HomeMy WebLinkAbout2015-03-19-AC-min 03/19/15 AC Minutes Minutes Town of Lexington Appropriation Committee(AC) March19,2015 : Department of Public FacilitiesBuilding,Room221, 7:30 p.m. : Glenn Parker, Chair; John Bartenstein, Vice Chair and Secretary; Alan Levine; Beth Masterman;Susan McLeish;Eric Michelson; Richard Neumeier; Andrei Radulescu-Banu Members Absent:Mollie Garberg Other attendees: None The meeting was called to order at 8:05p.m. Announcements: 1.Mr. Parker reported the following: ththth Draft Minutes for February 26, March 5, and March10have been distributedfor future approval. rd This Committee will be meeting on Monday, March 23to sign the printed report from this Committee to the 2015 Annual Town Meeting(ATM). It will be printed first thing thatmorning; final edits need to be submitted by Sunday. AC Report to the 2015ATM: 2.There was discussion about the report’s Introduction and how some of the numbers have recently changed. An effort will be made to use the most current numbers available,although inevitably some numbers will change after the report is printed.Discussion, comments,and positions takenon ATM Articles included the following: Article 4: Appropriate FY2016 Operating Budget ATM:There was a review of each line item. Comments included the following: Mr. Levine expressed concern about the way the use of the Capital Projects/Debt Service Reserve/Building Reserve Stabilization Fundis being characterizedas mitigation; thereshouldbereferenceto offsetting the levy debt service. The Retirement Board is asking the Town to fully fund its pension liability by 2025 rather than by the State-mandated 2040; this seems to be overly conservative. Article4includes a supplement for the Recreation Department’s Enterprise Fund because there are new employees being hired for the Lexington Community Center. A motion was made and seconded to support Article 4. The motion passed. VOTE: 8-0 Article 5:Appropriate FY2016 Enterprise Funds Budgets:Mr. Bartenstein noted that the water and sewer enterprise fundseach have retained earnings of approximately $2,000,000, and that approximately $1.0 million from the retained earnings of each fund will be applied to fund capital projectsin lieu of borrowing.The report write-up on this article suggests continued attention in the rate-setting process to usage trends that have been generating substantial surpluses, and that any long-term program to fund capital projects with cash capital be addressed explicitly in that process. A motion was made and seconded to support Article 5. The motion passed. VOTE: 8-0 Article 6: Appropriate for Senior Service Program: This was previously approved. Ms. Masterman and Mr. Neumeier added theirvotes in support of this article. 1 03/19/15 AC Minutes Article 7: Establish and Continue Departmental Revolving Funds:This Article includesa new revolving fund for the operation of the Visitor’s Center which was established last fall by action of this Committee and the Selectmen.A note to this effect will be added to the write-up. A motion was made and seconded to support Article 7. The motion passed. VOTE: 8-0 Article 8: Appropriate the FY2016 Community Preservation Committee Operating Budget and CPA Projects: A motion was made and seconded to support all components ofArticle 8,except (c) First Parish Church Restoration Historic Structure Report;(o) Grain Mill Alley Design Funds; and(g)Community Center Sidewalk Design. The motion passed. VOTE: 8-0 Amotionat ATMto indefinitely postpone(IP)Article8 (g)is anticipated. Separate votes were taken onArticle 8 (c) and (o), both of which involve funding for projects that wouldbenefitprivate property. (c) First Parish Church Restoration Historic Structure Report: A motion was made and seconded to support Article 8(c). The motion failed. VOTE:3-3-2 (o) Grain Mill Alley Design Funds: A motion was made and seconded to support Article 8(o). The motion passed. VOTE: 8-0 Article 9: Property Purchase –241 Grove Street:Mr. Parker reported that the funding request forthis Article is being reduced from $755,000 to $618,000 because the Town Warrant wording is not broad enough to include the restoration that is envisioned for the buildings at 241 Grove Street. The new request includes$3,000 to pay for immediate security measures and weatherproofing, and there are also plans to tear down the garage. An appropriation for the remainder of the restoration costs will be sought at a future town meeting. A motion was made and seconded to support Article 9 for $618,000. The motion passed. VOTE: 8-0 Article 10: Appropriate for Recreation Capital Projects:This was previously approved. Ms. Masterman and Mr. Neumeier added their votes in support of this article. ATMArticle 11: Appropriate for Municipal Capital Projects and Equipment: A motion was made and seconded to support all components of Article 11, except (k) Hastings Park Undergrounding Wires.The motion passed. VOTE: 8-0 There was a separate vote on Article 11 (k). (k) Hastings Park Undergrounding Wires:It was noted that the CEC opposes this item. A motion was made and seconded to support Article 11 (k). The motion failed. VOTE:2-5-1 Articles12and 13:Pleasant Street Sidewalk (Citizen Article)and Prospect Hill Road Sidewalk (Citizen Article): Amotion atATM to IP these Articlesis anticipated. Article 14: Appropriate For Water System Improvements: A motion was made and seconded to support Article 14. The motion passed. VOTE: 8-0 Article 15: Appropriate For Wastewater System Improvements: A motion wasmade and seconded to support Article 15. The motion passed. VOTE: 8-0 Article 16: Appropriate For School Capital Projects And Equipment(all components): A motion was made and seconded to support Article 16. The motion passed. VOTE: 8-0 Article 18: Appropriate For Public Facilities Capital Projects: A motion was made and seconded to support Article 18. The motion passed. VOTE: 8-0 Article 21: Appropriate To Post Employment Insurance Liability Fund:This Committee previously voted to recommendthat this funding request be reduced to $1.2 million. 