HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014-11-05-TOUR2-Antony-min Approved 11.19.2014 Minutes for Antony Working Group meeting of the Lexington Tourism Committee on November 5, 2014 Time: Meeting began at 7:01 PM --- adjourned at 9:32 PM Place: the Parker Room (lower level) of the Town Office Building, 1625 Massachusetts Avenue Present at meeting: Kerry Brandin, Christina Gamota, George Gamota , Kitty Galaitsis, Tony Galaitsis, Sandy Gasbarro, Colin Godfrey, Fred Johnson, Dawn McKenna, David Pinsonneault, Maureen Poole Documents available for review: Email from Maureen Poole regarding 8/6/2014 LASCA meeting Email from George Gamota re: Message from Antony dated 11/4/2014 Email from Fred Johnson dated 11/1/2014 re: Status of Antony Working Group for a November meeting date Plan for Antony Park Templates -- created by Tony Galaitsis Lexington-Antony Sister City Treasurer’s Report, 3 November 2014, 7 pages Antony Working Group Meeting Schedule, November 2014 – June 2015 Draft of 2013-2014 LASCA posting for the Town Annual Report Antony Park Update David Pinsonneault, Manager of Operations at the Public Works Department of Lexington, presented a review of the Antony Park project, including specifics regarding all three phases. Phase I At this point the water line is in, and since Jim McLaughlin’s company, contracted for Phase 1 to be completed in Spring of 2013, never began or completed Phase 1, in 2013 or 2014 to date, he is being dropped from the project now, and another company, DHT Golf, is being hired to begin Phase 1, which involves grading, site preparation/ land work, and putting the trees in the ground. th This work is expected to begin next week, Nov. 10, initial grading and site work, and be completed over the next three weeks, with th final target date being Dec. 15. David will monitor, over the next 3 weeks, the grading, site preparation/land work, and trees getting into the ground. DPW will assume responsibility for the survival of the trees. Phase II encompasses concrete and stone work. If the weather cooperates, a company is lined up to do the sitting wall, with a th completion target date of May 15, 2015. Dawn expressed great appreciation for David’s help, working with vendors, to keep the contracts for each phase at the $10,000 level. David explained the importance of weather’s influence and being sure that work is not entered into prematurely, with the possibility of being compromised by bad weather. As he said, he wants to do it right and do it once. Phase III, pathways, benches, and landscaping, as well as the underground sprinkler system. The target date for completion is June st 1, 2015. Tony provided a “Plan for Antony Park Templates” sheet to all, with suggested formats for documenting development and construction of the Park, both PRE-NOVEMBER-2014 as well as from NOVEMBER-2014 going forward. Dawn and David plan to work together on a delineation of Phases and their descriptions.. Future Phases Having heard about the construction schedule from David, with questions back and forth from those present, Dawn went on to discussion of future phases, both artwork and maintenance. There will be a central art focal piece, rounded, with 4 quadrants, to represent each of four Lexington groups with close and historic ties to Antony: the artist exchange, the student exchange, the LASCA group, and the Lexington Minute Men. Once possible approach to the art work is to have one designer talk to each of the four groups, and assist with an overall integrated plan. After discussion about this approach the consensus of those present was to eventually hire a designer to oversee plans for the 4 quadrants and work with the 4 groups. Questions about maintenance were raised. Christina brought up several concerns, including irrigation and what specifically it would cover, as well as who would be doing hands- on work with the plantings. David explained that they were not that far into the process, but would look to these groups, and others to assist. Christina reminded all of the need to plan ahead since lists of projects, plans and responsibilities go out in March. Approved 11.19.2014 Also, he said the spray would cover the plant areas and there would be a spigot on site, and the town will provide the water. The $6,000 allotment is for a regular system of pop-up heads which overspray the grass area and dampen the plants. It is not a “drip system.” David will look into the cost of adding a drip system. We plan to set up a Trust through the Trustees of Public Trust for long-term maintenance. With much more time needed to continue discussion regarding the artwork and maintenance of the Park, Dawn asked that the focus of the next meeting be about those future Phases, with the agenda topics of: 1) physical and financial costs of maintenance 2) art pieces. Fundraising goals for 2014-1015 TBD --- next meeting . . . Tony averred that we need the Phases better delineated. We have the money for completion of Phase 1 work, and a portion of the money for Phase II. Phase III now includes $6,00 with the addition of the irrigation system for a total of $16,000. We have an additional 9 trees to sell which if sold would raise $18k. To get the Park going, including etching on plaques, etc., Dawn recommended a 2014-2015 fundraising goal. Fred set forth that in defining a fund raising objective we need cot estimates, and a list of what these funds will be spent on. For the next meeting, Dawn will bring in preliminary estimates. Has the town set aside bench money, as they did for irrigation? TBD --- next meeting. Has the town separated money in a purchase order? TBD --- next meeting. Financial Update Tony presented the Treasurer’s Report, with summary that 11/3/14 financial status was identical to 10/6/14, with no new income items or expense items. Fred highlighted the need for transparency and a comprehensive financial report from the inception of the Park. He also suggested consolidation so there is only ONE account for LASCA, with no separate “Antony Gift Account” --- one single, understandable history going back to the beginning of the Park. This will be on the agenda for next time: the Park Budget --- (Dawn will provide) 1)What we expect to spend on the Park --- estimates of what costs will be 2)Income received for the Park 3)Money spent for the Park Programs th a)A French A Faire ---uncertain, will address this again (brainstorm) at November 19meeting --- What are our options (other options?) for raising the funds? th b) Holiday Party --- December 14at the Gamota’s, 5 to 9 PM, will finalize plans at next meeting c)Voyages en Francophonie --- March 14, 2015, Marie-Tristan Rago is now chairing the event, at Clarke School (unless the high school becomes available) d)La Musique en Fete --- May 30, 2015, EFGB will assist again, plans for lots of musicians up and down the street French Brand USA webpage Update (www.discoveramerica.com) The video has been prepared and will be edited and posted on the website when complete. Updates on Francophonie meetings Kitty described the meeting she attended at the Canadian Consulate (all in French), gave information about the Boston and Winchester groups and the website of French New England Community. We might be able to post events on their website. Future meeting dates through June, 2015 thth Some discussion ensued. Without sufficient time for full consideration, the next two meetings of November 19and December 10 were scheduled, with members asked to check their calendars regarding the other dates for Wednesdays and Thursdays in 2015, th and plan to set the dates on November 19. Minutes The Minutes of April 10, 2014 and June 11, 2014 have still to be approved. Respectfully submitted, Maureen Poole