HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013-11-05-TSAC-min Town of Lexington Traffic Safety Advisory Committee TO: Deborah Mauger, Chair Board of Selectman CC: Carl Valente Town Manager, Bill Hadley DPW Director, Donna Hooper - Clerk FROM: Traffic Safety Advisory Committee (TSAC) SUBJECT: Minutes of Meeting November 5, 2013 Members present: Dave Cannon, Mary Ellen Dunn, Sudhir Murthy Members absent: Steve Ades, Steve Frymer, Manny Ferro Liaisons Present: David Kucharsky, Planning Dept; Jeanette Rebecchi, Human Services Dept Agenda: th Approval of September 10 Meeting Minutes Police Traffic Safety Monthly Updates New Business th Approval of September 10 Meeting Minutes Due to absence of a quorum of TSAC members, the approval of the meeting minutes was postponed to the next TSAC meeting in December. Police Traffic Safety Updates Outlook @ Prospect: Resident concern was sight distance restriction due to existing shrubbery. The suggestion was to cut back shrubbery and install a 4-way STOP sign. Addressing the excessive shrubbery was deemed to be appropriate. However, TSAC members did not think a 4-way STOP sign would be appropriate. In any case, TSAC would like to wait for the Bridge School traffic study which will involve traffic counts at the intersection. Town Engineering will request crash data for this intersection from Police to identify any existing safety issues. The Town has planned sidewalk construction on Prospect. At that time, Engineering will determine if any geometric improvements could be made if a 4- way STOP sign was found to be warranted. Finally, the TSAC would look to receive a briefing on the school zone study whenever the study is completed. Hartwell Place: The concern expressed by the tenant coordination was that the existing pavement markings are faded giving no clear indication to traffic entering or existing Hartwell Place The suggestion from the tenant coordinator was to install pavement markings as well as a STOP sign. The existing traffic volumes on Hartwell Place may not be high enough to warrant a STOP sign. However, TSAC concurred with the installation of a Double Yellow Center Line as well as Solid White Edge Lines these are not regulatory in nature and could be installed by Town DPW without approval from the BOS. Town Engineering to request any crash data for this location to determine existence of any safety issues. The TSAC wanted to wait till the on-going Hartwell Avenue study was completed to see what recommendations come out of that study. 1403 Mass Ave Munroe Center: The concern from Munroe Center was that the existing no parking sign was not visible. Town Engineering agreed to add the installation of an additional no parking sign on a new pole to the DPW work order. Kendall Rd @ Sherbourne: Resident concern was that vehicle turning left from Sherbourne Rd onto Kendall Rd were doing so without stopping or slowing. Suggestion was to place a STOP sign on Sherbourne Rd. The existing intersection is wide making it tough to place a STOP sign that would be effective. The intersection would need geometric improvements for the STOP sign to be effective. In the recent past, the cut-through traffic may have increased due to construction on Waltham St. however, this remains a major cut-through route in the Town. At this time the TSAC wanted to request the Lexington Police collect speed data on Sherbourne Rd and/or Kendall Rd as well as extract crash data for this Page 1 of 2 Town of Lexington Traffic Safety Advisory Committee intersection to determine safety issues and for discussion at the next TSAC meeting in December. Slocum Rd: Resident concern was that vehicles are parked all day on Slocum Rd causing sight distance impacts and potentially blocking existing driveways. Suggestion was to place no parking signs. There are already no parking signs. Lexington residents who use the MBTA bus stop park along Slocum Road. The town has a parking study underway the study area of which includes this street. TSAC would like to wait and see the recommendations coming out of the study. In the meantime, Lexington School will contact the bus driver to verify if they have any difficultly negotiating the turn from Hunt Rd to Slocum Rd. If so, then TSAC would recommend the installation of additional no parking signs in the vicinity of the intersection. Burlington Rd at Simonds Rd crosswalk: The resident concern was the lack of visibility of the existing pedestrian crossing sign due to the existing roadway alignment which has a horizontal curve. Suggestion was to place an advance pedestrian crossing sign. The Town DPW has already been informed of the need for tree trimming in the vicinity of the crosswalk to potential improve sight distance. TSAC would like to wait and see if the tree trimming would address the issue and the Town Police found the existing sign to be adequate. Lincoln St between Audubon and Middleby Rd: The resident concern was related to speeding, parking on street and inconsistent speed limit signs. Suggestion was for pavement markings and signage similar to Shade St as well as no parking signs on Lincoln St. As the Town has another study on-going in that area which includes Lincoln St, TSAC would like to see what the recommendations would be. In addition, the Town is planning on installing new pavement markings on Lincoln St including the bike sharrows. The TSAC wanted to review the Bicycle Committee recommendations on parking along Lincoln St before making any further recommendations related to restricting parking. The Town Engineering will look into the feasibility of adding Solid White Edge Lines along with bike sharrows in an attempt to slow traffic. Town Engineering will also review the existing speed limit signs along this road to ensure consistency. Attached Documents: None Next Meeting Next TSAC meetings: December 3, 2013 (pending confirmation from Mary Ellen Dunn) Page 2 of 2