HomeMy WebLinkAboutIdylewilde LMP_1.5.15_FINALLand Management Plan
ldylwilde Conservation Area
Lexington, MA
November 2014
Approved by the Lexington Conservation Commission on Monday, November 17, 2014
This plan has been developed by Miles H. Connors, Manager of Ecological Services at Par-
terre Ecological, a division of Parterre Garden Services. Parterre Ecological provides invasive
plant management, native plant restoration, and ongoing land monitoring.
Our mission is to restore plant communities to emulate, although not necessarily duplicate,
habitat types that prevailed before disruption of natural processes. To accomplish this, we
identify the dominant characteristics of existing native species on site, and determine what eco-
logical community the fragmented plant composition may represent. Knowing that plant com-
munities are always in a state of succession, we determine what trees, shrubs or herbaceous
perennials are absent and introduce to complete the plant community.
Miles H. Connors
Manager of Ecological Services
Parterre Garden Services
67 Smith Place
Cambridge MA 12138
Miles holds an undergraduate degree in Environmental Planning and Policy and Biology, with a
Masters in Sustainable Landscape Planning and Design. Miles is also a Massachusetts Certi-
fied Horticulturalist and a Licensed Pesticide Applicator.
Plant Inventory
The goal of this plan is to identify and inventory existing plant communities. This will include
invasive, likely invasive, and native plant populations with specific restoration practices over a
phased timeline. Restoration goals will reduce invasive plant populations while diversifying the
existing native plant community, improve biodiversity and wildlife habitat value, and encourage
community members to use the site for passive recreation.This plan will assist the Conserva-
tion Commission in making management decisions for the Town of Lexington open space.
Invasive Plants:
As defined by the Massachusetts Invasive Plant Advisory Group, invasive plants are non-
native species that have spread into native plant systems, causing economic or environmental
harm by developing self-sustaining populations and dominating and/or disrupting those native
systems. Invasive plant biology and physiology equip them with the means to out-compete na-
tive plants, disrupting native plant communities, and compromising the integrity of that ecosys-
tem. Invasive plant species can alter hydrological patterns, soil chemistry, soil moisture reten-
tion, and can accelerate erosion. Many invasive plants lack fibrous root systems and often
have alleleopathic chemicals which inhibit the growth of surrounding vegetation, thus creating
areas of bare earth which lead to faster rates of erosion and increased storm water runoff.
Likely Invasive Plants:
As defined by the Massachusetts Invasive Plant Advisory Group, likely invasive plants are non-
native species that are naturalized in Massachusetts but do not meet the full criteria that would
trigger an invasive plant designation.
Native Plants:
A native (indigenous) plant is one that occurs in a particular region, ecosystem, and habitat
type without direct or indirect human action. Native plant communities improve the quality of
wildlife habitat, while increasing biological diversity.
Existing Conditions:
Idylwilde Conservation Area is located in Lexington, Massachusetts between Middle Street
and Lincoln Street. The property is bisected by an intermittent stream, dividing the project site
from the larger open parcel that includes a community garden. In 2011, the community garden
was relocated to its current location, from the project area. The project area is characterized by
threatening infestations of invasive plant species, that should be managed to control increased
plant species populations.
Stream Bank Edge
Old Field Meadow
Residential Edge
Intermittent Stream
Property Line
Aerial view of Idylwilde Conservation Area, identifying the stream bank edge, old field
meadow, residential edge, and property line.
Idylwilde Conservation Area
Old Field Meadow
We identified the old community garden site and surrounding open mead-
ow as an old field that is currently in an early state of succession. Visual
identification of common herbaceous annual and perennial wildflowers
and grasses that naturally occur in agricultural fields, meadows and old
fields one to three years after agricultural practices are present. There
are also remnants of the old community garden plants as well, including
perennial mints, blackberries/raspberries, comfrey, and daylily.
