HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014-07-15 CONCOM-min TOWN OF LEXINGTON, MASSACHUSETTS CONSERVATION COMMISSION MINUTES Tuesday, July 15, 2014 6:30 P.M. Parker Room, Town Offices Building 1625 Massachusetts Avenue Chair Joyce Miller opened the meeting at 6:38 pm in the Parker Room of the Town Offices Building. Commissioners Present: Joyce Miller, Dick Wolk, Jane Warren and Duke Bitsko (arrived at 6:37 pm) Commissioners Absent: David Langseth and Phil Hamilton Others Present: Karen Mullins, Conservation Administrator and Michelle Morelli, Community Development Department Assistant PENDING MATTERS 6:38 pm Review of Idylwilde Old Garden Site restoration process and discussion The Commission discussed their thoughts on the restoration of the area. Ms. Warren suggested plantings and establishment of meadow. Ms. Miller commented on the maintenance of the path. Mr. Bitsko suggested short term invasive species identification and management. He stated possibly creating a simple map showing invasive species and developing a strategy for areas, which could include mowing. 6:43 pm Plan change modifications for proposed addition: 82 Pleasant St, DEP# 201-909, BL 869 John Noonan, Noonan McDowell and Albert Huang, Homeowner were both present for this discussion. Mr. Noonan explained the changes, which included the foundation installation, erosion control placement, removal of the rock wall and placement of rocks on the ground surface for a rock garden. The foundation was not installed closer to the wetlands than the proposed roof overhang, but the erosion control was placed closer to the wetlands. Mr. Noonan stated use of wood strapping to protect the tree inside the limit of work line. Mr. Huang explained the discrepancies between the architectural drawings and the engineering plans. Mr. Bitsko asked for clarification between the original plan and the proposed plan changes. Ms. Miller commented on the lawn area within the 50’ buffer zone and the possibility of the need for another hearing on the matter. Mr. Bitsko asked for a letter and a site visit to see the changes. The Commission will do a site visit to this property following the submittal of a revised plan and letter summarizing the plan changes. 7:00 pm Follow-up on Turning Mill Road management Ms. Miller commented that the Land Management Sub-Committee will be following up at the end of August when Mr. Hamilton returns. 7:01 pm Follow-up on site visit for Smith Memorial Bench Mr. Wolk commented on the site visit. At the site visit, Mr. Michelson asked if the path could be widened. Mr. Wolk stated the clearing area should be restricted. Mr. Bitsko asked for a sketch showing size dimensions of the bench and maximum height of the wall. 7:06 pm Cont. Meeting – 456 Concord Avenue, RDA DET# 14-10 Applicant: Gunish Chugani Installation of a garage wall and landscaping within the 100-foot Buffer Zone Present for the Applicant: Mike Novak, Meridian Associates and Gunish Chugani, Applicant Mr. Novak submitted a revised plan at the meeting which includes the limit of work line and changes of the plantings as suggested by Ms. Warren at the previous meeting. Mr. Novak stated no trees are proposed to be removed, only trimming and pruning would occur. Comments from the Commission as follows: Ms. Miller asked when the wetland was delineated by Mary Trudeau. Mr. Novak responded that Mary Trudeau delineated the wetland in the spring of 2014. Ms. Mullins commented on the proposed landscaping within the town right-of-way possibly conflicting with the proposed sidewalk project by the town. The applicant is open to a site visit with the Administrator before the pruning work begins. Motion made and seconded to issue a negative determination with conditions, 4-0 in favor. 7:13 pm Cont. Hearing – 425 & 509 Woburn Street, NOI DEP# 201-944, BL 902 Applicant: Brian P. Kelley Construction of an access driveway and parking within the 100-foot Buffer Zone to Bordering Vegetated Wetland Present for the Applicant: Mike Novak, Meridian Associates and Brian P. Kelley, Applicant Comments from the Commission as follows: Ms. Miller read the engineering report into the record stating the calculations are responsive. Ms. Miller asked for follow up information on the existing drive as requested at the meeting on July 1st. Mr. Novak provided a photograph of the existing catch basins showing oil separator hoods already installed. He explained that no other practice could be implemented. Mr. Kelley has agreed that the new operation and maintenance plan can be implemented into the existing stormwater system. Mr. Novak showed the snow storage areas proposed on the plan and removed the language, “salts may be used” in the operation and maintenance plan. Mr. Novak will submit a revised operation and maintenance plan. Motion made and seconded to close the hearing with the condition of submittal of a revised operation and maintenance plan, 4-0 in favor. 