HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014-11-03 CONCOM-min
Monday, November 3, 2014
6:30 P.M.
Parker Room, Town Offices Building
1625 Massachusetts Avenue
Chair Phil Hamilton opened the meeting at 6:37 pm in the Parker Room of the Town Offices
Commissioners Present: Phil Hamilton, Joyce Miller, Alexandra Dohan, Dick Wolk, Duke Bitsko
and David Langseth
Others Present: Karen Mullins, Conservation Administrator, Linda Rainville, Community
Development Department Assistant and Jordan McCarron, Conservation Stewardship
6:39 pm Land Use Permit Application: GS Troop 71659 with campfire in Willard’s
Woods, Maria Sagan
The Girl Scouts would like to use Willard’s Woods on November 17 from 6:00
to 8:00 pm to build a campfire. This would allow them to earn their “Fire
Building” badge. They expressed that they know the safety rules. Water is
available and they know how to extinguish a fire properly.
Mr. Langseth asked about lighting and how they planned to get to and from the
campfire at night. The girls explained that they would use flashlights.
Ms. Miller asked how many people would be involved. The girls replied there
are 8 troop members, 2 troop leaders and several parents.
Motion made by Mr. Wolk and seconded by Mr. Langseth to approve the land
use permit application for a campfire at Willard’s Woods on November 17, 2014
at 6:00 pm, 6-0 in favor.
6:43 pm Audubon Land Management Plans and Presentation of Final Draft Guiding
Principles Policy Document
Liz Newlands presented recommendations regarding Cotton Farm:
Supplement boundary markers, Improve trail access, Reconfigure trails, Modify
mowing regime, Restore pond shore, Install viewing platform, Remove and
restore driveway and landscape plantings, Relocate parking, and Expand meadow
and orchard.
Mr. Langseth recommended parking closer to the road.
David Kaufman mentioned that the frequency in which the field is mowed
depends on which environment was to be maintained.
Amber Carr presented recommendations regarding the Leary Parcel:
Treat the Japanese Knotweed, Glossy Buckthorn and Multiflora rose, Construct a
parking area, Remove old abandoned shed, Create new trails, Maintain existing
trails, and Increase visibility of entrance sign.
Jeff Collins presented plans for Wright Farm:
Control Japanese stiltgrass, Create a parking area, Create new trails, Maintain
meadows, Create a community garden area, Adjust the location of the fencing,
and Remove two existing sheds.
Bob Hausslein, conservation steward, commented on Cotton Farm and plantings
in the area.
David Kaufman, conservation steward, mentioned that there is no effective way
to control invasive plants.
Mike Tabaczynski, conservation steward, mentioned that it is difficult to
reconfigure trails.
Ms. Miller stated the only access is from Vine Street, which is a narrow area near
a private home. Mr. Langseth spoke about “shared” parking. It is important if
that happens to not encroach on residents. Mr. Wolk recommended mowing the
field once a year at Wright Farm.
7:15 pm Informal Discussion: Lexington High School Ph. 2 Modular Project
Ms. Mullins stated that there was a follow-up discussion and this agenda item has
been canceled.
7:17 pm Informal Discussion: 56 Hancock Street, Tim Lee
Mr. Lee proposed the reduction of lawn space and the addition of wetland
plantings/vegetation. The Commission is favorable to the proposal and will
expect a Notice of Intent to be filed.
Mr. Langseth asked if any wetland projects have been done. Ms. Mullins replied
that none have been done in the past.
7:21 pm Informal Discussion: Sheldon Corp., Todd Cataldo, End of Sherburne Road
Mr. Cataldo stated that he was here to get recommendations from the
Commission. This project would improve the wetlands area. He would install
drainage and a stormceptor. There may be some land he can donate to the
Conservation Commission.
Mr. Langseth asked who maintains the stormceptor.
Ms. Miller asked how close the house would be to the wetlands.
Mr. Bitsko asked about the stormwater improvement. Is this a town road?
Ms. Mullins asked about the frontage of the property. Mr. Cataldo replied that a
Zoning relief regarding appropriate frontage would have to be approved by the
Board of Appeals.
