HomeMy WebLinkAbout1995-01-BOS-min60-138 Selectmen's Meeting Wednesday, January 4, 1995 A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held on Wednesday, January 4, 1995 in the Selectmen's Meeting Room, Town Office Building at 7:30 p.m. Chairman Dailey, Mr. McSweeney, Mr. Busa, Mr. Fenn, Mrs. Eddison; Mr. Cohen, Town Counsel; Mr. White, Town Manager; Mrs. Novak, Assistant Town Manager; and Ms. Smith, Executive Clerk, were present. License Renewals Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve a Common Carrier License for A Yankee Line, Inc.; Common Victualler licenses for Holiday Inn Express, Bagel Haus and Chadwick's; an Inkeeper license for Holiday Inn Express and a Class III license for Diogenes E. Torres. Meeting Schedule for February, March and April, 1995 Board members reviewed and approved a proposed meeting schedule of February 6, 13 and 27; March 6, 13, 20 and 27; April 3, 10, and 24 and Wednesdays during Town Meeting, March 29, April 5, 12 and 26. Budget Overview Mr. White reviewed the FY96 budget that he had presented to the Board in December. He explained the new revenue sources and said that an additional $67,000 was realized from new growth in FY95. Of the anticipated $1,348,720 in new revenue, $758,530 will have to be allocated to debt service. He indicated he had identified 9 budget goals and his budget met 7 of those goals. His budget also proposes a 2% increase in organized and non -organized employee salaries on the Town side. His budget also proposes to maintain the Town's investment in automation and public safety in terms of community policing efforts. His recommended budget also recognizes the needs of the School Department. He is also proposing a $1.5 million override. He felt it would not be prudent to propose both an operating budget override and a debt exclusion for capital expenditures this year. He is not recommending for FY96 the school technology program nor the building renovation program proposed in the Archetype report. Mr. White also reviewed open issues such as no estimated cost for health insurance for tutors in the FY96 school budget. 60-139 Selectmen's Meeting - January 4, 1995 Mr. Dailey expressed concern over requests adding up to $5 million over the proposed budget. He was hopeful that the Town could agree on a compromise budget as the budget process moved along, and stated his wish that the Town not polarize in any direction. The Board at this point does not endorse nor dismiss the figures that the Town Manager has proposed. The Board will be meeting each Monday and Wednesday through January to discuss certain department budget concerns and will invite all interested parties to be present. Mr. Dailey also advised those present that two members of the Board of Selectmen and two members of the School Committee will be meeting at two week intervals to keep each other informed of the status of their respective budgets. Mr. Dailey expressed the concern of the Board over the capital projects problem. The Board has appointed a committee to study the Archetype proposal. Finance Department Budget Review Mr. Ryan reviewed the Finance Department request for FY96, including Debt Service, Revenue Office, Comptroller Office, Assessor's Office and Data Processing. Mr. Ryan also reviewed the Contributory Retirement needs of $3,017,933 as well as the estimated health insurance benefits for retirees. Mr. Ryan also reviewed the investment picture for FY94 and FY95. Transportation Office Budget Review Sara Arnold and Barbara Lucas reviewed the Transportation Office request and the recommended funding by the Town Manager. Appointment to Recreation Committee Mr. White requested the Board's approval to appoint Pamela Varrin of 30 Dawes Road to the Recreation Committee to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of Harvey Lowell Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the Town Manager's appointment of Pamela Varrin to the Recreation Committee. 60-140 Selectmen's Meeting - January 4, 1995 Executive Session Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 5-0 Chairman Dailey, Mr. McSweeney, Mr. Busa, Mr. Fenn and Mrs. Eddison to go into Executive Session for discussion of litigation, the disclosure of which might adversely affect the interests of the Town, with no intent to resume open session. A true record, attest: ,r Phyllis A. Smith Executive Clerk 60-141 Selectmen's Meeting Monday, January 9, 1995 A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held on Monday, January 9, 1995 at Estabrook Hall, Cary Memorial Building, at 7:30 p.m. Chairman Dailey, Mr. McSweeney, Mr. Busa, Mr. Fenn, Mrs. Eddison; Mi. Cohen, Town Counsel; Mr. White, Town Manager; Mrs. Novak, Assistant Town Manager; and Ms. Smith, Executive Clerk were present. Street Acceptance - Sunny Knoll Terrace Mr. Dailey opened the Sunny Knoll Terrace street acceptance hearing. Speaking on behalf of abutters were Mr. & Mrs. Benghiat, Mike Saunders, and Chris Colbert. After much discussion about the prudence of a $110,000 expenditure this year, the cost to each individual abutter, and the proposed ten year pay back by the residents, the Chairman closed the hearing. It was decided to allow the process to move forward to the meeting on the 18th of January. Boston Edison/New England Telephone - Grant of Location/70 Reed Street Mr. Dailey opened a public hearing on the joint petition of Boston Edison and New England Telephone Company for a grant of location for a conduit to be installed, owned and used by New England Telephone and Boston Edison company to provide underground telephone and - electric service to the resident at 70 Reed Street. There being no comments or questions, Mr Dailey declared the hearing closed. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the petition, plans and order for a grant of location for the installation of conduit at 70 Reed Street. Boston Edison/New England Telephone - Grant of Location/26 Grant Street Mr. Dailey opened a public hearing on the joint petition of Boston Edison and New England Telephone Company for a grant of location for a conduit to be installed, owned and used by New England Telephone and Boston Edison Company to provide underground telephone and electric service to the resident at 26 Grant Street. There being no comments or questions, Mr. Dailey declared the hearing closed. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the petition, plans and order for a grant of location for the installation of conduit at 26 Grant Street. 60-142 Selectmen's Meeting - January 9, 1995 Boston Gas Company - Grant of Location/191 Spring Street Mr. Dailey opened a public hearing on the petition of Boston Gas Company for a grant of location for a gas main to be placed in Spring Street to provide new gas service to the comercial development at 191 Spring Street. There being no comments or questions, Mr. Dailey declared the hearing closed. Upon motion duly made and seconded it was voted to approve the petition, plans and order for a grant of location for the installation of approximately 175 feet of 8 inch plastic gas main in Spring Street to provide gas service to 191 Spring Street. Joint Meeting with School Committee and Finance Committees The Committee members discussed the tax rate reflected in the tax bills just received by residents which shows a residential increase of 4%. The Assessors indicated at the Classification Hearing that we should seriously consider closing the gap between the residential and commercial property rates. Mr. Dailey presented anticipated new revenue figures. Jeff Young presented the proposed school budget explaining that 80% of the budget is in payroll costs and 20% in expenses. He reviewed anticipated increased school enrollments, and the expected increase in special education costs. John Moynihan reviewed anticipated capital expenditures for school building maintenance. Jeff Young explained that the capital budget has two components, the buildings maintenance at a projected cost of $3.1 million and the five-year technology plan at a cost of $2.06 million in FY96. Dr. Young indicated that the costs of benefits are not yet included in the school figures. Paul LaPointe indicatd the Appropriation Committee would be setting aside three meetings in February and early March to have a joint public meeting with the Capital Expenditures Committee with the intent to get input before the Appropriation Committee prepares its report for Town Meeting. Mr. Dailey left the meeting at this point. 60-143 Conservation Restriction - 9A Paddock Lane Mr. McSweeney explained that the Conservation Commission had accepted a conservation restriction on land at 9A Paddock Lane from Ilan J. Dahan and Nancy B. Reiner and asked the Board to accept this conservation restriction. Selectmen's Meeting - January 9, 1995 Upon Motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to accept the conservation restriction on land at 9A Paddock Lane. Common Victualler License - Uda Corporation, Inc. d/b/a Roka Restaurant Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve a common victualler license to Uda Corporation, Inc. d/b/a Roka Restaurant. Executive Session Minutes - November 28 1994 December 6 1994 and December 19 1994 Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the Executive Session Minutes of November 28, 1994, December 6, 1994 and December 19, 1994. Recreation Budget Don Chisholm, Chairman of the Recreation Committee presented the Recreation Department budget. He expressed concern over continuing to use the Recreation Enterprise Funds to fund public works items since the Enterprise Fund would eventually be depleted. Recreation Director Maggie Whitesell reviewed the capital projects proposed by the Recreation Department. MBTA Contract with LEXPRESS Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the MBTA contract renewal with LEXPRES S. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to adjourn at 11:00 p.m. A true record, Attest: Phy s A. Smith Executive Clerk 60-144 Selectmen's Meeting Wednesday, January 18, 1995 A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held on Wednesday, January 18, 1995 in the Selectmen's Meeting Room, Town Office Building at 7:30 p.m. Chairman Dailey, Mr. McSweeney, Mr. Busa, Mr. Fenn, Mrs. Eddison; Mr. Cohen, Town Counsel; Mr. White, Town Manager; Mrs. Novak, Assistant Town Manager; and Ms. Smith, Executive Clerk, were present. Sunny Knoll Terrace Board members discussed their concerns over voting to lay out Sunny Knoll Terrace. Mrs. Eddison felt since it was not included in the Town Manager's budget the Board should not continue the process. Mr. Busa also expressed concern because it is going to be a difficult year and did not feel comfortable with asking Town Meeting to borrow $110,000 and having Engineering taking on additional work this year. Upon motion duly made and seconded, motion to lay out Sunny Knoll Terrace was defeated by a 2-3 vote, Mr. Fenn and Mr. McSweeney voting in the affirmative, Mr. Dailey, Mr. Busa and Mrs. Eddison voting in the negative. Garrity House Mr. White indicated the Trudeaus have received an offer of $212,000 to purchase the Garrity House. The closing is scheduled for January 30, 1995. This is the second offer made on the property. All interested Boards and Committees were notified of the first offer in October of 1994. No one expressed serious interest in acquiring the property. The Town has a 99 year purchase option. This option will expire in the year 2083. Mr. White recommended the Board not pursue purchasing the property at this time. Bucket Review Mr. White explained some good news on the revenue side saying that $20,000 is saved in Lexpress contract over what the Manager recommended; the Contributory Retirement account can be reduced by $76,106; and the estimated tipping fee of $100.00/ton is down to $91.50/ton which will reduce the appropriation by $96,705 and finally, the addition of $60,366 in new growth. He did caution that the potential cost for health insurance for tutors could potentially eat up the $250,000 just discovered. Public Works Mr. Spiers presented an overview of the Public Works FY96 budget and then had his Superintendents present their respective budgets. Pauline Burke reviewed the Parking budget and the Board members discussed putting back the $5,000 into the budget for lining the Meriam Street parking lot. 60-145 Selectmen's Meeting - January 18, 1995 Highway Superintendent David Turocy, Parks and Trees Superintendent Brian Gilbert presented their budgets and Mr. Spiers reviewed the Cemetery budget, the waste management accounts including recycling, household hazardous waste collection, the refuse collection and disposal budgets and the building maintenance budget. Human Services Chairman of the Human Services Committee Donna Hooper reviewed the Human Services Committee requests in support of Services to Developmentally Disabled and Youth Services. She indicated the Committee was unanimously in favor of increasing the budget to CMARC to $11,000. Mr. White indicated that $503 could be reallocated from Veteran's Services Expenses to bring the CMARC budget up to $11,000. Ms. Hooper expressed the Committee's satisfaction over the services of Eliot but explained they were basing this on just a few months into the service contract. She indicated they will, however, be going through a formal evaluation process and the RFP is almost ready. Roberta Black made a statement regarding a citizen article to support RePlace. Council on Aging Chairman Clark Cowen and Executive Director Linda Crew Vine reviewed the Council on Aging budget and a request for $75,000 in the capital budget to air condition the Senior Center. John Curry mentioned that $12,000 requested for the tax work off program is not in the Town Manager's budget. Instead, it will be funded through the Assessors Overlay. Linda Crew Vine reviewed the State and Federal funding situation. Cary Memorial Library Stella Liu reviewed the library budget and expressed concern over the loss of trained staff because of non-competitive wages. Circulation has been increasing along with attendance, yet the full time staff has dropped by two. Betty Eddison explained the $20,000 in the capital budget for the library renovation study. She indicated a plan is needed before the Town can get any State money for construction. Town Manager Evaluation Mr. Dailey explained that he had asked each member of the Board to provide him with an evaluation of the Town Manager. The formal and comprehensive performance evaluation of the Town Manager dated January 18, 1995 evaluating him on 32 separate items was divided Li into six general categories: 60-146 Selectmen's Meeting - January 18, 1995 1. Management of Town Finances; 2. Communications with Selectmen; 3. Communications with Other Boards, Committees and Officials; 4. Negotiations of Contracts with Bargaining Units and Vendors; 5. Community Relations; and 6. Personnel In completing the evaluation form, each one of us took into account our own views as well as those of townspeople who have talked with us. Our individual evaluations naturally varied somewhat, but we agree on our identification