HomeMy WebLinkAbout2015-03-04-PB-min PLANNING BOARD MINUTES MEETING OF MARCH 4, 2015 A regular meeting of the Lexington Planning Board, held in the Selectmen’s Meeting Room, was called to order at 7:01 p.m. by Chairman Charles Hornig, with members Nancy Corcoran- Ronchetti, Richard Canale, Timothy Dunn, Ginna Johnson and planning staff Maryann McCall- Taylor, Aaron Henry and Lori Kaufman present. ***********************DEVELOPMENT ADMINISTRATION********************** 83 Spring Street, site sensitive development sketch plan: Mr. Richard Canale recused himself, since he was an abutter to the property which could be a conflict of interest. Associate Member Michael Leon, Associate Planning Board Member would sit in for Mr. Canale. Mr. Fred Russell, engineer and Benjamin Finnegan, applicant were present. Mr. Russell said they went before the Conservation Commission to get a wetland determination, which was good for three years and shown on the plans. The proof plan showed two lots and the proposal would be to construct one new house where a pool and shed already disturbed the land and maintain the existing house. Two issues brought up by staff were the angle between the centerline of the proposed cul-de-sac and Spring Street which would be 78.44 degrees and the proposed distance of the cul-de-sac and Underwood Avenue which would be 230 feet. Board Questions:  What are the existing setbacks? The side yards were 10 to 11 feet and front yard 35-40 feet. The site had been surveyed and would be included at the preliminary phase.  Was the existing house a legal two family or one family dwelling? It was a single family with an accessory apartment. Provide documentation that the accessory apartment is legal.  The street was 24 feet wide instead of 20 feet; tighten it up as it affects entitlement. Also the tree cover appeared to have fewer trees then the fall plan and the 2011 fly over. There were no audience questions or comments. Board Comments:  The intent was to preserve the existing house and would be in the special permit. Page 2 Minutes for the Meeting of March 4, 2015  Happy with the plan, but provide details regarding appropriate screening to protect the neighbors.  Was a demolition permit requested? No, that wasn’t in the plan. Get a determination from the Historical Commission if the structure should be preserved.  This proposal does not appear to meet the criteria of a site sensitive development with the exception of the preservation of the house. It would burden the abutters and could impact the wetlands.  The density that would be allowed was a concern considering the non-conforming use which would have three dwelling units where only two should be allowed so eliminate the second unit in the existing house.  After driving by the site there was concern about the driveway being difficult for a vehicle to take a turn into the driveway. When a vehicle went to make the turn in and had to cross over the other side of the road to enter. Could the circular driveway be changed and reduce the number of curb cuts. That could be looked at.  The 18 foot wide drive appeared much wider than necessary for a private driveway. Was there any mitigation for the impervious surface for the existing structure? No, but would consider it.  Was any other options considered like a balanced housing development? Yes, felt the site sensitive was the best option with less density. Consult with the neighbors as that would lead to a better project. 11 Suzanne Road, Response to Mr. Benjamin Solky request: Mr. Benjamin Solky wanted feedback from the Board before bringing forward another proposal at great expense and asked the Board for changes that should be made. Board Comments:  The building should be within the no disturb limit for that development.  The proposal appeared to be excessive in the terms of the original permit. Would smaller be better? Possibly, but not sure if that would change the vote. Rangeway Extension, Request to extend time for completion: Mr. Grant was requesting for the applicant an extension of time for completion of construction from April 1, 2015 to October 1, 2015. On a motion duly made and seconded, it was voted, 4-1 (Mr. Canale opposed), to approve the extension of time to complete construction from April 1, 2015 to October 1, 2015. Minutes for the Meeting of March 4, 2015 Page 3 Zoning Regulations: There was nothing new to report. Staff was working on a list of every special permit for which the Planning Board would be the SPGA. RD/CDs would be addressed next year as a level two change. ******************************TOWN MEETING********************************* Deliberations on Proposed Zoning Articles and review of Draft Reports: The draft reports for Articles 47 & 50 were on the table tonight. There was an index map for Article 48 and the maps colors were changed. This was the time for feedback from the Board for the Zoning Articles to give staff time to work on the reports. There would be a single report document with a cover that would list all articles except 47, which could come up at another time. The Board should make comments to the staff. Mr. Henry reviewed the map changes for Article 48 with the Board. Article 49: The dimensional standards for GC District on the height limits were discussed and changed in the proposed draft report. On a motion duly made and seconded, it was voted, 5-0, to change the dimensional standards for height in the GC District. Article presenters: Nancy Corcoran- Ronchetti will present Article 47 Richard Canale will present Article 53 Tim Dunn will present Article 49 Charles Hornig will present Article 48, 50, 51 and 52 Planning Board positions on non-zoning Articles: The following Articles were listed in the Lexington Town Warrant for the 2015 Annual Town Meeting on file in the Planning office. Article 8: The Board will come back to this Article at the next meeting. Article 9: On a motion duly made and seconded, it was voted, 5-0, to recommend to Town Meeting support of Article 9. Articles 11 a, e, g, h, i, q, 12, and 13: Page 4 Minutes for the Meeting of March 4, 2015 Ms. Sarah McSweeney presented to the Board information regarding the construction of a sidewalk on Prospect Hill Road. The Board would come back to Articles 11, 12 & 13 at the next meeting. Mr. Kucharsky would provide a memo to the Board explaining more details on these warrant articles. Articles 19 & 20: On a motion duly made and seconded, it was voted, 5-0, to recommend to Town Meeting support of Articles 19 & 20. Article 26: The Board would come back to this Article at the next meeting. Articles 35 & 45: The Board would come back to these Articles at the next meeting. Mr. Kucharsky could give a summary to the Board on these Articles. Article 43: The Board would come back to this Article at the next meeting. *********************ORGANIZATION & SCHEDULING************************** Schedule: March 7 Mr. Hornig will do a presentation to new TMMA members, March 9 presenting Articles to the BOS, March 12 present articles to TMMA, March 18 the meeting will be at the High School at 6:00 p.m. so Board Members could attend the TMMA meeting, March 22 TMMA bus tour, Monday, March 23 the Board will have a public hearing on Hartwell Avenue at 6:00 in Room 143 at the Lexington High School. The Board will meet on Mondays and Wednesdays at 6:00 p.m. in Room 143 at the Lexington High School before each Town Meeting. ******************************BOARD REPORTS******************************** Mr. Canale said Concord Town Meeting was voting tonight on a zoning amendment for a maximum FAR on residential properties area A .2 FAR, area B .25 FAR, and area C .3 FAR. ***********************************MINUTES********************************** On a motion, duly made and seconded, it was voted, 5-0, to approve the minutes of January 21, 2015. On a motion duly made and seconded, it was voted, 5-0, to adjourn at 9:08 p.m. The meeting was recorded by Lexmedia. Minutes for the Meeting of March 4, 2015 Page 5 The following documents used at the meeting can be found on file with the Planning Department:  Letter from Ed Grant regarding Rangeway Extension, dated February 25, 2015 (8 pages).  Sketch plan set for 83 Spring Street, Dated January 11, 2015 (5 pages).  Sketch plan application packet for 83 Spring Street, dated January 11, 2015 (11 pages).  Staff memo regarding 83 Spring Street, Dated January 11, 2105 (11 pages). Timothy Dunn, Clerk