HomeMy WebLinkAbout2015-03-02-REC-minFrederick DeAngelis, Chairman Lisah Rhodes Wendy Rudner Sandra Shaw Ruixi Yuan Town of Lexington Recreation Committee Recreation Committee Minutes of Meeting of March 2, 2015 Tel: (781) 698 -4800 Fax: (781) 862 -2747 A meeting of the Recreation Committee was held on Monday, March 2, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. in the Parker Room at the Town Office Building. A quorum of 4 was present. Members Present: Rick DeAngelis, Lisah Rhodes, Wendy Rudner, and Sandra Shaw, Members Absent: Ruixi Yuan Staff Present: Karen Simmons, Director of Recreation and Community Programs, Chris Filadoro, Superintendent of Public Grounds, and Sheila Butts, Assistant Director Citizens Present: Tom Shiple, Lexington United Soccer Club, Ellen Cameron, liaison from Council on Aging, Christian Boutwell, Lexington Youth Lacrosse, and Nick Clarke, Lexington United Soccer Club The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p,m. The meeting acted on the following: 1. Citizens and other Boards — Ellen Cameron, COA Liaison, indicated that there is nothing new to report from the Council on Aging. As the opening date for the new Community Center approaches, the COA will have more information. 2. Meeting Minutes January 21, 2015 Approval of the minutes of the January 21, 2015 Recreation Committee meeting were postponed until the Committee meets again on the next Committee meeting. 3. Liaison Reports Wendy Rudner distributed her notes (attached) from the January 6, 2015 meeting of the Lincoln Park Subcommittee. 4. Community Center Update Karen Simmons, Director of Recreation and Community Programs, provided the committee with the following update on the Community Center: • Construction is moving along. ® Recruitment has begun for the Community Center Director, Office Manager and Youth and Family Program Coordinator positions. Interviews are scheduled to take place in late March and early April. 1625 MASSACHUSETTS AVENUE ^ LEXINGTON, MASSACHUSETTS 02420 5. VHB Open Space Recreation Plan Karen Simmons, Director of Recreation and Community Programs, distributed copies of the most recent draft of the Open Space and Recreation Plan, requesting that Committee members review the document again and submit recommended changes to Peter Coleman. A letter in support of the OSRP by the Recreation Committee should be submitted with the final document. Karen Simmons will draft a letter for Rick DeAngelis to sign as chairman of the Recreation Committee. 6. LUSC — Temporary Lights at Lincoln Park Toni Shiple, on behalf of the Lexington United Soccer Club, presented a proposal (attached) to install temporary lights on one field at Lincoln Park this corning spring. The request is similar to that approved in fall 2014. Karen Simmons, Director of Recreation and Community Programs, informed the Recreation Committee that she supports the proposal. Rick DeAngelis suggested that the end date requested by LUSC be changed from April 10 to the first of the following options: a) the opening of the grass fields or b) May 1. Sandra Shaw moved and Wendy Rudner seconded approval of the use of temporary lights by Lexington United Soccer Club at Lincoln Park from March 30 to May 1 or the opening of grass fields. The Recreation Committee voted 4 — 0 in favor of the use of temporary lights at Lincoln Park by Lexington United Soccer Club. Karen Simmons will send LUSC a letter of conditions for the use of the temporary lights. 7. Update on Light Feasibility (LUSC) Christian Boutwell, President of Lexington Youth Lacrosse (LYL), announced that based on further discussions between the LYL and LUSC Boards, Lexington United Soccer Club would like to proceed independently with the light project at Lincoln Park without a partner. The LYL Board is in agreement with this decision, and going forward will not provide either financial or community support for this project. Tom Shiple of Lexington United Soccer explained that this decision was based in part on the fact that LUSC would be the primary user and will fund this proposed project. The decision makes it operationally easier to go forward according to Mr. Shiple. Mr. Shiple also introduced Nick Clarke, who is replacing John Clough as co- president of LUSC. Mr. Shiple reported that LUSC had gone back to GeoSyntec with a request that they "downsize" the testing to include two fields rather than three fields. Based on this, the new quote is 25% less than the initial