HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014-03-11 CONCOM-min TOWN OF LEXINGTON, MASSACHUSETTS CONSERVATION COMMISSION MINUTES Tuesday, March 11, 2014 6:30 P.M. Parker Room, Town Office Building 1625 Massachusetts Avenue Chair Joyce Miller opened the meeting at 6:39 pm in the Parker Room of the Town Office Building. Commissioners Present: Joyce Miller, Phil Hamilton, Stew Kennedy, Dick Wolk, David Langseth and Duke Bitsko Commissioners Absent: Jane Warren Others Present: Karen Mullins, Conservation Administrator and Michelle Tassi, Community Development Department Assistant PENDING MATTERS 6:39 pm Approval to install a Wood Duck nesting box this Spring, Don Grant Don Grant was present for the approval to install a Wood Duck nesting box at Dunback Meadow. The box will be fastened to the tree with spacers in the back and wood shavings inside. A small tunnel is on the front of the box for entering. Hand tools will be used for the construction of these boxes. Motion made and seconded to approve the installation of a Wood Duck nesting box this Spring at Dunback Meadow, 6-0 in favor. 6:42 pm Approval for letter of support for community endowment grant – iPhone app David Neal was present for the approval for the letter of support for the community endowment grant. Mr. Neal explained that he built an application for the Across Lexington trails for the iPhone and iPad. Mr. Neal’s goal is to maximize use by people in the Town of Lexington and expand the application’s capabilities. Mr. Bitsko is in favor of the application, but would like it to be honored by all smartphones. Mr. Neal replied that this is the first step to promote the application and in the future it will be expanded upon. Mr. Kennedy and Mr. Hamilton are in support of the application. Motion made and seconded to approve the letter of support for community endowment grant, 5-1. Ms. Miller voted against the proposal due to the fact that it is not supported by all smartphones. 6:57 pm Land Use Permit Application – Scout Cooking Demo at Willard’s Woods, Thomas Marge Mr. Hamilton stated that he read over the permit application for a Scout cooking demo at Willard’s Woods. Ms. Mullins commented that the Conservation Department will be in contact will the Recreation Department involving permitting. Motion made and seconded to approve the Scout cooking demo at Willard’s Woods on March 21, 2014 from 5:00-9:00 pm, 6-0 in favor. 6:58 pm Plan Changes per letter and plan dated 3/7/2014: 219 Lincoln Street, BL 861, Alton Stone, Alton Stone Engineering, Abbas Amiri, Applicant and Norman Kherlop, Architect presented the plan changes at 219 Lincoln Street. Mr. Stone explained the revised plan with changes in red and existing conditions in black. Mr. Langseth asked for a clarification on the dimensions of the chimney and drainage area nearby. Mr. Langseth determined that the table on the plan shows a 40 square foot reduction in impervious surface. Mr. Bitsko asked for a clarification on determining which trees are proposed to be removed and which are proposed to stay. Mr. Stone replied that tree removal is not part of the plan changes. Motion made and seconded to approve the plan changes per the letter and revised plan dated 3/7/2014 for 219 Lincoln Street, BL 861, 6-0 in favor. 7:15 pm Hearing – 12 Dunham Street, NOI DEP# 201-932, BL 892 Applicant: Ping Chen Construction of an addition, deck, infiltration system, associated grading and utilities within the 100-foot Buffer Zone and/or any resource areas Present for the Applicant: Steven Eriksen, Norse Environmental Services, Inc. Mr. Eriksen described the proposed construction of an addition, deck and infiltration system. Comments from the Commission as follows: Ms. Miller read a comment from zoning stating that the grades for the basement floor, average natural grade, and maximum height need to be provided. Ms. Miller read the engineering review which stated that the calculations are responsive, the calculations show that the rates and volume of runoff after construction are less than existing, a 2’ separation is included between the bottom of the infiltration system and the estimated seasonal high water table, no maintenance instructions were included for the infiltration system, and during construction a wheel-cleaning area for construction vehicles should be in place for erosion and sedimentation control. Mr. Langseth