Invasive Plants
Aegopodium podagraria, bishop’s weed
Alliaria petiolata, garlic mustard
Lonicera morrowii, morrow’s honeysuckle
Lythrum salicaria, purple loosestrife
Rhamnus cathartica, buckthorn
Rosa multiflora, multiflora rose
Likely Invasive
Ampelopsis brevipedunculata, porcelain berry
Native or Naturalized Plants
Ajuga reptans, carpet bungleweed
Convolvulus arvensis, morning glory
Eupatorium spp., Joe-pye weed
Impatiens capensis, jewelweed
Onoclea sensibilis, sensitive fern
Phytolacca americana, pokeweed
Quercus alba, white oak
Ranunculus spp., buttercup
Rubus spp., blackberry
Solidago spp., goldenrod
Ulmus rubra, slippery elm
Old Field Meadow
The old field meadow is located within the resource area of an intermittent stream. It is in early
succession, with the pioneer plant community dominated by common annual weeds, and mixed
with dominating species of perennial aster, goldenrod, and invasive purple loosestrife. There
are patches of invasive multiflora rose, buckthorn, and honeysuckle taking hold, and the sur-
rounding edges of the field are dominated by invasive species. If left unmanaged, the old field
will continue to become colonized by woody invasive - native shrub and tree species.
Management Recommendations
Maintain the old field meadow ecosystem, as a plant community dominated by native wild-
flowers and grasses. In order to accomplish this, the old field meadow must be managed by
mechanical brush mowing. All invasive plant species and pioneer saplings should be manually
cleared from the field.
Native Restoration:
Once invasive plant species have been reduced from the old field meadow, a selection of
native perennial grasses and wildflowers should be planted and seeded to rebuild the herba-
ceous layers. The native plant palette should be chosen to diversify the native plant community,
contribute to wildlife resources, and stimulate interest from the community. All planting palettes
should be approved by the Conservation Commission.
The old field meadow should be mown twice annually, once after July 1 after migrant songbirds
have fledged and loosestrife is coming into flower, and after the first frost in early autumn. Care
should be taken that the blade is set to cut all wildflower and grasses between 6” - 12” above
the ground. Although the area is not large enough to accommodate ground nesting birds, it still
holds valuable habitat for insects (an important food source of birds) that rely on the remaining
shafts of grass for shelter during the winter months. In addition, the cut vegetation will provide
nutrients to the soil, protect fragile new growth, and create cover for wildlife.
If the summer mowing regime is followed annually for (3) years, there should be a reduction in
loosestrife and other invasive species populations, at which point, mowing may only be neces-
sary once a year, excluding the annually mown paths. The open space should be valued as
green space for passive recreational activities in the surrounding community.
Access and Circulation:
A wide mown pedestrian path linking Middle St. to Lincoln St. should be cut to create com-
munity connections. Secondary paths should also be considered for people to experience the
different features of the site, linking the old field meadow to other destinations on the conserva-
tion land. Interpretive signage could help guide, attract, and educate visitors of the historic and
natural features of the land, while discussing restoration practices taking place.
Stream Bank Edge
We identified plants in the canopy, shrub, and herbaceous layers along the intermittent stream.
Identification of these plant communities indicated that both sides of the
stream bank are dominated by the invasive Acer platanoides, Norway
Invasive Plants
Acer platanoides, Norway maple
Allaria petiolata, garlic mustard
Berberis thunbergii, Japanese barberry
Celastrus orbiculatus, asiatic bittersweet
Lonicera morrowii, morrow’s honeysuckle
Polygonum cuspidatum, Japanese knotweed
Rhamnus cathartica, buckthorn
Rosa multiflora, multiflora rose
Likely Invasive
Ampelopsis brevipedunculata, porcelain berry
Native or Naturalized Plants
Acer rubrum, red maple
Acer saccharinum, silver maple
Alnus viridis, alder
Betula populifolia, gray birch
Cornus stolonifera, Red Stem Dogwood
Fraxinus pennsylvanica, green ash
Juglans nigra, Eastern black walnut
Parthenocissus quinquefolia, Virginia creeper
Picea abies, Norway spruce
Prunus serotina, black cherry
Rubus spp., blackberry (cultivated)
Toxicodendron radicans, poison ivy
Vitis spp., wild grape
Stream Bank Edge
The stream banks are a vegetative buffer between the old field meadow and intermittent
stream. This edge is dominated by the invasive Norway maple as a mast tree species, and has
an invasive understory layer dominated by Asiatic bittersweet, morrow’s honeysuckle, buck-
thorn, and multiflora rose. The native Cornus stolonifera, Red Stem Dogwood, dominates the
stream bank edge.