both of the manager's strengths and the areas where we find need for improvement. We have conveyed those to the manager directly in order that he be fully aware of our expectations for the coming year. We will be conducting the same kind of review next year and we are confident that he will strengthen his job performance in the categories which we have indicated to him. The major concerns we have turn on his relationships with the community as a whole and with other boards and committees, as outlined below. His strengths - and they are great - lie primarily in fiscal and budget management. For example, through the manager's efforts, we have: maintained our Aaa rating with the bond rating agencies; there are no qualifications or significant recommendations on our audit report; we have initiated a tax work off program; we have refinanced our bonded indebtedness at a savings of hundreds of thousands of dollars; the Lexpress contract has been extended with substantial savings, and we have entered town meeting the last two years with a budget agreed to by both the Board of Selectmen and the School Committee. We find the Town Manager to be very hard working and dedicated; he is resourceful and creative in seeking out and implementing opportunities for ever more cost-efficient methods of delivering services to the community. He picks key people well and gives them credit for work well done. We are impressed by such innovative steps as the revision of health insurance and the renegotiating of insurance contracts. Nearly 60% of our citizens believe that Lexington is well managed. This perception, surprising in these times of deep suspicion of government, is due in no small measure to the manager's efforts. Under the Lexington Selectmen/Town Manager Act, the manager is vested with a wide range of responsibilities and is given significant independent authority. Consequently, he is a community leader in his own right, though he reports most directly to the Board of Selectmen. Therefore, he must see himself and be seen as both responsive and responsible to all the citizens of Lexington, whether individually or acting in their organizational roles. We find that there is room for improvement in performance in this area of the manager's responsibilities. We want to see him become more forthcoming and responsive in dealing with citizen contributions while continuing to sustain his excellence in budget and management as already demonstrated. This does not necessarily mean agreeing with all suggestions, but does mean considering thoughts that are offered. This will include sharing 60-147 Selectmen's Meeting - January 18, 1995 not just information, but ideas, options and perspectives. Control is not as important as collaboration. He needs to listen more, to share his thinking, to consider thoughtfully and respectfully the ideas of an extraordinarily active and involved citizenry, in short, to take even more advantage of the community's strengths as well as his own talents. The manager is an unusually talented professional. We have every confidence that he will move aggressively in the areas we have identified. In this regard, we especially commend him for his FY96 budget presentation, both in the document itself and his discussion of it at our opening session of this year's fiscal review. Finally, we thank the Town Manager for his efforts over the last seven years. These have not been easy times to administer the operation of a Town where much is expected and resources have been limited. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to adjourn. -at 11:05 p.m. A true record, Attest: �X Phyllis ,� .Smith Executive Clerk 60-148 Selectmen's Meeting Monday, January 23, 1995 A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held on Monday, January 23, 1995 in the Selectmen's Meeting Room, Town Office Building at 7:30 p.m. Chairman Dailey, Mr. McSweeney, Mr. Busa, Mr. Fenn, Mrs. Eddison; Mr. Cohen, Town Counsel; Mr. White, Town Manager; Mrs. Novak, Assistant Town Manager; and Ms. Smith, Executive Clerk, were present. Teleport Communications Third Phase of Fibre Optic Cabling Mr. Dailey opened the hearing on the application of Teleport Communications for a grant of location to provide for the third phase of installation of fibre optic cable to be placed on New England Telephone and Boston Edison jointly owned poles. At this time Teleport will be placing the fibre optic cabling on Hartwell Avenue from Wood Street to Bedford Street, Maguire Road from Hartwell Avenue to the Bedford Town Line, Westview Street from Hartwell Avenue to Maguire Road and Bedford Street from Eldred Street to the Bedford Town Line. All abutters have been notified of the hearing. Questions from the Board focused on the timetable for completion of phases one and two and the start of phase three. There being no further questions, Mr. Dailey declared the hearing closed. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the application of Teleport Communications for a grant of location to provide for the installation of fibre optic cable to be placed on New England Telephone and Boston Edison jointly owned poles over public was as specifically set forth in the Petition. CATV License Negotiations - Extension of Time Mr. Dailey read a letter from Jane Gharibian, Acting Chair of the CATV and Communications Advisory Committee asking the Board to approve a six-month extension to conduct informal negotiations with Cablevision concerning the CATV license renewal. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to extend the license negotiation period with Cablevision to August 4, 1995. Minutes of Meeting of December 5, 1994 Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the minutes of the meeting of December 5, 1994. Executive Session Minutes of Jamiary 4 1995 Upon motion duly and seconded, it was voted to approve the executive session minutes of January 4, 1995. 60-149 Selectmen's Meeting - January 23, 1995 Apppointments Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to appoint the following: William Mix reappointment to the Traffic Safety Advisory Committee Stephen M. Politi reappointment to the Historic Districts Commission (Library Nominee). Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to accept the resignation of Hubert Murray from the Design Advisory Committee. Consent Arenda Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the following commitments and abatements: a. Commitment of Street Opening Permits Boston Gas Company $1,291.75 NYNEX $75.00 b. Commitment of Water Charges - 11/30/94 (Cycle 9) $88,025.22 C. Commitment of Water Charges - 12/31/94 (Cycle 9) $94,881.50 d. Abatements: Water $6,985.68 Sewer $16,073.56 Demand $15.00 Budget Presentations Public Works - Water and Sewer Enterprise Water and Sewer Superintendent Bill Hadley reviewed the Water and Sewer Enterprise requested appropriations for FY96. In answer to a question from the Board, he indicated about 1,000 residents had taken advantage of the separate outdoor water meter. Public Works Capital Town Engineer Frank Fields reviewed the red line item capital requests not approved by the Town Manager. He also reviewed the capital requests being funded through the enterprise accounts. Board members asked several questions concerning the condition of various town buildings. 60-150 Selectmen's Meeting - January 23, 1995 Inspectional Services Building Commissioner Steve Frederickson reviewed the Inspectional Services Budget request for FY96. He has requested and the Town Manager is recommending increasing the Building Inspector position from part-time to full time. Also requested in the INspectional Services expense budget was an additional $8,000 for microfilming and color coded file folders. Of this the Town Manager is recommending half or $4,000. Police Chief Casey presented the Police Department FY96 budget request. The Town has applied for a COPS grant which he hopes will fund the addition of two patrol officers, a community policing officer and one youth officer. Chief Casey also reviewed the status of the accreditation process and indicated it was still three years away. Fire Chief John Bergeron presented the Fire Department FY96 budget request. He indicated that no capital requests are being funded for FY96. The Chief reviewed per capita costs of Lexington and other comparable communities showing Lexington with a low of $93.74/capita. He reviewed the increase of 8% in ambulance calls and stated the biggest factor in this increase is an aging population. He also reported that the number of bad accidents has decreased. Executive Session Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 5-0, Mr. Dailey, Mr. McSweeney, Mr. Busa, Mr. Fenn and Mrs. Eddison to go into executive session for discussion of land acquisition, the disclosure of which. might adversely affect the interests of the Town, with no intent to resume open session. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to adjourn at 10:05 p.m. A true record, Attest: Phyllis/A. Smith Executive Clerk 60-151 Selectmen's Meeting January 30, 1995 A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held on Monday, January 30, 1995 in the Selectmen's Meeting Room, Town Office Building at 7:30 p.m. Chairman Dailey, Mr. McSweeney, Mr. Busa, Mrs. Eddison; Mr. Cohen, Town Counsel; Mr. White, Town Manager; Mrs. Novak, Assistant Town Manager; and Ms. Smith, Executive Clerk, were present. Boston Edison/New England Telephone - Grant of Location/Locke Village Mr. Dailey opened a public hearing on the joint petition of Boston Edison and New England Telephone Company for joint or identical locations for the erection or construction of stub poles, anchor rods and guy wires to be owned and used in common by them and such other fixtures as may be necessary to sustain or protect the wires of the line upon, along and across the following public ways: Lowell Street -place one pole with anchor guy on the easterly side of the road approximately 123 feet south from the center line of North Street; and on North Street on existing poles #70/15, 70/13 and 70/12, place one new anchor guy on each pole; and place one stub pole #70/10S with anchor guy located approximately 585 feet north from Adams Street on the westerly side of the road. Mr. Boudreau, representative of NYNEX, indicated they would work closely with Brian Gilbert on the removal of branches on North Street. No tree trimming will be necessary on Lowell Street. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the petition, plans and order for a grant of location for new poles, anchors and guy wires to be owned and used in common by New England Telephone and Boston Edison companies to provide telephone service to the new Locke Village Development on Lowell Street Report of the Minuteman Regional Vocational School Committee on Post Graduate Education Jacquie Ward and Marita Hartshorn reviewed the report of the Committee. Currently there are 42 residents of Lexington attending Minuteman Regional Vocational School and of those 42, 16 are post graduates. The Town is assessed for 42 students. The Committee made recommendations to the Board for recovering some of the expenses for the post graduate students enrolled at Minuteman. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to urge the Minuteman School Committee to adopt a modest tuition charge, in the sum of $500 per semester, for any student with a high school diploma, said amount to be credited against the assessment charged to the sending town. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to further urge the Minuteman School to counsel post -graduate students about available sources of financial assistance that could be used to cover some or all of the $500 tuition charge. 60-152 Selectmen's Meeting - January 30, 1995 Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to request that the Appropriations Committee review the budget and revenues of the Minuteman School in light of its relatively high per pupil assessments, as compared with the assessments for other regional vocational - technical schools. Appointments Transportation Advisory Committee Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to appoint Ms. Lorraine Pacocha to the Transportation Advisory Committee. Lexington Arts Council Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to accept the resignation of Nym Cook from the Lexington Arts Council. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to increase the membership of the Lexington Arts Council to 11 members. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to appoint Pamela Giller and Florence Trefethen to the Lexington Arts Council. Consent Aeg nda Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the following commitments: a. Commitment of water charges 1/18/95 (Final) $388.86 b. Commitment of water charges 1/20/95 (Final) $57.28 C. Commitment of sewer charges 1/18/95 (Final) $675.80 d. Commitment of sewer charges 1/20/95 (Final) $90.30 Budget Reviews Insurance Julia Novak reviewed the Health Insurance Budget. She indicated that open enrollment would take place in May. Julia reported that of 69 tutors who work for the School Department more than 20 hours per week and hence are eligible for the town's health insurance, 40 signed up. The tutors chose the lowest cost plan. Town Manager's Office and Jurisdicational Accounts Ms. Novak also reviewed the Organizational Expenses budget and the Town Manager's Office budget. 60-153 Selectmen's Meeting - January 30, 1995 Selectmen's Office Mr. Dailey expressed concern about the Selectmen's Office not being kept open all the time. He said he would prefer having a person in the Selectmen's Office for 16 hours a week reporting to the Executive Clerk rather than budgeting the part-time clerical pool position to a full time position. Mr. Dailey also requested that $3,000 be added to the Selectmen's Office expense account to cover the cost of increased advertising. Take Home Town Vehicle Policy Julia Novak reviewed an analysis she prepared on what cost savings might be achieved by eliminating the practice of providing take-home vheicles for on-call and emergency personnel. Mr. Dailey thanked Ms. Novak for her analysis which certainly indicates that the Town is receiving a benefit from the fact that these vehicles are taken home by these employees. Wrap -Up and Overview Mr. White reviewed his proposed restoration/capital inventory totaling $331,129. Mr. Dailey expressed the Board's desire to have the Manager go forward at this point with his recommended budget, including the $1.5 million on the basis of an override. It is also the hope of the Board that if savings can be generated, those savings would be used to reduce the $1.5 million figure. Executive Session Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 5-0, Mr. Dailey, Mr. McSweeney, Mr. Busa, and Mrs. Eddison to go into executive session for discussion of litigation, the disclosure of which might adversely affect the interests of the Town, with no intent to resume open session. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to adjourn a 9:30 p.m. A true record, Attest: J Phyllis. Smith Executive Clerk