HomeMy WebLinkAbout2015-03-25-BOS-Packet-ReleasedHearing Assistance Devices Available on Request All agenda times and the order of items are approximate and subject to change. SELECTMEN’S MEETING Wednesday, March 25, 2015 Lexington High School, Room 148 6:00 p.m. AGENDA 6:00 p.m. PUBLIC COMMENTS (10 min.) Public comments are allowed for up to 10 minutes at the beginning of each meeting. Each speaker is limited to 3 minutes for comment. Members of the Board will neither comment nor respond, other than to ask questions of clarification. Speakers are encouraged to notify the Selectmen's Office at 781-698-4580 if they wish to speak during public comment to assist the Chairman in managing meeting times. 6:10 p.m. SELECTMEN CONCERNS AND LIAISON REPORTS (5 min.) 6:15 p.m. TOWN MANAGER REPORT (5 min.) 6:20 p.m. ITEMS FOR INDIVIDUAL CONSIDERATION 1. Article Presentations/Positions (30 min.) a. Article 8(o) CPA Projects – Grain Mill Alley Design Funds 2. Adjust Sidewalk Use Permit Fees in Center (5 min.) 3. Selectmen Committee Appointments/Reappointment (5 min.) a. Appoint MBTA Designee and Alternate b. Town Celebrations Committee Appointment c. Reappoint Town Counsel d. Appoint to Permanent Building Committee for the Visitor Center Project 4. Approve Proposed Building Signage on the Lexington Community Center (5 min.) 5. Town Manager Appointment – Conservation Commission (5 min.) 7:10 p.m. ADJOURN The next regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen is scheduled for Monday, March 30, 2015 at 6:00 p.m. in the Room 148 in the Lexington High School, 251 Worthen Road. AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING DATE: 3/25/2015 PRESENTER: Joe Pato ITEM NUMBER: I. 1 AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Article Presentations/Positions (1 hour) SUMMARY: Attached is an updated table that includes all the positions you have taken so far. Melisa Tintocalis, Economic Development Director, will be at your meeting to update you on the Grain Mill Alley Project. RECOMMENDATION / SUGGESTED MOTION: FOLLOW-UP: APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 6:00 PM ATTACHMENTS: Description Type Updated Article Positions Backup Material ARTICLE POSITIONS 2015 SPECIALS AND ANNUAL TOWN MEETING ARTICLE SPECIAL TOWN MEETING #1 PRESENTATION JP PK NC MC SB AC CEC SC Article 2 Appropriate for School Facilities Capital Projects Y Y Y Y Y Y ARTICLE SPECIAL TOWN MEETING #2 PRESENTATION JP PK NC MC SB AC CEC SC Article 2 Pump Station Repairs Y Y Y Y Y Y Article 3 Appropriate for Purchase of Fire Engine Y Y Y Y Y Y Article 4 Appropriate for Cary Memorial Building Sidewalk Enhancement Y Y Y Y Y Article 5 Amend FY2015 Operating, Enterprise and CPA Budgets Y Ab stain Y Y Y Y Article 6 Appropriate for Authorized Capital Improvements Y Y Y Y Y Y ARTICLE ANNUAL TOWN MEETING - FINANCIAL ARTICLES PRESENTATION JP PK NC MC SB AC CEC SC Article 4 Appropriate FY2016 Operating Budget W W W W W Y Article 5 Appropriate FY2016 Enterprise Funds Budgets Y Y Y Y Y Y Article 6 Appropriate for Senior Service Program Y Y Y Y Y Y Article 7 Establish and Continue Departmental Revolving Funds Y Y Y Y Y Y ARTICLE FINANCIAL ARTICLES (continued) PRESENTATION JP PK NC MC SB AC CEC SC Article 8 Appropriate the FY2016 Community Preservation Committee Operating Budget and CPA Projects: a) Conservation Meadow Preservation Program b) Parker’s Revenge Site Restoration c) First Parish Church Restoration Historic Structure Report d) Cary Memorial Building Records Center Shelving e) Battle Green Streetscape Improvements f) Community Center Sidewalk Design g) Cary Memorial Building Sidewalk Enhancement h) Community Center Preservation Restriction Endowment i) Park and Playground Improvements j) Park Improvements – Athletic Fields k) Park and