estimate. Mr. DeAngelis suggested that LUSC obtain one or two additional price proposals, which LUSC will try to secure. Mr. Shiple also reported that he had met with Karen Simmons to discuss the Lighted Field Allocation proposal (attached) for Lincoln when the project is completed. Ms. Simmons noted that the department permits fields based on a Tier Structure, and will continue to do so. The Lexington Public Schools and the Department of Recreation and Community Programs fall under Tier 1. All Lexington based Youth Sports Organizations, including LUSC fall under Tier 2. Permits are issued based on timing, availability, and without consideration of added permits for the use of lights. Mr. DeAngelis commented that any changes would have to be considered in the context of how the department currently permits fields. Mr. Boutwell, concurred and indicated that nothing in the proposal for "preferential" permitting to LUSC or LYL is an erosion of the existing policy. The Recreation Committee asked that this issue be added to the next Committee Meeting Agenda. They will review the current permit policy and an updated proposal from LUSC with the exclusion of LYL, and vote at the meeting. 2 8. Recreation 5 Year Capital Plan This is a standing item. Ms. Simmons told the Committee that Lisah Rhodes has been working with Peter Coleman, Supervisor of Recreation and Community Programs to finalize the presentation for Town Meeting. Ms. Rhodes will be presenting the Recreation and Community Programs Department Capital Plan to Town Meeting. 9. Lincoln # 1 Update Karen Simmons, Director of Recreation, reported that the Town is close to reaching an agreement with the vendor on replacement work at Lincoln # 1. The work would begin as soon as the snow melts, and is a three -week project. 10. Recreation Reports Karen Simmons, Director of Recreation, reported on the following: • As of February 23, 2015, the Recreation Department is now officially the Department of Recreation and Community Programs. Staff are working on updating all department documents and templates to reflect the new name. Sandra Shaw asked how the department name change might affect the Recreation Committee. Ms. Simmons responded that the Recreation Committee should not change, however, the current charge of the Recreation Committee is outdated and should be updated. This may have to go to Town Meeting. • Bids for replacement of the turf on Lincoln # 2 are out. Renovation of the Clarke Soccer field should begin after school ends in June. Clarke will be off -line through the fall, as it will be seeded, not sodded. • The Aquatics Schedule, Swim Lesson Information sheet, and Tennis Booth Schedule were distributed to the Committee. • The Department is still looking for an Aquatics Manager for the summer. • Spring /Summer program registration, including swim tag sales began this morning, March 2. • The Pine meadows maintenance building and club house roofs have been monitored all winter for snow build up. Due to the weather, the Town is looking at early to mid -April opening date for the course. • Sheila Butts, Assistant Director of Recreation was selected to receive the Massachusetts Recreation and Park Association "Community Professional of the Year" Award. Congratulations! 11. Parks Reports Chris Filadoro, Superintendent of Public Grounds, reported on the following: • Peter Coleman and Mr. Filadoro are presenting a session at the upcoming MRPA Conference in Amherst. The session is titled: Programming and Maintenance - Working Together to Deliver Services and Safe Fields. • The pool chemical quotes will be going out in the next few weeks. • The pool building has been monitored consistently throughout the winter. • Sandra Shaw asked if the skating rink at Muzzey Field was built. Mr. Filadoro explained that he and Peter Coleman had met with Lisa O'Brien to explain that due to the amount of snow received this winter, the trial rink would have to be put on hold until 2016. Ms. O'Brien was very understanding of the issues this winter, and looks forward to better conditions in 2016. • Ms. Shaw also asked if anyone from the Munroe center had contacted either the Recreation and Community Programs or Parks Department to enquire about enlarging the parking area behind the Munroe Center. NO. 3 The next meeting of the Recreation Committee will take place on Wednesday, March 25, 2015 at 6:30 p.m. at Lexington High School. The exact location is yet to be determined. The March 2, 2015 