HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021-01-20-HC-min HISTORICAL COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES January 201h 2021 Call to Order: A public hearing of the Historical Commission was held remotely through Zoom. The meeting convened at 7:02PM Historical Commission Members in Attendance: Marilyn Fenollosa, Chair, David Kelland, Wendall Kalsow, Diane Pursley, Susan Bennett and Robert Rotberg AGENDA ITEM #1 (7:07 PM) Public hearing regarding the roofline change at 456 Concord Avenue APPLICANT (S) PRESENT: Neil Williams, Contractor Rina Okawa, Architect ABUTTER(S) PRESENT: None DOCUMENT(S): Proposed plans dated 1/20/2021 SUMMARY: Mr. Williams went over proposed plans for 456 Concord Avenue. The homeowners would like to add a second floor addition above the family room. The homeowners decided to scale back the project due to wetlands in the area. Mr. Williams is now proposing to make the family room floor level with the rest of the house by bringing up the roofline to match the existing ceiling height inside the kitchen. HC COMMENTS: The Commission expressed concerns over the height of the roofline and wanted clarification regarding the proposed work. The Commission recommended Mr. Williams come back next month with additional information including existing and proposed elevations. PUBLIC COMMENTS: None A motion was made by Ms. Bennett to continue the public hearing regarding the roofline change at 456 Concord Avenue. Seconded by Mr. Kelland 6-0 In favor of continuation: Ms. Bennett, Mr. Kelland, Mr. Rotberg, Mr. Kalsow, Ms. Pursley and Ms. Fenollosa. The hearing will be continued to next month when the applicant has updated information. AGENDA ITEM #2 (7:23PM) Public hearing regarding the partial building demolition and roofline change at 2219 Massachusetts Avenue APPLICANT (S) PRESENT: Daiva Veitas, Homeowner Raymond Kobbs, Homeowner ABUTTER(S) PRESENT: None DOCUMENT(S): Existing and proposed elevations dated 1/20/2021 Photos of the existing structure SUMMARY: Ms. Veitas and Mr. Kobbs own 2219 Massachusetts Avenue. . The structure was originally run as a neighborhood store (The Stones Store). A walk-in freezer was added to the back of the building. The roof is currently not to code. An east facing window was closed in when the store was robbed. The building has been vacant for two decades. Ms. Veitas and Mr. Kobbs received approval through Zoning Board of Appeals to have the structure be an Accessory Apartment. Ms. Veitas and Mr. Kobbs are proposing to change the roofline, add the window back to give more light and add a bedroom and bathroom in the back. HC COMMENTS: The Commission complimented Ms. Veitas and Mr. Kobbs on their presentation and was pleased with the proposal. It's modest in scale and keeps the essence of the historic building intact. PUBLIC COMMENTS: None MOTION: Moved by Mr. Kalsow to find 2219 Massachusetts Avenue to be preferably preserved and that the proposed changes, based on the plans presented to meeting January 20th 2021, were sympathetic to its historic character. Seconded by Mr. Kelland VOTE: 6-0 In favor of partial building demolition and roofline change: Mr. Kalsow, Ms. Pursley, Ms, Bennett, Mr. Kelland, Mr. Rotberg, and Ms. Fenollosa. AGENDA ITEM #3 (7:55PM) Presentation from Scott Sheehan, Environmental Engineer regarding Hanscom project -Mr. Sheehan went over the background of the Hanscom property. There are currently a few vacant buildings in the Historic District that are not up to code. The plan is to renovate and repurpose the buildings. Mr. Sheehan is also proposing to demolish a building that is not in keeping with the district and build a new facility which is consistent with the character of the district. Mr. Sheehan is in contact with MHC on this project. Mr. Kalsow asked if any vegetation was or will be removed during this process. Mr. Sheehan said they are not removing any existing vegetation. New vegetation has not been determined yet. The Commission will write a letter and submit their comments to MHC. The Commission would like assurance no additional vegetation will be removed AGENDA ITEM #4 (8:19PM) Updates -53 Hancock Street: The preservation restriction has been signed and recorded. The address has been changed to 6 Hayes Lane but the restriction remains in place. -The Historic houses review: Our Consultant Neil Larson will be back in March to see eight structures that qualify for the study. The visits will be two hours long. Ms. Bennett said we currently need to add a few more homes to round out the roster of twelve properties. AGENDA ITEM #5 (8:29PM) Vote to accept meeting minutes dated December 16'h 2020 - Motion made by Ms. Pursley to approve minutes dated December 161h 2020. Seconded by Mr. Kelland. 6-0 in favor of approving minutes: Ms. Pursley, Mr. Kelland, Mr. Kalsow, Mr. Rotberg, Ms. Bennett and Ms. Fenollosa AGENDA ITEM #8 (8:30PM) Motion to adjourn made by Mr. Kelland. Seconded by Ms. Bennett 6-0 favor to adjourn Mr. Kelland, Ms. Bennett Mr. Kalsow, Ms. Fenollosa, Mr. Rotberg and Ms. Pursley Adjourn.