HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014-11-CYR-ppt Reducing Stress, Building Resiliency and Improving Services for Our Youth Ad Hoc Committee for Youth At Risk Presentation to the Lexington School Committee November 18, 2014 Stress is taking a toll on Lexington youth According to the 2013 Youth Risk Behavior Survey: ■ 55 LHS students tried to commit suicide (at least once) in the past 12 months ■ 247 ( 15% of those surveyed) seriously considered suicide — the highest level in a decade ■ Harassment at school and through social media was the strongest predictor of suicide ideation ■ 60% reported "extreme" or "a lot" of stress due to classes LHS students w who considered suicide Lexington High School students who . SeriouslyConsidered Suicidenp_ ast_ Year = ' B8NavioeSurvey - 1 v-11.-th Risk __ .. ._ , - - - 1 g xineton High SIL,noo N.,_,..,_ 19% 20% 18% 16% 14% 12% ,-_ ,,,, 6* 10% i'‘,,,,,T.c -A*7,1* -,----{.-.,0 t&‘-..:.0.,.% t** ...,:-,m % --:.ON _-_- 1) 0._...,: 0 •-1'1.1r tti PI, rik-Y: * kk.-4 tV W7,4 x.--‘,--M WA -it*, i At, -:t-.e,, &-,,7,5 ft:tisi t.x. .,,c4 ,k...t4,1/4 ...,--v i,-.._. t,-14,-t. ki .,,,i.Nr„,,,,, ..-ff+.:4: k-,.- H --N,-4 *-1,1 t..,,,,, ,,,,,.. 2% -I %A.7 -•._,,-,-.: ,i..-,,----_:' .. kiN.-..-kf VA :::., 4 N%V*; kb ,...av --*4.-_t,,,,-,.:-__ __ _.thlt.„ '___ _ - 0% 20Cv4-_ 2007 20_02._ 2011 2013 From the 2013 Youth Risk Behavior Survey Prevention / Identification / Support The recommendations are aimed at one or more of the following: 1. Prevention for the general population 2. Identification of youth who show signs of risk 3. Support services for youth at risk This is a community issue • It's not just about the schools • This is a community problem requiring a joint response by: • Schools • Town Government • Community Schools Town Government Comunt Y Schools Town Government Community • Hire or designate a senior LPS administrator with • Hire or designate a Director of Youth Services • Under the auspices of the Committee for the organizational authority to mobilize within the Department of Human Services Lexington Youth Working Group,recruit leaders initiatives in the classroom,guidance,social responsible for overseeing and coordinating from community groups,such as PTA/PTO's, services and professional development in order services to youth religious and civic organizations,social service to lead district-wide efforts to build youth and healthcare providers,to form a Community resiliency, reduce youth stress,and provide • Create a Committee for Lexington Youth,co- Resources for Youth Working Group with the aim services for youth at risk chaired by the Director of Youth Services and of mobilizing community resources to build designated LPS lead administrator and resiliency, reduce stress,and provide • Create a district-wide Stress Reduction and comprised of youth,school,town,and community-based services for youth at risk Resiliency Working Group chaired by the senior community leaders and stakeholders,to LPS administrator that includes administrators, promote and develop programs aimed at • The Community Resources for Youth Working principals,guidance,wellness and special building resiliency, reducing stress and providing Group would develop and organize community education staff and classroom teachers,to counseling and support services to youth at risk forums,education programs and town-wide develop new initiatives in the schools,share events aimed at promoting discussion and information among schools about their programs • Hire counseling staff or contract with a educating the community on social and and assess the effectiveness of these efforts community counseling agency to assist the emotional health,reducing stress and supporting Director in providing counseling and support youth at risk • Form an on-site working group within each services,staffing the Youth Center and school chaired by the principal or assistant developing community education programming • The Community Resources for Youth Working principal to find ways to reduce stress,build for youth and parents Group will act as a liaison in order to