Management Recommendations
Both sides of the stream bank should be managed for restoration. To reduce invasive shrubs
on both sides of the stream bank, manually hand cut and wipe with a Triclopyr based herbicide
(Garlon). Or alternatively, a combination of mechanical brush mowing and prescribed grazing
(by goats) over an extended timeline is also effective. Larger equipment should be limited in
sensitive areas. The edible raspberry and blackberries, and other native edible plants, should
be transplanted from the meadow to the stream bank edge, where cultivated berries should be
retained for human and wildlife enjoyment and assist with bank stabilization.
Native Restoration:
Once invasive plant species have been reduced from both sides of the stream bank edge, a
selection of native plants should be planted to rebuild the canopy, understory, shrub and her-
baceous layers. The native plant palette should be carefully selected to diversify the native
plant community, contribute to wildlife resources, and generate interest from the community. All
planting palettes should be approved by the Conservation Commission.
A local tree company should be contracted to remove a determined section of the Norway
maple trees, and efforts made to utilize all parts on site. Trunks and logs cut from the Norway
maples should be placed, partially submerged along the steep banks to mitigate soil erosion.
Wood can be used to stabilize slopes and gullies, while providing habitat logs for forest floor
amphibians. Fine branches can be used in specific locations, being scattered in a natural way,
to increase the litter layer and slow storm water. Larger logs can also be used to provide ap-
propriate access points on site, as a natural wood crossing (bridge), and wood chip surfaced
pathways. The tree debris should be utilized on site as much as possible, cutting logs for reuse
as benches, bridge construction, wood chip paths and habitat logs.
Snags, or dead decaying trees left standing to decompose, should be incorporated into the
forested edge. Snags create den space for small mammals, perching sites for raptors, and
cavities for nesting birds like woodpeckers and owls. The decomposing wood offers food for a
myriad of insects and arthropods, fungi and other food web organisms. It is important to ensure
all snags are located in areas of the stream bank edge where there is limited foot traffic, or
remove limbs and cut snags to 20’ tall in areas where foot traffic is present.
Access and Circulation:
Determine a crossing point along the intermittent stream that would provide a good location for
natural wood crossing (bridge), to link the meadow area to the community
garden site. A mown path from the meadow to the stream crossing should be
maintained. A switch back woodchip path on the community garden side of the
stream for pedestrian access should be maintained.
Residential Edge
We identified plants in the canopy, shrub and herbaceous layer along the
abutting residential edge. Identification of this plant community found this
edge dominated by Acer saccharinum, silver maple with Ampelopsis bre-
vipedunculata, porcelain berry and Vitis spp., and grape vine encroaching
on the mature specimen trees.
Invasive Plants
Acer platanoides, Norway maple
Celastrus orbiculatus, asiatic bittersweet
Robinia pseudoacacia, black locust
Rosa multiflora, multiflora rose
Likely Invasive
Ampelopsis brevipedunculata, porcelain berry
Native or Naturalized Plants
Acer saccharinum, silver maple
Fraxinus pennsylvanica, green ash
Ulmus rubra, slippery elm
Vitis spp. grape vine
Residential Edge
This edge is dominated by native silver maple, and green ash as a mast tree species. The inva-
sive understory and shrub layer is dominated by grape vine, asiatic bittersweet, porcelain berry,
and multiflora rose. The grape, porcelain, and bittersweet vine has established itself into a
dense understory, reducing visibility of neighbors houses and the neighbors view of the conser-
vation area.
Management Recommendations
In order to restore the residential edge, all invasive vines and shrubs should be cut at ground
level and removed to a height of 8’. Dead vines remaining in tree canopy will eventually shed
from the tree and become part of the forest floor. A combination of manual cutting and me-
chanical brush mowing, or alternatively, prescribed grazing (with goats) should be utilized to
suppress growth.
