HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014-10-08-REC-min.attach2„24140.1 2,21str2 2712 • .2. tete.2214221,2,,,220,1„112e• • ',1,-;.-Yer • _O. - • 2.2111121t2•12t.21122.2,122.1.11'SeT1t"e12'2,-,.24222i-2.....2.2.-.• • ''."'"'21•111•4-r12.2,-12,-.".-e,25,,st. • .''12,;21,,,•-,..222211%-,11'1,(21'12-t221•12'''.1111*1414222 i22,1fr GUIDELINES FOR BUILDING GREAT TEES tcc conqrtiction ,Irc not tilt: LP-( TA cu l")1 tc"' hilt \\''' c.11"11(Ts()114-' uidcIin 1.61- BY JAMES FRANCIS MOORE multiple itrance and exIrL frr■irras sc.) ihat tr- cancer' . a small sr rhis tee Co'. .1 I r he tnffir ” i,r cere2,1- , 'Ft . s ste -.•22. ,,-• e '100t Crattit. 20 ••2 kl'I-ry [Tr, !'.1 1L 2.„ 1(117 21 "i 17' ( liCtri11-M :21c1e:7 t.' .1 '....?Firi,ret "•1-. ,11.)1).••• 2.1 t2t •I1 tilt's. 1- • • A,11111)11 -.1 r.'11 ': • . I: .1712,127 :,,r,ip. r I 0 '.rr i:. ; ,! ,..) t,r.r11...,."11 .1 lc 1..„11( yA it. • .• • , .• r11,211 - • • • 1 .:•'• - • .riteL 1 2.'2' s• 1 1. 2(1)!JIC113,11101_, ',11121111:.1 11, 1 I . 107 11 • 11111711121. ,. r 1. , n 21. t2 " • • 1111e1 11.11171, it 11.2s 177712 .2 glr •.' :', •• i ,c,111 illl'el I.. •.. ' I. .. 7, rr 1 [.117 ,177.:07, • Il ' 7. (.- • r - V22-2' r • 1„I,. ■ 2 01,1111117rIC1.I• ••• •• .- :. rr" i I r . II 1 7 “.6_.,11.• PH. ih:4 hri ti,1i(211 tor 2 )11 It • '11 Ft • rr I 1.4)1 cxr,:ct tlic 1-,21112 •- •• tou111,t1 (or rxrc,, hiiikr .1112 tterthe 1 I 11 1 1{. 11 1. I 1,11C1 'WI] I i I • I I • ,111., 11' 111t ,,,••• 2: 111c • I ir rateri` , ',tst 11, 2 • 2' 11117 11() I 1 hr IS die pn-rls„ IWItttit • 11 , •2 nig • .1 ellstrre `,110111(.1 1, . • 111.5:1 1,2 SIZE No 11r14 )I! 1111:thi)tii will iv•••■•:::111.,. W .1) SHLP11 }h, (,)1' plAy It 11!n\ ':.,.ion tinlizi.q.1 A r; .14,1 ,,,„• ;am& 44! iA11: 1 111‘,Lit. RI )1.1li4l,, Hl ;11, tihl 111.° const111c1(.....1 1,) r I!) Cces: 11,S•11 ..Littln it .41'. 414.111.1%tii HIL. 1 Ili: 1 p(,)r1 i()11 &» lIle teo is A large riorti.,,Ari the L't' 1;1,', he results in 11141 ts ;() weak r1).r. .1 .,"11.111or rake firm sr.: .,41( thus 11 11441 .1t,e .1.14 (,)f Cite t*» I 1...)e ke,17,1l, in In)" tet.• itori play nol.-.4 !Ilan ,.:1111. I ;It! „illy h rale C(:)..1- i[ I ()Ilte again, this k k)t' thumb. For riikr(11 raore tr,,1411! 01) to deter- tec si7c,1',A,1 1,/,,1-1111:21ilen's 11/1,11v1A/April Ar_rES!'i :•, r 1, H1 • •H k10.1...n. 1.1 i■ ..1111 1)1 111i ,■• • 1•■•••Iii.: Ic4i 1 1:1 (II 1111fldHci% ,V,•414 411-1• IIIL,V"y trAttli (11: Hi .1 -.4%1,11 11.1'• t•• 4., ,-..a„•41)1;, h••..1.111'.!11:1 SLOPES ON SIDES Oi Tee h 141. i dope, eln !1411, ..,;b:1%;, . ‘1,,pc., iic di!' 1 warcr.;:cr.,111/.:., dit• rut': L'.111,11Th.:01 11L11,1 1 11 111 1r.:(11011. of a mmver wxy,„ 4..4., p,Ipondicularly drive wheels or' a :hew up tile turt: I tnction results 411 A operators:1111, tOy kiC spray 11, I IH .;\ L:ght arid load shiftn:0 of the such problems, many super- m"..