HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014-12-18-CPC-min Minutes of the Community Preservation Committee Thursday December 18, 2014 Parker Room, Town Office Building 1625 Massachusetts Avenue 3:00pm Committee Members Present: Marilyn Fenollosa, Chair; Richard Canale, Norman Cohen, David Horton, Sandy Shaw, Bob Pressman, Leo McSweeney, Richard Wolk, Vice-Chair, Jeanne Krieger Also in attendance was David Kanter, Vice Chair of the Capital Expenditures Committee. The meeting was called to order at 3:04 pm by Ms. Fenollosa. 1. Rob Addelson, Assistant Manager for Finance, CPA Budget Model- Rob Addelson reviewed the CPA Fund-Projected Revenues and Expenditures, concentrating on the projected funds available for appropriation at 2015 ATM. There is a residual balance of$5,965,616 and the balance carrying forward for FYI is $3,258,787. 2. Minuteman Bikeway Wayfinding Signs, Design Funds. $39,000. John Livsey, Town Engineer, Dave Pinsonneault, Operations Manager, DPW: Dave Pinsonneault stated that he was coming before the Committee to request funding for the safety signs and guides along the Bike Path. He will need $39,000 plus an additional $100,000 for construction, which will start next year. He stated that the current signs were wordy and faded. There is also an important safety component since there is more traffic on the bike path. Ms. Fenollosa stated her concern for paying for the signs for the two other towns of Bedford and Arlington. Mr. Pinsonneault responded that he has received verbal confirmation from the towns that they would create the same signs, and if there is a standard created than it might be advantageous for Lexington to set the standard. Bob Pressman pointed out that the nature of the businesses should be put on the signs and not business name. 3. Grain Mill Alley Project- Amended Application -- Melisa Tintocalis, Economic Development Director. Melisa Tintocalis appeared before the CPC to review her application for the Grain Mill Alley Project. She stated that she plans to take a slower approach and concentrate on design and be involved with more public meetings. To accomplish this, she would need an additional $16,000 in 2-3 installments. She also stated that she had established a baseline of current activity- counting cyclists, pedestrians,picnic tables and bike racks and she plans to take another baseline in the future. Ms. Shaw questioned the traffic created by the Bank of America and how much area would be blocked off. Mr. Kanter reminded Melisa to make sure she has taken into consideration the legal expenses. Melisa added another $2,000 for legal expenses making the requested amount $18,000. 4. Cary Memorial Building Records Center Shelving, Amended Application, $75,398. Donna Hooper, CIO, Nasrin Rohani, Town Archivist -- Ms. Hooper stated that the Fire Department is concerned about the sprinkler system in the room. This system does not meet code and it would only make it worse when installing new shelving. The Fire Department and Facilities are currently reviewing the sprinkler system. It will cost $5,000 to move the sprinkler. Ms. Fenollosa stated that just because they can fund, does not mean they should. In her opinion, CPA funding is not appropriate for this project and will not enhance the quality of life for the taxpayers. Mr. Cohen stated his belief that project this falls under the historic resources category. Ms. Hooper stressed that all of these files that will be held in the new area are historic files and are necessary to keep. 5. First Parish Church Restoration Project Design Funds, Amended Application, Erik Svenson and Elisabeth Jas -- First Parish Church has solicited proposals from several historic preservation professionals, and received two quality proposals with this proposal based on Spencer and Vogt Group. First Parish Church has invested $350,000 in specific historic preservation projects on the building in the last ten years. They have a membership size of 350 which represents 180 pledging units. Mr. Pressman stated that the exterior front part of the building is important but internal aspects are not as important. Mr. Cohen wanted to know what else would be involved in the exterior work. Mr. Svenson stated that the electrical system is old and is a fire hazard;plumbing is old, which was one reason why they approached Spencer and Vogt, and there are structural parts that need attention, including the cracks in foundation and rot in the structure. Mr. Wolk inquired what would happen if the congregation were to be charged with these repairs. Ms. Jas stated that the congregation assumes the bill will be paid by them regardless of the outcome of this proposal. 6. Final votes on FYI Projects- a. Conservation Meadow Preservation Program- ($26,400) motion to approve, seconded, final vote of 9-0 b. Lower Vine Brook Paved Recreation Path Reconstruction- ($369,813) motion to approve, seconded, final vote of 9-0 c. Land Acquisition-(TBD) motion to approve as a placeholder to get on warrant, final vote of 9-0 d. Parker's Revenge Restoration- ($36.790) motion to approve, seconded, final vote of 8-0-1 e. Study of the First Parish Church- ($40,000) motion to approve, seconded, final vote of 6-0-3 f. Cary Memorial Building Records Center Shelving- ($75,398) motion to approve, seconded, final vote of 8-1-0 g. Battle Green Streetscape Improvements- ($140,000) motion to approve, seconded, final vote of 9-0 h. Community Center Sidewalk- ($250,000) motion to approve, and seconded, as a placeholder, final vote of 8-1 i. Cary Memorial Building Sidewalk- ($162,000) motion to approve, and seconded, as a placeholder, final vote of 9-0 j. Minuteman Wayfinding Signs-Design Funds- ($39,000) motion to approve, seconded, final vote of 8-1 k. Park and Playground Improvements (Marvin Park)- ($68,000) motion to approve, seconded, final vote of 9-0 1. Park Improvements (athletic fields)- ($85,000) motion to approve, seconded, final vote of 9-0 m. Park and Playgrounds ADA Accessibility Study- ($78,000) motion to approve, seconded, final vote of 9-0 n. Park Improvements- Hard Court Resurfacing- ($55,000) motion to approve, seconded, final vote of 9-0 o. Lincoln Park Field Improvements-Phase Three- ($220,000) motion to approve, seconded, final vote of 9-0 p. Minuteman Bikeway Culvert Rehabilitation- ($290,000) motion to approve, seconded, final vote of 9-0 q. Grain Mill Alley- ($18,000) motion to approve, seconded, final vote of 6-3 r. Community Center Acquisition Debt Service on 7.39M (10 Year Term)- ($1,065,100) motion to approve, seconded, final vote of 9-0 s. Wright Farm Debt Service on 2.9M (10 Year Term)- ($424,800) motion to approve, seconded, final vote of 9-0 t. Community Center Renovations- Debt Service on $451,000- ($63,140) motion to approve, seconded, final vote of 9-0 u. Cary Memorial Building Upgrades- Debt Service on $8,241,350- ($1,153,789) motion to approve, seconded, final vote of 9-0 v. Administrative Budget- ($150,000) motion to approve, seconded, final vote of 9-0 7. Project Updates and Member Concerns: Needs Assessment Report- motion to approve, and seconded, final vote of 9-0. Minutes recorded by Lorraine Garrett