Native Restoration:
Once invasive plant species have been reduced from the residential edge, a selection of native
plants should be planted to rebuild the understory, and shrub layers. The native plant palette
should be carefully selected to diversify the native plant community, contribute to wildlife re-
sources, and generate interest from the abutting neighbors. All planting palettes should be ap-
proved by the Conservation Commission.
A local tree company should be contracted to maintain the mature, dominating canopy of sil-
ver maples. Large limbs cut from the maples should be placed naturally on the forest floor, or
stacked, providing habitat logs for forest floor amphibians. Wood chips from pruning should
be spread along the residential edge to amend soils and cover exposed soils. The treatment
of spreading wood chips as a mulch 1/2” to 1” thick encourages the development of soil fungi,
which decomposes wood lignin and encourages organic matter, while suppressing weeds.
Snags, or dead decaying trees left standing to decompose, should be incorporated into the
forested edge. Snags create den space for small mammals, perching sites for raptors, cavities
could be excavated for nesting birds like woodpeckers and owls. The decomposing wood offers
food for a myriad of insects and arthropods, fungi and other food web organisms. Make sure
all snags have had limbs removed, and cut snags to 20’ tall for safety.
Access and Circulation:
Determine property boundaries, and engage neighboring abutters in the restoration process.
Approach the restoration to neighbors as improving their views of open space, returning the old
field meadow to a flowering meadow, and providing open links to managed community garden
space. Privacy of abutting neighbors should be considered.
Acer platanoides, Norway maple occurs
in all regions of the state in upland and
wetland habitats, and especially common
in woodlands. It grows in full sun to full
shade. It out-competes native vegetation,
including sugar maple, Acer saccharum
which it is frequently confused with. Nor-
way autumn color is yellow, while sugar is
orange/red. Norway has white sap, while
the sugar has clear sap in the petiole
(stems). Norway maple leaf points reduce
to a fine “hair”, while the tips of the points
on sugar maple leaves are rounded.
Acer platanoides,
Norway maple
Norway maple is well adapted to various
soils, grows in hot and dry conditions,
and it can tolerate ozone and sulfur di-
oxide air pollution. Norway maples were
widely planted in the United States as
street trees and have escaped to natural
habitats. Trees produce large numbers of
seeds that are wind dispersed and invade
forests and forest edges. The dense can-
opy inhibits the regeneration of other tree
seedlings, reducing forest diversity. Also,
since Norway maple has shallow roots, it
competes with other plants.
Manual methods of control works well in
small populations by removing the entire
root system. Larger, persistent infesta-
tions may require a combination of manual
hand cutting, grazing, or cut stump herbi-
cide treatments over a three to five year
timeline. Larger trees in the landscape
should be removed by Arborist.
Aegopodium podagraria,
Goutweed, also known as bishop’s-weed,
is an herbaceous perennial plant. It is one
of several species of Aegopodium, native
to Europe and Asia. Most leaves are bas-
al, with the leafstalk attached to an under-
ground stem, or rhizome. The leaves are
divided into three groups of three leaflets.
The leaflets are toothed and sometimes
irregularly lobed.
Small patches can be eliminated by care-
ful and persistent hand-pulling or digging
up of entire plants along with underground
rhizomes. Pulled plants should be piled
up and allowed to dry for a few days
before bagging and disposing of them.
Large patches can be controled with
systemic herbicides such as glyphosate
(Roundup®) that are translocated to the
roots and kill the entire plant.
Goutweed is an ecologically versatile
species. It is found in gardens, surround-
ing shrubs and other plantings, and in a
variety of other disturbed habitats such as
old fields. Goutweed appears to do best in
moist soil and in light to moderate shade,
but is highly shade-tolerant and capable of
invading closed-canopy forests.
Alliaria petiolata,
Garlic mustard
Allaria petiolata, Garlic mustard is a cool
season biennial herb with stalked, trian-
gular to heart-shaped, coarsely toothed
leaves that give off an odor of garlic when
crushed. First-year plants appear as a ro-
sette of green leaves close to the ground.
