety 3. Emergency Vehicles Perhaps the most controversial aspect of Traffic Emergency response times should be a major Calming is safety. Some of the sacred principles concern of any traffic calming proposal. of traffic engineering (wider roads, straighter Unfortunately, traffic calming devices that reduce alignments improved slight distances) seem to be overall vehicular speeds can impact emergency incongruous with the techniques prescribed by vehicles by increasing response times. traffic calming advocates. Often the neighbor- hoodÈs desire to enhance safety by implementing At a minimum, traffic calming measures that are a traffic calming plan are in conflict with munici- aimed at speed reduction should not be installed pal services, such as fire or police departments on primary emergency routes or adjacent to key response times. To date, collision data on traffic emergency response facilities such as fire sta- calming devices are positive but not comprehen- tions, hospitals, etc. The key ingredient to a suc- sive. It is safe to say that most transportation cessful traffic management program is communi- professionals will agree that slower traffic, with cation. Key members of the local emergency less conflicts and attentive drivers may result in response teams should be part of the planning fewer and less severe accidents. process for all traffic calming proposals. Safety for all street users can be improved when 4. Diversions to OtherResidential Streets traffic calming measures are appropriately located and designed to address identified problems. Traffic Calming measures aimed at reducing the Where a traffic calming measure would unreason- volume of through traffic or non-essential traffic ably compromise safety for any segment of the within a neighborhood should be evaluated on an travelling public, the measure should not be used, areawide basis. Estimates of the percentage of even if it might provide some benefits. In these local and through trips should be obtained before cases, a more appropriate solution can often be any traffic calming measure is implemented to aid used which would not result in potential safety in the evaluation of diversion potential. problems. 5. Self Enforcement 2. Maintenance Standard traffic control devices rely primarily on Some traffic calming measures result in increased voluntary compliance or enforcement by law maintenance activities for a community or neigh- enforcement officials. By contrast, traffic calm- borhood and should be addressed on a site specif- ing devices rely on laws of physics and are pri- ic basis. For example, devices which require marily intended to be self-enforcing. landscaping treatments, or changes to the road- way pavement (e.g. speed humps, raised intersec- 6. Drainage tions and textured pavements) have been cited as requiring an increased maintenance activity. When introducing medians, raised islands, and Specific maintenance concerns include snow horizontal or vertical shifts to provide traffic removal and storage; street sweeping; drainage; calming, care should be taken to not disrupt debris build-up; water ponding and ice formation, ITE New England SectionTraffic CalmingPage 10 final placement sites; paper or painted lines that runoff paths to drainage structures. When this are used rather than thermoplastic lines; and disruption cannot be avoided, additional drainage deferral of landscaping effort à all to save costs structures should be provided and integrated into should the plan not gain public acceptance. the existing drainage system. Otherwise, flood- Temporary measures should be designed with ing and ice formation will occur, creating haz- consideration to the appearance of such devices ardous driving and walking conditions. Aquali- to avoid an unsightly environment. fied engineer should review plans that would impact highway drainage. 8. Projects funded with MassHighway Funds 7. Costs/Financing Any state funded highway projects must meet MassHighway, MUTCD and ASSHTO design Installation (i.e., construction) of a traffic calming standards. As is the current practice, Chapter 90 plan is the most obvious costs. There are, howev- projects must self certify that the project is in er, several other costs to be considered, including compliance with state and federal standards. maintenance of traffic during construction, ongo- Projects using other state funds and Federal funds ing upkeep, user/travel costs, replacement and must be reviewed and approved as complying restoration costs. These additional costs should with state and federal standards by MassHighway. be considered and estimated before going forward This could involve obtaining formal approval of with a new traffic calming project. design exceptions when applicable MassHighway and