HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014-12-01 BOSPacket-releasedHearing Assistance Devices Available on Request All agenda times and the order of items are approximate and subject to change. SELECTMEN’S MEETING Monday, December 1, 2014 Selectmen Meeting Room 7:00 p.m. AGENDA 7:00 p.m. PUBLIC COMMENTS (10 min.) Public comments are allowed for up to 10 minutes at the beginning of each meeting. Each speaker is limited to 3 minutes for comment. Members of the Board will neither comment nor respond, other than to ask questions of clarification. Speakers are encouraged to notify the Selectmen's Office at 781-698-4580 if they wish to speak during public comment to assist the Chairman in managing meeting times. 7:10 p.m. SELECTMEN CONCERNS AND LIAISON REPORTS (5 min.) 7:15 p.m. TOWN MANAGER REPORT (5 min.) 1. Appoint Town Clerk 7:20 p.m. ITEMS FOR INDIVIDUAL CONSIDERATION 1. Citizen Academy Graduation – Recognition and Photo (10 min.) 2. 2015 Tax Classification Hearing – 7:00 p.m. (30 min.) 3. Tax Deferral and Exemption Study Committee Presentation (10 min.) 4. Inn at Hastings Park – Request to Change Conditions of Liquor License (10 min.) 5. Update on the Cary Memorial Building Sidewalk (15 min.) 6. Tourism Committee Structure (10 min.) 7. Visitor Center Program and Renovations (10 min.) 8. Review Chamber of Commerce Agreement on Former Operation of Visitor Center (10 min.) 9. Update on Sidewalk Assessment and Improvement Options (20 min.) 10. Solar Task Force Discussion on Hartwell (15 min.) 11. Lions Club July 4th Carnival Discussion (10 min.) 12. Approve Coalition Agreement for Health Insurance Benefits (5 min.) 13. Approve Intermunicipal Agreement with Arlington for Compost Area (5 min.) 14. License Renewals (10 min.) 15. Selectmen Committee Appointments – Sustainable Lexington Committee (5 min.) 16. Set Dates for Local Election, Closing Warrant and 1st Session of Town Meeting for 2015 (5 min.) 17. Town Manager Appointment – Conservation Commission (5 min.) 10:25 p.m. CONSENT AGENDA (5 min.) 1. Water and Sewer Commitments and Adjustments 2. Approve Certificate for Flag Flown Over Battle Green for Army Retiree 3. Approve Selectmen Minutes 4. Approve Selectmen Executive Session Minutes 10:30 p.m. ADJOURN Budget Presentation Meetings are scheduled for: Monday, December 1, at 8:30 a.m.; Wednesday, December 3, at 9:30 a.m.; and Thursday, December 4, at 9:30 a.m. in the Selectmen Meeting Room. The next regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen is scheduled for Monday, December 15, 2014 at 7:00 p.m. in the Selectmen’s Meeting Room, 1625 Massachusetts Avenue. There is a Financial Summit 3/Budget Collaboration meeting scheduled for Thursday, December 11, 2014, at 7:00 p.m. in the Public Services Building, 201 Bedford Street. AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING DATE: STAFF: ITEM NUMBER: December 1, 2014 Melissa Jones I.1 SUBJECT: Citizens’ Academy Graduation EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The 6th Citizens’ Academy has concluded. Attached is the participant roster and schedule. We have invited the Academy participants to the Selectmen’s meeting for a brief discussion regarding their experiences. We will also ask the Selectmen to take a photo with the group. Some suggested discussion questions to raise with the participants:  For those of you who have lived in Lexington for a while, did you learn something new about the Town? For those who have recently moved here, did you learn something that you would like to explore further?  What were the highlights of the Academy?  Based on what you have learned in the Citizens’ Academy, would you consider volunteering for a Town board or committee in the future?  Now that you have learned how the Town works, do you have any questions for the Selectmen? FINANCIAL IMPACT: RECOMMENDATION / SUGGESTED MOTION: N/A STAFF FOLLOW-UP: Following the meeting with the Selectmen, staff will also be debriefing with the Citizens’ Academy participants. Date Topic Location Tuesday, September 23, 7pm‐9pm Introduction & Overview of the Town Town Office Building, 1625 Mass Ave, Selectmen Meeting Room Tuesday, September 30, 7pm‐9pm Economic Development, Community Development, & Planning Town Office Building, 1625 Mass Ave, Parker Room Tuesday, October 7, 7pm‐9pm Town Financials & Budget Town Office Building, 1625 Mass Ave, Parker Room Tuesday, October 14, 7pm‐9pm Public Works & Public Facilities Samuel Hadley Public Service Building, 201 Bedford Street, Cafeteria Tuesday, October 21, 7pm‐9pm Library & Recreation Cary Memorial Library, 1874 Massachusetts Avenue Tuesday, October 28, 7pm‐9pm Emergency Services & Emergency Planning Lexington Fire Station, 45 Bedford Street Wednesday, November 5, 7pm‐ 9pm Schools School Administration Building, 146 Maple Street, Lower Level Conference Room #2 Tuesday, November 18, 7pm‐9pm Police Services & Human Services Town Office Building, 1625 Mass Ave, Selectmen Meeting Room Tuesday, November 25, 7pm‐9pm Town Meeting & Town Clerk Town Office Building, 1625 Mass Ave, Selectmen Meeting Room Monday, December 1, 7pm‐9pm Board of Selectmen Meeting ‐Graduation!Town Office Building, 1625 Mass Ave, Selectmen Meeting Room 2014 LEXINGTON CITIZENS' ACADEMY SCHEDULE AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING DATE: 12/1/14 PRESENTER: Joe Pato ITEM NUMBER: I.3 SUBJECT: Tax Deferral and Exemption Study Committee Presentation EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Members of the Tax Deferral and Exemption Study Committee will be at your meeting to present tax relief mechanisms available to local residents. See attached draft information that may be revised slightly before the presentation on Monday. FINANCIAL IMPACT: RECOMMENDATION / SUGGESTED MOTION: STAFF FOLLOW-UP: Selectmen’s Office Tax Relief Programs for Lexington Property Owners and Renters 2014 Property Tax Relief Four Basic Types –Tax Exemptions –Senior Service Program –State Income Tax Credit (Circuit Breaker) –Tax Deferrals Tax Exemptions •Nine programs utilized in 2014 ‐for low income, the blind or disabled, and veterans ‐125 property tax reductions ranging from $175 to $1,000 ‐165 CPA Exemptions •Income based qualifications start at about $28,000/$45,000, with low assets •Need not be paid back Senior Service Program •Age 60 and up •Income up to $53,000/$55,000 •Earn up to $1,045/$1,330 applied to tax bill •30 seniors reduced their taxes by a total of $23,348 in 2014 Massachusetts Senior Circuit Breaker Tax Credit •Age 65 and up •Administered completely by the State •Refunds every dollar that property tax exceeds 10% of taxable income (or 25% of rent) •2014 benefit