Rosettes develop into mature flowering
plants the following spring. Flowering
plants of garlic mustard reach from 2 to
3-½ feet in height and produce clusters
of small white flowers, that when mature,
produce thousands of seed.
Garlic mustard frequently occurs in moist,
shaded soil of river and stream flood-
plains, forests, edges of woods, trails
edges and forest openings. Disturbed
areas are most susceptible to rapid inva-
sion and dominance.
Hand-pull before flowering. The seeds of
garlic mustard can remain viable in the
soil for five years or more, so prevent-
ing seed production is key. Care must be
taken to remove the plant with its entire
root system, as new plants can sprout
from root fragments. Pulled plants should
be removed from site, especially if flowers
are present (bagging in plastic bags, tying,
and disposing of correctly).
Berberis thunbergii,
Japanese barberry
Japanese Barberry is shade tolerant,
drought resistant, and adaptable to a
variety of open and wooded habitats,
wetlands and disturbed areas. It prefers
to grow in full sun to part shade, and can
ultimately form a dense understory shrub
Manual methods of control works well in
small populations by removing the entire
root system. Larger, persistent infesta-
tions may require a combination of man-
ual hand cutting, grazing, or cut stump
herbicide treatments over a three to five
year timeline. Berberis is a prolific seed-
producer with a high germination rate,
prevention of seed production should be a
management priority.
Berberis thunbergii, Japanese Barberry
branches zig-zag in form and bear a
single sharp spine at each node. The
leaves are small (½ to 1 ½ inches long),
oval shaped, green to dark reddish purple.
Flowering occurs in early spring. Pale
yellow flowers hang in umbrella-shaped
clusters of 2-4, along the length of the
stem. When mature, the fruits are bright
red berries about 1/3”, borne on narrow
stalks. They mature during late summer
and fall and persist through the winter.
Celastrus orbiculatus,
Asiatic bittersweet
Celastrus orbiculatus, Asiatic Bitter-
sweet is a deciduous climbing vine. It has
glossy, rounded leaves that are alternate
with finely toothed margins. The leaves
turn yellow in the fall. The female, fruit-
ing plants produce small greenish flower
clusters from most leaf axils that mature
by September to produce high numbers of
fruits and seeds. These fruits are yellow,
globular capsules that split open at matu-
rity to reveal red-orange seeds. Roots are
distinctly orange.
Manual methods of control works well in
small populations by removing the entire
root system. Larger, persistent infesta-
tions may require a combination of man-
ual hand cutting, grazing, or cut stump
herbicide treatments over a three to five
year timeline.
Bittersweet spreads easily into forest
edges, woodlands, fields, and most dis-
turbed sites. It can tolerate shade but is
often found in more open, sunny areas.
Lonicera morrowii,
Morrow’s Honeysuckle
Lonicera morrowii, Morrow’s honeysuck-
les are upright, deciduous shrubs that
range from 6 to 15 feet in height. The 1-2
½ inch, oval leaves are opposite along the
stem. Older stems are often hollow. Pairs
of fragrant, tubular flowers less than an
inch long are borne along the stem in the
leaf axils. Flowering generally occurs from
early to late spring, but varies for each
species and cultivar. The fruits are red to
orange, many-seeded berries. Stems are
hollow of all exotic invasive, the native
honeysuckles have solid stems.
Bush honeysuckles are relatively shade-
intolerant and most often occur in forest
edge, abandoned field, pasture, roadsides
and other open, upland habitats. Wood-
lands, especially those that have been
grazed or otherwise disturbed, may also
be invaded. Morrow’s honeysuckle have
the greatest habitat breadth and are ca-
pable of invading most habitat types.
Manual methods of control works well in
small populations by removing the entire
root system. Larger, persistent infestations
may require a combination of manual
hand cutting, grazing, or cut stump herbi-
cide treatments over a three to five year
Lythrum salicaria,
Purple loosestrife
Lythrum salicaria, Purple loosestrife is a
perennial herb with a square, woody stem
and opposite or whorled leaves. Leaves
are lance-shaped, stalkless, and heart-
shaped or rounded at the base. Plants are
usually covered by a downy pubescence.
