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Bridge SBC 4/17/15
In attendance: Julia Mabuchi, Russ Bosbach, Deirdre Schadler, Jean Kelly, Meg
Collela, Naomi Priver, Lynnette Allen, Bronte Abraham, Zelda Rubenstein, Betsy
Conway, Kristen Gray (Observing for Admin program), Erin Maguire, Angela Change,
Nimisha Asthagiri
Topics: Digital Literacy & New trafÐc pattern
Lynette Allen, School Librarian, presented what the Library is teaching the students
about digital literacy. She distributed handouts.
The program begins in 2nd grade and utilizes the common sense media curriculum.
In 2nd & 3rd grades, the students are introduced to the internet and discuss beginning
safety and how it's important to get your parents permission to explore the internet.
In 4th & 5th grades the students learn about how your digital footprint lives with you
forever. What is wise and safe use.
The program is being piloted by Bridge and Hastings and will be revised as the program
develops. The program will expand to include all Lexington elementary schools.
Erin McGuire, Asst. Principal, presented the work she's done with the 5th grades around
social media. She also used the common sense media curriculum as her guide. She
distributed handouts.
Anyone can sign up to receive common sense media emails.
She spoke to the kids about being mindful about what you post. Use as a guide: Would
you show what you're posting to your grandmother?
Ms. McGuire used real life situations to help them understand why keeping things
private is important.
She will continue to work with the students.
The discussion continued with the group around social media, keeping track of this
moving target, and how it is being handled at school.
Meg Collela, Principal, presented the new trafÐc pattern that has been approved the the
committee that has been working together for 2 years. There was an Environmental
Partners study presented to the group that included parents, Ðre dept reps, police,
central administration, bus reps.
The program will begin in Sept. The details will be mailed home to families in May and
over the course of the summer multiple times.
New parking spaces will be added - the number of spaces will increase from 108 to 134.
The new plan includes the busses dropping off and picking up in front of the school; live
pick up on the side of the building; a new sidewalk being built; adding a crosswalk from
the school to the Res area; car labels being sent home and students being released
from the cafeteria. Parents will not be allowed to enter the school parking lot until a
certain time each afternoon, and there will be no idling on Middleby Rd. at any time.
Parents will need to drive around the neighborhood until they can enter the school
parking lot.
The system will be a big adjustment for the school, but Meg is conÐdent that once
everyone adjusts it will work smoothly as similar systems work in other schools around
The conversation continued to include the whole group - there was no concern voiced
from the group.
Next Meeting Fri 5/29/15