■ option for maintAining 1: 'Lk ..101) !■1: ;ff.' 1 .■:1-e I (•11 1„1Hi.,•1. Sands that contain some soil and organic are easier to 11., ''''44 (lite to better sevaiii• and nutrient retention.They also are (Ware. stable underfoOt. ' ,..fi • „ „ A' , -.4,1104 ,r4r 114k1 4404114. • '21 Ftorti staildpoinr„ 01 steep (cA.A Slrrpeii u itrikr.;°kAss lIp ;..mil Cal.k.' his is portactilrl)., (Title allytartort gfl -ass !in 11 eff6rt. has prevent thitit■. Id 1 litigation., (...1,it11 1 opet-,,itors, t„)fiert 1 11 steps ',atidi 11 rovicie a Safer anti less-- stronuous 011itni) tile. tecirig gnminkt kinfOrtii- tiately, sticti deArices 1)1 I\ help rt.!chice t.he .1..11-01)11etri6 ass,..x.a.Ated \vial the st„„cep s1ope.„ they 11\ rN\ concel"Itrate math,: stile 11111 110l111, ',,111eady nmeck this concert- tration triakes ‘vedik 111 11 TO avoid the rwohkrals, slopes sh(......)uld he at 3: (18 degrees) 100 IL GHT iight..,cotwied ins,torwieut ,dze, 110 doo 1111 0J pro with tee;. 1-he too 1000u ati! p1y,;sicdogicahy tennernbor.;, fi%:>in grade ,;(...111oc,1 bi(*Ii..)g), that given pLums produce the tfricil!„), 11111 00l gro \\Ili through pilriytt.P.,ynthesis,'Ib maintnn k I Ci'W 1oii ;,:11,ZtrTD.CriVe surf"acc, tho turtigra, oll tee,, rims( gria\i/ taSter thitir it is 00,0-)000 0)111 .0ies that too gi1 111 fin the tr.Mfic they rcecivc istintot roraiver 0000 ki itiong.h,rfurfgr.ass 100 10 eS 'that reCeive institiii...‘ient light isttrtiV'S 1111A111 noon., IOI diw to roduccii Activity. icfr,in, shaded tees ,!ener:„.illy ..ire found extrimilly poor condiiikin. It 510 houW hO 11 101 oioo d oh the sain: tretts drat limit the light 00) a 110 more ortall arbaSe arlitaligh cortirsietst ai,;gressivtlii with the roil' for lintrient inoisture. Pie Green Section 1e1 onilly201151 oh 10 receive eight 111.)yir:1 . of direCT suiflight 111. 00) ilLit it is iiiiip(Issible IA) have go 1)11 toeing sur5 acc. (01111 less ch..in ohr hc)urc, of ioghr A 1arge rec.' 0011 01 entrance 00111 exit go 101 lirnited 11010) pLiv cdn perform \yell (via) It'ss dm eight htyurs. Root prunitig a)F the (roes ...idjacent to the tee can miko f,.1r 11 evarll more 10 10 onvironinent.TUrti2;rass sekc- t ion can nuke a trcincandous ditierence„ Bent- grAsses aird rrn,.,rasses '„.irk:!' far inc)re shade tv„.11.td,r3rit thail berniutlagrasses, A.; a rai1r, many ....,outheril CsOlitses bnd that rh t? onliy dine they Hve good turf.' on vheir CrtScs 't( ther) tiwy arc (...00,1 r.seet1,,,.0d (vida r0 o1,40 )ss lbr \vinter play. ROOTZONF SELECTION Nt my different construction methods Viave proven 1)1) (5111 for 11(0 TI a1 e. eissatittaleS (05 22 elle1 n,,es 1001 011 0010 oo1 rootlork-, 00r50010e1 t,f" inixttir ol 101 5. 