Recreation Committee meeting adjourned at 8:10 p.711. Respectfully submitted, Sheila Butts, Assistant Director The following documents /exhibits used at the meeting are attached: • Liaison Notes from the January 6, 2015 Lincoln Park Subcommittee Meeting • Proposal for Temporary Lights at Lincoln Park • LUSC Lighted Field Allocation Proposal 4 Lincoln Park Sub-commtee Maeting. ItZ 1/5- Present: David Williams, Lynne Wilson, Nell Walker': Brian Kelley, Bob Pressman, Joanne Shorter, Cindy Kuechle, Brian Connors, Partierre Landscaping, Wesiey Wirth, Wirth Associates, VVendy Rudner, jaison Most of meeting designated to the "Granite .Forest" Eagle Scout projects: Three cart path projects David will call Hank Manz to discuss/confirm Letter from Peter Coleman: Regarding Open Space and Recreation Plan Group read/discussed letter and asked that the overlook and marsh also be included CPC Discussion: Wendy Rudner, liaison, explained how the Sub-committee's budget had to go through the Recreation Committee's budget. Also, that they were in the middle of their five year financial plan and how any new funding would have to wait a couple years, as we only had so much money with which to work. I was told that the Sub-comm. was not asking for any funding, (as I believed was stated at the last meeting), but oniy for our SUPPORT. Bob Pressman, a member of the CPC Committee: informed us of all the Recreation Department's CPC requests and that CPC approved them Noted how a couple local churches have asked for funds, so why couldn't this group do so The Lincoln Park Sub comm. wiii put through a request for CPC funding for the following years budget. Wes Wirth: Would like some kind of poetry/inspirational words, on the granite Tried to get a referral/to take on the project to get funding, from Robert Pinsky (Poet Laureate), as Pinsky had submitted to a CA project/ received $, but he 's too busy just now. Bob asked cost of engraving. Wes said about $1.00 per letter. Wes would like to gradually add engravings, like every 5 years. Wes explained insulation, drainage, gravel/stone at forest that would be ADA approved. Wes suggested doing soil testing near the blackberries, Also, adding more fruit shrubs Lynne and David suggested not to do so - too many people, not the birds, take ail the fruit Miles: In spring, would like to plant elderberries. Will do one more visit to figure out/stake out locations Next Meeting - March 24, 2015, 7:30pm informal notes by Wendy Rudner (Will not be able to attend the next rneeting) 0 C3) c3 u") -0 0. a) a) 2 = _ . , 0 a) a) 0 '(9 ...c D E ..o 8 0._ 0 ti) >+, >, > C co • a) 0 . o co cu .c a) In a) E -il c 7:3 a) a) a) -C3 >1 0 ...1e -0 N 0 0 c u) 2 • 2 c c co cu o ES 0 - 0 -0 CO a) 1- To a) c) o_ ) co -0 c o Tci a LI- w o -C3 w >., co TD E 0-) O 0 23_ -E co U) Lc) o) 0 ) ..ci- :--, • f.a... co '4"C' w as „, ..,0 >'■ Z D r a) o a),_ a) 0 E 0 - a) a) a. a) 0 E ' 15 t 2 .f) 3 aa) =c 8 0 l.. c — 0 o 2 a) LO (1) C ' a) 0 a CO 16 0 CY, 0 as ca • 0_ co •— __ 2`..-' a) 75 °-- ..- to 0 u) > , 1.--J 0 ( ii N CD 0 Cg CS -0 0 ° T) E ..0 E ) cu E co 0 o -s-6 a. 8 = a) = cr) N — 47.-- 4D E E D c CT CI. °4•E' D I U) a) ---' .. = „, 0) co 6) m ....1 0 ai .4, ..... C▪ O ° 2....) 0 a) >-% 0 ..0 -0 n 0 a) (f) c° cT3 c 0 co as En 0 3E 20 u i - M W W O • T6 I >°' co u) E 71) a) (a c •°—) 0 gi c ,... — c 4— ....: 0 .. E ca*---11(0 00 E 0 u) .. ' :L- _c ...c 0 ......, 1..1_ u... CO 0 To _I Z D E = 2 0 0 0 0 .r... 0 0 0 P 02001M 4.j 0 0 0 00 Precedent: 0 LUSC successfully used temporary lights at Lincoln 2 in fall 2014 0 February 2015 Lexington United Soccer Club (the "Organization propose to finance and construct lights on one of the multi-purpose synthetic turf fields at Lincoln Park. The 0rganizatio"\/"'i|| donate the lights, along with the responsibilities of maintenance, to the Town of Lexington. In consideration ofthis donation, the Organization would like the 7:00-8:30pm slot to be reserved for Tier 1 and Tier 2 users, regardless of season priority. If a Tier 1 or Tier 2 organization does not request use of the field, it will be available to permit to other organizations. The S:3U'7:OO time slot of the three Lincoln fields would continue to be allocated among the permit requesters on a season-by-season basis, as is done now, independent of the number of 7:00-8:3Opm slotsthe Organizationmay receive, i.e.,7:QO- 8:3Opnn slot allocation is "in addition to", rather than "instead of", traditional 5:3U'7:30pnnslot allocations.