HomeMy WebLinkAbout2015-05-21-LEXHAB-minLexHAB minutes, May 21, 2015 LexHAB Minutes of meeting held at the LexHAB offices at 1620 Mass. Ave., Lexington On May 21, 2015 The meeting opened at 7:05 AM. There were present Bill Kennedy (Chair), Bob Burbidge (Vice- Chair), Martha Wood, Lester Savage, Gerry Howell and Bill flays. Also present were Norman Cohen and Susie Barry (LexHAB's liaisons to the Board of Selectmen), Jennifer Van Campen and Bob Pressman. Bill Kennedy as Chair presided. 1. Minutes: The minutes for the April meeting were unanimously approved. 2. Financials: Gerry commented on the 4 month Profit and Loss Statement, noting that even after set aside of $1900 to replenish LEHAC's balance, net profit was $2,800 higher than last year's gain for the same period. It was then moved, seconded and unanimously voted to accept the reports as presented. 3. Planning Board meeting: It was noted that at last night's listening meeting of the Planning Board, a housing committee was established for the purpose of examination of the Housing Component of the Town's Master Plan, with recommendations from the committee for possible changes in the Plan. Mr. Cohen suggested that LexHAB needs to better publicize its role in providing affordable housing for families in need. 4. Jennifer Van Campen joined the meeting: A. Fairview Jennifer reported that the Regulatory Agreement (designed to assure future affordability of all units built either with CPA funding or under Chapter 40 -b ) has been signed and placed on record; the building permit can now be drawn, Jennifer recommended that one or two of our number meet frequently with Carter Scott or his person in charge, as with four parties involved (Carter's company as contractor, LexHAB as owner and developer, The Minuteman Vocational School and the Rotary Club as fund dispenser), there could easily arise coverage gaps and even misunderstandings. The consensus was that Lester and Dave should be the LexHAB representatives. It was noted that neighbors should be informed as to our progress and plans. Bob Burbidge will undertake this task. B. Busa Farm Project Members asked whether the deed placing title to the housing parcel in Lexhab has been obtained and recorded. Ms. Barry will check with the Town Manager as to progress on this matter. The DHCD application should soon be ready for filing. For it, we will need letters of support from the Selectmen and from the Housing Partnership (already in hand). A check for the filing fee with DHCD will need to accomp- any the application. It was noted that LexHAB expenditures for CPA funded projects cannot be reimbursed by the CPC. In the past, mortgages solved this problem. We need to determine whether a mortgage will be necessary for this project. 6. Goal Setting The Board of Selectmen will be working on this project in June. The Chairman will look into our role and/or contributions. As for LexHAB, there seemed to be consensus that our next step after Busa, Leary and the Wright Farm should be another project similar to Fairview. 7. Wright Farm There was brief discussion about the housing element which is a part of the Town's plan for the Farm property. 8. Parker Manor No report 9. Admission Procedure for SSI units Beth Rush has looked over LexHAB's admission requirements and procedures and recommends that henceforth, we comply with those established by DHCD.. It was the consensus of the meeting that this recommendation be followed. 10. Lexington Farm Request It was reported that Lexington Farms seeks a meeting with representatives of Lexhab before construction of our>housing elements commences in order that each party knows what the other is about to undertake. The Chairman asked Bob Burbidge and Lester to\respond affirmatively in LexHAB's behalf to the proposal. 11. Next Meeting The next meeting will be on June 17th at 7 A.M. at the Lexhab offices at 1620 Massachusetts Ayenue. Bob Burbidge will bring the coffee. Respectfully submitted: William C. Hays Secretary pro tem