coordinate resiliency and improve the school climate the community education programs and forums for youth and families offered by various community groups Major Recommendations 1. Designate leadership and establish organizational structure 2. Enhance social-emotional intelligence and build resiliency 3. Reduce sources of unnecessary and unhealthy stress 4. Identify and provide support services for youth at risk 5. Work on community education and changing the culture 6. Find networking opportunities and resources Major Recommendations � 1. Designate leadership and establish organizational structure 2. Enhance social-emotional intelligence and build resiliency 3. Reduce sources of unnecessary and unhealthy stress 4. Identify and provide support services for youth at risk 5. Work on community education and changing the culture 6. Find networking opportunities and resources Recommendation #1 Leadership and Organization Schools Town Government Community • Designate Senior rc; r __ r;g ���; �a��}, Leader in LPS • Form district-wide Stress Reduction and Resiliency Working ;g� Group • On-site working group at each school Recommendation #1 LeadershipOrganizationand Schools Town Government Community Hire irector of Youth - _ - Services • Create a Committee for Lexington Youth Recommendation #1 Leadership and Organization Schools Town Government Community - , - ___g- mt� �Er�ic7 = —i � �i ��e��f� �t �'c��t{� • Form a Community e��e> � ��•� ��r�F6�es Resources for Youth �r�r� � s�� ��-�� 6�� € Eure��e � ��� �6tt�e Working Group to - coordinate efforts _-_ii-r_ e} jP:- f- i - ■ The Working Group � r�� � will develop and -- _ - -= -f- -- - � organize community e� � ��� forums & education programs Major Recommendations 1. Designate leadership and establish organizational structure 2. Enhance social-emotional intelligence and build resiliency 3. Reduce sources of unnecessary and unhealthy stress 4. Identify and provide support services for youth at risk 5. Work on community education and changing the culture 6. Find networking opportunities and resources Recommendation #2 Enhance SEL and Build Resiliency Schools Town Government Community ■ Expand, coordinate - a = and align social- s = emotional learning programs ■ Initiate mindfulness- 0E - based stress reduction pilot i- aya programs r _ ar ■ Expand wellness programs for staff y ar Y Recommendation #2 Enhance SEL and Build Resiliency Schools Town Government Community Create a town Youth s = s� Center tea = a � _-� ��� a = Provide d on-line a � a - on- listings of resources r = ar!--,! -- 2, for managing stress, health and wellness IPEr _ a r Recommendation #2 Enhance SEL and Build Resiliency Schools Town Government Community r =a - Organize community - a = _ sa forums • SEL, building resiliency =u • Stress-reduction a a -_ r • Balance achievement & � = __— = - emotional well-being s -_ - - • Role of sleep _ __ _- = for =s Wellness programs a _ -_ __ -= parents and youth x= = _ Communitypeer = __ _ - _ _ leadership and peer mentor programs Major Recommendations 1. Designate leadership and establish organizational structure 2. Enhance social-emotional intelligence and build resiliency 3. Reduce sources of unnecessary and unhealthy stress 4. Identify and provide support services for youth at risk 5. Work on community education and changing the culture 6. Find networking opportunities and resources Recommendation #3 Reduce sources of unnecessary stress Schools Town Government Community • Adopt best practices �� s �� a for homework; revise = workload policies • Examine course = a e offerings and levels, e.g. adding honors, a s more flexible choices • Clarify recommend- ation procedures; assist with balanced course choices Recommendation #3 Reduce sources of unnecessary stress Schools Town Government Community • Create town website for youth services • Partner with schools on community-wide- e _ e G programs on bullying, ,� a a� _= internet safety, date violence, alcohol and � a = = other drugs Recommendation #3 Reduce sources of unnecessary stress schools Town Government Community s ■ Organize communityforums • Peer pressure 7;. 