7:27 pm Plan changes: 124 Adams Street, DEP# 201-952, BL 910
Ms. Mullins stated the bulkhead was left off the original plans and has been
moved further away from the wetlands.
Motion made by Ms. Miller and seconded by Mr. Langseth to approve the plan
changes as described, 6-0 in favor.
7:30 pm Mr. Hamilton and Mr. Langseth entered all signed affidavits into the record
regarding watching the hearings that they both missed from the previous
Conservation Commission meeting on October 20.
Cont. Hearing - Lexington Code Ch. 130 Rules Revisions
Mr. Wolk asked for clarification on the meaning of the revisions.
Ms. Dohan commented there are three places where the word “bylaw” needs to
change to the word “code”. (Section 5.1)
Motion made by Ms. Miller and seconded by Mr. Langseth to close the hearing,
6-0 in favor.
Motion made by Ms. Miller and seconded by Ms. Dohan to adopt the regulations
as revised, 6-0 in favor.
7:40 pm Meeting – 112 Kendall Road, RDA
DET# 14-17
Applicant: Zhiming Kuang
Construction of an addition above a garage within the 200-foot Riverfront Area
Present for the Applicant: Zhiming Kuang, Homeowner/Applicant
Mr. Kuang proposed the construction of an addition above the existing garage.
Comments from the Commission as follows:
Mr. Langseth asked for a limit of work to be put on the plan. A limit of work
line will be established at the pre-construction meeting. Mr. Bitsko asked if there
would be any other work done on this site.
Motion made by Ms. Miller and seconded by Mr. Wolk to issue a negative
determination with conditions, 6-0 in favor.
7:43 pm Hearing – 15 John Poulter Road, NOI
DEP# 201-955, BL 913
Applicant: Cathal McLoin
Raze and rebuild a single-family dwelling within the 200-foot Riverfront Area
Present for the Applicant: Timothy Lee, Timothy Lee Landscape Design and
John Savello, Savello & Associates
Mr. Lee proposed raze and rebuild of a single-family dwelling. Mr. Savello
explained the drainage calculations and proposed infiltration system. Due to a
high groundwater level, a force pump system will need to be put in place.
Comments from the Commission as follows:
Mr. Langseth asked what would happen during a power outage and if the system
would be tied to a generator. The details to be revised include: Inspection ports
to be shown on plan, complete basement sump pump final plans, and the
walkways need to be shown on the drainage plan. Mr. Bitsko asked about
controlling the roof runoff by setting up a trench drain at the end of the driveway
to keep the water from running into the street. Mr. Bitsko asked if the
homeowner knew how to operate and maintain the infiltration system.
Mr. Hamilton read the engineering report into the record.
The homeowner of 17 John Poulter Road asked for clarification on the direction
of the driveway runoff and the proposed tree removal.
Motion made by Mr. Wolk and seconded by Ms. Miller to continue the hearing to
November 17, 2014 at 7:00 pm at the request of the applicant, 6-0 in favor.
8:30 pm Hearing – 10 Philip Road, NOI
DEP# 201-xxx, BL xxx
Applicant: Merek Franklin, Copley Design
Construction of a single-family dwelling within the 100-foot buffer zone to
bordering vegetated wetland
Present for the Applicant: Dan Orwig, Orwig Associates, Merek Franklin,
Applicant and Scott Kenton, Copley Design
Mr. Orwig described the proposed work to construct a single-family dwelling at
10 Philip Road. Mr. Orwig gave an overview of the infiltration system proposed.
Comments from the Commission as follows:
Mr. Hamilton read the engineering report into the record. Mr. Hamilton
commented that the architectural plan was not developed. Ms. Miller is
concerned about not having a plan with definitive information. Mr. Langseth
asked where the outlets are located for the infiltrator units. The concrete galleys
are perforated on all sides. There will be one inspection port. Mr. Langseth
asked for an explanation of the driveway drainage, grading and retaining wall.
