HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014-09-03-REC-min Town of Lexington Recreation Committee Frederick DeAngelis, Chairman Tel: (781) 698-4800 Lisah Rhodes Fax: (781) 862-2747 Wendy Rudner Sandra Shaw Ruixi Yuan Recreation Committee Minutes of Meeting of September 3, 2014 A meeting of the Recreation Committee was held on Wednesday, September 3, 2014 at 7:00 p.m. at the Town Office Building Parker Room, 1625 Massachusetts Avenue, A quorum of 4 was present. Members Present: Sandra Shaw, Wendy Rudner, Ruixi (Ray) Yuan and Lisah Rhodes Members Absent: Rick DeAngelis Staff Present: Karen Simmons, Director of Recreation, Peter Coleman, Recreation Supervisor, Chris Filadoro, Superintendent of Public Grounds, and Sheila Butts, Assistant Recreation Director Citizens Present: Tom Shiple, Tim Carruthers, John Clough, and Gary Larson of Lexington United Soccer Club, Patrick Sullivan, Carl Mamuszka, Todd Cataldo, Michael Schroeder, Lexington Little League, Christian Boutwell, Lexington Youth Lacrosse, Joseph Winter and Weidong Wang The meeting was called to order at 7:02 p.m. by acting chair, Lisah Rhodes. Ms. Rhodes welcomed the newest member of the Recreation Committee, Ruixi (Ray) Yuan. Mr. Yuan was recently appointed to the Committee to fill the spot vacated by Howard Vogel. Mr. Yuan told the committee members and the audience how pleased he was to be a part of the Recreation Committee. Ms. Rhodes also introduced the members of the Recreation Committee and staff present to the public present at the meeting. The meeting acted on the following: Citizens and Other Boards 1. Mr. Weidong Wang, Reed Street resident, thanked the Department for listening to public suggestions and adding an Adult Volleyball and Adult Badminton program this fall. He questioned the fee structure for the programs and asked why there was a charge and why the length of the program was not as long as the Pick-Up Basketball programs. Karen Simmons, Director of Recreation, explained that the Recreation Department operates as an Enterprise Fund. Fees charged for programs are used for staff at the program, equipment and administrative costs. The Badminton and Volleyball programs that will run for 5 weeks each at the new Estabrook School require not only paid staff supervision, but also the purchase of new equipment (volleyball standards, Volleyball and Badminton nets, shuttlecocks, volleyballs, and badminton racquets) since this is a new program. Mr. Wang also asked about the use of other school gyms. Ms. Simmons explained that the permitting of school gyms is handled by the Facilities Department. 1625 MASSACHUSETTS AVENUE LEXINGTON, MASSACHUSETTS 02420 2. Meeting Minutes from June 18 and July 16, 2014 Wendy Rudner moved and Sandra Shaw seconded acceptance of the June 18, 2014 Recreation Committee Meeting Minutes. The Recreation Committee accepted the June 18, 2014 minutes by a vote of 4 0. Wendy Rudner moved to accept the meeting minutes of the July 16, 2014 Recreation Committee meeting. The motion was seconded by Ruixi Yuan. The Recreation Committee voted 4 0 to accept the July 16, 2014 Recreation Committee meeting minutes. 3. Liaison Reports Wendy Rudner, liaison to the Lincoln Park Subcommittee, reported that the LPSC had cancelled a recently scheduled meeting. The next meeting is scheduled for late September. She will provide an update at the October Recreation Committee meeting. Sandra Shaw, liaison to the Bicycle Advisory Committee, reported that the BAC had met twice recently. The committee continues to be very active. They coordinate the Bike count on the Minuteman Bikeway, which is coordinated by the State. Ms. Shaw also reported that representatives from Bedford, Arlington and Lexington met recently to discuss some of the issues that have arisen with the Bikeway. Renovations to parts of the Bikeway in Lexington were recently completed. The liaison position to the Greenway Corridor Committee is currently vacant. 4. Outdoor Skating Rink Patrick Sullivan Mr. Sullivan reviewed the information presented at the June 18 th meeting by Richard Neumeier. Karen Simmons, Director of Recreation provided the Recreation Committee and residents in attendance with some historical background relative to outdoor ice skating in Lexington. For a number of years Kinneens Park was flooded for skating. The Town installed a liner on the field and the fire department flooded the area. The practice was discontinued in the late 198 Reservoir was maintained by the Parks Department as a skating area until a Town plow and employee had to be rescued after the ice broke while being maintained. Chris Filadoro, Superintendent of Public Grounds, was unable to provide a cost estimate for resuming maintenance of the ice at the Old reservoir. He indicated that the Parks Department budget would be seriously impacted if the practice were reinstituted. Chris Filadoro noted that the Economic Development Officer, Melissa Tintocalis, had also reached out to the Department of Public Works about this issue. Karen Simmons also reported that the Department had