HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013-07-02-TSAC-min.attach (2) L.P.D. TASK ISSUES Page 1 DATE OF DATELOCATIONISSUESCITIZENRESPONSERECOMMENDATIONS COMP.REC. Allen St @ Stedman RdResident concern: Between 7:55 am and 8am the bus stops on Diana QueheillaltT.U.B.B., Assigned enforcement.COMPLETE. NO TSAC Allen St at Stedman Rd to make its pickup. At times vehicles pass 7 Stedman Rd #406involvement. the bus while it is properly stopped in violation of the law.781-538-5655 1/10/20131/11/2013 Bow St @ RawsonResident concern by phone: Vehicles heading North on Bow Kerry HughesCrash data from 1/14/08 to COMPLETE. TSAC Review. Street are turning left onto Bow and continuing on without slowing.66 Fottler Ave1/14/2013: mv Recommend no action. There is a stop sign on Rawson (Westbound) at Bow. Solution: 781-862-2731crash invest- 0 mv Advised Kerry on 7/1/13 of move the stop sign to Bow at Rawson to make intersection safer.crash not invest- 0 TSAC decision & advised her that I will add speed counter and increase traffic enforcement through the 1/14/20131/14/2013 T.U.B.B. COMPLETE. Advised William on 7/1/13 of TSAC results. TSAC review of line item 52 from 2012 excel sheet. The 10/2/2012 agenda Reviewed area 9/102012. The resident originally thought the minutes indicated the Town will intersection was a 3-way stop. He conduct a 4-way STOP warrant was advised it was a 2-way with analysis & take appropriate cedar street having the right of actions if necessary. The William Oliverway. He was advised DPW tree e-resident is inquiring into the 36 Earl Streetmailed to cut back overgrowth and status & would like to resubmit Resident concern: Make the intersection a 4-way stop. The 781-424-0179his concern will be forwarded to because he believes the 1/24/20131/24/2013Hill St @ Cedar Stintersection is complicated and deserves such control.will@wjoliver.comTSAC.intersection is dangerous. line items 2-4 sent to TSAC 1/28/13 100 & 110 Concord AveResident concern: the snow dumping from 100 & 110 Concord Ave Laurel CarpenterForwarded to Marc Valenti on COMPLETE . NO TSAC onto the sidewalk on the south bound side of Concord Ave. Also 94 Pleasant St1/28/2013 & advised Laurel by e- involvement. Handled by the neighbors dump yard waste into the wetland area across the 781-862-4027mail. Marc responded they Highway department. street.lcarp@rcn.comaddressed the issue as soon as it 1/2/20131/2/2013 came in and will be monitoring. L.P.D. TASK ISSUES Page 1 Hartwell Ave northbound Resident concernSandra LucenteLanes are faded due to time of TSAC Review. : When you are traveling north on Hartwell Ave Recommend @ Maguire RdHilltop Aveyear. Signage indicating turning and are in the left hand turn lane for Maguire Rd the vehicles adding signage which indicates 781-861-8395lanes ahead would be helpful. heading south do not appear to have proper warning of the turning turning lanes in both directions This is a congested intersection Solutionahead and put on list for lane they are coming upon.: mark lanes better and with heavy traffic volumes. repainting for all turning lanes brighter it is clearly wearing put. add signage on Hartwell Ave on Hartwell Ave in the spring. north & south indicating there are turning lanes ahead at the 1/28/20131/28/2013 intersection. Tatevik Babayan Russian School of TSAC Review. Math 4 Militia DriveArea reviewed and currently there A keep right Concern: when parents drop off & pick up their children they do not 781-859-7444is no signage to encourage staying sign on the island should follow the signs/rules of the rotary, causing a lot of traffic & lexington@russianschto the right of the island/rotary at suffice when notifying 2/15/20132/15/20134 