7:20 pm Cont. Hearing – Lot 186E & Oakmount Circle, NOI DEP# 201-939, BL 898 Applicant: Merek Franklin, Copley Design Construction of a single-family dwelling with underground utilities and paving of a portion of Oakmount Circle within the 100-foot Buffer Zone to Bordering Vegetated Wetland Present for the Applicant: Dan Orwig, Landscape Architect Mr. Orwig presented the plan revisions, including an updated survey showing the proposed road falls within the road layout. Mr. Orwig submitted a revised plan with a correction of the engineer’s stamp on sheet 2. Comments from the Commission as follows: Mr. Wolk asked if water has been an issue in basements on Oakmount Circle. Patricia Giencke of 28 Oakmount Circle stated she gets minor leakage in the elevator shaft. Jane Pagett of 10 Oakmount Circle commented on no visibility of water in her basement. Mr. Orwig responded that soil testing proved beneficial to relocate the house further back on the lot to avoid blasting. This will allow diversion of runoff to the front system to minimize the runoff that goes to the back system. Ms. Miller asked for cross-section details of the sub-surface infiltration system and asked about the revised drainage calculations. Mr. Orwig gave Mike Flamang details, but needs to submit them to the Commission. Ms. Miller read a letter from Steve Berry with his concerns. The homeowner of 55 Meriam Street raised concerns of water runoff since they sit lower on the lot. The setback of the house from the rear line is 40 feet. The homeowner of 55 Meriam Street would like to see the trees conserved. John Noonan, Noonan and McDowell spoke on behalf of Robert Finnegan for response to the letter written to the Commission. Ms. Miller responded to the letter stating the Commission does not have jurisdiction over the first concern raised. Mr. Orwig stated the other concerns were addressed with the revised plan and drainage calculations. Tom Fenn, attorney for the homeowner of Lot 184A, stated that they are satisfied with the latest revisions. Mr. Fenn asked where the gravity line for the sewer would be located. Mr. Bitsko asked for a note on the plan for the one tree proposed to be removed. Ms. Miller read a letter from Steve Berry raising concerns of the paving of Oakmount Circle. Jeff Kwass of 4 Oakmount Circle prefers not to have Oakmount Circle paved. Mr. Kwass asked if the Conservation Commission had any input on the matter. Jane Pagette of 10 Oakmount Circle, stated that she had no issue with the proposed house being constructed. Ms. Pagette described Granny Pond and asked for the Commission to protect the area. Mr. Fenn commented on paving a portion of Oakmount Circle. Ms. Pagette responded on paving that occurred after the town installed the sewer main. Mr. Fenn stated the paving was not brought to the Conservation Commission for approval. Mr. Bitsko asked for clarification on the retaining walls, drainage system and buffer zone. The Commission stated the issues that need to be addressed: increase in runoff for the roadway, retaining wall and bedrock information, note shown on the plan for removal of one tree, submittal of all details provided to the Town Engineer. Motion made and seconded to continue the hearing to August 12, 2014 at 7:00 pm at the request of the applicant, 4-0 in favor. 8:03 pm Cont. Hearing – Concord Ave between Spring & Waltham St, NOI DEP# 201-930, BL 890 Applicant: Town of Lexington Department of Public Works Construction of a new sidewalk along the southern side of Concord Avenue between Spring and Waltham Street, replacement of the culvert under Concord Avenue at Hardy’s Pond Brook, installation of a driveway for the Town to access the existing pump station, milling and repaving of Concord Avenue in the project area, and demarcation of a bicycle lane Motion made and seconded to continue the hearing to Monday, September 22, 2014 at the request of the applicant, 4-0 in favor. 