HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014-10-31-Bridge-min SITE COUNCIL 10/31/14 ATTENDANCE: Bronte Abraham, Lynnette Allen, Nimisha Asthagiri, Russ Bosbach, Angela Chang, Lee Noel Chase, Meg Collela, Betsy Conway, Julia Mabbuchi, Susan Orenstein, Naomi Priver, Deb Sabin, Deidre Schadler, Debbi Side, Roxana Spitaleri-Risso Guest: Erin Maguire, Jean Kelly, Jessica Caverly I.I ntroduction A.will email dates of meetings, agendas II.Literacy (look against national norms; also check against Lexington) A.DRA 1.what level they are at, to have independent level book focused on that level; kids can decode books but not always comprehend at the higher level 2.evaluations take 15 min K- half way thru 2nd; end of 2nd thru 5 takes about 40 min each child 3.do 3 evaluations each year B.AIMS web 1.how many words/min, comprehension assessment, read out-loud, writing Ñuency (give sentence starter then Ðll in the blank for 3 min) C.On Demand Writing Prompts 1.3 times/year have assessments 2.across the system have same prompt 3.earlier this year Bridge paired with Fiske and mixed in all the students and review across, different teachers review 4.Bridge has been doing this for 7 years 5.Teachers College from Columbia University is running a professional development this year to help/teach the teachers D.Running Records 1.all year long, teachers do quick check-in of listening to children read aloud E.DeFord Dictation 1.K-2 spelling, twice a year, takes 10 min F.Words Their Way Spelling Inventory 1.Gr 3-5, whole class twice a year, about 20 min informal assessments throughout the year of teachers touching base with the kids also state assessments, MCAS Gr 3-5 III.Math A.End of Unit Math Assessments, Gr 1-5 1.at end of unit assess, are District wide developed and implemented 2.as opposed to in past Ðnished unit and moved on, if still needs work will continue to have assistance in the unit B.AMC Anywhere 1.online assessment, Gr K-2; have to do it 4 times/year 2.also oral component 3.met with local peer groups and set norms; not nationally normed 4.helps teachers plan the teaching, form small groups, give extra intervention 5.have a set of books for the teachers to have activities for particular students 6.all about early number sense, getting them where they need to be C.Universal Screening Pilot 1.didnÈt have anything for Gr 3-5, as AMC Anywhere was K-2, to look for number sense older grades 2.developed over the summer 3.focus on number relationship and computation, based on results will change instruction 4.is still very much a pilot program Data teams, have everyone who works with the kids get together, about 25 people in the room recently to talk about the kids for 2 days 5 times/year they meet and go through all the grades talk about kids about whom have concerns Ä not challenging enough or are not progressing, but not all the students pretty much all across the district doing the data teams how do parents know about the results, is it useful to parents to know DRA level Betsy says at conference she says at conferences shares if meets benchmarks, then also not speciÐc DRA levels but the level of books to help them pick books may be helpful to know some information up front, so know what to ask at conferences also provide list of terms they use, so parents can understand what is being said at conference may have meeting/PTA Coffee and provide samples of questions, speak to parents messaging to kids is pretty good, know what bin they pick a book from see groups are Ñuid, people change in reading groups for example data analysis of the results across the district and readjust teaching strategies Monday School Committee meeting, addressing modulars Ä have to have Town Meeting in November if want modulars for next year at Bridge Meg thinks of ofÐces other idea is take music/art rooms away Next meeting Fri 11/21/14