HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014-10-15-PB-min PLANNING BOARD MINUTES MEETING OF OCTOBER 15, 2014 A regular meeting of the Lexington Planning Board, held in the Selectmen’s Meeting Room, was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Chairman Charles Hornig, with members Nancy Corcoran- Ronchetti, Richard Canale, Timothy Dunn, and Ginna Johnson, and planning staff Maryann McCall-Taylor, Aaron Henry and Lori Kaufman present. **********************DEVELOPMENT ADMINISTRATION*********************** 83 Spring Street, Site Sensitive Development, Sketch Plan : On a motion duly made and seconded, it was voted, 4-0 (Mr. Canale recused himself), to accept the withdrawal of the application by the applicant. 28 Ward Street, street determination: The Board discussed the condition of Ward Street based on staff’s site visit in July/August and photos that were submitted. , On a motion duly made and seconded, it was voted5-0, that the portion of Ward Street providing frontage for Lot 29A of Map 72, was not presently of adequate grade and construction but will be, provided the improvements outlined below were completed:  Ward Street requires patching and overlaying from the existing joint in front of 28 Ward Street to the intersection with Ash Street as outlined in staff’s recommendations.  Any portion of Ward Street narrower than 20 feet and within 125 linear feet of the Ash Street intersection must be widened to 20 feet in a manner consistent with staff’s recommendations. **********************************ZONING*********************************** Banks in the Center: The Board discussed a draft letter to the Board of Selectmen (BOS) regarding Banks in the Center. The proposed letter explained that the Planning Board had been working on this matter over the summer and would like to move forward as quickly as possible, but needed input from the BOS on how to proceed. Board Members should review the proposed draft letter and submit any changes to staff. Mr. Hornig will speak with the BOS chair after the letter is sent. Page 2 Minutes for the Meeting of October 15, 2014 Government District: Staff reviewed a draft document regarding how towns and cities in the Boston area handle the zoning of open spaces to help create a zoning district that would include government-owned land, such as open space and other civic type uses. The Board was in favor of staff moving forward and fleshing out more information on uses in those districts, speaking with stake holders, and then returning to the Board for further discussion. **********************DEVELOPMENT ADMINISTRATION*********************** 495 Lowell Street, changes to the approved plan: Mr. Todd Cataldo, the applicant, was requesting two changes. The first was driven by an abutter who was opposed to the installation of a sidewalk in front of his property. After the Board considered the request it was determined that a sidewalk would be required, but they would consider some tweaks and Mr. Cataldo should submit plans for approval. A major concern was who would be responsible for drainage problems from the sidewalk if any did arise. That possible issue would be evaluated after plans are submitted. The second issue was a request by the applicant to remove the plantings of an evergreen hedge that would run along the project’s frontage. Staff determined that this request should be brought before the Board. After discussion with the Board it was determined that some plantings would still be required and Mr. Cataldo should come back with a revised landscape plan. On a motion duly made and seconded, it was voted, 5-0, that adjusting the size and location of the sidewalk and modifying the plantings would be minor changes and revised plans will be presented for approval at a later meeting. Keeler Farm Way, changes to the approved plan: Mr. Cataldo, the developer, was looking to move the development envelope on Lot E and would like to do an ANR to transfer a triangle of land from Lot D to Lot E. The developer put a corner stake in the wrong location and the owner of Lot D believed this portion of the parcel was her land and has erected a fence along that line. The concerns expressed by the Board were whether or not the special permit had to be modified, could this transfer be done by an ANR alone, and would that be clouding the title. Mr. Cataldo would consult with his attorney and get back to staff. Minutes for the Meeting of October 15, 2014 Page 3 **********************************ZONING*********************************** CD-9, 45-65 Hayden Avenue – Cubist Expansion: Mr. Robert Buckley, attorney and Mr. Brian Piekos, Senior Director, Corporate Finance of Cubist Pharmaceuticals, Inc., were present. Mr. Buckley explained that before filing a PSDUP with the Town for an expansion of Cubist at 45 & 65 Hayden Avenue they wanted to get input from the Planning Board. The applicant was looking to increase the FAR from .26 to .43 in phase two and then to .55 in phase three. The applicant explained the issue was growth and they needed to know if there was flexibility to allow this growth without having to return for another Town Meeting. The filing for an amendment to CD-9 would be done in early November and they wanted to come before the Planning Board before the filing to prevent having several updated PSDUPs. The applicant would be coming back to the Planning Board on November 5 for an informal meeting with fully vetted plans. Zoning Regulations, update with Mark Bobrowski: Mr. Bobrowski reviewed with the Board the first draft of the development regulations and will be meeting again with staff. Board Members should submit any comments to staff before that meeting and focus on organization and wording. ****************************BOARD REPORTS********************************** The Tree Committee wanted to place a restriction on a tax parcel sale to an abutter that trees not be taken down, which was downgraded to a recommendation. After that downgrade the Tree Committee suggested not selling that parcel to preserve the trees. *********************************MINUTES************************************ On a motion duly made and seconded, it was voted, 5-0, to approve the revised minutes of September 17, 2014. ***************************** BOARD SCHEDULING**************************** There will be meeting on November 5 regarding 11 Suzanne Road, 45 Hayden Avenue, 495 Lowell Street landscaping plan and Pine Meadows change to impervious surface on lot 1. A public forum will be held at the meeting on November 19 to inform the public about proposed changes to the zoning map. On a motion duly made and seconded, it was voted, 5-0, to adjourn at 9:27 p.m. Page 4 Minutes for the Meeting of October 15, 2014 The meeting was recorded by Lexmedia. The following documents used at the meeting can be found on file with the Planning Department:  Site Construction Plan for Keeler Farm Way, dated 10/12/11 (1 page).  Proposed letter from staff to the Board of Selectmen regarding banks in the center (1 page).  Image of a planned hedged for 495 Lowell Street (1 Page).  Letter from Kirk Avedisian, regarding 495 Lowell dated October 3, 2014 (1 page).  Five Photographs of 495 Lowell Street (5 pages).  Agenda item Summary and Staff Recommendation regarding Lowell Street (1 page).  Towns/Cities near Lexington with open space or Civic Use Districts (5 pages).  Agenda item Summary and Staff Recommendation regarding 28 Ward Street (1 page).  Three photographs of 28 Ward Street (3 pages).  Proposed Site plan regarding 45 & 65 Hayden Avenue Cubist expansion (1 page). Timothy Dunn, Clerk