cap: $1,050 •2014 Income limit (based on 2013 income): $56K single, $70K head of household, $84K married •House value up to $691,000 (2013 valuation) •546 Lexington residents received average of $988. each Tax Deferrals offer the largest benefit to the greatest number of seniors of all tax relief programs Tax Deferrals •Frees up all or any part of tax obligation for other uses •Senior can never be forced to move or sell due to deferred tax •Other exemptions still apply Tax Deferrals •Age 65 and up •Gross income up to $65,000 •No house value or asset limit •Low simple interest rate fixed for the life of that year’s deferral •FY 2015 interest rate 0.12% •Opt in or out each year Tax Deferrals •29 households deferred a total of $221,479 in 2014 •Underutilized New Opportunities? •Local option improvements available for several existing programs –Add COLA, decrease interest rate •Two new programs available –Clause 41C ½ and Clause 57 –Significant pros and cons New Look at the Residential Exemption •Working Group of Appropriation and Tax Deferral and Exemption Study Committee •Can the Residential Exemption be used to soften the new shift in valuation? •Review and analysis underway •If adopted, effect not felt until FY 2016 AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING DATE: 12/1/14 PRESENTER: Joe Pato ITEM NUMBER: I.4 SUBJECT: Inn at Hastings Park Request to Change Conditions of Liquor License EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Trisha Kennealy and Trish Farnsworth, Attorney, will be at your meeting to request approval to amend the conditions of the Inn at Hastings Park liquor license. See the requested change and also a copy of the current conditions. See attached information. FINANCIAL IMPACT: RECOMMENDATION / SUGGESTED MOTION: STAFF FOLLOW-UP: Selectmen’s Office 1 Lynne Pease From:Farnsworth, Trish <TFarnsworth@lawson-weitzen.com> Sent:Wednesday, November 19, 2014 3:01 PM To:Lynne Pease Subject:Inn at Hastings Park / Artistry on Green Restaurant Lynne,    Below is language proposal to amend conditions on license:    Present language of License applicable to Restaurant Patrons:  “Patrons  7. Alcohol Service to and consumption by patrons is allowed only in the restaurant/dining room.”    Proposed replacement language applicable to Restaurant Patrons:  “Service and Consumption of Alcohol by Restaurant Patrons  7. Alcohol service to and consumption by patrons is allowed only in the restaurant dining room and waiting area  (which includes the service bar area), and only to patrons waiting to be seated in the dining room.  Appetizers  and hors d’oeuvres shall be available to patrons in the waiting area in accordance with the Regulations.”    The driver for this is that restaurant patrons / restaurant reviews etc. are seeking the ability to have a drink (with food  per Lexington regs) while waiting for a table.  I understand that many other restaurants in Lexington do offer this and  Artistry would like to be treated the same.  Currently, there is a bench in the foyer and that is where patrons  wait.  Trisha would like to put in and 8 stools at service bar in the bar area for them to wait and have a drink.   This is  really convenience for patrons waiting to have a drink and not to have full meal.  With the holidays rapidly approaching,  this would be nice to have in place for the holiday season.  Please note that this stools at bar is in no way a “bar” – this  waiting area is only for patrons waiting for table.       Thank you.  Trish      Trish Farnsworth  Partner | Lawson & Weitzen, LLP  88 Black Falcon Avenue, Suite 345 | Boston, MA  02210  Phone: 617.439.4990 | Fax: 617.439.3987  Email: tfarnsworth@lawson‐weitzen.com      THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS EMAIL IS INTENDED ONLY FOR THE PERSONAL AND CONFIDENTIAL USE OF THE DESIGNATED RECIPIENT(S) NAMED ABOVE. THIS MESSAGE MAY BE AN ATTORNEY-CLIENT COMMUNICATION AND AS SUCH IS PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL. IF YOU ARE NOT THE INTENDED RECIPIENT(S), BE AWARE THAT ANY DISLOSURE, COPYING AND/OR DISTRIBUTION OR USE OF THE CONTENTS OF THE EMAIL MESSAGE AND/OR ATTACHMENTS IS PROHIBITED. IF YOU HAVE RECEIVED THIS EMAIL IN ERROR, PLEASE NOTIFY US IMMEDIATELY BY EMAIL OR TELEPHONE. THANK YOU.   Conditions on Liquor License for Inn at Hastings Park Definitions 1. Alcohol Service: The placing of an order for an alcoholic beverage. 2. Alcohol Consumption: The drinking of an alcoholic beverage. 3. Inn Guest: An individual registered to stay overnight at the 22 guest rooms/suites. 4. Patron: Any customer of the Inn at Hastings Park who is not an Inn Guest. Conditions Inn Guests 1. Alcohol service shall be limited to the restaurant/dining room, the 22 guest rooms/suites and the three sitting rooms in the Main Inn; all as shown on the plans for the Inn submitted with this license application. 2. Alcohol service shall not be allowed on the Main Inn covered porch or patio adjacent to the Main Inn. 3. Alcohol consumption is permissible in the 22 guest rooms/suites and on the Main Inn covered porch or patio adjacent to the Main Inn, but shall not be allowed on the Main Inn covered porch or patio adjacent to the Main Inn after 9 PM. 4. Alcohol consumption on the Main Inn covered porch and patio adjacent to the Main Inn is allowed only if the alcohol service to the Inn Guest took place in the Main Inn sitting rooms and the Inn Guest transports such alcoholic beverages to the Main Inn covered porch and adjacent patio. Open alcoholic beverages may be transported to or from 22 guest rooms/suites, the Mulliken House or the Barn only by Inn staff. 5. Alcohol service and consumption is allowed within the hours of this license, subject to Condition 3 above, provided that food service is provided with the alcoholic beverage in accordance with the Regulations. 