Loosestrife plants produce a showy dis-
play of magenta-colored flower spikes
throughout much of the summer. Flowers
have five to seven petals.
Purple loosestrife is capable of invading
many wetland types, including freshwater
wet meadows, river and stream banks,
pond edges, and reservoirs.
Large infestations of purple loosestrife
plants in the meadow should be mechani-
cally cut as the plant begins to flower.
Rhamnus cathartica,
Common buckthorn
Rhamnus cathartica, Common buckthorn
is a shrub that can grow 22 feet in height
and have a trunk up to 10 inches wide.
When cut, the inner bark is yellow and the
heartwood, pink to orange. Twigs are of-
ten tipped with a spine. In spring, clusters
of 2 to 6, yellow-green, 4-petaled flowers
emerge from stems near the bases of leaf
stalks. Small black fruits containing 3-4
seeds, form in the fall. Leaves are broadly
oval, rounded or pointed at the tip, and
have jagged, toothed margins. Leaves
appear dark, glossy green on the upper
surface and stay green late into fall.
Common buckthorn prefers lightly shaded
conditions. An invader mainly of open oak
woods, deadfall openings in woodlands,
and woods edges, it may also be found
in prairies and open fields. It is tolerant of
many soil types, well drained sand, clay,
poorly drained calcareous, neutral or alka-
line, wet or dry.
Manual methods of control works well
in small populations by removing the
entire root system. Larger, persistent
infestations may require a combination
of manual hand cutting, grazing, or cut
stump herbicide treatments over a three
to five year timeline.
Polygonum cuspidatum,
Japanese knotweed
Polygonum cuspidatum, Japanese knot-
weed is an herbaceous perennial that can
grow to over 10 feet in height. Stems of
Japanese knotweed have smooth, glossy
green color mottled with red. Leaf size
may vary, but normally about 6 inches
long by 3 inches wide, broadly oval to
somewhat triangular and pointed at the
tip. The greenish-white flowers occur in at-
tractive, branched sprays in summer and
are followed soon after by small winged
fruits. Seeds are triangular, shiny, and
very small, about 1/10 inch long.
Japanese knotweed can tolerate a va-
riety of adverse conditions including full
shade, high temperatures, high salinity,
and drought. It is found along streams and
rivers, in low-lying areas, and disturbed
areas. It can quickly become a dense
mono-crop, out competing native under-
story plants.
Hand-pull sprouting root fragments. Any
portions of the root system not entirely re-
moved will potentially resprout. Population
should receive a cut and wipe application
of Garlon 4 Ultra, applied in late summer
as the plant moves into flower.
Robinia pseudoacacia,
Black locust
Black locust is a fast growing tree that can
reach 40 to 100 feet in height at matu-
rity. While the bark of young saplings is
smooth and green, mature trees bark is
dark brown and deeply furrowed. Seed-
lings and sprouts grow rapidly and are
easily identified by long paired thorns.
Leaves are alternate along stems and are
composed of seven to twenty one smaller
leaf segments called leaflets. Leaflets
are oval to rounded in outline, dark green
above and pale beneath. Fragrant white
flowers appear in drooping clusters in May
and June.
Black locust is an early successional plant
found in disturbed areas. The tree prefer-
ring full sun, well drained soils and little
competition. Due to its rapid growth from
root suckers or seed, black locust has
been promoted by state and federal agen-
cies and nurseries for many uses, includ-
ing street tree planting.
Hand-pull seedlings and sprouts in up-
lands. Small infestations of young plants
may be manually pulled by hand, prefer-
ably before root establishment. Black
Locust is a colonizing plant, sending up
root sprouts from its root system.
Rosa multiflora,
Multiflora rose
Multiflora rose is a shrub with arching
canes, and leaves divided into five to
eleven sharply toothed leaflets. The base
of each leaf stalk bears a pair of fringed
bracts. Beginning in early summer, clus-
ters of showy, fragrant, white flowers ap-
pear. Small bright red fruits, or rose hips,
develop during the summer, becoming
leathery, and remain on the plant through
the winter.