1 :-; . a • Cyberbullying • -schedul'i Over ng as Major Recommendations 1. Designate leadership and establish organizational structure 2. Enhance social-emotional intelligence and build resiliency 3. Reduce sources of unnecessary and unhealthy stress 4. Identify and provide support services for youth at risk 5. Work on community education and changing the culture 6. Find networking opportunities and resources Recommendation #4 Identify and Support Youth at Risk Schools Town Government Community • Enhance identifica- 1r��Tit. €T� -:c��r;g �: ;� t , - N Pf�eS�r�T re_. ' it� ct tion/support services ����e s�����e �'���� ��s� �e�:��F6c�r • Add guidance, social worker in elementary mi .e 3iee; ac�:cssiL- e �_mi � t ,,r � ���. fr-_:, • Create additional - -f- -- _ _ _ -__P,_! ,R_-- -_ preventive support programs at LHS, middle schools - f _ , iz _ __ LCV - G - f-c, -- _ n _ A---__ i_- • Identify resources for referral � `�M `n s� ''''`��` �' c � �s Recommendation #4 Identify and Support Youth at Risk Schools Town Government Community • Institute community- Fieser�7 rzesits ct wide suicide prevention program 7:-. cri-er ire eferrient2f }° • Offer free, accessible teens -�� counseling, support services and groups t� for at-risk youth { L��, • Provide outreach ; fc�� �� programs for at-risk Recommendation #4 Identify and Support Youth at Risk Schools Town Government Community - - { = - e= i _ = ti3i,:=- g Ir„--it _€-7 ,:c_ .r; ,: ;, t _ - ■ Present results of t6rr�%s�����t seg�r6��s ��f-�e s�-�-�e Youth Risk Behavior �i-eer�zicr� !,;ic�f-- � . Survey ire }° i��� 3f ��; i�f� • Train teens & adults -:c. :r _,fi ��, ��� ��c. . on signs of harmful s�r�r6��s � �� �rc�� �s behavior and how to tcf „.- f�i,,,, _ ,_- --� get help r; i��f,, � :{�cc: - x �f �� i�� �������e� • Provide parent �. c . _. - - 3�f �ts if education and � ���� �� � ���h support groups Major Recommendations 1. Designate leadership and establish organizational structure 2. Enhance social-emotional intelligence and build resiliency 3. Reduce sources of unnecessary and unhealthy stress 4. Identify and provide support services for youth at risk 5. Work on community education and changing the culture 6. Find networking opportunities and resources Recommendation #5 Community Education & Changing Culture Schools Town Government Community • Make reducing stress a n a a priority in schools • Improve school ^zSVG = climate: reduce peer- a to-peer competition, pro-social culture, = focus on learning a a a • Increase communica- a .aa_= =y _=a =yamaa tion to parents on _ ak Y _ Y programs; home- school partnership Recommendation #5 Community Education & Changing Culture Schools Town Government Community st-ress • Increase visibility of Town services • `•I�";:. � v�•� �.;.nth • Establish • €``=c ct �r�ne;:m ;.n� partnerships with local businesses for ' :Ss;Ar;A"kB"'g �r�-s���� � youth internships and ;t.• tF 3tr�33 mentoring � Recommendation #5 Community Education & Changing Culture Schools Town Government Community s a • Organize community forums a a_. • What do we want? • Effect of parental and sas ¢ a _ �aa societal expectations ations • 6 ci g h -achievement culture with stress • Develop Youth Summits r _ • Initiateparenting workshops Major Recommendations 1. Designate leadership and establish organizational structure 2. Enhance social-emotional intelligence and build resiliency 3. Reduce sources of unnecessary and unhealthy stress 4. Identify and provide support services for youth at risk 5. Work on community education and changing the culture 6. Find networking opportunities and resources Recommendation #6 Networking Opportunities Schools Town Government Community • Learn from • Hire a grant writer to • Review what other comparable school solicit funding communities have districts done, e.g. Newton, • Join a network of Needham schools, collaborate with universities and other programs Recommendation #7 Create a Follow-up Task Force ■ Create a joint Follow-up Task Force with representatives from the schools, town and community to monitor implementation of these recommendations and to report on progress.