HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014-11-19-LEXHAB-min LexHAB Minutes of Meeting held on November 19, 2014 The meeting opened at 7:05 A.M. at the offices of LexHAB at 1620 Massachusetts Avenue in Lexington . Present were Board members Bob Burbidge(Vice-Chairman), Martha Wood, Lester Savage, Gerry Howell and Bill Hays. The Chairman(Bill Kennedy)was unable to attend for medical reasons. Also present were Norman Cohen (LexHAB's liason to the Board of Selectmen), Pat Nelson(LexHAB's counsel) and Bob Pressman. 1. Minutes: It was noted that the spreadsheets referred to in the minutes of the October meeting ran through the end of September, thus covering a full 9 months of operations. Paragraph 3-B needs to be corrected. With this change, the minutes for the September meeting were unanimously approved. 2. Financials: A. Spreadsheets. These were presented by Gerry Howell who commented that no significant expenditures have materialized since the last meeting save for the redecoration and update of the Emerald Street house which has not been touched since the original tenant moved in . B. Security Deposits. It was noted by several members that the analysis completed by Maryann represents a major effort. We have been able to confirm that all tenants who have moved on received their security deposits which supports the conclusion that the families now to enjoy a return of deposits are families now in residence in our units. C. Cash Balance. The Vice-Chair noted that LexHAB's current cash balances, including our CD's, amount to over two million dollars but that this figure will shortly be cut nearly in half as the Fairview project moves forward. D. Approval. The report of finances was unanimously approved. 3. Busa Project: No report. 4.. Fairview Project: A. DHCD Compliance. Pat Nelson noted that according to Jennifer Van Campen, LexHAB may not be permitted to establish an asset test for incoming tenants, may or may not be able to run a credit check and may or may not have to select tenants from Metro West's ready renters list. Pat has forwarded to Jennifer a list of questions. Jennifer's response has just come in. Pat will review the response and move forward as circumstances may dictate. B. Present and Future Categories of Applicants. It was noted that LexHAB will shortly have a half dozen or more distinct categories of tenants depending on whether the particular unit was constructed with CPA funds or is a 40-B project or came to us under Federal or State funding(the Garfield Street units). It was resolved that our efforts to define these categories might best be commenced with a meeting with Aaron Henry. C. Work Schedule. There seems still to be the possibility of commencement of work on Fairview Ave. before deep winter arrives. The appeal period for the decision from the ZBA has now run;the building permit should shortly issue. There may be time for the foundation to be dug which is much desired by the advisors at the Minuteman Vocational Tech School who would like to involve students over the winter months. D. Meeting with Vocational Tech Director and Advisors. The recent meeting attended by Dave and Carter Scott was reported. The school officials are enthusiastic over the opportunity students will have to become familiar with low energy systems and to participate on-site in the erection of high efficiency buildings. Carter too is excited. There is favorable reaction too over the proposal to identify the project as a prototype for high efficiency, affordable housing. Plans are afoot for the shooting of videos, one for each of the trades. Pat will begin work on drafts of agreements to pin down the various roles each partner will play and to make sure that responsibility is clearly assigned. Rotary's role is likely to be broadened. 5. Parker Manor Condominium. A. Pat reported that despite the work recently completed on the drains, flooding occurred following heavy rains. Further work will have to be done under basement floors to replace the deteriorating iron pipes installed when the School was built. B. Our unit leased to the McNamaras suffered the worst damage. The family elected not to move to a motel and instead to work around the damage. Responsibility has yet to be assessed. 6. Arrearage Sub-committee. A. Approval of Late-payment Fee. Pat suggested that we should encourage timely payment of rents by imposing a late-payment charge. She suggested it be $25 each month. The fee would be incorporated into each tenant's renewal agreement as each renewal date occurs. Pat also suggested that the committee be authorized to waive the fee in cases where the tenant and LexHAB have agreed to a payment plan which calls for pay-off of the arrearage within the following 6 month period. The proposal was, following motion duly made and seconded, unanimously approved. B. Approval of Payment Plans. In conjunction with 6-A. above. Pat proposed that the Arrearage Sub-committee be authorized to enter into Arrearage Reduction Plans, (sometimes referred to as Payment Plans) which call for full payment of the arrearage over the following 6 month period. The proposal was, following motion duly made and seconded, unanimously approved. C. Eviction Proceedings. The question of who ought to commence and be in charge of proceedings in court to evict tenants for cause having been discussed during previous meetings,Norman said he would see whether the Selectmen would be inclined to assign the task in behalf of the Town to Town Counsel or instead to leave eviction to LexHAB. 7. New Business: Gerry reported on the efforts of Laura Derby and others to provide support to residents faced with emergency housing needs. The group, now aware of our efforts in the same direction via LEHAC, would like to come before us to the end that each of us is aware of the other's program. Gerry indicated that the group would probably ask for a slot in our agenda in the near future. 8. Next Meeting: The next meeting will be held on December 17'h at 7 A.M. at the offices of LexHAB at 1620 Massachusetts Avenue in Lexington. 9. Executive Session: The Vice-Chair then proposed that the Board go into Executive Session to consider rent arrearages on the part of tenants without return to open session, stating that consideration of same in public session could have a detrimental effect on the negotiating position of a semi-public body, namely LexHAB, and might also affect adversely the privacy rights of tenants. The members of the Board were then individually polled; each member then voted in favor of the Vice-Chairman's proposal. The time then was 8:11 A.M. Respectfully Submitted William C. Hays Secretary pro tem