6. Food service in the Main Inn sitting rooms does not include ordering from the restaurant menu, Artistry on the Green. Food service in the Main Inn sitting rooms is intended to be an offering to the Inn Guests in connection with operation of the Inn. Such items may include, but are not limited to, muffins, breads, finger sandwiches, cookies, fruits, hors d'oeuvres and the like. Patrons 7. Alcohol service to and consumption by patrons is allowed only in the restaurant/dining room. September 6, 2013 AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING DATE: 12/1/14 PRESENTER: Joe Pato ITEM NUMBER: I.6 SUBJECT: Tourism Committee Structure EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The Tourism Committee is a By-Law committee charged with enhancing and promoting tourism within the Town. Because the By-Law provides for a range of members (7-12) and a number of these member slots are reserved for independent organizations which have not been participating, it has been difficult to achieve quorum (7 members) at meetings. The Tourism Committee has also taken the unusual role of supervising operational tasks such as running the Liberty Ride. This direct supervision of town functions should transition from a volunteer committee to town staff. The creation of an ad-hoc Tourism Operations Committee is a step in the transition to staffing these functions and is structured to be more likely to achieve quorum. The By-Law Committee will continue to provide strategic direction for promoting tourism, but will not be involved in operational issues. Attached is a draft charge for review. FINANCIAL IMPACT: RECOMMENDATION / SUGGESTED MOTION: STAFF FOLLOW-UP: Selectmen’s Office     Ad hoc Tourism Operations Committee  Members: 9 Members  Appointed by: Board of Selectmen  Length of Term: One Year   Appointments Made: December 15, 2014  Meeting Times: One meeting per month, or as needed  Staff: Economic Development / Tourism; Facilities Department  Liaisons: Board of Selectmen  Description: To oversee operations of tourism functions and transition those functions to staff control.   The work of the ad hoc Tourism Operations Committee will include, but not be limited to:  1. To oversee the development of Visitor Center Design Documents;  2. Oversight of the Liberty Ride;  3. Oversight of Battle Green Guide program;  4. Development of special events and programs such as Revolutionary Revelry.  The Chair shall be selected by the Board of Selectmen  Any and all recommendations of the Committee, including funding recommendations, shall be made  only to the Board of Selectmen unless the Selectmen direct otherwise. The Board of Selectmen may  choose whether to further these recommendations, including presenting the request to Town Meeting,  based on the Board’s determination of what is in the best interest of the community  Prior to serving as a member of this Committee, appointees are required to:  1. Acknowledge receipt of the Summary of the Conflict of Interest Statute. Further, to continue to serve  on the Committee the member must acknowledge annually receipt of the Summary of the Conflict of  Interest Statute. Said summary will be provided by and acknowledged to the Town Clerk.  2. Provide evidence to the Town Clerk that the appointee has completed the on‐line training  requirement required by the Conflict of Interest statute. Further, to continue to serve on the  Committee, the member must acknowledge every two years completion of the on‐line training  requirement.  Ref: Adopted by the Board of Selectmen on December XX, 2014.  Board of Selectmen voted to designate members as Special Municipal Employees on December XX,  2014.  AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING DATE: 12/1/14 PRESENTER: Joe Pato ITEM NUMBER: I.7 SUBJECT: Visitor Center Program and Renovations EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Ms. McKenna, Chair of the Tourism Committee, will be at your meeting to discuss the Tourism Committee’s proposed program and renovations for the Visitor Center. See attached memo from the Tourism Committee dated October 17, 2014. FINANCIAL IMPACT: RECOMMENDATION / SUGGESTED MOTION: STAFF FOLLOW-UP: Selectmen’s Office INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM TO: BOARD OF SELECTMEN FROM: LEXIGNTON TOURISM COMMITTEE SUBJECT: USE OF DESIGN FUNDS FOR VISITORS CENTER DATE: OCTOBER 17, 2014 CC: CARL VALENTE, TOWN MANAGER MELISA TINTACOLIS, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OFFICER In light of the recent transfer of the Visitors Services component of the Visitors Center to the Town, the Tourism Committee has reviewed the proposed program and goals set out in the June 3, 2013 Visitors Center Revised Programmatic Report at our meeting today. After that review, we now request that the Board of Selectmen consider approving the following three actions: 1. Approve the use of the Design Funds appropriated at the 2014 Annual Town Meeting for the Visitors Center. 2. Approve the programs and goals listed below for development, subject to revision by the Board of Selectmen as the public design process evolves. 3. Authorize the Tourism Committee to be the group to engage all stakeholders in the process, with assistance from the Town Manager and the Economic Development Director. The Program for the Visitors Center: 1. Customer service counter for welcoming and assisting multiple visitors simultaneously; 2. Orientation space to accommodate a typical tour bus group and for use during inclement weather; 3. Modern, sufficient, and easily accessible restrooms; 4. Redesigned rear entry from bikeway to attract guests; 5. Contemplative area for honoring Veterans with visual connection to exterior memorials; 6. Self-serve kiosk with materials in multiple languages; 7. Retail book and gift sales area; 8. Possible administrative space; and 9. Indoor table(s) and vending machine area; The Goals for the Visitors Center: 1. Informing and orienting visitors to maximize their desire and ability to learn about and Linger in Lexington; 2. Creating and extending a welcoming environment for visitors and residents; 3. Promoting economic opportunities to generate income for the Town, attractions, local businesses and organizations, thereby benefitting Lexington taxpayers; and 4. Designing the facility to accommodate the rapidly expanding international market.   AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING DATE: 12/1/14 STAFF: Lynne Pease ITEM NUMBER: I.10 SUBJECT: Solar Task Force Discussion on Hartwell EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Dan Voss, Bill Hadley and Bruce Haskell will update the Board on the Hartwell Solar Project and report on the operational analysis. They will also confirm that they should continue with the assessment process and submission of the ISA application. FINANCIAL IMPACT: RECOMMENDATION / SUGGESTED MOTION: STAFF FOLLOW-UP: Selectmen’s Office Solar Task Force Update Board of Selectmen Review December 01, 2014 Sustainable Lexington Committee Presentation The Hartwell Project –Status •Since we last met on November 17✔MOU with vendor executed✔Completed stage one of the site operational analysis. Consensus among the stakeholder team –Solar + Expanded Firing Range + existing Town uses will work! ✔Economic analysis underway –preliminary results show strong benefit to Town.