0 •od 01 1000 °flatten-there are ;1180 irtryisAa Wes l00 rd1 tharti tbc tr000 e0 11 trattrtisSred thorn °id greens sahisay tiles' are hoo 050 ,Arid 1 1 good tees hyni 0 10 000 110 right Stibri. Predictably, edch valid:hod [las 10 0100 anti sitsasissio(ages., infornvd sury o. 0)1 lc! en 'Airstaitioi stalls Arid ilautiV ,g,41,11 course. supetintendorits 000 11005 Illat 01 0)) tiorIler turf 1,011 loc rho have t.t. 11"Cri00100W,'," didt 10C[110,10 SOUK.' 10001)10111115 000di ,Kind And 111 0001 501111 IkI 0 01 ohk 1100 5iu:::!1 with Oo>ol nutrient', in,oisture retention (0 1051 00 th,„' sdirdc" time drainin..!‘!„, quicidy endtigh to get the tee b„it;:k. 011(1 plAy lin a reasonable amount (A' rime tbill.o\v- he,avy rani. 14'rotzono mii„xes are 0511 0 01 r0 010 0 ol sarNI tq,), tilatter loo sirii,,atithi the horng 1 or 8:1.1 course clecido, 1 0 0 „,bil,frkt itheeira 11 iS A good irricsi 11) 004 IL otmtA.doratk)n 10 0 1/4,1„.-r hauling 1111 too da tbe Satin:” 1)01 1 Yeats ialr 10p (tress:rig, oril o 100001 00011 fertili7,ation vvitl ahimIst certifinly 00 o1 111 ignificant intprovermut 110 1111 upper Ft' \\' inches of rootzone of tile c'ild 10010 00 it) mum 0 000 4 tkR.,„ )orzoiie rnateTi;fl 0110 0 lo oI Cron) rtic. oki travois sod] ristive cx0CSHisiit thr 0)1 tees„ Sinn4,1,11t thie isi(!st. to too lloo 5 ant" 11 000 tity(yrable ,4rolAring condliticpm 001 terins ro„Iistatre 00 naltrietil re(C'1111 011„ attaa carl be very 110150 A5)5e 111 toritis ol pliayability 16r months p(,)ssiLly V 110 If straight (00015 lo Listd.,„ it is \it:al that the .s;:ind. 1.1e sul)initted Oo 001 .fliccreditod testing laboraltor).,fi.-„ir [.)ert"(:)rini tests 0 deterr .. . ti0 t! inn,/ deep the should ioo 1 ensure g'/..)(„„!(1. drainage arid iinpn.woi nroiqt.ire leteti0100:11"ley Cati trtita ,sorne insight: irito stataility k,SLICS„',:aithrsingti. this is not ani 01111 0 silence. SURFACE DRAINAGE: Regarciless oS tin roomnle 11514 1.. 5 c itchy tee shotikt be i„onstratcteci with 0 raintniimi, 0..50 s1ope: (000 the 01 (05) tO ensure surface (11"autlage excess water 000 0 (ion.) tile teeing ground. For- tunatch,,, sticii precise grading I-LIS been Marie 11111(11 c.,Asier 001110 the lcivoit of loo equiptnent„..As a getterAl rule, thc.' (Allot' of' prefer erio...'„ loa—the directimi or the 'sLirfacc iltitillagc titant tr1 baCkt, right 10 left, left (0 itightoinlri twk to front, In rtN.d.11.fly, kw, g()Iter■ can SC:11Se' s•it pt 111 r..1-!-.:13..ntt di.. •11 I 1. 1:`,1 '0.11ICH 6,;:` discharged most etficietrti!,. 16 avoid creating slippt7ry aril unsafe conclitioirs, considcrlrion shouIi n •ta: the entrance and s•-sat, used by ( )n. connected., maltapl, h.,. 1 RC, care nahat, he taken ta, avoid s21101a.,: ...a• \valet. to the -11-ea berweeil and 1 )6ing so often r.esults it t • In T1112 transition arc,1 t. \vo lektels, SUBSURFACE DRAINAGE tair. •••• •ri ,ti,rio 1: rvi.i sub:sal:faro.. ainage. ti:c•• sh:111 1 ..11:Aped dtr,.• I is • • -o11,--tion c•,-.1tn. 1 , . 