2 03/19/15 AC Minutes Article 22: Adjust Retirement COLABase for Retirees: As discussed at a previous meeting, it was noted that the Town management believes the current municipal employee retirement compensation package is relatively generous compared with other communities, and that this change would contribute not insignificantly to the Town’s unfunded pension liability. A motion was made and seconded to support Article 22. The motion failed. VOTE: 2-6 Article 23: Accept Chapter 235 of the Acts of 1994 (Regulating Pension Rights of Certain Firefighters andPolice Officers Terminated Due to a Reduction in Force):This Committee previously supported this Article 8-1. Mr.Radulescu-Banu asked to change his vote from a negative to a positive position, making the support 9-0. Article 25: Rescind Prior Borrowing Authorizations:Voting was postponed, pending further information regardinga request for such authorizations. Article 26: Establish and Appropriate to and from Specified Stabilization Funds:This Committee’s report will explainthat $45,400 from the Transportation Demand Management/ Public Transportation Stabilization Fund is being requested to help support the Rev, a shuttle service between Alewife Subway Stationand Hartwell Avenue. This is 20% of the cost. In FY2015 this Committee supported the use of reserve funds for this effort thatrepresented 40% of the cost.The Town is still working to further reduce or eliminate its subsidy by obtaining additional support from Hartwell Avenue businesses. A motion was made and seconded to support Article 26. The motion passed. VOTE: 8-0 Article 27: Appropriate to Stabilization Fund: A motion at ATM to IP this Article is anticipated. : Article 28: Appropriate from Debt Service Stabilization FundThisArticlewas previously approvedby this Committee. Ms. Masterman and Mr. Neumeier added their votes in support. Article 29: Appropriate for Prior Years’ Unpaid Bills: Voting was postponed, pending additional information. Article 30: Amend FY2015 Operating, Enterprise and CPABudgets:Votingwas postponed, pending additional information. Article 31: Appropriate for Authorized Capital Improvements: Voting was postponed, pending additional information. Article 32: Establish Qualifications for Tax Deferrals: A motion at ATM to IP this Articleis anticipated. Article 33: Authorize Home Rule Petition for Tax Relief: A motion at ATM to IP this Article is anticipated. Article 34: Accept MGLChapter 59, Section 5, Clause 54 and Set Personal Property Minimum Tax: There was discussion about how personal property values are reported. A motion was made and seconded to support Article 34. The motion passed. VOTE: 8-0 Article 35: Accept MGLChapter 90-I, Section 1 (Complete Streets Program): A motion was made and seconded to support Article 35. The motion passed. VOTE: 8-0 Article 36: Authorize Community Electrical Aggregation Program:There may be a “green” component associated with this effort. There could be multiple suppliers of electricity, but it would continue to be distributed by one company, currently Eversource. A motion was made and seconded to support Article 36.The motion passed. VOTE: 8-0 Article 41: Amend General Bylaws –Contracts and Deeds:The Town Manager has indicated that adoption of this Article is not urgent and that further clarification may be in order. A motion was made and seconded to recommend this issue be assigned to a committee for review. The motion passed. VOTE: 8-0 3 03/19/15 AC Minutes Article 42: Commission on Disability Request: Although the CEC is opposing this Article, it was previously supported by this Committee. This Committee’svote is now 9-0. Article 44: Resolution on Fossil Fuel Divestment (Citizen Article): Ms.Masterman distributed material in support of the article and there was further discussion and debate concerning its pro’s and con’s. A motion was made and seconded to support Article 44. The motion failed. VOTE: 2-5-1 Article 46: Acquisition of Land Shown on Assessors’Property Map 22, Lot 51b: A motion was made and seconded to support Article 46. The motion passed. VOTE: 8-0 Article 53: Amend Zoning By-Law –CBDistrict Moratoriumon Banks and Credit Unions: After a brief discussion, it was determined that this Committee should not take a position on this Article. A motion was made and seconded to approve the current draft reportto the 2015 ATM, subject to updates reflecting votes and discussion from this meeting.The motion passed. VOTE: 8-0 The meeting was adjourned at 10:30p.m. The documents used at the meeting are listed below. Respectfully submitted, Sara Arnold Recording Secretary Approved March 30, 2015 Exhibits 1.Agenda,posted by Glenn Parker 2.Article 44: Draft Minority Reportby Ms. Masterman 4