✔Determined that an LOI is not required for submission of the Interconnection Services Agreement Application –on track for Dec lodgment per approach used for rooftop project. Today –Provide a report out on the operational analysis; confirm permission to continue with the assessment process and submission of the ISA application and request a return visit in Jan 2015 with a refined economic proposal. December 1, 2014 2 Evaluation of Alternative Site Uses Hartwell Avenue Landfill Site Lexington, Massachusetts Presentation to the Board of Selectmen December 1, 2014 3 Objectives of Operational Assessment •Can an economically feasible ground-mounted solar array be added at the Hartwell Avenue Landfill site? •How would current site operations change? •Can a potential new police firing range also be accommodated? •Will proposed canopy solar systems work over current operating areas? 4 Baseline Requirements •Allow 1.25MW rated output ground-mounted solar PV system + 0.5MW –1MW of canopy solar •Town uses have to be maintained •Residential drop-off including composting •Minuteman HHW facility •Emergency management and equipment storage •Police firing range •Lexington curbside leaf and yard waste composting •DPW material storage and processing •Minimize loss of area for composting from landscapers and Arlington curbside collection 5 Existing Site Uses 6 Concept Plan Development Approach •Compliant with MassDEP and Conservation Commission requirements •Assume a two-phase implementation with the first phase incorporating the proposed solar and phase two incorporating a possible future expanded police firing range •Phase 2 includes 100’ by 300’ area for police firing range plus 20’ buffer. Existing police firing range area filled and reused for compost operations. •Stakeholders (Police, DPW, Vendor and Taskforce) have agreed that the proposed solar site is not a suitable location for the firing range given it’s proximity to the bike path and Minuteman Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) drop off area. 7 Concept Plan Development Approach, continued •Process and remove existing stockpiles of surplus materials •Maximize current public works storage operations with bins – further refinement of layout and design required to define precise area requirements •Maintain up to 50,000 CY’s of leaf and yard waste composting •Maintain existing site traffic flow 8 Conceptual Solar PV Installation Solar Canopy Solar Canopy 9 Phase 1 -Proposed Site Uses 10 Note: All Lexington services maintained. Some reduction in space allocated to “Non-Lexington” materials. One option would be non-renewal / cancellation of Arlington curbside material (allowed for in the Arlington contract). Phase 2 –Baseline Solar Case 11 Phase 2/a –Max Solar Case Note: Expanding to 2.5MW for ground mounted system (Areas E-2 and F) allows for current Lexington curbside yard waste but requires significant scaling back of landscaper intake in addition to eliminating Arlington curbside materials. 12 Assessment Conclusions •Economic impact analysis of reduced “non Lexington” compost processing (Arlington) is underway. •Some reduction in total amount of space assigned to “non-Lexington” leaf and yard waste. Options include: •Reduce intake: •No longer accept Arlington materials (current preference)? •Reduce landscaper delivered quantities of “non Lexington” materials? (challenging to implement) •Enhance operations for more intensive or efficient use to maintain current quantities? •Cost analysis of the assumed civil works is to be completed. 13 Assessment Conclusions •Planned ground mounted solar PV installation of 1.25MW can be accommodated while still maintaining services to Lexington and Landscapers at current levels and accommodating a “Phase 2” expansion of the police firing range. •Proposed solar canopies of 0.5MW –1.0MW should work as shown. Need to confirm compatibility with ongoing operations. •Planned location of ground-mounted solar does not impact siting for the potential future expanded police firing range given proximity to public access (HHW Drop Off and Bike Path). 14 Sustainable Lexington Committee Presentation Summary / Next Steps / Request •Stakeholder group has reached consensus on the ability for solar to exist with current level of town services + a possible expanded firing range. Supporting analysis provided by trusted third party specialist. •Recommended Next Steps: •Vendor submit ISA application to NSTAR to capture position in queue. Note application does not bind the town and is at the developers expense and risk. •Continue financial / operational analysis to deliver economic case options to BOS in January 2015. •BOS Request: •Consent to continue forward with the development of the proposal which includes submission of the ISA later in Dec for a 3.5 MW total footprint (3.5 MW maintains optionality for the town –min submission would be 2.25MW). •Consent to engage local boards and committees including the Conservation Commission about the proposed project. •Consent to engage the Finance and Capital committees to review the economic analysis. •Permission to come back in early Jan with firmed numbers for presentation of recommendation on project scope/design 15December 1, 2014 AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING DATE: 12/1/14 PRESENTER: Joe Pato ITEM NUMBER: I.11 SUBJECT: Lions Club July 4th Carnival Discussion EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Doug Lucente will be at the meeting to discuss the carnival location for next year. See attached notes from a debrief meeting held July 22, 2014 and a copy of the Selectmen minutes from April 28, 2014 when you discussed and approved the 2014 Carnival. FINANCIAL IMPACT: RECOMMENDATION / SUGGESTED MOTION: STAFF FOLLOW-UP: Selectmen’s Office 1    Notes from Lions Club Debrief Meeting  Tuesday, July 22, 2014 at 9:00 a.m. – SMR    Town:  Capt. Manny Ferro (Police), Sergeant Christina Demambro (Police), Sergeant Colleen Dunbar  (Police), Chief Wilson (Fire), Karen Simmons (Recreation), Shawn Newell (Facilities), Dave Pinsonneault  (Public Works), Lynne Pease (Selectmen), Cathy Severance (Manager’s Office) and Linda Vine (Manager’s  Office)  Lion’s Club Members:  Doug Lucente, Paula Rizzo‐Riley, Dick Michelson, Alan Wrigley, Jonathan Doran &  John Lucente  In general the Lion’s Club representatives were pleased with this year’s event, even given the day they  closed for weather related issues.  Going into next year the Lion’s Club was asked to discuss the carnival location with the BOS in late  November or early December.  Department Comments:  Police:     Issue – Late arrival of carnival workers with bunk houses.  Some workers were sleeping outside  when children arrived for camp.  