HomeMy WebLinkAbout2015-03-16-LHS-min Lexington High School 251 Waltham Street Lexington, Massachusetts 02421 Laura Lasa Principal 781- 861-2320, x 1002 lasa@sch.ci.lexington.ma.us FAX: 781-861-2440 To: The Lexington High School Council From: Laura J Lasa Re:Minutes of March 16, 2015Meeting LHS School Site Council Meeting met on March 16, 2015, from 5:45-7:45 PM in the Library Media Center. Attendees: Laura Lasa, Kim Effron, Polly Kienle, Ann Redmon, Eileen Jay, Nancy Shepard, Paul Breitenfield, Walter Richardson, Dave Wininger, Katherine Manning. Absent: Kristin Tissera, Elise Santiago, Liz Moughty Curtin, Jill Smilow, Nanying Bian, and Suzanne Lau. Visitor: Sharon Kendall I.The January 12, 2015 minutes were approved. II. Announcements A.Report on the recent Site Council Roundtable meeting The meeting held on March 18, 2015 focused on curriculum, professional learning, and technology with guest speakers Carol Pilarski (Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum, Instruction), Len Swanton (K-12 Professional Development Coordinator), and Tom Plati (Director of Education Technology). LHS is doing a better job of tapping into internal resources for Professional Learning. Staff within the school who have a knowledge base to share are offering professional learning classes to other staff (LHS Site Council teacher member). B.Question regarding Guidance Department continuity in transition from middle school to high school for students in need of support services The Learning Center does a good job in reinforcing the transition and determining the level of support needed at the high school level. th LHS counselors meet with 8 grade counselors. LHS Principal and Assistant Principal meet with middle school staff and go through each individual student's needs. II. School Culture and Climate (postponed February agenda items) A. Reducing stress and competitiveness What drives the competitive culture? What role can educators play in affecting the culture? Much of the peer competitiveness happens outside of school à Facebook Social media contributes to the competitiveness What role do parents play in contributing to the competitive culture? Parents need to turn down the pressure. The community must decide what is most important, the competitive culture that currently exists, or a reduction in competitiveness. B.Achievement-oriented recognition Can we get away from focusing on individual achievement to celebrate collective success? This year's focus for the Town Meeting Award selection is resiliency and perseverance, not just high-level achievement. C.Extended homerooms It is likely that extended homerooms will not exist next year; this decision has not been finalized, but feedback points in this direction. The hope is that we can develop three blocks (flex) for the 2016-2017 schedule to be used for meeting with teachers, making up labs, extra help, and enrichment. III. Deferred Topics School culture and climate à more extended discussion will be tabled for a later meeting when more students are present Update on iPad pilot à tabled for another meeting IV. School Improvement Plan (initial discussion) A.Academic/staffing changes included the 2015-16 budget Additional teacher positions due to increased enrollment à full-time positions in math, English, social studies, science (.75); part time in Latin and Spanish Additional Special Education positions à 4 FT teachers, part-time social worker, paraprofessionals, transition coordinator, team supervisor to oversee ILP programs Purchase of 10 student seats for on-line credit recovery program with supervision B.Brainstorm of ideas for the School Improvement Plan The principal solicited ideas from School Council members in order to develop potential goals for the 2015-16 School Improvement Plan Members wrote down suggestions; these were gathered and grouped into categories to see the themes that emerged. Work on the School Improvement Plan will continue at the next School Council meeting. IV. Adjournment 7:45 District Improvement Plan 2014-2015 1.Improve Academic Performance for All Students 2.Improve Social and Emotional Program Support for All Students 3.Improve Safety for All Students and Staff 4.Improve the DistrictÈs Capacity to Respond to Enrollment Increases