Militia Driveproblems. Solution: a rotary & one way sign to help control traffic.ool.comthe end of Militia Drive.motorists. Panera Bread EntranceConcern: there is only a painted arrow on the ground which is Michael FarrellI e-mailed Michael back stating this COMPLETE . No TSAC difficult to see in the winter w/the snow & salt indicating the 141 High St., #1Ais private property and requested involvement. There is a Do entrance location. Solution: there should be a Do Not Enter Sign Waltham, MAhe call me so I could explain the Not Enter sign on the building screwed ton one of the brick columns to alert drivers.978-430-0602TSAC process and clarify some already & at entrance. michaelkevinfarrell999issues. He has not called me but @gmail.comresponded by e-mail asking me to forward his e-mail to the necessary 2/21/20132/21/2013 powers. TSAC review. Pearl St @ Bartlett AveConcern: there is no stop sign Pearl Street (west) @ Bartlett Ave. Jen BurkePreviously looked at in the past.No specific When driving down Pearl Street the landscape makes it difficult to 15A Avon PlaceThere is heavy traffic exiting Pearl. accidents at this location but determine there is an intersection ahead. Traffic is heavy with cars Arlington, MA traffic is heavy during drop off and bikes going to & from Lex Christian Academy which exit on 781-760-9178 and pickup. Pearl. Solution: Add a stop sign to Pearl @ Bartlett.jpjdev@aol.com 2/22/20132/23/2013 line items 6-10 sent to TSAC 3/8/2013 East Street (westerly) Concern: Message left by phone stating vehicles are speeding on Tim LabrancheSpoke with Tim by phone. Added COMPLETE. NO TSAC between Lowell St & Grant East St (westerly) between Lowell St & Grant St between 7 & 8 Marino Driveto T.U.B.B. & work sheets.Involvement. Stam.Woburn, MA 3/12/20133/15/2013 617-800-6003 L.P.D. TASK ISSUES Page 1 475 Bedford St (BSC)Concern forwarded through police info: Vehicle traveling East on EliseResponse given by Captain TSAC review. Do not Bedford Street are turning left into he BSC crossing over double Ehm510@aol.comO'Leary on policeinfo that this road recommend installation of sign. yellow line, causing traffic back up. Solution: place no left turn sign is controlled by the state but we will This will increase traffic turning to address the issue.notify TSAC for review to see if the onto Eldred St and the bridge state should be notified. for turn around. 3/15/20133/15/2013 549 Lowell StreetResident concern: resident has a special needs child that is picked Joe McCallionT.U.B.B. and placed on work COMPLETE . NO TSAC up by van with all the bus markings. When van stops for pickup 549 Lowell Stsheets. Mrs. McCallion called involvement. vehicles coming other way (east on Lowell) don't stop.781-538-5840back at 1850 hours and stated these violations are constant during pickup at 0820 am at drop 3/20/20133/21/2013 off at 1520pm. Allen St & Stedman RdResident concern: initial concern listed on line 2 above. Vehicles Diana QueheillaltT.U.B.B., Assigned enforcement. COMPLETE . NO TSAC are stopping for busses but vehicles are speeding (teachers) on 7 Stedman Rd #406Placing speed measuring device to involvement. School traffic Stedman (Northbound) in front of Franklin School Apt to go to 781-538-5655get accurate measurement. School analysis to be completed. Clarke and park. 0755 - 0805is having a traffic analysis completed of the area and will be opening that gate to more busses. 3/21/20133/21/2013 Allen St & Stedman RdResident concern: vehicles not stopping for elementary bus which Leeh NgorodeT.U.B.B., Assigned enforcement. COMPLETE . NO TSAC picks up at approximately 0755 hours.7 Stedman Roadspoke with Leah on 3/27 at 6pm involvement. 