HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014-11-20-REC-min Town of Lexington Recreation Committee Frederick DeAngelis, Chairman Tel: (781) 698-4800 Lisah Rhodes Fax: (781) 862-2747 Wendy Rudner Sandra Shaw Ruixi Yuan Recreation Committee Minutes of Meeting of November 20, 2014 A meeting of the Recreation Committee was held on Thursday, November 20, 2014 at 6:00 p.m. at the Samuel Hadley Public Services Building Training Room (Room 221), 201 Bedford Street. A quorum of 4 was present. Members Present: Rick DeAngelis, Wendy Rudner, Sandra Shaw, and Ruixi (Ray) Yuan Members Absent: Lisah Rhodes Staff Present: Karen Simmons, Director of Recreation, Chris Filadoro, Superintendent of Public Grounds, and Sheila Butts, Assistant Director Citizens Present: Tom Shiple, Lexington United Soccer Club, and Ellen Cameron, Council on Aging Liaison The meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. The meeting acted on the following: Citizens and Other Boards 1. Ellen Cameron, Council on Aging Liaison, introduced herself to the Recreation Committee Meeting Minutes from October 8th 2. Sandra Shaw moved and Ruixi Yuan seconded acceptance of the October 8, 2014 Recreation Committee Meeting Minutes. The Recreation Committee accepted the October 8, 2014 minutes by a vote of 4 0. Liaison Reports 3. Sandra Shaw, liaison to the Bicycle Advisory Committee, updated the Recreation Committee. She commended Peg Enders, Chair of the BAC for her excellent job publicizing the November 20 th Open Space and Recreation Plan public meeting. Wendy Rudner, liaison to the Lincoln Park Sub-Committee (LPSC), told the Committee that there was no new information about the LPSC to report. Karen Simmons, Director of Recreation, informed the Recreation Committee that Peg Enders had requested that a bicycle rack be installed at the newly renovated Garfield play area. Unfortunately, there are no additional funds to purchase or install a bike rack at this time. 1625 MASSACHUSETTS AVENUE LEXINGTON, MASSACHUSETTS 02420 Update on Light Feasibility (LUSC) 4. Tom Shiple reported that Karen Simmons, Director of Recreation, and Lexington United Soccer Club had presented their request for a light feasibility study for Lincoln Park to th the Board of Selectmen on October 20. The Board took no official vote, but appeared in favor of the feasibility study. LUSC met with John Livsey, Town Engineer, and th representatives from Haley and Aldrich on November 5. They have also had the first in a series of neighborhood meetings to discuss the proposal and gain insight and comment from the abutters. The first meeting (Baskin Road neighbors) was hosted by Lee Ann Durant. Mr. Shiple reported that LUSC listened to neighborhood concerns and found that neighbors were more concerned about noise than lights. Upcoming meetings will be held with the Middleby Road and Lincoln Street neighborhoods. Ms. Simmons reminded the Committee that there is a process in place for projects of this nature. Haley and Aldrich has been involved with Lincoln Park hey will be working with DEP on behalf of the Town to gain approval for the proposed test bores. Recreation 5 Year Capital Plan 5. Karen Simmons, Director of Recreation, reported that Lisah Rhodes volunteered to present the Capital Article requests at the Annual Town Meeting. Recreation Capital will be presented to the Community Preservation Committee (CPC) on December 4 th. Peter Coleman will be taking a larger role in capital this year and he will presenting the requests along with Chris Filadoro. Ms. Simmons also reported that she had met with Capital Expenditures Committee on November 4 th to present the Recreation 5-Year Capital Plan. Sandra Shaw, liaison to the CPC, expressed concern about the number of CPC projects brought forward and listed under the Recreation category. The Recreation Committee agreed that in order for the public process to be transparent, many of the items listed for CPC funding from other Town departments or the public should be brought to the Recreation Committee first. Lincoln # 1 Update 6. Karen Simmons, Director of Recreation, reported that the Town has reached a settlement with Northeast Turf. The existing turf is to be removed and new turf installed at no cost to the Town. The company will begin removing the infill as of November 20 th and will continue through the weekend. In response to questions from the Recreation Committee, Ms. Simmons reported that the new carpet is currently being manufactured in North Carolina. The product will meet the specifications set by the Town for length, weight, height, etc. The reinstallation time frame is weather dependent. Community Center Advisory Committee Update 7. There is little to report. The Programming committee met throughout the summer and finalized the Program matrix that was designed by Jon Himmel and lists all current Recreation and human Services programs, new programs suggested in the Recreation Strategic Plan survey, meetings with the COA, The Community Center task Force report, Youth Services, Middle School and high School students, etc. The Governance committee continues to meet to discuss and recommend policies and procedures for the Center. 2 Recreation Report 8. Karen Simmons, Director of Recreation, reported on the following: Pine Meadows Golf Course is still in excellent condition. The 8 th green is offline. Pine Meadows maintenance staff is doing aggressive o work on the green to strengthen the roots before any winter damage may occur. New programs that are catching on across the country are: foot golf o cup and a soccer ball as well as making a larger 15-inch cup to speed up play. spend all day at a course. There is a need to educate newer golfers to move along. Over 120 senior golfers participated in Leagues at Pine Meadows this year. o The Town is continuing to address issues raised in the USGA report, and has a o tree program in place to thin the pine trees between the 5 th and 9 th holes. This should open up the 9 th green and allow for sun to reach the green in the winter. Kyle Walsh, Assistant Superintendent, is doing an excellent job at Pine o Meadows. The course weather dependent, should remain open for another few weeks. o Rick DeAngelis noted that Pine Meadows is a tremendous resource for the town. o Challenges are addressed appropriately and efficiently. He complimented the Pine Meadows staff for their work, and Karen Simmons for her excellent leadership. The winter program flyer has gone to the post office, and should be at homes in the near future. The Nashoba ski program on Thursday and Friday is full with extensive waiting lists. The Middle School Tubing program is also full and has a long waiting list. Parks Reports 9. Chris Filadoro, Superintendent of Public Grounds, reported on the following: Center # 4 (Fitzgerald Field) is almost complete. The backstop at Sutherland is done. The contractor has indicated that the field work will be completed by Thanksgiving. The installation of new play equipment at Garfield is 95% complete. Fencing is up around the Worthen Road practice football field. The Parks Department still must remove the Teddy Bear Picnic tent at the Old Reservoir, tennis wind screens and tennis nets. LHS football is hosting the Thanksgiving Day game this year. There is an upcoming recognition of Nell Walker for her service to the Lincoln Park Subcommittee and other volunteer work in the Town. The Tree Committee has planted 5 The next meeting of the Recreation Committee will take place on Wednesday, December 17 th at 7:00 p.m. in the Town Office Building, Reed Room. The November 20, 2014 Recreation Committee meeting adjourned at 6:48 p.m. The following documents/exhibits used at the meeting are attached: No Attachments - 3