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Date: December 3, 2014
Place and Time: Selectmen’s Meeting Room, Town Office Building, 4:30 p.m.
Members Present: Michelle Ciccolo (Board of Selectmen), Chair; Harry Forsdick; Laura Hussong; Jon
Himmel (Chair, Permanent Building Committee); Florence Koplow; Leslie Zales
Member(s) Absent: Betty Borghesani
Liaisons Present:Staff: Linda Vine, Vice Chair of AhCCAC, Town Manager’s Office; Karen
Simmons, Recreation; Charlotte Rodgers, Human Services; Dorinda Goodman, Information
Technology; Committees: Joe Pato, Board of Selectmen (BoS); Wendy Manz, Capital Expenditures
Committee (CEC); Glenn Parker, Chair, Appropriation Committee
Liaisons Absent (liaisons only attend as-requested and as-available to address relevant agenda items):
Staff: Chris Filadoro, Department of Public Works; John Mazerall, Police Department;Shawn Newell,
Department of Public Facilities (DPF); Chief John Wilson, Fire Department; Koren Stembridge,
Library; Committees: Jessie Steigerwald, School Committee
Also present: Carl Valente, Town Manager; Pat Goddard, staff, DPF; Mark Barrett, staff, DPF; Sheila
Butts, staff, Recreation; Kelly Axtell, Human Services; Nancy Adler, Chair, Council on Aging Board
(COA); David Kanter, CEC; Bob Pressman, resident; Bob Gaudet, resident
Recording Secretary: Sara Arnold
The meeting was called to order by Ms. Ciccolo at 4:35 ..
1.Fiscal Year (FY) 2016 Budget Submission and Staffing:
Mr. Valente reported on the discussions he
has been having with staff to identify how operating the Community Center will be incorporated into the
Town’s organizational structure. This information has not yet been shared with the BoS; he is first
discussing concepts with the various stakeholders, including this Committee, the COA Board, the
Recreation Committee and the finance committees.
Using a draft working organizational chart, Mr. Valente discussed having Ms. Simmons serve as the
Director of Recreation and Community Programs, a new position. He believes Ms. Simmons has the
vision and the ability to handle details that are critical components for handling the current and new
programs that are envisioned for the Community Center. He envisions Ms. Butts continuing as the
Assistant Director of Recreation and reporting to Ms. Simmons. He also anticipates creating two new
positions: a Director of the Community Center, which would be a senior level position that would be
charged with working on the programming aspects of the facility and would report to Ms. Simmons,
plus a new Administrative Assistant to provide support for the Director of the Community Center. Ms.
Vine commented that the new Administrative Assistant would be managing the front desk and
overseeing everything that is happening in the building. Mr. Valente added that other positions shown
on the chart would be filled by current staff and that some additional custodial staff may be required.
Mr. Valente noted that without a Special Town Meeting (STM), filling the new positions in FY2015 is
problematic. Calling a STM to be held immediately prior to the March Annual Town Meeting for non-
Community Center purposes is being considered, and in this event, the Town can include a warrant
article for a fund transfer that would make some FY2015 money available for Community Center staff.
In this event, the recruiting process can begin as early as in January. Then, assuming STM approval of
the fund transfer, the hiring would proceed before June. Mr. Valente also discussed the Town’s budget
demands and indicated that this Committee’s recommendations for increased programming in FY2016
is likely too aggressive for the existing financial constraints, but every effort will be made to work
towards the goals this Committee has identified over time.
In response to questions, Mr. Valente explained that the Human Services Department will continue to
provide its programs at the Community Center. He noted that these staff members tend to have a strong
clinical background in social services, and those positions are still needed. He added that some of the
current Human Services clerical staff may transfer into positions identified on the working chart. It was
recommended that the Human Services Department be shown on the working organizational chart.
There was discussion about the need for strategies that lead towards new programs for people of all age
groups, including the senior citizens and youth. This included comments/concerns related to the limits
on expanding the programming hours in FY2016. Comments included:
People in town are expecting something new.
The Community Center won’t address the needs of those who work if it is only open during
week days.
A survey indicated that residents are looking for family programs, which translates into
weekend programs.
The idea was to have something that is new and different that generates excitement, not just the
same programs in a different location.
New multigenerational programs are needed.
The new building is a big asset to leave closed just because of staffing needs.
The hours of operation need to be identified so that they can be publicized; responses will
inform the Town about interest in using the facility during off-peak hours.
The facility should be welcoming with an easy, affordable process for using it.
In response to concerns, Mr. Valente commented that
The Town has many programs, and they should all be identified on a coordinated website
regardless of where they are held. This would demonstrate the broad range of opportunities that
the Town offers.
It will be particularly helpful to have this Committee’s recommendations on how to handle non-
Town sponsored programs, which is a complex issue. Use of the library is currently free while
there are fees associated with the use of the schools or Cary Memorial Building by non-town
groups; rules for using space at Town-owned facilities need to be coordinated. The Town has
never used a sliding scale for for-profit or personal use of Town facilities.