contacted the Topsfield Fair Grounds at the request of Mr. Neumeier. The area on which people skate at the fairgrounds floods naturally and there are no maintenance costs associated with its use and skaters handle any grooming of the area. Ms. Simmons also reviewed information gathered by Peter Coleman, Supervisor of Recreation, from other communities in the area, including Weston, Wellesley, Hudson, Canton and Sturbridge. Sandra Shaw noted that she has lived near the Old Reservoir for 50 years, and has personally enjoyed using the area for winter skating. Currently those who wish to skate clean it off themselves. She would like to see it maintained for outdoor skating, but is aware of budgetary, time and liability constrains and concerns. Lisah Rhodes, who also resides in the immediate area concurred with Mrs. Shaw. Mr. Sullivan told the committee that he understood the obstacles, but reiterated that it would be a positive to have outdoor skating again in Lexington. 2 5. Fitzgerald Field Lights Michael Schroeder, President of Lexington Little League presented the Recreation Committee with the results of the survey (attached) Little League had sent to its families regarding lighted field use at the Fitzgerald Field. The survey was sent to 1,000 families. Eighty-one families responded. Of the responses, 60% said that they would allow their older Little Leaguer to participate in a game ending at 9:45 p.m. on a school night; 40% Lisah Rhodes thanked Mr. Schroeder for sending out the survey and presenting the data to the Recreation Committee. Ms. Rhodes noted that she is a School Department employee, and as such, was not surprised by the responses. Wendy Rudner asked if the survey was sent to all participants who were registered for the program in 2014. Mr. Schroeder responded that the survey was sent out to participants ages 10 - 12 in the AAA and Major Leagues. Lisah Rhodes expressed her ongoing concerns about the timing of the lights. She asked if little league would still support the project if the timing was limited? Todd Cataldo, who initially proposed this project, responded that if the lights were to be shut off earlier than 9:45, it would allow Little League to still only have one game per night at the field. There would be no point in spending over $150,000 on the project. Mr. Schroeder told the Committee that unless Little League could have two games per night, including school nights at Fitzgerald Field they would not support the project. Wendy Rudner stated that she understood that parents could not get their child to a field early on a weeknight, but felt that Little League should consider playing more games on weekends. According to both Mr. Cataldo and Mr. Schroeder, the league plays the bulk of games Monday through Friday. There are no games on Saturdays, but 10 major league teams and 12 14 AAA teams practice on Sundays. Karen Simmons, Director of Recreation, told the recreation Committee that she had received a call from Margaret Coppe, Chairperson of the School Committee. Ms. Coppe is very concerned about the prospect of school-aged children being out so late on school nights. Other members of the committee asked if Little League had any comparable data from other communities about lighting. Ms. Shaw asked what the next step would be. Ms. Simmons reminded the Committee that she had presented her recommendations at the June meeting. The Committee has not officially voted on the recommendations or any modification. Ms. Shaw stated that they should vote at the September meeting. The members agreed. This item will be on the September Agenda for a final vote. 6. Request for Temporary Lights at Lincoln LUSC John Clough, Lexington United Soccer Club, presented a proposal to the Recreation Committee (attached) for approval of temporary lighting at Lincoln Park. The lighting request is for (5) five- weeks at Lincoln Field # 2, Monday through Friday from 5:30 8:30 p.m. The lights would be turned off by 8:40 p.m. Karen Simmons, Director of Recreation, reviewed the conditions for use of temporary lights at Lincoln (attached). Following a brief discussion, Lisah Rhodes moved that approved with the conditions specified by the Director of Recreation. Wendy Rudner seconded The Recreation Committee voted 4 0 to approve the use of temporary lights at the motion. Lincoln Field # 2. 