8:04 pm Meeting – 450 Bedford Street, RDA DET# 14-11 Applicant: Comcast Installation of 458 linear feet of a 3” underground Comcast conduit within the 100-foot Buffer Zone to Bordering Vegetated Wetland and 200-foot Riverfront Area Present for the Applicant: Mary Rimmer, Rimmer Environmental Consulting, Paul Dusnap, Dusnap Engineering, Comcast Rep Ms. Rimmer proposed the installation of a Comcast conduit. Ms. Rimmer explained the distinct bordering vegetated wetland due to the slopes and grades and lawn area being mowed along the road/drive. The work will occur within the buffer zone. Ms. Rimmer described digging the 2-3’ deep trench by hand near the trees to avoid root damage. The project will take approximately 3-4 days and each day the area will be backfilled. Comments from the Commission as follows: Mr. Wolk asked about tree preservation and if the proposed hand digging was protected. Mr. Bitsko explained that the trees are ornamental. The roots would be found 12” down and most would lean towards the wetlands. Mr. Dusnap explained if the roots are shallow they will hand dig and place the conduit underneath. Mr. Bitsko suggested the detail for the envirofence be shown on the plan and to replace the silt fence with 10” straw wattle. Motion made and seconded to issue a negative determination with conditions as discussed, 4-0 in favor. 8:13 pm Meeting – 65 Turning Mill Road, RDA DET# 14-12 Applicant: Evan Ziporyn and Christine Southworth Drilling of a well for a geothermal heat pump within the 100-foot Buffer Zone Present for the Applicant: Julie Norman, Representative and Robert Pauline, Geothermal USA Comments from the Commission as follows: Ms. Miller asked how the geothermal well would be constructed. Mr. Pauline explained that a well-drilling truck would back up down the driveway and drill a 5” vertical hole, 300’ into the ground. Two 1 ¼ pipes will be inserted into the ground. Ms. Miller asked how the drilling is contained due to previous issues with dewatering and sludge material. Mr. Pauline replied that two 6’ x 6’ trenches would be dug to contain seepage from any water from drilling, which has sediment in it. There will be no lining inside the trenches. Mr. Bitsko stated an example of the Fiske School project where they were not prepared and the trenches filled up and overflowed to the catch basin. Mr. Pauline explained the maximum height of the drilling truck is 45’ and there would be no cutting of trees to access the area. Mr. Bitsko raised concerns of a narrow gravel driveway and the weight of the drilling truck. Mr. Pauline replied that the truck is only 8’ wide and he is not concerned of the weight in this area. Motion made and seconded to issue a negative determination with conditions, 4-0 in favor. 8:28 pm Hearing – 207 East Street, NOI DEP# 201-945, BL 903 Applicant: Baoxing Zhu Construction of two sunrooms, a deck and stairs within the 100-foot Buffer Zone Present for the Applicant: Mary Trudeau, Wetland Specialist, Peter Lavenson, New England Sunrooms, and Homeowners Ms. Trudeau submitted and presented a revised plot plan with the work proposed shown in red. Ms. Trudeau explained the construction of two sunrooms on helical piers and a deck and stairs on top of an existing patio. The existing stone patio will remain, but blocks will be removed for installation of the supports. Ms. Trudeau stated the homeowners will relocate the shed outside of the 25-foot buffer zone or completely remove it from the property. Ms. Trudeau explained that a survey was conducted and the landscaping is not part of the property. The homeowners will cease mowing and maintaining the lawn within the wetlands. Comments from the Commission as follows: Mr. Bitsko asked for labels on all maps submitted. Mr. Bitsko asked how the wetland line was determined. Ms. Trudeau stated that it was based on soil characteristics. Mr. Bitsko asked about elevations and 2-foot separation for the infiltration system. Ms. Trudeau replied the infiltration system could be shifted to the front of the lot. Mr. Bitsko asked for test pit data, clean outs for the stormwater chamber, and an operations and maintenance plan. The Commission needs details provided for the estimated seasonal high groundwater, ceasing of mowing within the 25-foot buffer zone, relocation/removal of the shed, bounds markers along the 25-buffer zone, and erosion control details. Motion made and seconded to continue the hearing to August 12, 2014 at 7:00 pm at the request of the applicant, 4-0 in favor. 8:55 pm Reports: Bike Advisory, Community Preservation Committee, Land Steward Directors, Housing Partnership, Tree Committee, Land Management, Land Acquisition, etc. Ms. Miller motioned to change Conservation Commission meetings to Monday nights instead of Tuesday nights. Motion made and seconded to change Conservation Commission meetings to Monday nights at 6:30 pm beginning on Monday August 25, 2014, 4-0 in favor. 8:58 pm Site Visit Schedule Discussion Ms. Miller discussed choosing a day of the week for the site visits. The Commission chose Tuesdays for site visits in the summer. 9:01 pm Motion made and seconded to approve the minutes from July 1, 2014, 4-0 in favor. 9:02 pm Motion made and seconded to adjourn the meeting, 4-0 in favor. Respectfully submitted, Michelle Morelli Community Development Department Assistant