Multiflora rose has a wide tolerance for
various soil, moisture, and light conditions.
It occurs in dense woods, along stream
banks and roadsides and in open fields.
Hand-pull all seedlings. For established
plants, repeat cut or graze off canes to
reduce mass and eventually eliminate
growth with minimal soil disturbance.
Restoration Practices
A combination of manual, mechanical, prescribed grazing and herbicide treatments of invasive
plants are recommended. As open space conservation land in the town of Lexington, there is
an opportunity to utilize all methods for invasive management to maximize effectiveness, while
educating the community. All restoration practices should be consistent with Principles and
Policies for Managing Lexington Conservation Land prepared by Mass Audubon’s Ecological
Extension Service in fall 2014.
Manual Methods
Manual methods include hand pulling as well as use of a wide array of tools for cutting, and
pulling. Manual methods should be used on woody invasive plants as seedlings. Eradication is
only possible when the roots are completely extracted and seedlings are pulled or eliminated
following seed germination. Because it is difficult to extract all of the roots of many invasive
plants, re-sprouting usually occurs. Merely pulling small plants and cutting top growth will result
in short-term control before stump or root sprouting occurs, unless an herbicide is applied to
cut surfaces. If you do not plan to use herbicide, make sure an ongoing maintenance plan is in
place to cut back, or graze, new growth continuously for an extended three to five years.
Mechanical Methods
In areas with dense infestations of invasive plant coverage, mechanical methods of brush
mowing or tractors with special attachments is more practical. In utilizing mechanical methods,
all native plants should be tagged before mowing begins. All freshly mown invasive stumps
should be followed by herbicide applications. Timely treatment with herbicide is essential to cut
stumps, as this disturbance creates favorable conditions
for re-growth from seed bank and root sprouts.
Prescribed Grazing
Grazing relies primarily on goats to graze down and re-
duce dense infestations of invasive woody plant material.
Grazing is an effective control treatment when there is
no risk of damage to native herbaceous plants (goats are
non-selective grazers), the invasive plant is palatable to
goats (goats do not usually eat Black Swallow-wort), and
is not poisonous to the animal. Also, multiple years are
required to achieve major invasive reductions, and timing
of grazing is critical to sucess. Once buds break in early
spring, the invasive shrubs should be defoliated, and re-
peated throughout the growing season into late fall.
Brush mowing a forested edge
dense with invasive plant mate-
Herbicide Treatment Methods
An herbicide treatment program should be instituted during periods when invasive plants will
translocate herbicide most effectively, and destroy root materials. Many invasive plants have
extensive roots, and herbicide applications can offer effective means of control, because herbi-
cides can selectively kill roots without disturbing soil.
Foliar Treatment
Herbicide treatment by direct foliar spray is one of the most effective methods of treating in-
vasive plant material. With this method, herbicide mixtures are applied to the foliage. Foliar
sprays can be applied whenever leaves are present but, are usually most effective from mid-
summer to late fall. Apply a 2% Glyphosate (e.g., Rodeo for wetlands; Roundup for uplands) to
leaves in late summer.
Cut Stump Treatment
The cut stump method involves applying herbicide in concentrate to the entire surface of fresh-
ly cut stumps. Treatments of herbicide should be applied immediately following cutting, with
a paint brush. Freshly cut stumps of trees, woody vines,
and shrubs can be treated with herbicide mixed at 20%
Triclopyr (Garlon) to minimize, if not prevent re-sprouting.
It is critical that the cut is made as low as possible to the
ground, and that the stem is treated immediately after the
cut is made. Invasive plants not treated with herbicides
after cutting invariably re-sprout and intensify their infesta-
Cut stump treatment using a
marking dye to eliminate possibil-
ity of treatment of stump twice, or
missing stump.
Land Management Timeline
Winter 2014
• Remove all community garden debris. This includes, but is not limited
to rocks from raised beds, signs, and pieces of metal fencing that
would inhibit mowing.