He would like to see a demarcation along the limit of work. The Commission
questioned the need for the dwelling to be constructed right on the 50-foot buffer
zone line. They suggested moving it a few feet away from the 50-foot buffer
Margaret Harrington of 45 Moreland Avenue commented that her yard has
drainage issues.
Motion made by Ms. Miller and seconded by Mr. Bitsko to continue the hearing
to November 17, 2014 at 7:00 pm at the request of the applicant, 6-0 in favor.
8:56 pm Cont. Hearing – 121 East Emerson Road, NOI
DEP# 201-953, BL 911
Applicant: David Brossi
Construction of a deck and stairs within the 100-foot Buffer Zone to Bordering
Vegetated Wetland
Present for the Applicant: Rich Kirby, LEC Environmental Consultants, Inc.,
David Brossi, Applicant and Dan Taylor, Contractor
Mr. Brossi made a statement to the Commission and withdrew the Notice of
Intent application for the deck.
8:57 pm Cont. Hearing – 121 East Emerson Road, AmendOOC
DEP# 201-917, BL 877
Applicant: David Brossi
Site work conducted beyond the scope of the original Order of Conditions; the
footprint of the constructed dwelling is larger than the footprint of the approved
Present for the Applicant: Rich Kirby, LEC Environmental Consultants, Inc.,
David Brossi, Applicant and Dan Taylor, Contractor
Mr. Brossi apologized to the Commission for changing the plans without coming
back to the Commission for approval and took full responsibility regarding the
house being built with a larger footprint than what was approved by the
Conservation Commission.
Mr. Kirby presented the revised plan to construct a ground level patio. It will be
made from pervious materials and also have a drain connection to a subsurface
infiltration system. The front walkway will be constructed with pervious pavers.
Mr. Kirby explained the differences between the original plan approved by the
Commission, the plan approved by the Building Department and the plan
submitted for the Amendment to the Order of Conditions.
Comments from the Commission as follows:
Mr. Hamilton suggested researching a mitigation proposal before he would
consider approving the plan because there is a 500 square foot increase in
impervious surface. Ms. Miller agreed with Mr. Hamilton. Mr. Langseth would
like Town Counsel’s advice on restructuring the dwelling and the proposal to
amend the Order of Conditions. Mr. Bitsko asked for details regarding the
propane tank. Ms. Miller voiced concern of the propane tank being located
within the 50-foot buffer zone.
Mark Burnett of 115 East Emerson Road asked if the revised plans would be
available the next day.
Deborah Zuckerman of 129 East Emerson Road asked how close the drainage
system is to the 50-foot no-build zone and questioned the patio being placed on
top of it.
Charlie Brenner of 109 East Emerson Road asked what constitutes the correct
amount of mitigation for this type of violation.
Motion made by Ms. Miller and seconded by Mr. Wolk to continue the hearing
for the amendment to the order of conditions at the request of the applicant to
November 17, 2014 at 7:00 pm, 6-0 in favor.
Motion made by Ms. Dohan and seconded by Mr. Wolk to issue an Order of
Conditions for 22 Ledgelawn Avenue, DEP# 201-954, BL 912, 6-0 in favor.
Motion made by Ms. Miller and seconded by Mr. Wolk to issue a Certificate of
Compliance for 14 Winthrop Road, DEP# 201-885, BL 844, 6-0 in favor.
Motion made by Mr. Langseth and seconded by Mr. Wolk to approve an
extension of the Order of Conditions for one year for 9 Tufts Road, DEP# 201-
835, BL 793, 6-0 in favor.
Ch. 61A 430 Concord Avenue comments
The Commission gave comments regarding this property which included; an
access easement across the parcel and clearing up the title.
Reports: Bike Advisory, Community Preservation Committee, Land Steward
Directors, Housing Partnership, Tree Committee, Land Management, Land
Acquisition, etc.
There were no reports given at this time.
Motion made by Ms. Dohan and seconded by Ms. Miller to approve the minutes
from October 20, 2014, 6-0 in favor.
9:55 pm Motion made by Mr. Wolk and seconded by Ms. Miller to adjourn the meeting,
6-0 in favor.
Respectfully submitted,
Linda Rainville
Community Development Department Assistant