HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021-04-21-HC-min HISTORICAL COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES April 21s'2021 Call to Order: A public hearing of the Historical Commission was held remotely through Zoom. The meeting convened at 7:03PM. Historical Commission Members in Attendance: Marilyn Fenollosa, Chair, Wendall Kalsow, Acting Chair, David Kelland, Susan Bennett and Robert Rotberg, Others in Attendance: Bob Creech, Planning Board Liaison AGENDA ITEM #1 (7:08PM) Public hearing regarding the partial building demolition and roofline change at 53 Grant Street APPLICANT (S) PRESENT: Amy Nastasi, Architect Thara Pillai Homeowner ABUTTER(S) PRESENT: Pamela Lyons, 51 Grant Street Marci Lidman, 63 Grant Street Paolo Cassano and Teresa Rocha Ruiz, 47 Grant Street DOCUMENT(S): Existing and proposed plot plan Existing and proposed elevations SUMMARY: Ms. Pillai loves the home and the neighborhood, Ms. Nastasi understood the historical significance of the house and kept it intact. Ms. Pillai did not want to take up a lot of the yard that the family uses. This project was approved by the Historical Commission previously but due to cost, some changes have been made. Ms. Nastasi is proposing a similar plan that was previously approved but is changing the access to the garage and taking about ten feet off the garage. All materials will be matching to the existing house. HC COMMENTS: Mr. Kalsow become acting chair when Ms. Fenollosa lost power. Ms. Pursley thanked the applicants for putting in the work and being creative in order to preserve the integrity of the house. PUBLIC COMMENTS: -Ms. Lyons is a neighbor and fully supports the revised plans. The homeowners engaged with the neighborhood and they have hosted many outdoor neighborhood gatherings -Ms. Lidman also fully supports the changes they want to make to the home. -Mr. Cassano also fully supports the project. Ms. Rocha-Ruiz also appreciated that the owners considered the neighbors throughout this process MOTION: Moved by Ms. Pursley to find 53 Grant Street preferably preserved and approve the partial demolition and roofline change based on the plans presented to the meeting tonight reviewed by the Commission in the meeting. Seconded by Mr. Rotberg VOTE: 5-0 In favor of partial building demolition and roofline: Ms, Pursley, Mr. Rotberg, Mr. Kelland, Ms. Bennett and Mr. Kalsow. AGENDA ITEM #2 (7:27PM) Public hearing regarding the full building demolition at 15 Washington Street APPLICANT (S) PRESENT: Stephen Stratford, representing homeowner John Berglund ABUTTER(S) PRESENT: None DOCUMENT(S): Photos of the existing house SUMMARY: Mr. Stratford is looking to demolish the home at 15 Washington Street. The home is located in the Percy/Munroe Hill area but the home itself does not have any architectural or historical features. Mr. Stratford is proposing a shingle style colonial home to help fit with the neighborhood. HC COMMENTS: Ms. Bennett said the style of the home was Dutch Colonial, which is a very characteristic style of the neighborhood. Mr. Kelland said the bylaw requires certain efforts to be made before demolition can be allowed. Ms. Bennett asked if this property was ever marketed to the general public or was it sold directly to the developer. Mr. Stratford said the home was not marketed. PUBLIC COMMENTS: None MOTION: Moved by Ms. Pursley to find 15 Washington Street preferably preserved and to impose a one year demolition delay expiring April 21"2022. Seconded by Mr. Kelland VOTE: 5-0 In favor of imposing 12 month demolition delay: Ms, Pursley, Mr. Kelland, Ms. Bennett, Mr. Rotberg and Mr. Kalsow. AGENDA ITEM #3 (7:46PM) Public hearing regarding the partial building demolition and roofline change at 7 Angier Road APPLICANT (S) PRESENT: David King, Architect Zenglong Qu, Homeowner ABUTTER(S) PRESENT: None DOCUMENT(S): Existing and proposed elevations dated 3/10/2021 SUMMARY: Mr. King told the Commission his client loves the open feel and design of the home at 7 Angier Road but would like to more space for their family. Mr. King went over proposed plans at 7 Angier Road. The proposed addition would be in the back of the house so that it would not block the original historic house. . HC COMMENTS: Mr. Kalsow asked how much taller is the addition than the roofline from the existing house. Mr. King said about thirteen feet. Ms. Fenollosa was troubled by the proposed plans. Ms. Fenollosa lives in a similar Walter Pierce home and her home was also expanded and appropriate additions can be made. The proposed plans are out of proportion and the design is inappropriate and not in keeping with the historic house. The Commission agreed. Mr. King requested to be continued to