Resolution ‐ Police suggest that someone in upper‐management be present in the future and that they  tell workers where the trailers are supposed to be (spots were not marked this year).  Lions Club/DPW  will work on marking spots for next year.  Lions Club will make sure they find out exactly how many  trailers will be present (it was suggested that we may want to limit the number.)   Issue – proximity to kids at the High School with the workers (3 different camps going on at LHS).  Resolution – Police will attempt to have a police officer present at the beginning and end of camp  sessions.   Issue ‐ Tractor trailer should not be left (lower Hayden). It should be unloaded and then moved.   Issue ‐ Parking signs came down in the bad weather and Lion’s Club did not replace.   Issue – Lions Club said they had “Residents Only” A‐framed signs for Lincoln and Hastings.  They  think DPW may have them. Dave is going to see.  Fire:   Issue – Safety issues with the fireworks staff, fire department will handle for next year.  Arrival  time for the fireworks was an issue. In the future, they need to come after 12:00 noon.      2    DPW:   Issue – Dave reiterated that the fireworks set‐up to happen after 12:00, staff had to scramble to  put the fence in place.   DPW asked that the TMO block off 2 weeks prior and 2 weeks after the carnival to work on the  lawn.  This would be for larger events so they have adequate time to prepare the Park.   Damage to park was minimal due to placement of rides and having DPW staff on location when  the carnival arrived.  Recreation:  Everything worked out well regarding having proper signage in place and clean‐up after the fireworks.    Issue ‐ Fireworks truck damaged phone line and did not notify town.  Verizon repaired ‐ may be  a charge to the Lion’s Club.  Karen suggested that in the future, there should be a rain date for the Youth Games.  Facilities:   Issue ‐ Shawn would like to see a specific delivery time when the sleeping cars will arrive, a  better layout plan and additional supervision from carnival management.    Final Comments:  It was mentioned that inspectional services need to inspect both the carnival venue and also the  sleeping cars.  Some confusion this year on the part of the CD staff.  Linda will address with CD.      68-95 Selectmen’s Meeting – April 28, 2014 Ms. Mauger asked the Town Manager to discuss with the Streetscape Group the options that the Board talked about for the Cary Memorial Building sidewalks. The Selectmen will discuss the sidewalk materials again at a future meeting. Discuss the Lions Club Request for the 4th of July Carnival Ms. Rizzo-Riley and Mr. Lucente, representing the Lions Club, asked for permission to hold the 58th annual 4th of July Carnival at Hastings Park from July 1 through July 5, 2014. Mr. Lucente presented slides of the history and purpose of the carnival, the location history, the location review criteria, why the carnival needs to be held on grass, where the proceeds go, what caused the grass damage in 2012 and 2013, who attends the carnival, why the Lions Club is requesting Hastings Park, what is different for the 2014 carnival at Hastings Park and a schedule of events. Ms. Mauger stated the Selectmen heard from many residents predominantly asking that Hastings Park not be used because it diminishes the enjoyment of the park for the rest of the summer. The Board also heard from residents that do want the carnival held, but not at Hastings Park. Mr. Pinsonneault, Public Works Operation Manager, and Mr. Filadoro, Superintendent of Grounds, informed the Selectmen that a new irrigation system was scheduled to be installed before the Carnival. The work would include a drainage system. Public Works felt the new system would help in the recovery of Hastings Park after the Carnival. With the irrigation system installed sod could be used to repair the grass. The Selectmen were concerned about damage to the newly installed irrigation and drainage system by the Carnival. Public Works assured the Selectmen that the Carnival would not damage the new irrigation system because of how and where it is being located. Only possible damage would be to the rotary heads which can be quickly replaced. If requested they will look at the timing of installing the irrigation system prior to the carnival. Asked about the bandstand work that is planned for the fall and if the new irrigation system and grass would be impacted, Public Works said there was no impact. Mr. Cohen suggested that the irrigation system should not be installed until after the carnival and also after the bandstand work is complete. He is impressed with the many ways the Lions Club helps the community, but this may be the last year the carnival can be held at Hastings Park. Mr. Kelley wants the carnival to stay on Hastings Park. He hopes that one day soon the telephone poles can be removed also. The work to the bandstand will benefit the park. He is optimistic with the new irrigation and drainage system the Lions Club and the Town will be able to bring the grass back quickly this year. Mr. Leonard, 912 Mass. Avenue, Director of the Bicentennial Band, felt the issues with the park last year did not affect attendance at the summer concerts. He has no concerns and supports the carnival being located at Hastings Park. 68-96 Selectmen’s Meeting – April 28, 2014 Ms. Mauger asked about other options for the carnival. Ms. Lucente stated the High School parking lot is not possible because of the modular classrooms being installed this summer and also because of the lower attendance because of the hot asphalt; the size of the carnival also has to be smaller. The Minuteman Regional High School has not been looked at but there is concern about having fireworks near the highway. Hartwell Avenue has not been explored but would be difficult because most buildings are used during the day. Hayden Field has summer programs and is very swampy. The Farmers Market land is too small. The carnival needs to be centrally located and visible; it would get lost in the outskirts of town. Ms. Mauger has concerns about continuing the carnival at Hastings Park because of the more severe weather events happening and the Lions Club being able to deal with the recovery and costs. Mr. Shaw, President of the Rotary Club, sent an email to the Selectmen. He reminded the Board of the Lions good work and how much they have done for the community. He hopes the Selectmen will approve the request to use Hastings Park for the carnival. Ms. McKenna, Chair of the Tourism Committee, attended an Annual Tourism Team Training session and she reported that in 2010 the state indicated that $50 million was spent in Lexington; in 2012 