111 c r• the sub:4mile the air•!il late, Water should tic it MOte than 15 0S, llk tibgtatie COIICCILd "'Ain. A drain line shott`,.. also 1. ,:•e edge or the tce to pte.c 111, @LB across the stahgrairdi 1 , oat of .L He bank and eausingP maintenance [rid Itet:,. ALIGNtylENT Avj..,•,..1 Of n die 1,arget 1' 11 ii1 dia.! 140 (t ijLiI haV'c Litt!, probleth shots tee is pointing \yell of-I rile ! Jana than lo c:as. (Jolter comp] ..tints regardir.•:: nu • -... Cur NVIlell tilt': more ihni Lima. liktigarciki,. ar And Lan hi.. constrn•ation. CONCLUSION ,31.NT ottiv•• lys ii InuLl !:•1•ovvn1 g points kept initai !.+1.1CCeSStill -.m,st-ruction prc)jec:t., • Adequatc•h, tee based on ho‘v mut:h and ..c.ehat type 1. rch:,:taives and the galcrvc- 114 c1 nalitt011S 01 the • Iltovide 11 .R r. luN to Sprs:•ati :2'0! ,•-r traffic: over as large ;111 re.1 ,ts • Keep the slope 1•' I 1. •. s at 3:1 (18 degrees; or lttss tk. pt.,hadc• nd1tions 1,1) r pla.yers and course • ,••••,44 • s • ..he,11,1 h•. • .; mum id Le.Er s sintitHn • A 7:7): 1 t-r!‘s:1,1; or.:,antt• 100t2Orie utOpc17:-,S, • ,s'.11Ce •-hi' C (at..",a least t the 1017 • the to, ••:zone. 2"•• !to •han 15 rect, Hurt 1 iLC 1 lh.• • To aVoid ontroversy r,.......arding tee alignment. rectiingulim tees ...1)c;Tly with the -1h.,,et line or else t.tlat4le them gre.•,tter thatl 11 c,11. -rt .y tram the Lnigo IL j Pd 1\dtacht , is 1 feet) coor..r • 1 lot cig.ht of course. tee, incluiimg plenty of light, unlimited access points, eas.e of maintenance, and alignment, 0 iii/It tuitripiniutt. iiiIiiiiii By John Kelly and Steve Anni I ,L, ycar ".,.,:. , .1.•ii; ,,,, -, • , ,, ,- , d„,(,,,I tkv,ith,;, (.1 rt,'HL 1 irkmitek itThlenii-:......:-:i" i....i I tlrainage cart have any nu-.• ! ..:, . Hit . ditl (Ii:,....•-,osiint diem pr-ate, I.:. ;• hair.._li 1101 ,...; ::,.)i• '..;..;! ' .. , besi 1 a.. ,t lint: of tleh..t....•• :t4 ...t.T., !:tat not a/l r:t•,!.. i' :,rtillIciits ,.... . 1.,••itetl equal ilo iiiag,ic cure-ail. I:. , ;, goil «itirse I, Th:,.,,,.: i,,stic is a siict.ial .._..,,,,,.... that requires iw........,..,.rd ittientiti[,, ,.:L.li as siirecyjny. Iiii . topography tuni testing the subsoil co:.-1,I.?ti.-1-is td' ettilt sp. ,.:i(li prtil)letti arei‘. I rtes ar.:.l , H. i,. titer ..,..• rk:..: il:..' ,' a NIIiil at drainage L.i In1 VIII k. i ric titllowittit a, :) examines Mnt I corninon to golf' courses. Drainage problecn Impermeable soils ii1eriiicdii ,„ii, iic ,„,„ r.il 0,,-,!r!..ct common ctilpentt in golf" course drainage prohle.,o.,. ...:"ow than iiI. They are ried hy a silty, cl:v.• I;ke soil lextrac with Ilat topography r infiltration , Iiii.y are also very mic(ep(ible in from 1;441 1, and maintenance machine' r A vicions A:y(1e starts with more compaction leading tit increasingly louver infiltration vales, This ii, Icads to ivn greater compaction and eventually sealin;,, , To he ceitain the root came ol Issue is, in lad, impermeable soil t conditions, you v.