HomeMy WebLinkAbout2015-01-08-LBAC-min APPROVED MEETING NOTES Committee Name: Lexington Bicycle Advisory Committee Date, Time and Location of Meeting: Thursday, January 8, Cary Library Members Present: Peggy Enders, (Chair), Marita Hartshorn, Laurel Carpenter, Bob Dangel, John Frey, George Gagliardi, Bob Hausslein, Mike Tabaczynski Members Absent: Carolyn Levi Others Present: Jennifer Melot, Ralph Willmer (VHB Consulting) November Meeting Notes : The November minutes were approved as submitted. Open Space and Recreation Plan: VHB Consultant Ralph Willmer briefed the Committee on the status of the draft plan, saying that, as a result of the November Create new opportunities public workshop, a new goal to the plan has been added: “ for Bicycling In Lexington .” He said that under this category were some of the specific goals suggested at the public meeting: i.e., improve way-finding on the Bikeway; safer routes on town streets; aspire to make Lexington a silver level Bicycle Friendly Community; improve connectivity between open space and recreation areas. Peggy stated that, in order for the town to qualify for silver status, Lexington would need to improve bicycle safety education for school age children. The Town lacks a staff person to coordinate various aspects of bicycling, including safety education and bicycle parking, she said. (For example, although Lexington has a bylaw requiring one APBP- conforming rack for every ten parking spaces in commercial developments, compliance does not seem to be monitored.) Members continued the discussion with Mr. Willmer by suggesting the following for incorporation in the OSRP: the value of developing a north-south bicycle corridor through Lexington as a complement to the east-west Bikeway; since our streets are used for recreational cycling, roadways should be considered “recreational space” in the plan; Complete Street design standards would make streets safer for recreational users; Bikeway plowing as a responsibility of the Town; expanding the role of an existing staff person to coordinate the various aspects of bicycling in Lexington; widening the Bikeway by installing two-foot paths on each side of the existing pavement. Laurel said she hoped the final plan would recognize bicycling as a “core component” of the report. Proposed Hartwell Ave Roundabout : Jennifer and Bob Dangel attended the meeting with John Livsey and the consultant. They reported that the consultant was open to their suggestion for a complete bike lane around the roundabout rather than half way. Sharrows are also needed in the roundabout.This is still a work in progress; the Committee will continue to monitor the design. Bike Lexington Flyer : The Committee reviewed the latest draft of the flyer presented by Jennifer; it was approved with minor changes. The Selectmen have approved the request to include the flyer in the late-March mailing of the tax bill. Minuteman Bikeway Signage : Peggy, Mike, and Jennifer rode the path with Bob Dangel. Bob presented his draft proposal for way-finding signage (i.e., mile markers, standardizing sizes of street signs, etc.), which was largely approved. Laurel advocated for more maps and signs pointing to restrooms at the DPW and Visitor’s Center. Bob will send the draft via email for comment and then submit it to John Livsey for his review. Peggy said she learned that the DPW plans to request continued design services with Toole through a CPA grant, requiring Town Meeting approval, which would begin with the next fiscal year. Funds for actual sign installation may not occur until FY 2017. Other Business: Marita expressed disappointment that the bike racks on the south side of Mass Ave, which were either removed or knocked down by the plow during the winter of 2013- 2014, have not been reinstalled. The bike rack outside of 1666 Mass Ave is missing, as well. The Committee thanked Bob and Evelyn Hausslein for hosting a wonderful holiday potluck. We enjoyed an expanded guest list as well as the great food. Marita suggested that the Committee purchase small transparent stickers for driver’s side view mirrors with the words, “Check for Cyclists”. Jennifer will get a price on these. Peggy said she talked with Sergeant Callahan again about obtaining reports of cycling accidents – on streets as well as on the Bikeway. She also talked with Captain Ferro, who explained that accidents on the Bikeway are usually handled by the EMT’s and thus recorded as “medical” incidents; such information is private under HIPAA rules. The Committee talked about the State accident report form, which does not provide a check-box for bicycles; perhaps the new MassBike director (Richard Fries) should be urged to take an interest in improving the accident report form. The meeting was adjourned at 8:29 pm. Record of the Discussions of the Friends of Lexington Bikeways Treasurer’s Report: This year we have received so far $5,000 from 65 people for Bikeway plowing. Plowing 2014-15 : Peggy asked for volunteers to help remove and replace the barrels before and after plowing. It was agreed that Bob Hausslein will coordinate their removal from Fletcher and points east and Peggy will do the same for Meriam and points west. 2015 Bike Walk ‘n Bus Week : Dates have not been set; Marita thought the most important aspect of the week should be bike education. Marita Hartshorn, Recorder Peggy Enders, Editor Upcoming Dates LBAC/FoLB meeting: Thursday, February 12, 7 pm, Cary Memorial Library Small Meeting Room Lexington Bike Walk ‘n Bus Week : Friday, May 9, through Sunday, May 18 2015 Bicycle Committee meeting dates and locations; always Thursday at 7 pm on *February 12 **March 12 *April 9 **May 14 *June 11 (tentative Tri-Town Meeting on Saturday, June 6) *July 9 August 13 September 10 October 8 November 12 December 10 * Cary Library Small Meeting Room ** Reed Room, Town Office Building