HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014-12-17-REC-min Town of Lexington Recreation Committee Frederick DeAngelis, Chairman Tel: (781) 698-4800 Lisah Rhodes Fax: (781) 862-2747 Wendy Rudner Sandra Shaw Ruixi Yuan Recreation Committee Minutes of Meeting of December 17, 2014 A meeting of the Recreation Committee was held on Thursday, December 17, 2014 at 7:00 p.m. in the Reed Room at the Town Office Building. A quorum of 4 was present. Members Present: Lisah Rhodes, Wendy Rudner, Sandra Shaw, and Ruixi (Ray) Yuan Members Absent: Rick De Angelis Staff Present: Karen Simmons, Director of Recreation, Peter Coleman, Recreation Supervisor, and Sheila Butts, Assistant Director Citizens Present: Tom Shiple, Lexington United Soccer Club, Ralph Willmer, VHB The meeting was called to order at 7:02 p.m. The meeting acted on the following: Citizens and other Boards 1. none present Meeting Minutes from November 20, 2014 2. Sandra Shaw moved and Ruixi Yuan seconded acceptance of the November 20, 2014 Recreation Committee Meeting Minutes. The Recreation Committee accepted the November 20, 2014 minutes by a vote of 4 0. Liaison Reports 3. Wendy Rudner, liaison to the Lincoln Park Sub-Committee (LPSC), distributed meeting minutes from the October 27, 2014 and December 8, 2014 Lincoln Park Sub-Committee meetings. She also informed the Recreation Committee that she had met with David Karen Simmons, Director of Recreation, recommend that the LPSC should be working through the Recreation Department for CPA funding for Lincoln Park projects, such as ul project, but the LPSC is a sub-committee of the Recreation Committee and as such all capital projects should be included within the Recreation Five Year Capital Plan. Sandra Shaw, liaison to the CPC, noted that it is too late to request CPA funds for FY16. The next cycle would be for FY17. Lisah Rhodes noted that someone from the LPSC should attend a Recreation Committee meeting to update the committee on current projects, and receive clarification about capital funding protocols. Ms. Rudner noted that she had spoken to Mr. Williams about attending the January 2015 meeting to provide an annual report. 1625 MASSACHUSETTS AVENUE LEXINGTON, MASSACHUSETTS 02420 Sandra Shaw, liaison to the Bicycle Advisory Committee, reported that the Bicycle Advisory Committee had been working with the Department of Public Works, with Ralph Willmer VHB Open Space and Recreation Plan 4. Karen Simmons, Director of Recreation, introduce Ralph Willmer, of VHB. Mr. Willmer is one of the lead consultants for the Open Space and Recreation Plan. Mr. Willmer reviewed what actions have been taken to date updating the Plan, including the November Public Forum. The 2009 OSRP was a five-year plan. The new plan will be in effect for 7 years pending approval of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. He reviewed the Goals and Objectives that the public stressed at the public forum. These include: enhancing access, maintenance of athletic fields, protection of the tree canopy, Across Lexington Trail, Minuteman Bikeway, Way-finding signs on trails and bikeways, overall signage, and community gardens. The attendees at the public forum also noted the many accomplishments achieved since the 2009 OSRP was completed. VHB is currently updating the text in the plan. Some information from 2009 will remain the same. New updates based on town and public discussions are being added. Mr. Willmer complimented Peter Coleman, Supervisor of Recreation, for his hard work and commitment to updating the plan. The next public forum will be held on February 10 at 7:00pm at 201 Bedford Street in the Public Service Building. Lisah Rhodes said that she was unable to attend the first forum, but if she had been in attendance would have advocated for more active recreation space and multi-purpose fields. Karen Simmons told the Recreation Committee that she has spoken with VHB to request that the Recreation Strategic Plan Goals and Action steps are in-line with the new OSRP. The Recreation Committee - Community Center Update 5. Karen Simmons, Director of Recreation reported that on Monday, December 15 th, Town Manager Carl Valente presented a department reorganization model to the Board of Selectmen. Mr. Valente had previously spoke with Recreation Committee Chairman Rick DeAngelis to review his proposal who expressed his support for the reorganization. Ms. Simmons distributed an organization chart for the new department to be called the Department of Recreation and Community Programs. Ms. Simmons has agreed to assume the role of Director of Recreation and Community Programs. The new department will have three divisions: Recreation, Community Center and Pine Meadows. The FY2016 budget will request Tax Levy support for 4 positions in the Community Center division: Community Center Director, Office Manager, Youth and Family Program Coordinator and a .5 FTE Clerk. The Program Coordinator and the part time Clerk will transfer from the Human Services Department. All additional positions within the Community Center Division will be funded through the Enterprise Fund. The Community Center will need to generate