ASSHTO standards are not met. Responsible authorities should consider the length of time the planned layout will be effective and desirable when choosing the materials and methods of installation used. They should also make it clear who should share the burden of ini- tial and ongoing costs. Prior to commitment of all financial resources to the final traffic calming plan, many projects have been implemented on a trial basis to ensure that the intended results actually occur and that there are no unforeseen adverse consequences. Sometimes plans fail to achieve their intended results and have to be abandoned. Thus most plans are tested with temporary devices, minimiz- ing any expenses to restore the roadway to its previous condition. During the trial period, low cost, movable and easily disposable substitute materials and features can be used rather than the permanent features. Examples of this approach include: barrels, sand- bags and bituminous curbs that are used rather than granite and concrete curbs; signs that are placed in moveable buckets rather than in their ITE New England SectionTraffic CalmingPage 11 APPLICABILITYOF TRAFFIC CALMING DEVICES While a generic understanding of traffic calmingThe Massachusetts Highway Bureau of is useful, it is also important to understand theTransportation Planning and Development can proper application of each calming device toprovide this information to any city of town achieve the desired effect. Tables 1-3 provide arequesting it. Traffic calming plans on roads with summary of each device and an index of thea functional classification of arterial or higher appropriate use for to effect reductions in speed,will meet resistance in the state review process. volume and truck traffic, respectively. An index is assigned for arterial, collector and local road-Traffic calming is a technique used to impact dri- way classifications. CAUTION: the index is pro-ver behavior on behalf of neighborhood residents. engineering judgement vided as a guide, but While this technique provides many options for and specific conditions require that each case local officials to implement, public consensus be evaluated individually. must be gained and maintained before any plan is implemented. Using a comprehensive planning Descriptions of the type of service provided byprocess, design completed by a qualified engi- each roadway classification, as contained in theneering professional, and careful consideration of American Association of State Highway andpotential negative impacts of traffic calming Transportation Officials (AASHTO) publication,devices, officials can improve the quality of life APolicy on Geometric Design of Highways andin a neighborhood and encourage use of non- Streets, are provided for additional guidance.motorized transportation modes. Arterial à Provides the highest level of service at the greatest vehicle speed for the longest uninter- rupted distance. Collector à Provides a less highly developed ser- vice at a lower speed for shorter distances. Collects traffic from local roads and funnels it to arterials. Local à Provides access to abutting land with lit- tle or no through movement. Consists of all roads not defined as arterials or collectors. Functional classification designations for roads are available from each state. FHWArequires that public roads be functionally classified. The classification is not based upon abutting land uses, rather on how the roadway serves the motoring public. Every public road in Massachusetts has been functionally classified. ITE New England SectionTraffic CalmingPage 12 TABLE 1 APPLICABILITY OF TRAFFIC CALMING DEVICES - SPEED REDUCTION DEVICEROADWAY CLASSIFICATION Vertical Shifts ArterialCollectorLocal 1. Raised Crosswalks / Speed TableN/AMODHIGH 2. Raised IntersectionsN/AMODHIGH 3. Speed HumpsN/ALOWHIGH Horizontal Shifts ArterialCollectorLocal 1. Chicanes / SerpentinesN/ALOWMOD 2. Chokers N/ALOWMOD (Mid-Block or Segment) 3. Half ClosureN/AN/ALOW 4. Mid-Block IslandN/ALOWLOW 5. Lane / Pavement NarrowingN/ALOWMOD 6. Neckdown / Curb Extension N/ALOWMOD (Intersection) 7. On-Street Parking TreatmentsLOWLOWMOD Route Alterations ArterialCollectorLocal 1. Cul-de-sacN/AN/AN/A 2. Diagonal Diverter / Full DiverterN/AN/AN/A 3. GatewayN/ALOWLOW 4. Median Barrier / Island DiverterN/AN/AN/A 5. One-Way StreetsN/AN/AN/A 6. Semi-DivertersN/AN/AN/A 7. Street Closure (Full Closure / Dead End)N/AN/AN/A 8. Traffic Circles / RoundaboutsN/AMODHIGH 9. WoonerfN/AN/ALOW ITE New England SectionTraffic CalmingPage 13 TABLE 2 APPLICABILITY OF TRAFFIC CALMING DEVICES - VOLUME REDUCTION DEVICEROADWAY CLASSIFICATION Vertical Shifts ArterialCollectorLocal 1. Raised Crosswalks / Speed TableN/ALOWMOD 2. Raised IntersectionsN/ALOWLOW 3. Speed HumpsN/AN/ALOW Horizontal Shifts