HomeMy WebLinkAbout1959-10-08-HDC-MINS 6 Lot 71y: Unit 0: perma eh commission i i i i u 1 4 S _ F =6:it#: Permit 0: _ Oc Oobtr' $ Department: �®mmi'. �D® $Decumeug _ ' gin (�Rnt1 t - ' dRMrM �� . ' Notes of Historics District Commission meeting - Thursday night - October 8, 1959 At 8:25 there was a meeting to elect a permanent chairman. The members present and voting were Donald R. Grant, Chairman pro tempore, Philip Parsonst secretary@ Reverend Floyd Taylor, Edwin B. Worthen, Jr. and Donald E. Legro. Mr. Parsons made a motion that Mr. Grant be elected as chairman inasmuch as he has done such a fine job as chairman pro tempore. Reverend Taylor seconded the motion. It was put to a vote and Mr. Grant was �nniimoouussll�y elected. Mr. Grant accepted the chairmanship, ztx Mr. Worthen then asked Mr. Grant if there was any money due Mina. DRG said he would find out what period of time her last voucher covered - ought to be able to make some kind of an esti- mateg and that her executor, Harold Stevens, should be able to help. Mr. Worthen questioned as to whether she had been paid her salary in full and when she was last paid - or when she last billed the Commit%ee. He also asked about the funds of the Com- mitte, "do we need any more money?". About this point Associate Members Charles H. Cole and Carly E. Bryant joined the meeting - and Mr. Legro withdrew (sitting as an observer the rest of the evening). Reverend Taylor left the meeting at 8:29 and Mr. Cole took his place. Mr. Bryant took Mr. Legrofs seat, at 8:30. Questions as to who would take Mina 's place as clerk. It was suggested that Mr. Grant get in touch with Mrs. Stillman Wil- liams$ who once filled in for Mina. She lives on Sheridan St. Regular Meeting started at 8:30. Minute Man Cab Company notice read by DRG. Applying for cer- tificate of appropriateness in erection of a sign on 18?3 M Mass. Ave. $ within the Battle Green District. Mr. Durkin, owners was asked by DRG if he had any more questions to ask and if the sign was the same as he had at the last meet- ing. N. It is , and I have it in my car if you would like to see it. ) DRG - what is the approximate size? Mr. Durkin - 3 by 4, DRG - questioned about the lighting he was going to use. Mr. Durkin@ the same light that is there now. Will use the colonial light on the side and remove the window. Would like to use the same one there and move it above the window. One light will cover the situation very well) Mr. Worthen - what type of light is this? Mr. Durkin - one singlg spot light. -2- Mr. Cole - Is this a par M 38? Mr. Durkin agrees. Mr. Cole liked the changed sign as well as the other one. Every- one agreed. Mr. Grant tells Mr. Durkin he is sorry for the delay. However now everyone agrees on it and Mr. Grant entertained a motion of acceptance. Mr. Bryant made motion, Mr. Cole seconded it. It was a vote. Mr. Durkin thanked Committee and left meeting at 8:35. The next business to come before the meeting was the Minute Man Auto Supply Co. Mr. Batten and Mr. Comeau were at the meeting. Mr. Batten had the sketch of the sign with him. DRG mentioned that because the sign was different last time than one originally submitted, the Committee wanted to make sure what Mr. Batten's authority was and what Mr. Comeau's plans might be. Thought it was best to have Mr. Comeau grant an extension of time to consider the signq perhaps ironing out any difficulties. Mr. Comeau and Mr. Batten, at the request of DRG9 stepped up to the table and sat down. DRG put the sketch in front of the two gentleman. Members of the Commitee looked at it. Mr. Grant - One thing the Committee is question is the size of the letters "Auto Supply" and some question was raised in our discussion about the shading in of words. Mr. Comeau - with a gray shading. DRG - some thought that perhaps the letters ought to be regulated. No shading on the words "Minute Mane. Questions raised to possibility that all of the letters in the sign might be the same block letter. We wondered how strongly you might feel about this, Mr. Comeau, or whether you might be willing to change it. Mr. Comeau - "We deliberately separated this portion of the sign from that portion That is why there is a second-place po- sition. We try to sell auto supplies, not minute men. As far as shading goes it can be black and white. I will go along with that. Is this type of print acceptable?" DRG - These block letters are definitely large. Mr. Cole - Could they be thinner? Mr. Comeau - Sure - fine. Mr. Cole - same h&ight but thinner. (Mr. Cole measures the letters ) "They are f" wide. If they were 3" wide it might make a great deal -3- of difference. I had to leave the meeting last time, so I didn't mention this then." Mr. Worthen - We talked about 2-1/2 or 3 inches. Mr. Comeau - What would ire a final dimentions that you would go along with? Mr. Cole - 2-1/2? (Mr. Cole draws'.and 111 ) "I