857-417-8043and informed her I contacted the leah.leah29@hotmail.cbus company and told her to e-mail omme with any plates of violators and 3/22/2013 I will follow up. TSAC Review. Grant St and Grant PlaceResident concern: Perpetual U-turns from vehicles leaving the Larry TyeMessage left 3/27/13 for center, causing constant traffic disruption in the neighborhood.26 Grant Streetclarification. Solution: Add a no-uturn sign at this location.781-734-0527 3/29/20133/29/2013 larytye@aol.com Brandon StreetResident concern: phone message left stating between 4:15am & Cynthia JohnsonAdded to work sheets. Cruiser COMPLETE . No TSAC 4:30am the paper delivery person's vehicle has a loud exhaust and 112 Brandon Stchecked area for several last halfs involvement. is speeding.and there was no vehicle found 4/2/20134/2/2013 matching concern. line items 12-18 sent to TSAC 4/2/2013 L.P.D. TASK ISSUES Page 1 Winthrop Rd between Resident concern: Speeding vehicles and request appropriate Dan KrupkaE-mailed Dan 4/16/2013 that I will COMPLETE. Waltham St & Highland calming measures.40 Winthrop Rdforward to Captain Ferro. Ave781-862-8525 dan.krupka@twinpeak 4/4/20134/28/2013 sgroup.com Oakland St @ Meriam StResident concern: requesting new signage on Oakland St & Susan Grose RioffResponded to Susan by e-mail TSAC Review. Merriam St & on Meriam St in front of the Greek Orthodox Church 25 Oakland St4/28 that I will forward her request No parking here to corner781-861-1979to TSAC. stating due to vehicles parking to sgr9999@gmail.com close to intersection. This should enhance safety & visibility. 4/17/20134/28/2013 COMPLETE Lot 1 (Michelson's Lot)Resident concern: vehicles not abiding by signage, swing wide to Lawrence AbramsonResponded by E-mail 4/26/13 that I . No TSAC go into parking spaces, vehicles exiting the lot via the Waltham St 29 Solomon Pierce Rdwill make officers aware of the Involvement. entrance. Also an increase in vehicles making U-turns in the 781-862-5520concern. middle of Mass Ave.lapivotal@comcast.net 4/23/20134/28/2013 Line items 20 - 22 sent to TSAC 5/1//2013 along with line item 20 request & petition. Waltham St @ BrueggersConcern: unknown bus is picking up students at 07:10 on Waltham Ms. Jules PierreOfficers observed bus. It was a COMPLETE . No TSAC St & parents are waiting in Brueggers lot causing unwanted 781-248-3099BB&N bus & there were no Involvement. congestion. Call from Joanne manager of Brueggers also.violations. Spoke with Manager of Brueggers & advised it was a BB&N bus & to reach out to them for next year about moving to a 5/1/20135/1/2013 different location. Mass Ave from Clarke St Center Committee concern: X-walks within the center are poorly lit Bill Hadley Solution: to Woburn St& dangerous to cross even during the day. Install X-781-274-8314 on behalf of Center walks signs with reflective strips at X-walks in front of Library, post Committee office, Waltham St by Vinebrook Road & Muzzey St. TSAC REVIEW. 5/10/20135/10/2013 L.P.D. TASK ISSUES Page 1 Stedman Rd from Allen St Resident concern: Stedman Rd should not be a student drop off , Yan Zhang 6 Traffic counter deployed and traffic to Rear of Clarke Middle Solution:Stedman Rdvolumes have increased this area is to congested in the morning. Close the School978-408-0430tremendously. School is having a middle school gate, post no parking during school hours on peteyzhang@yahoo.cotraffic analysis completed of the Stedman Rd to increase visibility. marea and will be opening that gate to more busses & will be looking @ no parking options. Advised Yan on 7/1/2013 of pending matters on COMPLETE. TSAC Review. 