-Ii ...! to verify Noll texture owl inliltration rateN,'i hest way L . H,i -• io dig an auger hole near illal is 5.! ,• &milder, taking care to keep die surfao.. 1 r: anger hole.. \\',n several limit, for the water table to ;.,tahili-/e in it,: hole; then measure the depth of the water tahlt" 311(1 CM111)■{1-4,* 111A1 t41 the leVt71 or 111C 1v.ltrr iht 11,•1,..liUW, Itilit water table is more than can ( Itt in,) below iht ft :I of the water in the windings, yon are most -•qlt an impet meahle soil condition, irnjocrirtnile.coi/..c: Yttur first thinntht might lie to install it ..rrairt in the (try stthsuil (;1%:. it with native sod,. (tnr. ,t,vith• and ihen stit1), hitt this V4'111 M3,1 ((.((letty this type lit lifairra!':, pa01.10"1. 26 Vorwnoly 2001 Figure 1 Impermeable soil condition.. Convention Al drains instet1100.1 th,s (1,1r, ,14,Y)11 will not :Lid pr c te stiff- . . 'J■$, d Pc ',chugs -rim( 1 ) • yr A .11:ic,c system is a butt h 11 1.1 known than conventional 4,1raitsage teclmitpies, it ha been proven 1i lrect Pa. in correcting impermeable not only here in Mirth Anieri,a, but in ritirope d lyt.11. Tin.! drainage is to reit love excess surface %valet' before it Iris a chancel() pond and then solton the ground sticlitec,, inhibit Intl growth and cause Mid other problems. Basically, :,lit 1i iii', consists (if int 80 mon (3 in.) wide trench, 25 to 55 cm ( 10 to 22 hi.) (loop, which contains it drain pipe that is 38 to 50 min ( 1.5 2 in.) in diameter, This drainapi.. system is designed to channel the excess water to a larger co/lector pipe that (dirks it oltsite. l'he drilins are spaced between 1,5 and 2,5 nt (5 and 8 t, (Upending on the soil type, topography :Ind severity of tht. ['golden,. Figure 2 Profile of a typical slit drainage system. T T1 \\lilt tilt. (kakis in place, dte trench is Ital.:1;1111es! t(1 IIL Slo as Ct1l11 111 (If (1.1,ar,",e Sand agglepostei '1 he excess Nut Lice 'sate' CA1111101 11101V li Ily i1110 111C i(111,111111,,, edit/arse ;11..r.,14Itt" and h carnets ty the N111 drain Ittpl'S. Ik twii 110WeVel, ito ill cararse ap,[[ieg ne is 111e sante, t Mly sands wilt [set ineability 420 k).31t 011day (32, to 50 itr(hr) will provide Ole results psi' team titid need. 'lls itliilItiIl ltit1 tii11 ilt Ii 11110 (110.• %lit 11 ca.11, it 1% itispoi hint that rim tic ent altr,ftv,sle without ths. ttIiili 1 , seilicl'Hlioi[rexs through Ilit. top latt.f 51,'.",,H HOW'. 111.•.1ralirt1 Jmi (tri1111S 111.14- IIniIhi 61014 1:1 f'. 501,1101' 01 414;n .1 ;1 giadc, opiitiorIcd 11}, 1..1.0.1 111l1( 61:0 1114".1 1110 0 01 alit% 1111 4IIt dtail; 4ijl. aiI 1.1 1;11i11 seltli it oriarse .1,„•,go gat:. --all in mie til seceT, ,sin1ir,110. [!,1,01,,,, 1,..1011.p is Iasi,. eas.)