the meeting next month with changes to the design. AGENDA ITEM #4 (8:05PM) Public hearing regarding the partial building demolition and roof line change at 5 Constitution Road. Ms. Fenollosa came back on Zoom and resumed as Chair. APPLICANT (S) PRESENT: Andrew and Christina Grant, Homeowner Rick Ames, Architect ABUTTER(S) PRESENT: Aimee Boulay and Shawn Movessian, 7 Constitution Road Jerome Fanucci, 4 Constitution Road DOCUMENT(S): Existing and proposed elevations dated 7/28/2021 Existing photos of the house SUMMARY: Mr. Grant loves the home and neighborhood and is proposing to put on an addition above the garage to give the family more space and correct some of the parking deficiencies while retaining the look and style of the house. Mr. Ames described the proposed elevations with the Commission. HC COMMENTS: Mr. Kalsow is pleased to see the home is not being demolished but would like to see a distinction from the addition and original home, but would support this. Mr. Kalsow suggested trying to have some roofline differentiation between the original house and the addition that could be modest but would help the two read slightly different from each other. Mr. Kelland agreed with Mr. Kalsow that the new dormer overwhelms the two existing dormers that are there now and feels the windows are unrelated to the existing house. The Commission agreed. PUBLIC COMMENTS: -Ms. Boulay and Mr. Movessian expressed their support for the project. -The Fanucci Family also expressed their support for the project. Mr. Ames requested to be continued to the meeting next month with changes to the proposed plans. AGENDA ITEM # 5 (8:25PM) Update on 4 Chase Avenue - This project came to the Commission in 2020 and was approved. The applicant has made some minor changes and wanted to see if the changes would require a new formal hearing. Mr. Eisenman is proposing to move a window to accommodate a bathroom. Mr. Kalsow feels this is minor enough that this should not require a formal hearing. The Commission agreed. No further action is needed. AGENDA ITEM #6 (8:34PM) Possible National Register listing for 12 Summit Road -Mr. Kalsow went over updates regarding 12 Summit Road. Chris Connor has done significant research on 12 Summit Road and found information regarding the work done on the property, the landscape and the observation tower. Preservation Consultant Lisa Mausolf has been hired to help draft the CLG National Register nomination form. The nomination form will need to be approved by the Commission before MHC can approve it. Ms. Mausolf went over the forms with the Commission. The Commission applauded Ms. Mausolf and Ms. Connor for their efforts. The homeowner of 12 Summit Road will be going to the Planning Board April 281h to present proposed development plans. -Alexandra Bartsch of 205 Follen Road is aware of the historical significance of 12 Summit Road and feels it's a treasure to Lexington and hope it can be put on the National Register. -William Widnall of 22 Summit Road expressed concerns regarding the grounds at 12 Summit Road. Ms. Fenollosa said the demolition delay bylaw only pertains to buildings. -A motion was made by Ms. Pursley to accept the CLG National Register nomination form recommend it to the MHC to consider 12 Summit Road eligible for listing on the National Register. Seconded by Mr. Rotberg. 4 in favor of accepting CLG report: Ms. Pursley, Mr. Rotberg, Mr. Kelland and Ms. Fenollosa with Mr. Kalsow abstaining. The Commission will also write a letter to the Planning Board expressing the significance of the house and the landscape and request that the Planning Board save the property. -A motion was made by Mr. Rotberg to approve a letter to send to the Planning Board. Seconded by Mr. Kelland 4 in favor of letter: Mr. Rotberg, Mr. Kelland, Ms. Pursley and Ms. Fenollosa with Mr. Kalsow abstaining. AGENDA ITEM #7 (9:18PM) Appointment of HC members to the Turning Mill NCD -A motion made by Mr. Kalsow to appoint Ms. Pursley and Ms. Fenollosa to the Turning Mill NCD. Seconded by Mr. Kelland. 5-0 in favor of appointments: Mr. Kalsow, Mr. Kelland, Mr. Rotberg, Ms. Pursley and Ms. Fenollosa AGENDA ITEM #8 (9:20PM) Updates -Ms. Fenollosa went over updates regarding the Stone Building Meeting. AGENDA ITEM #9 (9:21PM) Vote to accept meeting minutes dated March 17'h 2021 - Motion made by Mr. Rotberg to approve minutes dated March 17'h 2021 as amended. Seconded by Mr. Kalsow 4 in favor of approving minutes: Mr. Rotberg, Mr. Kalsow, Mr. Kelland, Ms. Fenollosa with Ms. Pursley abstaining. AGENDA ITEM #9 (9:22PM) Motion to adjourn made by Mr. Kalsow. Seconded by Mr. Kelland 5-0 favor to adjourn Mr. Kalsow, Mr. Kelland, Ms. Fenollosa, Ms. Pursley and Mr. Rotberg Adjourn.