HomeMy WebLinkAbout2015-03-25-REC-minFrederick 1: eAngeli.s, Chairman Lisah Rhodes Wendy Rudner Sandra Shaw Ruixi Yuan To n xin Recreation rni7ttee creations nttee Minutes of '4 eeting of March 25, 201.5 Tel: (781) 698-4800 Fax: (781) 862 -2747 A meeting of the Recreation Committee was held 011 Monday, March 25, 2015 at 6 :30 p.m, in. Room 220 at the Lexington High School. Members Preset; Rick DeA. gelis, Lisah. Rhodes, Ruixi Yuan, and Sandra Shaw hers '4alhserrtm Wendy Rudner Stdrff ^resent:. Karen Simmons, Director of Recreation and Commrmity Programs and Sheila Butts, Assistant Director izens Present: i om Shiple and John Clough Lexington United Soccer Club, Michael. Schroeder, Lexington Little League, and Susie Barry, Selectman's Liaison to the Recreation Committee, The meeting was called to order at 6 :31 p,m, The meeting acted on the following: 1, Meeting Minutes Jan y ary 21, 20115 and March 3, 2015 Ruixi Yuan moved and Sandra Shaw seconded approval of the Recreation Committee Minutes of January 21, 2015. The Recreation Committee voted 3- 0- 2 to approve the Minutes of January 21, 2015. Approval of the minutes of the March 2, 2015 Recreation Committee meeting were postponed until the Committee meets again on April 29, 2015. 2. Citizens and other aards - None 3, Liaison t" eports — None 4. Open Space and Recreation Pla Karen Simmons, Director of Recreation and Community Programs reported that a draft of the 2015 Open Space and Recreation Plan (OSRP) has been submitted to the State for conditional approval. Ms. Simmons requested a letter of support of the OSRP from the Recreation Committee, to he signed by Committee Chair, Rick !IueAngelis on behalf of the Committee. Sandra Shaw moved and Ruixi Yuan seconded approval of the Open Space and Recreation. Plan. The Recreation Committee voted 3 -0 -2 to accept the *pen Space and,ecreatio Plano 1625 MASSACl [USE fl'S AVENUE LEXINGTON, MASSACHUSETTS 02420 5� Update mnLincoln Park Light m@bilitw( USC) 7rom Ship|e, Lexington United Soccer Club reported that LOSC had smUoiiedusecond proposal and price quote from Sandborn, Head & Associates for u light feasibility study at Lincoln Pnrk. The price proposal was significantly lower than ihat of Geosyntec. The new proposal breaks the project into three phases: Use of historical boring data and information from Muauo Lighting for preliminary plan designs forTovvu approval and conditional approval from the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP)' Site location specific drilling, final project duei8npropnym]uodDEPuppropa| Construction The cos o[Phuxc 1 ix$7,0N8` which allows for additional money to be allocatecl to Phases 2 and Phase 3, LUSC indicated that they will be focusi on only one of the three field oiLimoo|o. This will rodouc the cost nf the project, Mr. Shiple and Mr. CLough requested that thc Recreation Committee approve the general concept of their proposal, which will allow them to move. forward. Mr. DeAngelis made the ,following motion; The Recreation Connnittec supports the p/ari of action proposed hv Lexington On//udSocuer Club far the phasing o/ the Light Feasibility Study umd concepl proposal for ihe possible intaiicit,on oflighis on one !e!d at Lincoln Park, contingent upon the results of the study, final design submission and approval by the Recreation Coo/m//tee' Board uf Selectmen, Town o/ Lexington and the Department uf.Emvbonnrun(of Protection. Sandra Shaw seconded the motion. The Recreation Committee v tcd 4'0-1 to approve. Mr. Shinlc also Nm1LUSC would like to withdraw their Proposal on Field Allocation. 6. Levi g Little leag /wuSe 1i-eh rd Proposal Michael Schroeder, President oƒLcsimgk`oLiU1eLcogncpooxeutodapropomW(mttacbud)0o purchase and install an electronic scoreboard at tlie Fitzgerald Field. Once completed, the scoreboard would he gifted to the Town. Mr. Schroeder has reached out to NuotniMurtim' LHS Athletic Director, and is waiting for a call-back. Lexington Little League also approved $5,808 to be used for the purchase and installation of a scoreboard at the Center 2 Softball field. Karen Simmons, Director of Recreation and Cornrnwiity Progralns requested that SheiLa Butts contact the -Mom's on the Mound'^ coordinators, asking them to contact Mx. Martin regarding the sizeable donation they macle seveial years ago 10 the LHS i\th]etie Department to be used for the purchase and installation of a scoreboard at Center 2. Ms. Simmons also noted