...ithi y4,41 fp, MIL cint drain svay..iu clepentling n lire intensity 01 Illettcr 1111 pill° play in ntrally continue wills the u. 3 teiniiin.ary It 111::ccinents or iciviptirary tllCns A141101401 slit trenching is a (ft iiiirpc to:1)111(1w, [mottles excellent result s. with drarditlic inspi,A.oments for I Irge, flat tireas. Drainage prol)lent 112: depresslorial dreas Dopressional ilaVil% Are 111C 113W 1Ve1 S11111:; Vn51(1•,, W0t.1" as rainfall, You can be certain you itft111CJI111); WWI ;nett when you bate %valet' pondirigs iltIL 11 c grcater than .t in I 0 ft,)in diameter or more than 10 cm (1 itt,) (feep, prohlein is there is no deep poroalaiimi ..ivailable for the est..ess seater, ihwirroge snitnion Jo idepresstogiti :Tai Statilt.T 1111e AffiliklUgh Colwvnliond iace drains ;Ire often installed ihrough these depressional areas, they generally 11» not work adequately because it is very difficult to p,et hop( antolints tvater to infiltrate fast enough into ;I drain pipe through the turf, stnl and back-fill material, A better tactir' is to install surl'ace inlets in dt e. lowest part of the depressional itrea 'where water naturally lIlIk 1114. inlets itilow large quintlities of water to rapidly enter a collector pipe that must he properly sized to ;Wow 1(11 totter flow. Sorhise inlets come in inimy shapes and sizes. Yon will wititt ti, be sure the inlet you select is sturdy ;slid well constructed with metal or plaStiC grate iti ate StIlface tltat ki.rS lui en01,11;11 HI allow t1urestriclu.(1 water (mir) , 11 is ids°, recommended that yin] include a 3o1. 0..4 ,150-1t1rl4 (1 2- io deep sediment trap to prevent sedinient or debris from entering into the drainage syslcm. ZANDER 500 CO. LIMITED • Piiiini:rusti Benigiass I.1SGA Spur.. Sand • Peeticross awl Pirividence Benigi iss on Native SOH • Al Ken Bay Bluegrass fesetre.,Keitlidy Oluegtass Blend (416) 364.5700 foil Free 1.877-727-2100 vavw.raiitlersotl.corn 0 V a' '4( )1MI./)1Ply 2°94 2,7 Drainage problern hlgh water table wined whir owildens rn Mull soils 114104,4 11"40444011111140 411144441144111411 14111'4 111114 110 W144111 441 11141111 041 4411ci1,11 11,114 11,1 44444144411 usicoHy doe 40 1114,4 1414c4444(.4414,44 4 41 1141y 411 .4.144110 11441141% 14.1"11,4" of hiv.k Iki 1I.lIR iiiesclt.ce s,vlS%L&il ihi n slm rdjitroll ,,lilrbes or 114 4150 Irry,2 lying arearisori:hcr,6,y6ly, l\loro. 0..61 41144, 1114141111", k wider in l'hike &ices comer ie the surfolco very r4pidly oho' iininerims small ponds, is ,Ilst> clwir.,Iclirliistic imptsrurrAllc „surds, SO rirognosing, this lrypt.' of dr aroopr,o problik'on rakcss carklUI „rnolysis„ The treotromt lor o high woki laide crrndirion, alleT ,d1, tvould he rquritt;. lordfrscri1,0 rfOr ric16 Said jun, cccrIlle Ii1t 11101041111 14110 1,1411 prohlor6 (,un 1;rc, doermilied only alto d111lni,r,lcst rdly/int; Ow soils, „toil sruklyiny,lhe wmer told(' ilropths osTi tiamn, h gencr,d, you hum^ hirh svalcr Irthle is At ,,vork when the levrdc.rifte( r.vater yOlci leccc4 hUit Occe.allgei Imi) cscicays with iut 30 to 40 m t 1 2 11,11(ccc oitcc lot, :"4111,14 , MON1'1'111( Is this hrgh venter table or an leauU condition? You cannot tell the difference without subSicilciaCe investigationir 1./onatirLy„e aradlitlion jar /Ugh wake: ,r(?!