it was $79 million. Events like the carnival bring people to Lexington to spent money. She asked the Board to think about the affect of Town facilities becoming unavailable for events and would like to have a discussion about how to plan for future events because of the projects that are currently impacting planning an event in Lexington. Mr. Deutsch, 6 Audubon Road, wants the carnival in Town but not on Hastings Park. He is concerned that if the carnival is held at Hastings Park in perpetuity, the park will no longer be an asset. He hopes the Selectmen will work with the Lions Club to find a permanent solution for location the carnival that is not Hastings Park. Ms. Meade 86 Meriam Street, agrees that the carnival should not be held in Hastings Park. The Lions Club should discuss next year’s carnival with the Selectmen this fall rather than waiting until April. It was suggested that the carnival be held on Worthen Road. Mr. Lucente has discussed that option and is not opposed to it, but it needs to be discussed further with Town departments. Ms. Lubershane, 2151 Mass. Avenue, does not want the carnival in Hastings Park and does not think it will matter if it is held on grass or asphalt. Mr. Lubershane, 2151 Mass. Avenue, thinks the Selectmen were not given enough time to review options for locating the carnival. 68-97 Selectmen’s Meeting – April 28, 2014 Ms. Sandy, 353 North Emerson Road, stated that Sam Doran sent an email to the TMMA list making the case for the carnival not to be held in Hastings Park because the park was given to the Town by the Cary Family for park purposes and that the carnival violates the intent of what the Cary Family wanted the land used for. Ms. Mauger stated that the Lions Club has worked with town and Town staff in good faith. She asked the Board how they wanted to proceed. Ms. Ciccolo feels alternative locations should be explored and the Lions Club should return to the Board in the fall with a new location request. She has heard citizens concerns for the park but is swayed by the central location and close proximity to the center for economic reasons. She is not convinced Worthen Road is the appropriate place for the carnival but it needs to be looked at. She is comfortable with the carnival being held at Hastings Park this year because of the installation of drainage and irrigation. She suggests that the irrigation be installed prior to the carnival and encourages that sod be used for repairs. She does not want to close down the carnival because it is a favorite activity of the community. Mr. Cohen agrees with Ms. Ciccolo but is bothered by doing the irrigation work prior to the carnival because of the damage from the carnival and the upcoming work on the gazebo. He wants to make sure the Lions Club comes before the Selectmen in the fall with a new location. Mr. Kelley said no one was happy with the damage to the park last year, but he is optimistic the installation of the drainage and irrigation systems will help. He wants the carnival accommodated and locations should be discussed much earlier next year. Mr. Pato believes if the Lions Club holds a debriefing in early fall to review the consequences of the carnival and how Hastings Park recovered and the steps that will be taken if the carnival were held there again he is more tolerant about holding the carnival there this year because of the irrigation and draining work to be done. Ms. Mauger reluctantly will agree to approve Hastings Park for the carnival this year. Worthen Road and the High School Parking Lot should be explored for next year’s carnival. She asked the Lions Club and staff to come earlier next year. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve the request of the Lions Club to hold the July 4th Carnival from Sunday, June 29, through Sunday, July 6, 2014 with the times as requested in the Lions Club letter dated April 19, 2014. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 5-0 to approve the request of the Lions Club to have lighting turned on until 11:30 p.m. from July 1 through July 7. 68-98 Selectmen’s Meeting – April 28, 2014 Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 5-0 to approve a fireworks display on Wednesday, July 2, 2014, at approximately 9:30 p.m., subject to approval of the fireworks vendor and safety precautions by the Fire Department. Board of Appeals Special Permit on il Casale Signage Ms. Mauger explained that a question was raised about whether were any Town regulations that regulated using “bar” on signage. Per Town Counsel there are no regulations that prohibit the use of “bar” on signage. A majority of the Selectmen do not have any concerns with establishments using the word “bar” in their signage. The Selectmen also have no authority to disapprove. The Selectmen are the Local Licensing Authority that approves liquor licenses and requires that food needs to be served with liquor. Mr. Kelley does not support using the word “bar” on signage because Lexington does not have bars in town. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 4-1 (Mr. Kelley opposed) to direct the Town Manager to direct the Building Commissioner to approve the signage as proposed by il Casale. Solar RFQ Update Mr. Voss, member of the Sustainable Lexington Committee Solar Task Force, and Mr. Newell, Assistant Director of Facilities, presented a slide show on the solar progress since the February 24 Selectmen meeting, providing information on the proposed solar provider Ameresco, buildings being evaluated for solar, proposed schedule, next steps for solar at the Hartwell Avenue compost facility and conclusions. The Solar Task Force’s dual solar RFQ process is moving forward strongly. The critical path rests with the buildings and schools. The Task Force requests permission to present the proposed scope and pricing for buildings to the Selectmen at their May 19 meeting to provide information on the scope and pricing for adding solar to school and municipal buildings and that at that time confirm with the Town Manager his authority to execute the Buildings EMS if favorable to the Town. Eight RFQ’s for the Hartwell Avenue recycling facility are in hand and the Working Group is entering the review phase. Mr. Pato is pleased with the progress but suggested because of the tight timeline that the Hartwell Avenue process be slowed down. Mr. Voss will review the timeline schedule and see if adjustments need to be made. AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING DATE: 12/1/14 STAFF: Lynne Pease ITEM NUMBER: I.14 SUBJECT: Approve License Renewals EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: You are being asked to