Playgrounds ADA Accessibility Study l) Parks Improvements – Hard Court Resurfacing m) Lincoln Park Field Improvements – Phase 3 n) Minuteman Bikeway Culvert Rehabilitation o) Grain Mill Alley Design Funds p) Minuteman Bikeway Wayfinding Signs – Design Funds q) Lower Vine Brook Paved Recreation Path Reconstruction r) Community Preservation Fund Debt Service s) Administrative Budget Wait for CPC report IP Y Y N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N Y W Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y W Y Y Y Y Y Y W Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y W Y Y Y Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y W Y Y Y Y Y Y Tie Y Y Y Y g) IP Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y e) N o) N p) N ARTICLE FINANCIAL ARTICLES PRESENTATION JP PK NC MC SB AC CEC SC Article 9 Property Purchase – 241 Grove Street Wait until proposal Y Y Y Y Y Y Article 10 Appropriate for Recreation Capital Projects Y Y Y Y Y Y Article 11 Appropriate for Municipal Capital Projects and Equipment a) Center Streetscape Improvements and Easements – Phase I b) DPW Equipment c) Storm Drainage Improvements and NPDES Compliance d) Comprehensive Watershed Storm Water Management Study and Implementation e) Sidewalk Improvements, Additions, Designs and Easements f) Town-wide Culvert Replacement g) Town-wide Signalization Improvements h) Hartwell Avenue Infrastructure Improvements and Easements i) Street Improvements and Easements j) Bikeway Bridge Repairs and Engineering k) Hastings Park Undergrounding Wires l) Hydrant Replacement Program m) Westview Cemetery Building Assessment n) Replace Town-wide Phone Systems – Phase IV o) Municipal Technology Improvement Program – Phase III p) Police/Fire Dispatching and Recoreds Software q) Parking Meter Replacement r) Public Safety Radio Stabilization - Phase I s) Design/Engineering – Firing Range at Hartwell Avenue Compost Site Refresher presentation Get Clarification Y Y Y Y Y Y N N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y k)N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y k) N ARTICLE FINANCIAL ARTICLES PRESENTATION JP PK NC MC SB AC CEC SC Article 12 Pleasant Street Sidewalk (Citizen Article) IP IP Article 13 Prospect Hill Road Sidewalk (Citizen Article) IP IP Article 14 Appropriate for Water System Improvements Y Y Y Y Y Y Article 15 Appropriate for Wastewater System Improvements Y Y Y Y Y Y Article 16 Appropriate for School Capital Projects and Equipment Y Article 17 Technical Correction to the Borrowing Authorization under Article 13b of the 2014 Annual Town Meeting Y Y Y Y Y Y Article 18 Appropriate for Public Facilities Capital Projects: a) Middle School Space Mining b) Clarke Middle School Circulation and Parking Improvements, Design c) LHS Phase 2 Overcrowding/ Completion d) Major Mechanical/Electrical Systems’ Replacement e) Lexington Public School Educational Capacity Increase – Short and Long-Term f) LHS Heating Systems Upgrade – Phases 2 and 3 - Design g) School Building Envelope and Systems h) Municipal Building Envelope and Systems i) Repairs/Replacements/Upgrades:  School Building Flooring Program  School Interior Painting Program  Diamond Middle School Lighting to Rear Parking Lot j) School Paving Program k) Public Facilities Bid Documents Y Article 18 (concluded) l) Security Cameras Upgrade ARTICLE FINANCIAL ARTICLES (concluded) PRESENTATION JP PK NC MC SB AC CEC SC Article 19 Martingale Road Street Acceptance Y Y Y Y Y Article 20 Richmond Circle Street Acceptance Y Y Y Y Y Article 21 Appropriate to Post Employment Insurance Liability Fund Change to $1.2 Y Y N Y Y Y Article 22 Adjust Retirement COLA Base for Retirees Y Y Y Y Recuse N Article 23 Accept Chapter 235 of the Acts of 1994 Y Y Y Y Y Y Article 24 Appropriate Bonds