5/13/20135/13/2013 voice mail. Lois Lane @ Bedford StResident concern: Egress & ingress to Lois Ln are hazardous due Cerise JalelianSpoke with Cerise by phone TSAC Review. Spoke with to vehicles parking on both sides of Lois Ln. Visibility hazard to Trustee Center Village 5/14/13. This is a concern of the Cerise on 7/1/2013; she is vehicles & pedestrians. Solution: add no parking to Lois Lane on Condo Assoc.residents on Lois Lane. At a reviewing if there is any parking both sides to 1st hundred feet from Bedford St.617-733-6278minimum she would like to see the provisions for condo assoc. krpton128@gmail.comright side of Lois posted as you members on the Bedford St turn in from Bedford St. She also building from the Town & she stated the Condo Assoc. would pay will e-mail with an answer. 5/14/20135/14/2013 for it. Pending. 9 Whipple RoadResident concern: Vehicles speeding up & down whipple with no Stuart Canton 9 Traffic counter deployment. Pending regard for pedestrians-worst times appear to be 7-8:30am, 2-4 pm Whipple road Solution:781-652-0135 & 5-7:30pm. Designate Whipple a one way or no stucanton@gmail.com access except for residents during certain times. Police Presence. 3/25/20133/25/2013 Wood St near Smith FarmResident Concern: phone message left stating vehicles are 5 Smith Farm LaneT.U.B.B.COMPLETE. No TSAC speeding on Wood St near Smith Farm. Cruisers requested, no Involvement. 5/22/20135/22/2013 contact name/number given. Lowell St @ Harrington Resident concern: vehicles failing to stop at the crosswalk on Caitlyn RavichaddranCaitlyn recorded plate of violator COMPLETE. No TSAC SchoolLowell St @ the Harrington School26 Tyler Rdma 135331, violation occurred at involvement 617-642-01090910. leaps concluded not a 5/24/20135/24/2013match. North St between Lowell Resident concern: Vehicles parking in violation of the No Parking Glenn KesnerArea reviewed by Sgt. Callahan on COMPLETE. TSAC review. St & Adams Stsigns.North St 781-5/25/2013 and the signage is TSAC had no 608-7729visible. Suggest adding a sign to recommendations in this gkesner@gmail.comthe parking are near Adams St matter.Increased cruiser which identifies & states North checks appear to be stabilizing 5/25/20135/25/2013 Street pits conservation parking. the situation. L.P.D. TASK ISSUES Page 1 Stimpson AveResident concern: Would like to add a "caution children" sign at Area already reviewed for signage PENDING SPEED COUNTS. the bottom of Stimpson near School St. Cars have tendency to on in 2011. TSAC elected to put speed up the hill & there is a slight bend in road. Would also like one sign in the area of 26 to have an additional sign on Estabrook near Stimpson.Stimpson. No accidents in the area. Decision done was done without speed measuring device. Kim-Anh Nguyen Kim-Anh informed TSAC will 30 Stimpson Ave review as soon as speed counts 5/28/20135/28/2013nguyen@kim-anh.com are done. Line items 24 - 32 sent to TSAC 6/3/2013 TSAC Review. Fairview AveResident concern: LexHab is planning on building four units on Francine Stieglitz May not be a Fairview Avenue. Fairview Avenue is an unaccepted street that is Amhest St TSAC matter. being used as a shortcut to Wood Street and Old Mass Ave. It fstiegli@bu.edu was never intended for the amount of traffic. Solutions: Speed bumps, One way, residents only, contact Lincoln Labs, Base & Hartwell Ave properties. 6/16/20136/18/2013 Marrett Rd between Resident concern: Vehicles speeding on Marrett between Waltham Mark LigorT.U.B.B., spoke w/Mark on No TSAC involvement. Waltham St & Spring StSt & Spring St. Also faded signage concerns.385 Marrett Rd7/1/2013 & provided Mass Dot 3 # markligor@gmail.comfor Mark to address signage 6/21/20137/1/2013 617-312-4055concerns. Line items 34 & 35 sent to TSAC 7/1/2013 L.P.D. TASK ISSUES Page 1 COMMENTSOTHER