HomeMy WebLinkAbout2015-03-05-AC-min 03/05/15 AC Minutes Minutes Town of Lexington Appropriation Committee(AC) March5, 2015 : Town Office Building,Parker Room, 7:30 p.m. : Glenn Parker, Chair; John Bartenstein, Vice Chair and Secretary; Mollie Garberg; Alan Levine; Beth Masterman;Eric Michelson; Richard Neumeier; Andrei Radulescu-Banu; RobAddelson (non-voting, ex officio) Members absent:Susan McLeish Other attendees: DeborahBrown, Town Moderator; Margaret Coppe, Chair, School Committee (SC); BillHurley, SC; Paul Ash,Superintendent of Lexington Public Schools(LPS); Mary Ellen Dunn, Assistant Superintendent forFinanceand Operations, LPS; Ian Dailey, Assistant Director of Finance, LPS; Jill Hai, Capital Expenditures Committee (CEC) The meeting was called to order at 7:37p.m. Consent Agendafor Annual Town Meeting (ATM): 1.Ms. Brown reviewed a proposal for a Consent Agenda atthe 2015 ATM, as discussed at this Committee’s February 26, 2015 meeting. She anticipatesincludingwarrant articlesfor which there is unanimous support from all members of the Board of Selectmen(BoS), the CEC,and this Committee. At Town Meeting, she will allow questions on any articleincluded on the Consent Agenda. However, if debate ensues,or upon the objection of anyTown Meeting member,that article will be removedand addressed separately.The articles to be included on the Consent Agendawill be identified in advance,with a short description of each. There was discussionofa list of articlesthe BoS has supportedfor inclusionon the Consent Agenda. From that list, the Committee supported inclusion of the following: Article 17:Technical Correction to the borrowing Authorization under Article 13b (School Capital) of the 2014 ATM Article 19: Martingale Road Street Acceptance Article 20: Richmond Circle Street Acceptance Article 24:Appropriate Bonds and Notes Premiums Article 25: Rescind Prior Borrowing Authorization Article 27: Appropriate to Stabilization Fund \[Indefinite Postponement(IP) anticipated\] Article 28: Appropriate from Debt Service Stabilization Fund Article 32: Establish Qualifications for Tax Deferrals\[IP anticipated\] Article 33: Authorize Home Rule Petition for Tax Relief \[ IPanticipated\] Article 37: Amend General By Laws -Street Performers A motion was made and seconded to supportthe inclusion of the Articlesidentified above on the Consent Agenda.The motion passed. VOTE: 8-0 1 03/05/15 AC Minutes Preparation for Committee Report to ATM and Special TownMeetings#1 and #2: 2. School Department Operating Budget: Dr. Ashstatedthat there are three main factors influencing the School Department’s operating budget: SC guidelines, legal mandates,and efforts to be effective and efficient.The proposed FY2016 budget reflectsa 6.9% increase over the FY2015 budget. Itincludes a 0.9% increase for benefits and approximately1.0% for program improvements. The balance is for legal mandates and to address staffing for enrollment increases.Dr. Ash added that the budget includes supportforlow income students, students with emotional needs, and special education students. There is an effort to keep special education students in Lexington rather than paying the costs of sending them out- of-district. Althougheducation costs are comparable whether in-district orout-of-district, the cost totransport students out-of-district is considerable. Ms. Dunn reported that over the past nine years, the Town has been spending approximately 50% of theamount budgeted as a reserve for unanticipated out-of-districtspecial needs tuition costs.In the FY2016 operating budget, the request is being reduced to better reflect experience. She noted that although there is some risk associated with this approach, there are some available resources to cover overruns for special needs programs if necessary, including the state’s Circuit Breaker program and the Town’s special education stabilization fund. Mr. Addelsonnotedthat the recent return by the School Department ofunusedfunds has provided an opportunity to fund the Capital Projects Stabilization Fund, which will be an important resource to mitigate the costs of upcoming school facility expansion requirements. In response to questions, Dr. Ash and Ms. Dunn stated that: Expanding the world language program into the elementary schools will not occur before FY2018 because of collective bargaining issues and the need for classroom space. Reducing teacher load (i.e., a teacher’s classroom responsibilities)at the high school would cost approximately $2.0 million; it would cost $8.0 million to reduce the teacher load system-wide. The teacher load in Lexington doesnot hinder the system’s ability to hire good teachers; teaching in Lexington is highly desirable. Although Dr. Ash, Ms. Dunn and TomPlati, Director of Educational Technology and Assessment, LPS, are leaving Lexington at the end of the year, no