7. Request for Permanent Lights at Lincoln LUSC Tim Carruthers, Lexington United Soccer Club, and Christian Boutwell, Lexington Youth Lacrosse, presented a joint proposal for the installation of permanent lighting at Lincoln Park. (The proposal is attached). Mr. Carruthers walked the Recreation Committee through the 3 proposal. Following the presentation Karen Simmons, Director of Recreation, pointed out that Haley & Aldrich had researched the Lincoln Park area There are numerous documents that LUSC could review. She also questioned the plan presented by LUSC which showed test bores being done on the pathways. Mr. Carruthers and Mr. Clough indicated that the test bores and possible siting of posts would be twenty-feet off of any pathway. Mr. Caruthers and Mr. Shiple told the Recreation Committee members that they want to be as transparent with their proposal as possible. They do not wish for the neighbors to be taken by surprise and want to involve all necessary parties in the entire process. Mr. Boutwell reiterated that they are not asking for approval to light the park at this point, but merely to start the process. The Committee members thanked LUSC and LYL for their excellent proposal. They appreciated the phased approach, but want to do their due diligence and consider the request more thoroughly. Ray Yuan asked the other members if they were to vote at the next meeting, would they be voting the entire proposal? Ms. Simmons responded that the committee would be voting on only the feasibility phase, which is doing core samples of the area suggested for light post and conduit. She noted that these samples are necessary for the proponents of the project to continue. 8. Recreation 5 Year Capital Plan Karen Simmons, Director of Recreation reviewed the Recreation 5 Year Capital Plan. The recommendation for FY2016 include: Lincoln Park Field Improvements Field # 3 turf replacement ADA Accessibility Study cost figures are not finalized. Pine Meadows Equipment Park and Playground Improvements Marvin Park Renovation of the Lincoln Park Softball Field Hard Court Surface improvements basketball courts at Marvin park and Sutherland Park After a brief discussion, Lisah Rhodes moved to support the FY 2016 FY2020 Recreation Capital Plan, with the understanding that the ADA Accessibility Study costs may increase. The cost estimate will be ready by the end of the week. Wendy Rudner seconded the motion. The Recreation Committee voted 4 0 to support the Recreation Capital Plan, FY2016 FY2020. 9. Lincoln # 1 Update Karen Simmons, Director of Recreation reported that she has no new information and she continues to work with Town Counsel. Joseph Winter, resident, asked several questions about the playability of the field and the safety concerns the Town has. In his opinion, the field is fine. Ms. Simmons explained the safety issues again, and reiterated the logical progression being taken by the Town to resolve the matter as quickly and safely as possible. 10. Community Center Advisory Committee Update A ground breaking ceremony will be held on September 11 at 10:00 a.m. at the new Lexington Community Center. (Invitation attached)The Town has awarded the general contract to Nauset Construction. The Programming Sub- Committee met weekly this past summer. Jon Himmel compiles a matrix of over 600 programs that are currently being offered or planned to be offered by Human Services and Recreation at the new Community Center. 4 11. Recreation Report Lisah Rhodes shared the positive responses and compliments she received about all of the summer programs and activities the Recreation Department facilitated. Karen Simmons, Director of Recreation, thanked Ms. Rhodes for her kind comments, and noted that most residents do not actually know what goes on behind the scenes to plan and facilitate programs, and commented that professional staff often work 60 70 hours per week especially during the summer, to assure their success. Peter Kelly has been designated as the new Board of Selectmen Liaison to the Recreation Committee. Ginna Johnson has been appointed to replace Greg Zurlo on the Planning Board until the next Town election. The Pool and Old Reservoir Aquatics facilities have closed. The head lifeguards and new manager this summer did a great job under the ongoing supervision and tutelage of Peter Coleman. Pine Meadows Golf Course looks great. The management company staff has done a wonderful job with the course. Monday through Thursday from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. continues to be a slow time for the course. The 4 th and 8 th greens experienced problems over the 2014 winter. The 4 th green was back in play in July, while the 8 th green stayed in play all season with aggressive treatment. The USGA Turf Evaluation is scheduled for September 24. The Fall ~ Winter Program Brochure was mailed out to all residents at the end of August. Registration opened on August 25. Fall programs are starting up in the next two weeks. The Recreation Department will be offering programs at the new Estabrook School this fall. This is a pilot program through early December. If all goes well the department hopes to continue programming at the new school through the end of the school year. There are signs of algae at the Old Reservoir. Treatment is not recommended due to the timing. Algae will naturally die in cold weather. There are new official public email addresses for all Boards and committees. The Recreation Committee email address is: Recreation Cmte@lexingtonma.gov . It is the responsibility of the Committee chairperson to monitor emails. Peter Coleman, Supervisor of Recreation told the Recreation Committee that the NFL Flag Football League program begins on September 7 th at Lincoln Park. This year there are 32 teams. 