/ ar cIWP fillet "ccilbsutiface rcitivrhy hriroh w,rter- conditiory„ 'yr or lutist fowl wAy 111 remove the excess ner llll hors l°11111041 i11111 1,114" 41411 1141441111", Th44 hes! cycidy 110 do clhicc`c is Po ictiOcciN systa..ni tit*r4rollel All e tie %vo1k1 ((mind drorrnalr2,,c system should 00,ri1l() r,r1 ,n(,) 11 111 pirk's imstalled fir 211r cur (30 ur 'rm.) The'y (on then Iry the native sr rils Illot rye kriryr,v the 114111 can okletiruratol)„, Thc ritroin NI:rot:lug shoulrl Imsori the rurtisrc s•oril's s6lturaied hyth 4,414041411 11041 y" 411111 1110 4144144,11"11n1441444114404414"011 1011 W111111E 1411'110, t1411S4), skin: you 11,1v 1 sufficiently &all oritlo tcr ollow free flirts^ from thy drairiro;le r.rdledor Idprus Drainage problem 04: :side hill seepage Side hill le(la)01 .111 (him, 11 ¢ coupie. ((0 dillervot First, allow h 1h4' 441111111 it/ 140101117 41 Rdotivoly prmneable sod :ill '11111)' soil- -overlks ,r rchttlycly iinvernrcahle 1010- 1lll/(l(y on 4 slope Fxcess imlier infiltrates Onto the sdnill hiOier elevoltions, hut beraiisc 10 connoi continue downwords 111011 Ihe day, (1 is forcell 11u1v2' hori?orddlly ;Dad out where the hyr.rr 4rnds, This Howl:Ay hoppens ,rlong the roe (If ,11 slope (rr 11,100 'ally ly the slope, Side hill 11'vpag(2 (4(1 „dso (occur where cloy soils hove hr^cn roxorked 'boo mounds or hills hy machruer y,Thcr4„ will be lavge voids Icit in the disturbed day sirakcx it vrEttrally impossible to 78 ,Irecurichrly 400 4 t;,irin ds utiv;ri,d1 sioti., I 010.-,1 1,nrck" 04414144 141'111 41114 1/1444 4140 01144114"4 111 1411144' 114'4'114" 4141414 41441 411441414 114"41 (((0(01 111 111ai,lin1.1, iadkerr 1110,1011.011 h 4.ar1e 411111111144 114111 11111 111111141 1011' 11441101 141 1.411114141/14` 414(1)414W 11 ccl 11C ick"7,110111 0, 1 hu' cccccli1(4,' cUcc 1111," 1'11 Cco 111414 414" 141441141 1,11110014 11114 1"(444144111141 441141 01 41cIt11 ,r1Irlo0 11Yr' fr,r.sr' err 11112 rrl,,IN rrrrFirir(I rri 0101,411 i(Acc,cccclic icy '1414411411,111 441y 1,11101 1,11 'Al, 901, ((in 0),0 011 01, 1101011! +, llie 111 44) 411141 411,(1 c1/444 41,(11)1 4011 1h1" 44'4'411 14141141", rakriry. ,111„, l 11 l 111 tlirc ssoel 1 riors, )l111 1111 1111 : rlor irrq.., lo e rlitr,r;,i(ur, I'ror 1044 01111 h401014.144"44 414441 4414,4441 04" 41444 1144414 4"It14.`1,‘,0cco'cl tcccciccy 1' 10(0 cic'1cc.°1 4144114C44414 c11 y44I4 1141 14114 1144' 11410 Idirs rylc r „1r, 1„1rfr0r „r 1111111 2 11,11 ccci11c11 ccicy 1.