that during the renovation of Center 2, conduit was installed to facilitate a scoreboard. Mr. :DeAoge|ixuyked i[ the eventual gift ofthe Fitzgerald Field scoreboard included ongoing nouintenunco. Mr. Schroeder said that this was not initially considered bv Lexington Little League, but believed it could be included in the "gift". Ms, Simmons suggested that Mr. Schrocdcr work with Peter Coleman, Supervisor of Recreation, 10 Iocale companies 011 State Contract that sell and install e|eo1rooiouoorebourdu. Lisah Rhodes sked the scoreboard would have a or donor plaque and recommended requesting approval for such a plaque, from the Recreation Committee and Board of Selectmen once the project ixcomp|cVod. Lisah Rhodes moved to accept the Lexington Little League Scoreboard proposal to install an electronic scoreboard at the Fitzgerald Field, contingent upon the location approval of the 1)ii'ector of Recreation and Cornlmlnity Programs. Ruixi Ynan seconded the motion. The Recreation Committce approved 4-0-1. 2 7. Recreation 5Ymmr Capital Plan "f his is a standing item. Ma, Simmons told the Committee that Lisuh Rhodes Ms, Rhodes will be presenting the Department's capital a.itices to Town Meeting. ibe "datc ce tan for the CPA presentation is Monday, A il 6. Town Meeting will vote on the Pinc Meadows capital articic on Monday, March 30. 8, Cwmmmmwuih/ {`cnter Update Karen Simmons, Director of Recreation and Community Programs, provided the committee with the foliowing update on the Cornrnunily Center: Construction is moving along and on schedule for completion in 1Vlay with an early June move date, The Town has received a large number of applications for the Community Center Office Manager position and for the Youth and Family Program Coordinator position. 9, Li * coin # 1 Update Karen Simmons, Director of Recreation, reported that the Town has signed a contract agreement with a new vendor on replacement work at Lincoln 4 1. The work would begin as soon as the snow melts, and is a three-week project. This will be at no cost to the Tovvn. 18. Recmc° dk port Karen Simmons, Director of Recreation and Community Programs, reported on die ,following: Pine Meadows is still closed and will be for a while duo to the snow and weather. This late opening is creating a financial loss tbr the FY15 Fiscal Year. &4KAA is considering the extension of the spring high school athletic season. Lisah hodes askcd if BAYS has changed ils datcs for the spring LUSC has not yct been inforrned of any datc changes yet. Ducto continued weather issues, Ms. Simmons requests that the Recreation Committee extend the use of teinporary lights on Lincoln #2. by Lexington United Soccer Club until the end of the spring season. Rick DeAngelis moved to extend the LUSC temporary |igbiperomit to the end ofthe spring season. Lixuh Rhodes seconded the motion. e Recreation CommmmitVecvoted 4-0-1 to ppmmvmthim motion. Ms. Simmons distributed the Recreation and Community Programs Department Fv20l6 operating budget, which will be considered at an upcoming Town Meeting date, The t eeting of ofthe Recreation Cornmittee is schetluled to take place wu Wednesday, A ril 29, 2015 at 6;30 p,m. at Lexingto oHdu6SchomK,*ww'/.%20,ifTown Mecting is still in session; If Town Meeting has ended, the Recreation Committee meeting will take place mn Wed cxdzw,A»ril 29, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. in the Town Office Building, Parker Roo The March 25, 2015 Recreation Committee meeting adjourned at 7:14 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Sheila Butts, Assistant Director The -following, muumuen1s/mxhibKtw uaed at the meeting are attached: to Lexington Little Leaguc Scoreboard Proposal Lexington Lit le Le.ague - Scoreboard Proposad Lexington Little League b proposing to pay for and install am electronic scoreboard tmbe\nstaUedat C4, also known as Fitzgerald Field. The scoreboard would be placed hehind the leftfield fence, so it is visibe over the fence to teams and spectators. After installation the scoreboard would be gifted to the town. Lexington youth of all ages wiil benefit from this thisfied having a scoreboard for many years to corne. The scoreboard woulcl be no bigger than 10' hy 5' and it would he hed in placc by 2 standrd size posts (max' diameter 4.5 inchex)' The foliowing is a sample scoreboard to show what the scoreboard could look like. MI1 11 Electrical requirements would be 1.1 Amps,. 120 VAC, 1 ,�m����