and Notes Premiums Y Y Y Y Y Y Article 25 Rescind Prior Borrowing Authorizations TBD Y Y Y Y Y pending Article 26 Establish and Appropriate To and From Specified Stabilization Funds Y Article 27 Appropriate to Stabilization Fund IP Y Y Y Y Y IP Article 28 Appropriate from Debt Service Stabilization Fund Y Y Y Y Y Y Article 29 Appropriate for Prior Years’ Unpaid Bills IP pending Article 30 Amend FY2015 Operating, Enterprise and CPA Budgets TBD pending Article 31 Appropriate for Authorized Capital Improvements TBD pending ARTICLE GENERAL ARTICLES PRESENTATION JP PK NC MC SB AC CEC SC Article 32 Establish Qualifications for Tax Deferrals Pres. 2/10/15 - IP Y Y Y Y Y IP Article 33 Authorize Home Rule Petition for Tax Relief IP Y Y Y Y Y IP Article 34 Accept MGL Chapter 59, Section 5, Clause 54 and Set Personal Property Minimum Tax $1200 Y Y Y Y Y Y Article 35 Accept MGL Chapter 90-I, Section 1 (Complete Streets Program) Pres. 2/10/15 Y Y Y Y Y Y Article 36 Authorize Community Electrical Aggregation Program Y Y Y Y Y Y Article 37 Amend General Bylaws – Street Performers Y Y Y Y Y ARTICLE GENERAL ARTICLES (concluded) PRESENTATION JP PK NC MC SB AC CEC SC Article 38 Amend General Bylaws – Tourism Committee Y Y Y Y Y Article 39 Repeal General Bylaws – Sale and Use of Tobacco Y Y Y Y Y Article 40 Amend General Bylaws – Sale and Use of Tobacco Y Y Y Y Y Article 41 Amend General Bylaws – Contracts and Deeds IP Y Y Y Y Y refer Article 42 Commission on Disability Request Pres. 3/4/15 Y W Y Y Y Y N Article 43 Amend General Bylaws – Demolition Delay (Citizen Article) Pres. 2/23/15 N N N N N Article 44 Resolution on Fossil Fuel Divestment (Citizen Article) W N N W W N Article 45 Townwide Process for Safety (Citizen Article) W W W W W ARTICLE ZONING/LAND USE ARTICLES PRESENTATION JP PK NC MC SB AC CEC SC Article 46 Acquisition of Land Shown on Assessors’ Property Map 22, Lot 51B Y Y Y Y Y Y Article 47 Amend Zoning By-Law – Medical Marijuana (Citizen Article) In support of PB Recommendation N N N N N Article 48 Amend Zoning Map – Commercial Zoning District Lines a) CN (229-235 Bedford Street) b) CS (242-246 Bedford Street) c) CLO (173-181 Bedford Street) d) CN (Bedford Street & Reed Street) e) CS (North Street and Lowell Street)f) CRS (Lowell Street and Woburn Street g) CLO (Marrett Road and Lincoln Street) h) CS (Marrett Road and Spring Street) i) CN & CRS (Waltham Street and Marrett Road) j) CLO (Waltham Street at the Waltham Town Line Pres. 2/10/15 Wait for report from Planning Board Y W Y W Y ARTICLE ZONING/LAND USE ARTICLES (concluded) PRESENTATION JP PK NC MC SB AC CEC SC Article 49 Amend Zoning By-Law and Map – Civic Use Districts Pres. 2/10/15 Y Y Y Y Y Article 50 Amend Zoning Map – CM District, Waltham Line Near Route 128/I95 Pres. 2/10/15 Y Y Y Y Y Article 51 Amend Zoning By-Law – Site Plan Review Applicability Pres. 2/10/15 Y Y Y Y Y Article 52 Amend Zoning By-Law – Technical Corrections Pres. 2/10/15 Y Y Y Y Y Article 53 Amend Zoning By-Law – CB District Moratorium on Banks Pres. 2/10/15 Y Y Y Y Y AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING DATE: 3/25/2015 PRESENTER: Carl F. Valente, Town Manager ITEM NUMBER: I.2 AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Adjust Sidewalk Permit Fees SUMMARY: It has been the Town's practice to allow food establishments in the Center to license the use of their adjacent public sidewalks. Specifically, Bertucci's and Peets Coffee have licensed the use of the sidewalk for customer tables. The Town Manager is recommending an increase of approximately 2.5% in license fees for 2015, consistent with the increase in the tax levy. If the Board approves this change, Bertucci's monthly fee will increase to $430 from $420 per month and Peets Coffee will increase to $65 from $63 