(o- .10 lic" Vci"IC )'VOC`Ic 404441'111140" 411441(iorr J111 44114" hill c;c:repa,c,[ce," infricepfat (hai1ak 'lliourah 4 roiraln skim loricil it, holed,: da,. aiddin,,i,dr adhlwa lky initollinrakohydintiondl drains in yonrt 'lover lair kvay„ c1411o2s „nrc you 1101(0(1 Ilk.. solidly disormillIca 6'Y the lrukruire, W sp #.oN al a ye hi, sidle hill strvogr: hot lry rust,dlior, MO corn (21 1r1l dronloo inkroTtor riroirns Aso kurrwu ;IN corkorit drorucc, 225 ro 1 20 r„rer 0 100o 100 ,111R1 thou ku therro (('1101 ,r hiyhly rwrin,„'aldr! disrinayru ',mid, The lkorrorri 11414 4 4110411 44111410040 rdoceril )11441 41110 1110 01,1 1.111(1 (0101 subsod,, 15r: lovety,Imol,21 Ids is „r l01('l,0011111 010011 lq(111,116, or klronins not plowed in cxarllyillic rilOit position, your ('10010,11(00 01 irdtry,Irt.'111re afroins 1.hl101d lo' ploced allocty thy 1,c1c1 cc 0 cc,pccoiCc 111 ' 411140101 141141144g0 11411111- ,04111[) 1111 41110111414c cc11111,` cUli lain WhiCh 011101S 0140 14444141 144 1110414" hoory dosvoward irvio 'the pipe 111,1111 rdrch over rrr Ore (rutIct, rilurcerrr lhc NkTpoge [Cc 1144' 141401 4114414,411,10 414"4"41 11101 nor 1,4 y Ilo intrirltrrr dr0.11114 odiv iosItofied ci(hor qoo (or oc 11ou aholoc: khe scemp.,L, /unvo uu) hiii„ 01 usr,rolly tAes norrrur. dram rule 11101 cvpr.r ri drain tr prof:rifle, 1 select iam ilk:Nom:I is akar, alined" n» 111,0 1110Ll'1(l0 11111 drarroge N2steni. The hack fil0 orrns1 111411444 1411 41114,444h1E414y I14,1441 11 mr„,, .y,1 2,101. 0 than 11)1 2 oat Ilve sr (ON, ilkithCic Opticcio ic 19 1101cs.0 cicar sor roc,. les' all in tile planning Orre ihdin„ is lin ceitoin: )111( rlionoi (111(1 1.l(lll,101 oh 1(0 ItItotroti100 ,111111 141r111r, ih Iluocccc, 10cr1 111'0111'1 10' ivOccol .10011 CIllstcoin rirdirrov,e 1)410(011 011 cat 11 Noldou Hess uou your courrss, (dubs ',mill 4114 1111" 1111 k 1,1101 ' Cluh rueul the l'st,Trial (ro11' ',hob have irerenrry master idoor fur (trahro)4e huiptorverereruh, 1111 1110111 1;1l1 OacictICNC,`, Wt,cc 111l1.01c'eiTc11 S011ie aCic 11110.441.° lolnr types oil ,Itarihrge 0001h0 e loo/1 [11 "1' 0)1(10 (11(1(1 The I1(.cPct1 "1 HAD N1)(ccircR's exoetly vve 1)1,rxr 111 112solve ervcr y one (10 Ow prr1hlehr cc1 011' 4w(lymtA0)e lookin0,, vi,^11(11e r'uticse ,11 411140 444 444111111e -441 11044141 411111411 144114 1011414' •1011,1 11,40(42 144 414111144"4414c 111414 lent liots chained 100)eillicci )'l)1,11 Blickc'C'ctig,11Cin 1he holm Perhaps tierirer rJIIrr rots 1.re (1,' (1.11 101,111 9,011C11 11",11 csIclicc,gfccsic'd ckC, 1(1)0)' 11a10e Wcchc ("Xi-LIN i‘kucc, v,rhr.rr 11,112 ru'lliorrelownts for the 000612 corn sc „ore. krursvri„ your h119) rotige plAinting 01101011011(110 iqc„ /00010 Kelly urrd 011o^1. ,Arri, ouitrers 011 Kolly Amr fir c,, (1 Cr ma d etn xol!i" ronrse. d roilitiry engin ce rhIlg epo, chf ax fir 10„ r tiler in" or rma ioer yrurr car1 wadi dwin (...5 14) 697./ V.111 ittfoOlix/i),ettuer.armir I