approve renewals for Class I, II and III; Coin; Common Carrier; Common Victualler; Entertainment, Lodging/Innkeeper and liquor renewals for Package Stores, Clubs, Restaurants and Innkeepers. Most establishments have submitted the necessary paperwork for renewing their licenses. The attached list shows information I am still waiting for as of Wednesday, 11/26. I will update the information before the meeting on Monday. I ask that you approve and sign all the licenses for all the establishments and I will make sure I have all the necessary paperwork before I mail out the licenses before the end of December. If you have any questions on the licensing, let me know before the meeting. FINANCIAL IMPACT: RECOMMENDATION / SUGGESTED MOTION: Motion to approve the license renewals for 2015 as presented, subject to receiving all necessary information. STAFF FOLLOW-UP: Selectmen’s Office Licenses Renewals for 2015 Class 1 Lexington Toyota, Inc.complete 409 Mass. Avenue Class 2 A to Z Auto Wholesale waiting for proof of $25,000 bond 20 Vine Street Auto & Diesel Sales complete 75 Westview Avenue Autobahn East complete 436 Marrett Road Cheng Auto Sales missing all 70 School Street King's Auto missing all 66 Emerson Gardens Road Lexington Auto Center complete 1095 Mass. Avenue Lexington Auto Sales complete 542 Mass. Avenue Lexington Auto Service, Inc.complete 39 Bedford Street Minutementech Automotive, LLC approved 11/17/14 until 1/1/16 6 Fulton Road Scott the Car Guy, LLC complete 401 Lowell Street, Suite 1 Class 3 John P. Carroll Company, Inc.complete 700 Waltham Street Wednesday, November 26, 2014 Page 1 of 11 Coin Lexington Elks complete 959 Waltham Str., PO Box golf Lexington Elks complete 959 Waltham Str., PO Box juke box Lexington Post 3007 VFW missing $20 fee 2 Hayes Lane pool table Tio Juan's Margaritas Mexican Restaurant complete 438 Bedford Street juke box Waxy O'Connor's complete 94 Hartwell Avenue Pool Table Waxy O'Connor's complete 94 Hartwell Avenue Pool Table Common Carrier Joseph's Transportation, Inc.waiting for Liberty Ride vehicle inspection by Bill Ahearn 44 James Street BU19726 - BUS 280 -Liberty M&L Transit Systems, Inc.waiting for CORI forms and Police Inspection 60 Olympia Avenue BU21024 - Bus 161 M&L Transit Systems, Inc.waiting for CORI forms and Police Inspection 60 Olympia Avenue BU36762 - Bus 162 M&L Transit Systems, Inc.waiting for CORI forms and Police Inspection 60 Olympia Avenue BU36763- Bus 163 M&L Transit Systems, Inc.waiting for CORI forms and Police Inspection 60 Olympia Avenue BU10260 - Bus 160 Wednesday, November 26, 2014 Page 2 of 11 Common Victualler Alexander's Pizza complete 180 Bedford Street Aloft Lexington complete 727 Marrett Road - A Avenue Deli missing all 1806 Mass. Avenue Beijing Chinese Dining missing all 1709 Mass. Avenue Bertucci's Brick Oven Ristorante complete 1777 Mass. Avenue Bollywood Café missing all 135 Mass. Avenue Bruegger's Bagel Bakery complete 413 Waltham Street Dabin Restaurant complete 10 Muzzey Street Daikanyama Japanese Cuisine complete 43 Waltham Street Dunkin Donuts complete 317 Woburn Street Dunkin Donuts complete 141 Mass. Avenue Dunkin Donuts complete 10 Woburn Street Dunkin Donuts missing all 373 Waltham Street Element Lexington complete 727 Marrett Road - B Wednesday, November 26, 2014 Page 3 of 11 Fruitee Yogurt complete 1707 Mass. Avenue il Casale complete 1727 Mass. Avenue Inn at Hastings Park (Artistry on the Green) complete 2027 Mass. Avenue Ixtapa Cantina Mexican Family Restaurant complete 177 Mass. Avenue Knights of Columbus missing all 177 Bedford Street Lemon Grass Restaurant missing all 1710 Mass. Avenue Lexington Elks complete 959 Waltham Str., PO Box Lexington Golf Club complete 55 Hill Street Lexington House of Pizza missing all 399 Lowell Street Lexx Restaurant missing all 1666 Mass. Avenue Mario's Italian Restaurant complete 1733 Mass. Avenue McDonald's missing all 690 Marrett Way Minuteman Regional Vocational Tech. School Dist. complete 758 Marrett Road Wednesday, November 26, 2014 Page 4 of 11 Nick's Place complete, except for 2015 workers comp policy 197 Mass. Avenue Orange Leaf missing all 1726 Mass. Avenue Panera Bread complete 1684 Mass. Avenue Peet's Coffee & Tea missing all 1749 Mass. Avenue Pine Meadows Golf Club complete 255 Cedar Street Prime Roast Beef & Seafood missing all 321 Marrett Road TV Qdoba Mexican Grill #2780 complete 46 Bedford Street Quality Inn & Suites complete 440 Bedford Street Rancatore Ice Cream missing all 1752 Mass. Avenue Ride Studio Café missing all 1720 Mass. Avenue Royal India Bistro complete 7 Meriam Street Ruyi Restaurant missing all 27 Waltham Street Starbucks Coffee complete 1729 Mass. Avenue Starbucks Coffee complete 60 Bedford Street Wednesday, November 26, 2014 Page 5 of 11 Taipei Gourmet complete 211 Mass. Avenue The Upper Crust complete 41 Waltham Street Tio Juan's Margaritas Mexican Restaurant complete 438 Bedford Street Via Lago complete 1845 Mass. Avenue Vine Brook Tavern complete 20 Waltham Street Waxy O'Connor's complete 94 Hartwell Avenue Yangtze River Restaurant complete 21-25 Depot Square Wednesday, November 26, 2014 Page 6 of 11 Entertainment Aloft Lexington complete 727 Marrett Road - A Beijing Chinese Dining missing all 1709 Mass. Avenue Bollywood Café missing all 135 Mass. Avenue Element Lexington complete 727 Marrett Road - B il Casale complete 1727 Mass. Avenue Inn at Hastings Park complete 2027 Mass. Avenue Lemon Grass Restaurant missing all 1710 Mass. Avenue Lexx Restaurant missing all 1666 Mass. Avenue Prime Roast Beef & Seafood missing all 321 Marrett Road Ride Studio Café missing all 1720 Mass. Avenue Ruyi Restaurant missing all 27 Waltham Street Starbucks Coffee complete 60 Bedford Street The Upper Crust complete 41 Waltham Street Tio Juan's Margaritas Mexican Restaurant complete 438 Bedford Street Wednesday, November 26, 2014 Page 7 of 11 Via Lago complete 1845 Mass. Avenue Vine Brook Tavern complete 20 Waltham Street Waxy O'Connor's complete 94 Hartwell Avenue Liquor Club Knights of Columbus missing all 177 Bedford Street Lexington Elks complete 959 Waltham Str., PO Box Lexington Golf Club complete, except fire to sign Certificate of Inspection 55 Hill Street Lexington Post 3007 VFW waiting for alcohol awareness training card, Certificate of Inspection, fire signature for inspectio 2 Hayes Lane Wednesday, November 26, 2014 Page 8 of 11 Liquor Common Victualler Beijing Cuisine missing all 1709 Mass. Avenue Bertucci's Brick Oven Ristorante complete 1777 Mass. Avenue Dabin Restaurant waiting for Certificate of Inspection 10 Muzzey Street il Casale complete 1727 Mass. Avenue Ixtapa Cantina Mexican Family Restaurant complete 