commented that the project meets the performance standards, but inspection ports are needed as well as an overflow at the house. Mr. Langseth asked about stockpiling details. Mr. Eriksen replied that the excavated soil will be trucked off site. Mr. Langseth commented that the stockpiling will be within 100’ of the wetlands and more details are needed regarding the erosion controls. Ms. Mullins suggested taking the stockpiled soil off site before the addition is built due to size constraints on the side of the house. Mr. Langseth asked for submittal of a trench drain detail and sump pump on the line from the trench drain to the infiltration unit. He commented that the Commission cannot approve the wetland line at this time due to snow cover. Ms. Mullins asked the locations of the information from the data sheets and if the chain link fence was proposed to be removed. Mr. Eriksen stated that the chain link fence will remain. Mr. Bitsko commented that an operations and maintenance plan needs to be submitted and asked if the project proposal included tree removal. Mr. Eriksen stated that some trees will be pruned and an arborist is scheduled for an on-site visit. Mr. Wolk questioned the exact numbers for the existing basement floor elevation and the proposed elevation. Mr. Langseth commented that an inspection port is needed on the plan for each chamber and shown on the cross-section. Motion made and seconded to continue the hearing to March 25, 2014 at 7:00 pm at the request of the applicant, 6-0 in favor. 7:38 pm Cont. Hearing – 79 Maple Street, NOI DEP# 201-921, BL 881 Applicant: Ronald Smith Raze a single-family dwelling and driveway and construct a new single-family dwelling, deck, driveway, rooftop infiltration, associated grading and utilities within the 100-foot Buffer Zone and 200-foot Riverfront Area Motion made and seconded to continue the hearing to March 25, 2014 at 7:00 pm at the request of the applicant, 6-0 in favor. Cont. Hearing – 85 Reed Street, NOI DEP# 201-925, BL 885 Applicant: Brian Powderly Raze and rebuild a single-family dwelling Motion made and seconded to continue the hearing to April 8, 2014 at 7:00 pm at the request of the applicant, 6-0 in favor. 7:39 pm Article 26 Wetland Protection General Bylaw proposed amendments recommendation report approval for Town Meeting Ms. Mullins reported that Mr. Hamilton has drafter a report to explain the changes and need for the bylaw proposed amendments. The Commission discussed the drafted report and made minor edits to #130-7 and the paragraph below by removing the word, “him” from these sections. Motion made and seconded to approve the recommendation report for Article 26 Wetland Protection General Bylaw proposed amendments for Town Meeting with minor edits, 6-0 in favor. 7:52 pm Motion made and seconded to issue an Order of Conditions for 96 Kendall Road, DEP# 201-929, BL 889, 6-0 in favor. Motion made and seconded to issue an Order of Conditions for 45 Fottler Avenue, DEP# 201-927, BL 887, 6-0 in favor. Motion made and seconded to issue an Order of Conditions for Robinson Road, DEP# 201-926, BL 886, 6-0 in favor. Motion made and seconded to issue a Partial Certificate of Compliance for 19 Bellflower Street, DEP# 201-891, BL 850, 6-0 in favor. The Commission postponed issuing a Certificate of Compliance for 10 Stedman th Road, DEP# 201-792, BL 752 until the meeting on March 25 at 6:30 pm. Reports: Bike Advisory, Community Preservation Committee, Land Steward Directors, Housing Partnership, Tree Committee, Land Management, Land Acquisition, etc. Ms. Mullins reported on the NSTAR right-of-way maintenance for utilities and the possible need for a 401-water quality permit. Ms. Mullins commented that she is researching the plan for forest cutting that was recently submitted. Mr. Kennedy stated the need for a larger buffer for the vernal pool. Mr. Hamilton reported on the Land Management plan to develop a series of principles and procedures. The Mass Audubon has been chosen to do the job. Mr. Bitsko commented that the New England Wildflower Society has a division that handles invasive species management. Motion made and seconded to approve the minutes from the meeting on February 25, 2014, 6-0 in favor. 8:03 pm Motion made and seconded to adjourn the meeting, 6-0 in favor. Respectfully submitted, Michelle Tassi Community Development Department Assistant