HomeMy WebLinkAbout2015-01-21-BOH-min MINUTES for: BOARD OF HEALTH MEETING Wednesday, January 21, 2015, 7:00 P.M. Training Room DPW, 201 Bedford St, Lexington, MA Board of Health Members in Attendance: Wendy Heiger-Bernays, PhD, Sharon MacKenzie, Burt Perlmutter, MD, David Geller, MD Health Division Attendees: Gerard F. Cody, Health Director, Linda Rainville, Clerk 1.) Minutes of December 17, 2014 accepted with corrections 2.) Community Health a.) CHNA grant update—The Board reviewed the Health Report submitted by David Neylon, Public Health Nurse. 1.) Mental Health First Aid Training schedule - Mr. Cody explained that they are working on training schedule an Adult and Youth Mental Health First Aid Course. A chart of the training schedule was presented. Initial training will be presented to Guidance Counselors and teachers. The Police department has been invited to join the training. The Recreation department and Human Services will be invited to future trainings. An evaluation of the program will be done through a pre-class test and a post-class test. b.) Community Health and Infectious Disease Report—The Board reviewed the Communicable Disease report. Dr. Perlmutter asked if the Health Department considered getting a new broader spectrum pneumococcal vaccine. Mr. Cody explained that the State sends us a small amount of pneumococcal vaccines and we are limited to getting what they send us. 1.) Flu Activity update—Mr. Cody reported that over 2500 people attended the flu clinics this year. 3.) Environmental Health a.) Environmental Health Report—The Board reviewed the Health Report submitted by K. Fox. Mr. Cody reported that a meeting was held with Mr. Robin Ong, Yangtze River Restaurant, regarding pest control and cleaning issues. The restaurant is now doing quarterly cleanings of a thorough nature. The Health Department will be monitoring their progress. b.) Food Inspection program 1.) Roll the Bones Barbecue—Food Plan Review a.) Mr. Paul Busa—met with the Board to get approval for a food permit to make and sell two different types of barbecue sauce. Dr. Perlmutter motioned Dr. Geller seconded a motion: "The Lexington Board of Health grants an Annual Retail Food Permit to Roll Your Bones Barbecue Sauce upon successful completion of a pre- operational inspection and acceptable food lab data bacterial testing results. The Board of Health recommends a repeat bacterial testing in six months' time." All in favor c.) State Sanitary Code Case Review 1.) 267 Waltham Street—Mr. Cody reported that the case was still open. There will be a re- inspection in May. The Social Worker is still in communication with the resident. 2.) 137 Reed Street - In response to a complaint, the Health Department went to the property. Observations made from the street showed a large accumulation of material. The Health Department is working with K. Axtell from Health and Human Services. 3.) 25 Valley Road—This complaint is still open. Mr. Cody is attempting to communicate with the tenant and property owner. 4.) 15 Emerald Street—An Order to Comply regarding sanitary conditions of outside property was mailed. The resident requested an extension. The BOH granted an extension. S. MacKenzie,proposed a motion, (Burt Perlmutter 2nd) "The Lexington Board of Health agrees to extend the deadline to April 1, 2015 to come into full compliance by May 1°2015." All in favor. d.) Open Meeting Law Complaint—On December 26, 2014 Mr. Cody was made aware of an Open Meeting Law complaint being filed on December 21, 2014. Dr. Heiger Bernays proposed a motion (Seconded by S. MacKenzie); "The Town Attorney respond to the Open Meeting Law Complaint. All communication with the Town Attorney should take place though Mr. Cody regarding how to continue." All in favor. e.) Youth Access to Tobacco Products Compliance Inspection update—During a compliance regulation inspections, two stores sold tobacco products to underage customers. The stores were fined $100. and store employees are required to attend a refresher training on Tobacco sales. The refresher training will be held at the Community Development Office. The Town Counsel suggested some proposed language for the town articles regarding the Bylaw for Sale of Tobacco. We are requesting an amendment to the bylaw to change the minimum age to purchase tobacco products to 21 years of age. The BOH would like to repeal the existing bylaw (Article 39) then pass the amendment(Article 40). A member of the Board of Health should be in attendance at the Town Meeting (date to be determined). If Article 39 does not pass please see Article 40. It is the preference of the BOH that the last sentence of Description: "It is the preference of the Board of Health that the existing Bylaws be repealed pursuant to Article." 4.) Emergency Preparedness a.) Health and Medical Coordinating Coalition, (HMCC) update—Mr. Cody recapped that the State wants to rename and merge regions. In our area it would be merging Region 4A with Region 4B. At this time all plans are on hold for up to 6 months. b.) CASPER training in Waltham Medical Society on January 28, 2015 1.)Epi Ready Response team Medical Reserve Corp volunteers form different teams to help in a Public Health Emergency Response. On January 28th, 2015 there will be a training presentation. Miscellaneous 5.) Old Business/New Business S. MacKenzie asked D. Geller if he is seeing more Flu diagnosis than usually. Dr. Geller said he did not think it was more than usual but he was seeing patients with flu-like symptoms. Mr. Cody reported that at this time the Animal Control Officer position is vacant. The Health Department is being called upon to help out with animal control issues. 6.)Next Meeting Wednesday, February 18, 2015