• Open stone wall on Lincoln Road. Opening should accommodate a
brush mower only, not a motorized vehicle.
• Manually remove shrubs and trees from Old Field Meadow.
• Brush mow Old Field Meadow.
Summer-Fall 2015
• Along the Residential Edge, cut and remove invasive shrubs. Wipe a 20% concentration of
Triclopyr-based herbicide on the cut stem.
• Cut selected invasive Norway maple tree along the Stream
Bank Edge, and treat with 20% concentrate of Triclopyr-
based herbicide. Concentrate should have a marking dye,
and be applied immediately following cutting.
• Cut and pre-treat all invasive shrubs by cut and wipe treat-
ment with a 20% concentration of Glyphosate based herbi-
cide. Concentrate should have a marking dye, and be ap-
plied immediately following cutting.
• Immediately seed exposed soil areas with red fescue to fa-
cilitate rapid colonization in order to reduce potential of ero-
sion and storm water runoff from banks during storm events.
• Continue invasive plant management by using a selective,
foliar spot treatment with a 2% Triclopyr-based herbicide to
all sprouts from extensive root systems.
Winter-Spring 2016
• After mid-July, apply a foliar spot treatment to previously cut
plants that resprouted from root systems.
• Monitor invasive plant response to prior season’s manage-
ment treatments and propose upcoming treatments to cor-
respond with observed plant response.
• Utilize manual treatment methods of hand pulling invasive
seedlings to exhaust seed bank.
• If invasive plants have been reduced by 80% or more than
the original populations, propose restoration plantings.
• Install an automated temporary, above ground irrigation sys-
tem to help restoration plantings become established.
Summer-Fall 2016
• After mid-July, apply a foliar spot treatment to previously cut plants that resprouted from
root systems.
• Monitor for poison ivy in all project areas, removing any seedlings or vines
that are in pathways or traveled areas.
Winter-Spring 2017
• Monitor invasive plant response to prior season’s management treatments and propose
upcoming treatments to correspond with observed plant response.
• Replace any native restoration plants that did not survive initial planting.
• Utilize manual treatment methods of hand pulling sprouting invasive seedlings to exhaust
seed bank.
• Propose restoration planting.
Summer-Fall 2017
• Continue invasive plant management by using a selective, foliar spot treatment with a 2%
Triclopyr-based herbicide to all sprouting from extensive root systems, and apply a 2%
Glyphosate-based herbicide for all invasive shrubs sprouts.
• Install an automated temporary, above ground irrigation system to help restoration plantings
become established.
Winter-Spring 2018
Ongoing Maintenance and Monitoring:
• After the treatments of 2017, the management plan should be assesses and re-evaluated. If
management treatments have been successful, and populations of invasive plants are low
enough that only monitoring and minimal hand removal should be required to keep invasive
plant species from being reintroduced. After three consistent years of maintenance, moni-
toring, and treatment to invasive plant material, the management plant should be re-eval-
uated. Invasive plants generally take a minimum of three years of active management to
reach a level of successful control. Monitoring and minimal maintenance should be ongoing.
Note on Herbicide Use: Herbicides should only be applied by knowledgeable, licensed and
insured Massachusetts Pesticide Applicators. All Applicators must attend workshops and study
materials in order to pass a written exam to become licensed in the state. Additionally, Applica-
tors must obtain educational credits each year through attending additional courses in order to
maintain licenses. Applicators are also required to show proof of liability insurance each year in
order to remain licensed.
“A Field Guide to Eastern Forests of North America”. The Peterson Field Guide Series. John C.
Kricher & Gordan Morrison. 1988.
“NHESP Natural Community Fact Sheet, Floodplain Forests”. Massachusetts Natural Heritage
and Endangered Species & Division of Fisheries and Wildlife.
Principles and Policies for Managing Lexington Conservation Land. Massachusetts Audubon
Society Ecological Extension Service. 2014.
“Strategic Recommendations for Managing Invasive Plants in Massachusetts.”
Massachusetts Invasive Plant Advisory Group. February 28, 2005.