177 Mass. Avenue Lemon Grass Restaurant missing all 1710 Mass. Avenue Lexx Restaurant complete 1666 Mass. Avenue Royal India Bistro waiting for Certificate of Inspection 7 Meriam Street Ruyi Restaurant missing all 27 Waltham Street Tio Juan's Margaritas Restaurant complete 438 Bedford Street Via Lago complete, fire to sign Certificate of Inspection 1845 Mass. Avenue Vine Brook Tavern waiting for Certificate of Inspection 20 Waltham Street Waxy O'Connor's waing for Certificate of Inspection 94 Hartwell Avenue Wednesday, November 26, 2014 Page 9 of 11 Yangtze River Restaurant complete 21-25 Depot Square Liquor Innholder Aloft Lexington complete 727 Marrett Road - A Element Lexington waiting for original renewal application, drivers license 727 Marrett Road - B Liquor Innkeeper Inn at Hastings Park (Artistry on the Green complete 2013-2027 Mass. Avenue Liquor Retail Package Goods Store Apex Wine and Spirits, LLC waiting for alcohol awareness training card for manager 46E Bedford Street Berman's Wine & Spirits complete 55 Mass. Avenue Busa Brothers Liquors, Inc.complete 55 Bedford Street Vinebrook Bottle Shop complete 131 Mass. Avenue Liquor Wine and Malt Daikanyama Japanese Cuisine complete 43 Waltham Street Taipei Gourmet waiting for Certificate of Inspection 211 Mass. Avenue The Upper Crust complete 41 Waltham Street Wednesday, November 26, 2014 Page 10 of 11 Lodging/Innkeeper Aloft Lexington complete 727 Marrett Road - A Element Lexington complete 727 Marrett Road - B Inn at Hastings Park complete 2013-2027 Mass. Avenue Quality Inn & Suites complete 440 Bedford Street Wednesday, November 26, 2014 Page 11 of 11 AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING DATE: 12/1/14 PRESENTER: Joe Pato ITEM NUMBER: I.15 SUBJECT: Selectmen Committee Appointments EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The Sustainable Lexington committee has requested that Marcia Gens be appointed. See attached information. FINANCIAL IMPACT: RECOMMENDATION / SUGGESTED MOTION: Motion to appoint Marcia Gens to the Sustainable Lexington Committee to fill the unexpired term of Sarah Wilson until September 30, 2015. STAFF FOLLOW-UP: Selectmen’s Office AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING DATE: 12/1/14 STAFF: Lynne Pease ITEM NUMBER: I.16 SUBJECT: Set Date for Closing Warrant for 2015 Annual Town Meeting Set Date for Local Election in March 2015 Set Date for First Session of the 2015 Annual Town Meeting EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Suggested dates are: December 29 Close Warrant March 2 Local Election for 2015 March 23 1st Session of 2015 Annual Town Meeting FINANCIAL IMPACT: RECOMMENDATION / SUGGESTED MOTION: Motion to close the warrant to citizen articles for the 2015 Annual Town Meeting on December 29, 2014. Motion to set the date for the Local Election for Monday, March 2, 2015. Motion to set the date for the 1st session of the 2015 Annual Town Meeting for Monday, March 23, 2015. STAFF FOLLOW-UP: Selectmen’s Office 111/26/2014 1:19 PMselectmen'sSu Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa1234567 8 9 10 11 12 1314 15 16 17 18 19 2021 22 23 24 25 26 2728 29 30 31December 2014Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa1234567891011 12 13 14 15 16 1718 19 20 21 22 23 2425 26 27 28 29 30 31January 2015December 2014Nov 30Dec 1234568:30am Budget Presentations7:00pm BOS Meeting9:30am Budget PresentationsPeter-vacation9:30am Budget Presentations78910111213Peter-vacation7:00pm Community InfoSession-FY15 Valuations &Tax Rate (Clarke Auditorium)7:00pm Summit 314151617181920Peter-vacation7:00pm BOS (SMR)21222324252627Christmas28293031Jan 1, 1523Close WarrantSUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 211/26/2014 1:19 PMselectmen'sSu Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa1234567891011 12 13 14 15 16 1718 19 20 21 22 23 2425 26 27 28 29 30 31January 2015Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa12345678 9 10 11 12 13 1415 16 17 18 19 20 2122 23 24 25 26 27 28February 2015January 2015Dec 28293031Jan 1, 1523New Year's Day45678910111213141516177:00pm BOS (SMR)7:00pm Proposed Summit 418192021222324MLK Holiday252627282930317:00pm BOS (SMR)SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 311/26/2014 1:19 PMselectmen'sSu Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa12345678 9 10 11 12 13 1415 16 17 18 19 20 2122 23 24 25 26 27 28February 2015Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa12345678 9 10 11 12 13 1415 16 17 18 19 20 2122 23 24 25 26 27 2829 30 31March 2015February 2015Feb 123456789101112131410:00pm BOS (SMR)15161718192021Holiday-Pres.Day7:00pm Proposed Summit 5222324252627287:00pm BOS (SMR)SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 411/26/2014 1:19 PMselectmen'sSu Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa12345678 9 10 11 12 13 1415 16 17 18 19 20 2122 23 24 25 26 27 2829 30 31March 2015Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa123456789101112 13 14 15 16 17 1819 20 21 22 23 24 2526 27 28 29 30April 2015March 2015Mar 1234567Local Election8910111213147:00pm BOS (SMR)15161718192021222324252627286:00pm BOS (TBD)7:00pm 1st Session of ATM (LHS Auditorium)6:00pm BOS (TBD)7:00pm ATM (LHS Auditorium)293031Apr 12346:00pm BOS (TBD)7:00pm ATM (LHS Auditorium)SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 511/26/2014 1:19 PMselectmen'sSu Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa123456789101112 13 14 15 16 17 1819 20 21 22 23 24 2526 27 28 29 30April 2015Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa12345678910 11 12 13 14 15 1617 18 19 20 21 22 2324 25 26 27 28 29 3031May 2015April 2015Mar 293031Apr 12346:00pm BOS (TBD)7:00pm ATM (LHS Auditorium)5678910116:00pm BOS (TBD)7:00pm ATM (LHS Auditorium)6:00pm BOS (TBD)7:00pm ATM (LHS Auditorium)121314151617186:00pm BOS (TBD)7:00pm ATM (LHS Auditorium)6:00pm BOS (TBD)7:00pm ATM (LHS Auditorium)19202122232425Patriots Day2627282930May 126:00pm BOS (TBD)7:00pm ATM (LHS Auditorium)6:00pm BOS (TBD)7:00pm ATM (LHS Auditorium)SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON BOARD OF SELECTMEN MEETING DATE: 12/1/14 PRESENTER: Joe Pato ITEM NUMBER: C.2-4 SUBJECT: Consent EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: 2. Sign Certificate for flag flown over the Battle Green on November 26, 2014, for Army Captain Justin M. Fitch, who is retiring after 9 years of service. 3. Approve the minutes of October 20, 2014 and November 3, 2014. 4. Approve the executive session minutes of November 17, 2014 See attached information. FINANCIAL IMPACT: RECOMMENDATION / SUGGESTED MOTION: Motion to approve the Consent Agenda. STAFF FOLLOW-UP: Selectmen’s Office