The use of technology to support the programs is still being explored.
Ms. Simmons is working on programming needs for 6-12 months from now.
Program funding is complex: Recreation Department programs are subsidized by the recreation
revolving fund. Options for covering the indirect costs for Human Services programs need to
be explored. Ms. Simmons is talking to directors of community centers in other towns to get
examples of program and financial models; meetings are being scheduled to discuss these.
Mr. Valente asked that this Committee provide comments on the staffing structure within two weeks, at
which point he anticipates making a presentation to the BoS. He commented that the execution of this
is critical, and he plans to take advantage of staff support and experience to “get it right”.
2.Construction Update:
Mr. Barrett reported that Community Center renovations are on schedule; it is
anticipated that the inside work will be completed in mid-April. May is targeted for occupancy, while
outside work will continue into early June. More specifically, he reported the following:
The inside demolition is 98% complete;
The structural floor work is 90% complete;
The concrete floor had to be opened for plumbing work and the addition of a grease trap;
90% of the new walls on the ground floor have been installed; construction of walls on the first
floor has started; construction of walls on the second floor is expected to start in about a week;
60% or the rough electrical work is complete;
The attic duct work is nearing completion;
30% of the rough plumbing work is complete;
There was more rotted wood around some of the windows than expected, but this has been
The gutters and down spouts need to be checked;
Caulking around the doors and windows will be completed in the near future;
The excavation work and wall installations needed behind the facility are complete;
Repointing the brick will be done in the spring;
An energy recovery ventilator is being installed;
Despite some unexpected defects in the building, the project is within budget.
3.Sub-Committee Updates:
Ms. Vine reviewed her memo that summarized the work done by the
working groups and identified the next steps. The following comments were added:
Technology: The best technology for enhanced cell coverage in the building is still being
researched. Identification of other technical elements is being pursued with assistance from the
Information Technology Department.
Safety: Shawn Newell is providing staff support for this group. It was noted that having access
to the lower level of the building, where there will be a large exercise room, would be valuable
during off-peak times as well as during regular hours, but this requires appropriate staffing and
Interiors: A consultant is assisting with furniture options and placement. A meeting with the
Friends of the COA to discuss their possible contributions is anticipated.
Public Relations/Publicity: A plan for opening celebrations needs to be developed. “Teasers”
on the website were suggested. Mr. Forsdick reported that he has taken photos of the progress
that is being made, and they will provide an interesting historical perspective.
Fundraising: A short list of desired items that are not in the budget should be created, i.e., two
pool tables. Donations need to be sought. It was suggested that room-naming rights might
provide an incentive for such contributions. It was also noted that it may be possible to
coordinate a fundraising effort with the COA’s annual appeal. If a 501-3c entity is created,
there need to be board members.
Programming: The use of the Estabrook Elementary School Annex for after-hours programs
needs to be evaluated.
Governance: The importance of Mr. Valente’s draft working organizational chart including the
Human Services Department was noted.
There was discussion about the anxiety some senior citizens are experiencing because of the anticipated
move to the new facility. The concerns include:
It is generally accepted that a Community Center fix-it shop may be used by non-senior citizens,
but the equipment in the current fix-it shop was donated by the Friends of the COA. It isn’t
clear how this will be handled.
Those who run the Window Pane Shop want to sell used clothing, and they have been
concerned that this won’t be supported at the new center. It was noted that this had been
recently resolved with assurances that used clothes could continue to be sold, but there are also
issues about the financial management of the store. There needs to be accountability.
There is worry about the cost of classes; the COA classes are currently subsidized, making them
affordable, but it isn’t clear what will happen at the new facility.
There is concern about a possible change in the meal program.
It was agreed that the transition process requires inclusive language and sensitivity to the issues. Ideas
for supporting the thrift shop concept were mentioned, including asking those who currently run the
shop to meet with a few members of this Committee. It was suggested that attitude changes will likely
4.Future Meetings:
It was agreed that a joint meeting with the COA Board would be advisable. It may
also be advisable for this Committee to hold a moving-strategy meeting.
A motion was made and seconded to approve the October 14, 2014 Minutes. The motion
passed. VOTE: 4-0-1
6.Lexington Council for the Arts Proposal:
It was agreed that discussion of this report would be
postponed until a future meeting.
A motion was made and seconded to adjourn the meeting at 6:40 .. The motion passed.
VOTE: 5-0
These minutes were approved on March 30, 2015.
Materials distributed/used at the meeting:
Public Meeting Agenda, December3, 2014, AhCCAC
Draft Working Organizational Chart; presented by Mr. Valente
Ms. Vine memo to Ms. Ciccolo; re: status of the Working Groups & Identified next Steps;
October 27, 2014
Lexington Community Center; Art Considerations; prepared by Lexington Council for the Arts,
June 20, 2014