ArterialCollectorLocal 1. Chicanes / SerpentinesN/ALOWHIGH 2. Chokers N/ALOWMOD (Mid-Block or Segment) 3. Half ClosureNALOWMOD 4. Mid-Block IslandN/ALOWMOD 5. Lane / Pavement NarrowingN/AN/AMOD 6. Neckdown / Curb Extension N/ALOWLOW (Intersection) 7. On-Street Parking TreatmentsN/ALOWHIGH Route Alterations ArterialCollectorLocal 1. Cul-de-sacN/AN/AHIGH 2. Diagonal Diverter / Full DiverterN/AN/AHIGH 3. GatewayN/ALOWMOD 4. Median Barrier / Island DiverterN/ALOWHIGH 5. One-Way StreetsN/AN/AMOD 6. Semi-DivertersN/AN/AHIGH 7. Street Closure (Full Closure / Dead End)N/AN/AHIGH 8. Traffic Circles / RoundaboutsN/ALOWLOW 9. WoonerfN/AN/AHIGH ITE New England SectionTraffic CalmingPage 14 TABLE 3 APPLICABILITY OF TRAFFIC CALMING DEVICES - TRUCK TRAFFIC REDUCTION DEVICEROADWAY CLASSIFICATION Vertical Shifts ArterialCollectorLocal 1. Raised Crosswalks / Speed TableN/ALOWMOD 2. Raised IntersectionsN/ALOWMOD 3. Speed HumpsN/AN/AMOD Horizontal Shifts ArterialCollectorLocal 1. Chicanes / SerpentinesN/AN/AHIGH 2. Chokers N/AMODHIGH (Mid-Block or Segment) 3. Half ClosureN/AN/AHIGH 4. Mid-Block IslandN/AN/ALOW 5. Lane / Pavement NarrowingN/AN/AMOD 6. Neckdown / Curb Extension N/ALOWHIGH (Intersection) 7. On-Street Parking TreatmentsLOWMODHIGH Route Alterations ArterialCollectorLocal 1. Cul-de-sacN/AN/AHIGH 2. Diagonal Diverter / Full DiverterN/AN/AHIGH 3. GatewayN/AN/AN/A 4. Median Barrier / Island DiverterN/AN/AMOD 5. One-Way StreetsN/AN/AMOD 6. Semi-DivertersN/ALOWHIGH 7. Street Closure (Full Closure / Dead End)N/AN/AHIGH 8. Traffic Circles / RoundaboutsN/ALOWHIGH 9. WoonerfN/AN/AMOD ITE New England SectionTraffic CalmingPage 15 LISTOFTRAFFIC CALMING SOURCES 1. Traffic Calming for Communities à FHWAwebsite with goals and objectives. 2. Calming BostonÈs Traffic à Presented by WalkBoston at joint BSCES/WTS meeting, March 11, 1999. 3. Neighborhood Traffic Control à North Central Section, ITE. 4. Victorian Code for Residential Development. 5. SunnyvaleÈs Approach to the Old Challenge of Neighborhood Traffic Calming à Mohle, of Hank Mohle & Assoc, presented at 1997 ITE Annual Meeting. 6. End to Menlo ParkÈs Traffic Calming Wars? à Smith and Dey. 7. Calming of Roads with More than 7,000 Vehicles per Day à Jud, presented at 1997 ITE Annual Meeting. 8. Traffic Calming, the Helpful Band-Aid, in Virginia When the State DOTis 100+ Local DPW. 9. Sustainable Solutions to Improve Road Safety in the Netherlands à Wegman and Elsenaar. 10. Traffic Calming Policy and Devices, Policy for Use of Traffic Calming on City Streets, City of Fairfax, VA. 11. The Impact of the Modern Roundabout on North American Traffic Circulation, Modal Choice, Sustainable Development and Land Use. 12. NYDOTHighway Design Manual, Chapter 25 à Traffic Calming. 13. City of Cambridge, Berkshire and York Streets Traffic Calming Project Evaluation. 14. ATraffic Calming Toolbox à ATechnical Resource Developed for the South Western Region of Connecticut. 15. Residential Traffic Management Program à VDOT. 16. MUTCD, Part 13: Local Area Traffic Management, Australian Standard. 17. TM 13 à Installation of Road Humps and Roundabouts in the Code of Practice for the Installation of Traffic Control Devices in South Australia. 18. Safer Roads à AGuide to Road Safety Engineering à KWOgden. 19. Take Back Your Streets à How to Protect Communities from Asphalt and Traffic, Conservation Law Foundation. 20. Evaluating Traffic Calming Benefits, Costs and Equity Impacts. 21. Use of Pavement Markings to Reduce Excessive Traffic Speeds on Hazardous Curves. 22. ATraffic Calming Toolbox à ATechnical Resource Developed for the South Western Region of Conn, Ford, Court and Prosi. 23. APolicy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets, AASHTO. 24. Roundabouts: An Informational Guide, FHWAPub No. FHWA-RD-00-067 25. Flexibility in Highway Design, FHWAPub No. FHWA-PD-97-062 ITE New England SectionTraffic CalmingPage 16 INSTITUTE OFTRANSPORTATION ENGINEERS NEWENGLAND SECTION - TECHNICALCOMMITTEE Massachusetts Highway DepartmentHDR Engineering, Inc. ¥ Charles F. Sterling¥ Kenneth Petraglia, Chairman ¥ Neil Boudreau ¥ William BentHighway &Traffic Signal Design, Inc. CentralTransportation Planning Staff¥ Rodney Emery ¥ Scott Galbraith ¥ Efi Pagitsas¥ Kevin Johnson MerrimacValley Planning Commission Independent ¥ James Terlizzi ¥ Steve Kaiser Louis Berger & Associates RizzoAssociates ¥ Christa Crane ¥ Erik Maki Edwards and Kelcey Sverdrup Civil, Inc. ¥ Paul Martin ¥ Walter Freeman Fay, Spofford & Thorndike, Inc.¥ Kien Ho ¥ John MirabitoTEPPLLC ¥ Gary Hebert ¥ Kim Hazarvartian HaydenWegman, Inc. Vanasse &Associates, Inc. ¥ Peter Vasiliou ¥ Rob Cahoon¥ Scott Thornton Report design and preparation by Carol G. Bent, Central Transportation Planning Staff ITE New England SectionTraffic CalmingPage 17