per month. RECOMMENDATION / SUGGESTED MOTION: Move to establish sidewalk license fees of $430 per month for Bertucci's and $65 per month for Peets Coffee. FOLLOW-UP: Town Manager's Office handles licensing. APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 6:30 PM AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING DATE: 3/25/2015 PRESENTER: Joe Pato ITEM NUMBER: I.3 AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Selectmen Committee Appointment (5 min.) SUMMARY: 1. Appoint Jeanette Rebecchi as the MBTA Designee and Michelle Ciccolo as the Alternate. 2. The Town Celebrations Committee has asked that Julie Miller be moved from the Subcommittee to the full committee. 3. Reappoint Town Counsel. 4. It is suggested that you appoint Peter Kelley and Melisa Tintocals to the Permanent Building Committee as the Selectmen representatives for the Visitor Center Project. RECOMMENDATION / SUGGESTED MOTION: 1. Motion to designate Jeanette Rebecchi as Lexington's Representative to the MBTA Advisory Board and to designate Michelle Ciccolo as Lexington's Alternative Representative. 2. Motion to appoint Julie Miller to the Town Celebrations Committee for a term to expire June 30, 2015. 3. Motion to reappoint Anderson and Kreiger, represented by William L. Lahey, as Town Counsel for Lexington for a term to expire March 31, 2016. 4. Motion to appoint Peter Kelley and Melisa Tintocals to the Permanent Building Committee representing the Board of Selectmen on the Visitor Center Project. FOLLOW-UP: Selectmen's Office APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 6:35 PM ATTACHMENTS: Description Type MBTA Advisory Board Backup Material Town Celebrations Committee Member Lists Backup Material About Us ADVISORY BOARD COMPOSITION The chief elected official of each of the 175 cities and towns in the district, or his or her designee, is a voting member. Each municipality has one vote plus fractions of votes equivalent to its weighted proportion of the deficit (Chapter 161A, Section 7A). As assessments change, so does the precise weight of each municipal vote. ADVISORY BOARD MANDATE • Provide public oversight of MBTA expenditure through a rigorous, MassDOT Board policy- mandated review of MBTA annual operating budget • Review, advise, and confer with local leaders on the MBTA multi-year capital budget, The Program for Mass Transportation. • Evaluate the Authority’s annual Capital Investment Program • Receive notice of (1) substantial changes in mass transportation services, (2) fare changes (Chapter 161A, Section 5D) • Consult with the Authority to create mechanisms for ensuring reliable, high-quality and cost-effective operations by establishing and implementing service quality standards (Chapter 161A, Section 5p) • Consult with the Authority to maximize revenues, ridership growth and transit oriented development • The Advisory Board has additional responsibilities in transportation capital planning. In accordance with other state and federal requirements, a Memorandum of Understanding between the Advisory Board and five other transportation agencies (MBTA, MASSPORT, MassDOT, and MAPC) was drawn up delineating a process for sharing both input and responsibilities of capital planning for the region’s transportation needs. ADVISORY BOARD ACTIVITIES The staff researches issues requiring Advisory Board vote, provides analysis for Board committees, publishes reports for the Board, and coordinates meetings for the voting process. Under the guidance of the Finance Committee, staff provides a detailed analysis of all MBTA budget proposals preparatory to Advisory Board votes. The Board also has a line item transfer policy, which ensures consistent control of Authority expenditures in line with an approved budget. COPYRIGHT © 2011, MBTA ADVISORY BOARD. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. DESIGN BY OPUS DESIGN LLC Page 1 of 2MBTA Advisory Board - About Us 3/23/2015http://www.mbtaadvisoryboard.org/about-us/ Working with the Board committees, staff monitor Authority expenditures, transfer of funds, and service delivery, enabling an analysis of trends and flagging of specific areas management might explore to further cost effectiveness and increase productivity. Page 2 of 2MBTA Advisory Board - About Us 3/23/2015http://www.mbtaadvisoryboard.org/about-us/ AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING DATE: 3/25/2015 PRESENTER: Joe Pato ITEM NUMBER: I.4 AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Approve Proposed Building Signage on the Lexington Commnity Center (5 min.) SUMMARY: Public Facilities has a vendor lined up to rework the stone sign over the entrance to the new Community Center and wants to verify that the name of the building will be "Lexington Community Center". RECOMMENDATION / SUGGESTED MOTION: Motion to approve the proposed wording on the building of new Community Center will be "Lexington Community Center". FOLLOW-UP: APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 7:00 PM ATTACHMENTS: Description Type Proposed Community Center Signage Backup Material 1 Lynne Pease From:Carl Valente Sent:Thursday, March 12, 2015 6:39 PM To:Joe Pato (joe@joepato.org) Cc:Lynne Pease Subject:FW: Community Center Signage Attachments:20150204_164001.jpg Joe,    Is this something you would like me to bring to the BOS?    Carl    Carl F. Valente  Town Manager  1625 Massachusetts Avenue  Lexington, MA  02420  781 698‐4545 (new direct phone number as of March 2014)  781 861‐2921 (fax)    (When writing or responding please understand that the Secretary of State has determined that emails are a public record and,  therefore, may not be kept confidential.)      From: Mark Barrett   Sent: Thursday, March 12, 2015 4:04 PM  To: Linda Vine  Cc: Patrick Goddard  Subject: Community Center Signage    Linda, I have a vendor lined up to rework the stone sign over the entrance to the community Center, similar to a sign that was re-worked at Cary Memorial Hall recently. They fill in the existing lettering and treat the surface of the stone and then are able to re-engrave new lettering into the stone. Please take a look at the attached photo it shows the existing Stone that says “Supreme Council 33” And below it the proposed lettering to take its place “Lexington Community Center” I wanted to verify that the Town Managers office wants to stick with “Lexington Community Center” for the new signage lettering for the existing stone. Thanks, Mark Mark W. Barrett, RA., Project Manager Lexington Department of Public Facilities 201 Bedford Street~Lexington, MA. 02420 mbarrett@lexingtonma.gov desk:781.274.8980~fax:781.274.8985  AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING DATE: 3/25/2015 PRESENTER: Carl F. Valente, Town Manager ITEM NUMBER: I.5 AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Town Manager Appointments - Conservation Commission (5 min.) SUMMARY: Joyce Miller has been with the Conservation Commission since 1984. She is current with the Ethics Commission training. Philip Hamilton has been with the Conservation Commission since 1992. He is current with the Ethics Commission training. RECOMMENDATION / SUGGESTED MOTION: Move to approve Town Manager's reappointments of Joyce Miller and Philip Hamilton to the Conservation Commission. FOLLOW-UP: Town Manager's Office will send reappointment letters. APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 6:45 PM ATTACHMENTS: Description Type Reappointment Application - Joyce Miller Backup Material Reappointment application - Philip Hamilton Backup Material