am not going to change the height. Just draw it as though it were 2-1/2. Gives more background. (Cole shows committee a 2-1/2 inch letter) "Three inches would be an inch less than what is drawn on the sketch". Mr. Comeau - I would rather have a thin, tall letter than a short squatty letter. The maximum viewing angle across the street and an approach of 30 degrees. DRG brings up Giroux' sign. Comeau - I will take dame height and 2-1/2 tenches. DRG asks how letters scale out. Cole : Says it is 17 (?) Comeau - 16 by 2-1/2. O.K.? DRG - black letteringg white background and gray border. DRG questions construction. Cole - Would it be a metal frame? Not to exceed 2 inches? Cole - should not exceed 1-1/2 inches. Batten - Has already constructed sign (reply to Mr. Grant's ques- tion as to whether the above would be strong enough for frame). Discussion of the lettering of "Minute Man". Batten says it has already been painted anyway. "IAJholesale Distributors" - block lettering but smaller dimension. Cole - "Thinks it would look better the way I suggest." Tells Batten he is sorry it has already been painted - but ---- Batten - within the building restrictions , . colors concerned . . viewed the signs and they were Jaim black and white . . . gambled and lost . . . did not know the Commitee would pass on the shape and size of the lettering. DRG questions Batten about 24 gauge metal. Brings up the last sign, that was different. Approved second sign. Different from description . . . would be in real trouble. Comeau - Best way to do its speaking of sketch. Batten: The sketch the Committee is looking at is the same sketch of which we made copies for the Commission. Cole: I think the sign is all rightq except for the minors but important change suggested by the Committee DRG: Asks for a motion makes motion; Worthen seconds. Unanimous vote. DRG: We will get out the certificate as soon as we can. Comeau: Do we have to receive the actual papers before we can add this on?T DRG: Yes, but final paper will be in your hands the first of the week. Batten: Do I have to get a certificate from the Building De- partment - and will the Committee's acceptance of dimen- sions be o.k, with them? DRG: Can't speak for Building Department. (Mr. Legro intercedes with the information that the maximum height allowed by Building Department is 3 feet. DRG: Thanks Mr. Comeau for understanding and cooperation. The Committee keeps one of the sketches (the one Mr. Cole drew on) . Batten: Is it safe to go ±zx up Monday for building permit? (Mr. Cole reminds him of holiday on Monday) sketch Batten: Does copy of zx$tjttffa$a go to Building Committee? DRG: They generally do. We send one to the Building Inspector if there is enough to go around. The original is kept in our files. Batten: Does certificate go to building inspector? DRG: Yes. If you have tracing it might facilitate matters if you give one to us (this is in regard to the building in- spector). Messrs. Comeau and Batten leave the meeting at 9:00. Mr. Cole brings up the copper gutter on the railroad station. Has anything been done about it? -5- C'ole: If possible to paint itlit would be better. Following remarks ensued about same : Goes down to some dry wells. Right down to the common. off to the side. Cole: There is a paint called Rusordum (?) guaranteed to stay on cooper and aluminum. Discussion about pain. Discussion of silhouette of a minute man statue. Cole and others agree it is not in good taste. Tyler dhould check with the Commission. Douglas said he would not be bothered. Wortbien: Wondered whether there was anything in the permit that mentioned that. To be sure it is not exterior architectural feature. Bryant: Added something he did not have when he came ins which is the same as Batten did. At this points DRG asked what the certificate said. Mr. Parsons gives various things to DRG. DRG remembers nothing being sent out in the way of a certificate. Owner is Cataldo - suggest that DRG write him. Cole: Comment about criticisms being made by people saying that some applicants leave meeting thinking things are all right only to find something is wrong. A little more of the atti- tude of the group should be given the applicant iaiafaax be- fore leaving the meeting. Better policy to thrash things out in front of applicant. Certificate of station — expressly says ". would be painted -white. DRG suggests Worthen speak to Douglas - white on the gutter and take Minute Man off. —z1kmtxx± Worthen in turn says he has, with no results9 so he suggest Mr. Grant write Cataldo a letter. DRG dictates two certificates to JM for applicants of that even- ing. Further discussion: Western Union signs (2) in Durkin's office. Decided to ask Durkin about these after he has his certificate. DRG says he will call Durkin up some time next week. Mr. Parsons questions DRG about whom to send bills to. Meeting adjourned at 9:1+5.