principals have reported plans to leave. There has been an increase in “high-end”special needs students so that some new programs are needed. The Governor’s proposed budget could negatively impactthe state funds Lexington receivesbut it is considered premature to basedecisions on that possibility. Mr. Addelson reported that Town Counsel is working on amotion for STM #1 Article 2: Appropriate for School Facilities Capital Projects. It will not include reference to the consensus document that has been agreed to by the BoS and the finance committees outlining a process for implementing this Article if it is approved. Pat Goddard, Director of Public Facilities, will incorporate language into aRequest for Proposals that allows the Town to proceed with the projects as intended. It was noted that it has not yet been determined whether prefabricated units should be installed at Fiske Elementary Schoolor whether less expensive, temporarymodular units should be used instead. 2 03/05/15 AC Minutes CEC Positions on Capital Articles: Ms. Haireviewed the position of the CEC on capital articles on the warrant. She statedthat the CEC is generally supportive of all items with the exception of certain projects or project elements that the CEC believes are primarilyaesthetic. The CEC feels that withthe growing demand for large projects for schools and public safety facilities,this is not the time to pursue such amenities. She identified the following capital Articles that the CEC is not currently supporting,or for which a position has not yet been taken: STM #2, Article 4: Appropriate for Cary Memorial Building Sidewalk Enhancement: The CEC postponed its vote because the Commission on Disability has not yet taken a position on this project. ATM, Article 8; FY2016 Community Preservation Act Projects: (e) Battle Green Streetscape Improvements:The CEC currently does not support this project, which includes a FY2016 request for $200,000; it is expected that $900,000 would be requested next year. The Harrington Road intersection is a safety issue, but it isn’t clear whether anything will be recommended to address this concern.Otherwise the project appears to be for aesthetic purposes. AC Comments: The projectincludes the use of Community Preservation Act funds for some of the costs. (o) Grain Mill Alley Design Funds: The CEC currently does not support this project because it would be spending Town funds on private property; there isn’t a critical need; and it is foraesthetic purposes. AC Comments: The Town has spent money on private property before. (p) Minuteman Bikeway Wayfinding Signs—Design Funds:The CEC currently does not support this projectbecause the State is exploring the idea of uniform signage statewide and the other Towns through which the bikeway travels should be sharing financial responsibilityfor design work. This project seems to be premature. ATM Article 11: Appropriate for Municipal Capital Projects and Equipment: (a) Center Streetscape Improvements and Easements—Phase 1: The CEC currently does not support this project because it appears that only a portion is for essential, safety- related components. There is also concern that future projects associated with the Hosmer House and/or PoliceStation could negatively impact work done as part of this project.There is a current effort to get a better understanding of the project and to determine whether it can be reduced in scope to focus on safety components. AC Comments: Massachusetts Avenue needs to be repaved and center sidewalks and crosswalks currently are not standardized; this project helps address these issues. (k) Hastings Park Undergrounding Wires: The CEC currently does not support this project because it is only for aesthetics. 3 03/05/15 AC Minutes Announcements: 3.Mr. Addelson reportedthat the amount of state aid that Lexington will receivewill probably be$40,000less than the amount included inthe current proposed budget. No steps are being taken at this time to adjust for thatpossible shortfall. He also reportedthat the current budget request assumesa 7.5% increase in health insurance expenses. Recently received information showsincreasesbetween a little less than 7.5%and 9.5%, depending on the insurance company. Modeling will determinewhether this cost increase results in a need to changethehealth insurance line itemin the budget. The meeting was adjourned at 10:07p.m. The documents used at the meeting are listed below. Respectfully submitted, Sara Arnold Recording Secretary Approved July 9, 2015 Exhibits 1.Agenda,posted by Glenn Parker 2.Emailfrom David Kanter to CEC members, March 5, 2015,RE: Articlesthat Might be Considered for Consent-Agenda Concept at Town Meeting 3.Emailfrom Mr. Parker to AC, March 3, 2015,RE: CEC Positions 4.Draft Motion, STM #1 Article 2 Appropriate for School Facilities Capital Projects, Prepared 3/23/15 4