enough revenue to cover operational costs just as the Recreation Division and Pine Meadows currently do. The Recreation Committee discussed this reorganization, its impact on the budget, the Recreation Committee and the positives for the town and the community-at-large. Ms. Shaw asked how this reorganization would affect Peter Coleman, Supervisor of Recreation; would his job change. Ms. Simmons replied that Peter would continue to be the Supervisor in the Recreation Division, which handles active recreation. He will also be taking a more active role in Capital Improvement projects. Ms. Simmons also told the Committee that the renovation of 39 Marrett Road was moving along. She reviewed the proposed operating hours for the new Community Center. From opening to Labor Day the Center will be open Monday through Friday 8:30 4:30; after Labor Day the 2 hours will increase significantly including a 9 p.m. closing time on weeknights and 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. operations on Saturdays. The Recreation Committee indicated their enthusiasm and support for this reorganization. Update on Light Feasibility (LUSC) 6. Tom Shiple reported that he, John Livsey, Town Engineer, a representative of Geosyntec, and th Karen Simmons, Director of Recreation had met at Lincoln Park the week of December 8 to review the potential light pole locations and process for the proposed feasibility study at Lincoln Park which will be done at no cost to the Town. Geosyntec will be the lead agency on the project, with Haley and Aldrich acting as the peer review team. LUSC will finalize a contract - permit application to DEP. Eleven pole locations have been identified for the study. This encompasses all three fields, but LUSC is committed to providing private funding for the light project on only one field, if approved by DEP and the Town. Recreation 5 Year Capital Plan 7. Karen Simmons, Director of Recreation, reported that Lisah Rhodes volunteered to present the Capital Article requests at the Annual Town Meeting. Peter Coleman, Supervisor of Recreation, is taking a larger role in capital this year. He presented the requests along with Chris Filadoro, to th the Community Preservation Committee on December 4. Mr. Coleman will be working with Ms. Rhodes to develop the Town Meeting presentations. Lincoln # 1 Update 8. Northeast Turf has completed the process of infill and turf removal from Lincoln Park Field #1. Karen Simmons, Director of Recreation, will be meeting with Northeast Turf, Greenfields, and landscape Architect, Patrick Maguire, to inspect the area and assure that no damage was done to the mats on Lincoln # 1 during the removal process. Due to the weather, the new installation is expected to begin in the early spring. Recreation Reports 9. Karen Simmons, Director of Recreation, reported on the following: The Town hopes to bid the Lincoln Field # 2 project in January or February o 2015. Construction should begin in June 2015. The winter ski program is at peak enrollment this year with 135 elementary o children on Thursday and almost 200 Middle and High School kids on Friday night. Peter Coleman, Supervisor of Recreation, reported on the following: The Recreation In-Town basketball league (Grades 5 12) has begun play; the o basketball clinic program (grades 2 4) will begin in January. Enrollment in both programs is consistent with previous years with over 450 children. This year has been more of a challenge to recruit volunteer coaches. Spring Field permitting will begin in January. o Parks Reports 10. Chris Filadoro, Superintendent of Public Grounds, was unable to attend the meeting. Peter Coleman, Supervisor of Recreation, presented the Parks Report: Sutherland Park field renovations are 85% complete. o All tennis nets and windscreens have been removed and put away for the winter. o 3 Two nets remain up at the Gallagher Courts. o The installation of new play equipment at Garfield is completed. The Parks o Division will seed around the play area in the spring. The perimeters on Center 1 and Center 2 have been sod cut and removed. The o Parks Division has laser-graded out all lips and re-sodded the area with four-foot wide rolls. The Thanksgiving Day Football game was played with minimal damage to the o field. The field will be seeded and top-dressed in the spring. The Parks Division has begun installing new FIBAR at play areas. To date they o have completed Kinneens Park and the Center Playground. The next meeting of the Recreation Committee will take place on Wednesday, January 21, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. in the Town Office Building, Reed Room. The December 17, 2014 Recreation Committee meeting adjourned at 8:10 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Sheila Butts, Assistant Recreation Director The following documents/exhibits used at the meeting are attached: Lincoln Park Subcommittee meeting minutes October 27 and December 9 - Re-Organization Model for the Lexington Community Center Memo - Letter from the Board of Selectman letter to Charles Stickland, Hanscom Air Force Base, - regarding Solar PV system installation at Hanscom Air Force Base. 4