HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014-11-7-LexMedia-QuarterlyReport-Q1-July14-Sept14 Executive Director Florence DelSanto Board of Directors David Ilsley Chair James Shaw Vice-Chair Tim Counihan Treasurer Colleen Smith Secretary Kathleen Bell Steve Isenberg Fred Johnson William Kofoed Jeffrey Leonard Betsy Reynolds Sue Rockwell Ephraim Weiss November 7, 2014 Carl F. Valente, Town Manager Town of Lexington 1625 Mass Ave Lexington, MA 02420 Dear Carl: Pursuant to Exhibit A Section 13:Reporting Requirements of the contract between the Town of Lexington and LexMedia for the period July 1, 2014 to June 30, 2017, please find attached LexMedia Report for FY2014Q1 and supporting documents. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. Sincerely, Florence DelSanto Executive Director, LexMedia 1001 Main Campus Drive, Lexington MA 02421, 781-862-5388    LexMedia     FY2015Q1  Report  July-­‐Sept  2014     FY2015Q1 Highlights We are seeing an increase in the number of middle and high school students using the LexMedia facilities. We had four interns this summer, all from Lexington schools. The students helped with all aspects of studio and field productions: creating content, operating cameras, and editing. There were15 students, full capacity, for our summer movie class and in September we have started training 30 students at Diamond Middle School for a journalism project. In this first quarter we also produced 6 episodes of a new cooking series titled, “What’s Cooking?” We covered the July 4th fireworks and celebrations, summer concerts and softball games. “Coffee With the Candidates” was back by popular demand, the interview show we produce to spotlight the candidates for selectmen and school committee. A member started a “man on the street” interview show where she asks residents to comment on current town-wide issues. We also continue to contribute stories for the regional news show, “Local Focus.” I’m happy to report that we have fulfilled our contract obligations for coverage of government meeting and that the RCN HD channel is now fully functional. a) Fundraising Targets LexMedia’s fundraising target for the year is set at $11,500. We raised over $4,000 in the first quarter and we are on target to meet the goal for FY2015. FY2015 Q1 Fundraising Target FY2015   Q1CACReport      2   b) Statistics on Number of Residents Trained, TOWN Board and Committee Members Trained LexMedia trained 61 volunteers in this quarter. The majority of them are students. There was no training for Town Board and Committee members in Q1FY2015. FY2015 Q1 Volunteer Training c) Number of Hours by Type of Programming (Public, Education, Government, and LexMedia or non-LexMedia produced programming) LexMedia hours of programming continue to be stable. We average 100 hours of programing per quarter on the Government channel, 130 hours on the Public channel and 35 hours on the Education channel. We are slightly low on the Education channel this quarter, due to the break in school activities and other community sponsored events over the summer. Programs that were filmed in the summer are still in productions so they are not counted in Q1 programming. Below is a breakdown of all LexMedia produced and non-LexMedia produced first run program hours for each channel. Each program was repeated at least three times as required by our contract. FY2015   Q1CACReport      3   FY2015 Q1 Programming d) LexMedia required meetings and additional non-required government meetings. LexMedia covered all required government meetings for the quarter a total of 21. We also covered an additional 19 meetings from July - September. They have all been indexed and are available for viewing on our Lexmedia.org On Demand site. Here is the breakdown of required meetings: Board of Selectmen 5 School Committee 10 Planning Board 6 Here is the breakdown of non-required meetings: Board of Appeals 5 Conservation Com. 8 Historic Districts 3 Historical Com. 3 e) The number of On Demand programs available, year to date. Numbers of On Demand viewers for the rolling last 13 months. LexMedia added a total of 82 programs to the On Demand site for this quarter. We now have over 1,800 programs available for On-Demand viewing. FY2015   Q1CACReport      4   Total Number of On-Demand Programs The chart below shows the number of On Demand viewers and hits for the rolling last 13 months. You can see that September FY2015 shows an increase over the September FY2014 number. FY2015 Q1 On-Demand Views Month Unique Visitors Hits Sep-14 284 1570 Aug-14 568 5526 Jul-14 327 1647 Jun-14 373 1328 May 14 311 1142 Apr-14 344 1326 Mar-14 332 1271 Feb-14 429 1507 Jan-14 482 1377 Dec-13 540 1289 Nov-13 467 1431 Oct-13 406 1105 Sep-13 186 528 FY2015   Q1CACReport      5   f) Equipment Purchased During the Quarter and Cost of Each Item Below are the capital and equipment purchased in FY2015 Q1. FY2015Q1    Date  Capital  Item  Cost   7/7/2014  Down  payment  air  conditioning  in  edit  room    $                4,750.00     9/14/2014  2  mics  for  library  meeting  room    $                1,271.60     9/24/2014  Final  payment  air  conditioning  in  edit  room    $                4,750.00     Total        $          10,771.60     g) Complaints Received During the Quarter and Their Dispositions. There was one complaint this quarter from a resident, Susan Alyn. It does not appear on the website because the complaint was made by email. The LexMedia BOD has answered her complaint and she has been in touch with the CAC chairman. The compliment & complaint log has been updated on lexmedia.org. The link to the compliment and complaints page on our website is below: http://www.lexmedia.org/view-compliments--complaints.html Additional: LexMedia Operating Expenses Below is a chart showing LexMedia operating expenses for FY2014 Q4. LexMedia Operation Expenses    FY  2015  Q1  Total   Personnel  Expenses   $    57,897.42  $              57,897.42     Employee  Benefits  $    12,508.89    $              12,508.89     Outside  Services  $        3,601.79    $                  3,601.79     Occupancy  Expenses   $      2,379.74    $                  2,379.74     Studio  Operating   Expenses  $      2,553.43    $                  2,553.43     General  $17,907.77    $              17,907.77     Total  $96,849.04    $              96,849.04