HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014-02-26-TOUR2-Antony-min Approved 3/12/2014 Minutes for Antony Working Group meeting of the Lexington Tourism Committee on February 26, 2014 Meeting began at 7:15 PM --- adjourned at 8:30 PM Present at meeting: Dawn McKenna, Tony Galaitsis, Kitty Galaitsis, Sandy Gasbarro, Kerry Brandin, Maureen Poole, Sophie Camard, Hervé Seux Documents available for review: 1.Minutes of February 6, 2014 2.A French A Faire --- working numbers as of Feb. 26, 2014: spread sheet showing “items, income, expenses, and balance” Wrap-up A French A Faire --- The spreadsheet was discussed briefly, with one or two items still to be confirmed/checked on by Dawn. The bill for the bartender was paid and a placeholder was put in the spreadsheet at $210 but she needs to confirm receipt. We have not received the bill from MA France which is expected to be approximately $56. There is some income still to come so we should meet our goal of a net of $5,000 from the event. Dawn and Tony will get together so Tony can take over the treasurer role. Minutes --- Upon motion duly made and seconded, the Minutes of February 6, 2014 were approved. EVENTS th a)Voyages en Francophonie, March 15 --- Sophie and Hervé laid out for us many details and plans for EFGB’s th March 15 event at Cary Hall. Sophie recommended checking their website for added information. Dawn th spoke about sending out information regarding the 15 to all lists. Discussion involved where folks will be located on that day, various countries and stalls, foods available at the event, th and also in Lexington. Sophie can connect with Lex Media for coverage on the 15. The schedule for the day was presented. The French Consul is expected to come and Dawn will check with the Town Manager about being there with the Consul on stage for Welcoming Remarks as well as Words of Acknowledgment and Recognition for the EFGB members who organized and coordinated the event. Our Antony Group table will have visitors’ guides and food brochures for places to eat in town for those interested, as well as what we bring to display about the sister city relationship. We will reach out for volunteers to help staff our table, perhaps one hour at a time. The event is 10-5. It’s a 7 hour day, so if this is “do-able” then seven folks th would be the minimum required. EFGB will be setting up in the afternoon on Friday, the 14so we could use 1 or 2 people around 4 pm to help as well. th Hervé welcomed all the assistance we could give toward communication about March 15, and publicity for the event throughout Lexington. It was also mentioned that LHS French teacher Heather Kimura has been helpful in working to include this event as part of the students work. There are 35 students signed up to participate. We had very little time left, so other items under EVENTS were brought up briefly: Dawn reported that Pinot’s Palette will display the artwork we have left, one piece at a time, for sale. Christina suggested that for Revolutionary Revelry in May we should consider an “Art in the Park” event. st First Saturday in May will be “Artists En Plein Air” along the bike path. On May 31 , the last event will be La Musique en Fête at the “Fairgrounds for which EFGB will tie into their year-end school celebration. Dawn will check on status of trees and plantings for Antony Park. Consideration of our Discovery Day table will be taken up at a later date. Dawn spoke about the March 7-9 AAA Travel Market Place at Gillette Stadium. Marie-Tristan and Hervé may help. th Sandy mentioned that the Lexington Symphony will be giving a Valentine’s Day Concert on February 14 of 2015. There was no time for the rest of the Agenda items --- deferred to next meeting. Respectfully submitted, Maureen Poole