12. Parks Reports Chris Filadoro, Superintendent of Public Grounds reported on the following: New equipment has been installed at the Skate Park on Worthen Road. The park reopened the second week in August. Sheila Butts, Assistant Director, thanked Mr. Filadoro and the Parks Department for their efforts in removing the old equipment and assuring that the Park was cleaned and ready for the installation by American Ramp Company. New sod was installed at the Estabrook School fields at the end of August. In July and August the Parks Department fertilized 20+ acres of fields, core aerated and over-seeded 12+ acres, and deep tined aerated 4+ acres. Parks department personnel have laid out and have almost finished lining 45 soccer fields for the fall. The lacrosse field at Fiske is currently being laid out. Pop Warner football has a homer game on September 7. The Fitzgerald Field reconstruction is ongoing. Crews spent two weeks pruning the Minuteman Bikeway. 5 The Highway Department repaved the bike path between Worthen Road and the bridge School. The fencing contractor for the Sutherland Park project should be starting work very soon. 13. New Business The next meeting of the Recreation Committee will take place on Wednesday, October 8, 2014. The location and time of the meeting has yet to be determined. The September 3, 2014 Recreation Committee meeting adjourned at 9:44 p.m. The following documents/exhibits used at the meeting are attached: 1. Lexington Little League End of Season Light survey 2. Proposal to Install Temporary Lights at Lincoln 3. Proposal for Lighting Lincoln Fields 4. Invitation to new Community Center Groundbreaking Ceremony 6 Town of Lexington Recreation Committee Frederick DeAngelis, Chairman Tel: (781) 698-4800 Lisah Rhodes Fax: (781) 862-2747 Wendy Rudner Sandra Shaw Ruixi Yuan Recreation Committee Minutes of Meeting of September 3, 2014 A meeting of the Recreation Committee was held on Wednesday, September 3, 2014 at 7:00 p.m. at the Town Office Building Parker Room, 1625 Massachusetts Avenue, A quorum of 4 was present. Members Present: Sandra Shaw, Wendy Rudner, Ruixi (Ray) Yuan and Lisah Rhodes Members Absent: Rick DeAngelis Staff Present: Karen Simmons, Director of Recreation, Peter Coleman, Recreation Supervisor, Chris Filadoro, Superintendent of Public Grounds, and Sheila Butts, Assistant Recreation Director Citizens Present: Tom Shiple, Tim Carruthers, John Clough, and Gary Larson of Lexington United Soccer Club, Patrick Sullivan, Carl Mamuszka, Todd Cataldo, Michael Schroeder, Lexington Little League, Christian Boutwell, Lexington Youth Lacrosse, Joseph Winter and Weidong Wang The meeting was called to order at 7:02 p.m. by acting chair, Lisah Rhodes. Ms. Rhodes welcomed the newest member of the Recreation Committee, Ruixi (Ray) Yuan. Mr. Yuan was recently appointed to the Committee to fill the spot vacated by Howard Vogel. Mr. Yuan told the committee members and the audience how pleased he was to be a part of the Recreation Committee. Ms. Rhodes also introduced the members of the Recreation Committee and staff present to the public present at the meeting. The meeting acted on the following: Citizens and Other Boards 1. Mr. Weidong Wang, Reed Street resident, thanked the Department for listening to public suggestions and adding an Adult Volleyball and Adult Badminton program this fall. He questioned the fee structure for the programs and asked why there was a charge and why the length of the program was not as long as the Pick-Up Basketball programs. Karen Simmons, Director of Recreation, explained that the Recreation Department operates as an Enterprise Fund. Fees charged for programs are used for staff at the program, equipment and administrative costs. The Badminton and Volleyball programs that will run for 5 weeks each at the new Estabrook School require not only paid staff supervision, but also the purchase of new equipment (volleyball standards, Volleyball and Badminton nets, shuttlecocks, volleyballs, and badminton racquets) since this is a new program. Mr. Wang also asked about the use of other school gyms. Ms. Simmons explained that the permitting of school gyms is handled by the Facilities Department. 1625 MASSACHUSETTS AVENUE LEXINGTON, MASSACHUSETTS 02420 2. Meeting Minutes from June 18 and July 16, 2014 Wendy Rudner moved and Sandra Shaw seconded acceptance of the June 18, 2014 Recreation Committee Meeting Minutes. The Recreation Committee accepted the June 18, 2014 minutes by a vote of 4 0. Wendy Rudner moved to accept the meeting minutes of the July 16, 2014 Recreation Committee meeting. The motion was seconded by Ruixi Yuan. The Recreation Committee voted 4 0 to accept the July 16, 2014 Recreation Committee meeting minutes. 3. Liaison Reports Wendy Rudner, liaison to the Lincoln Park Subcommittee, reported that the LPSC had cancelled a recently scheduled meeting. The next meeting is scheduled for late September. She will provide an update at the October Recreation Committee meeting. Sandra Shaw, liaison to the Bicycle Advisory Committee, reported that the BAC had met twice recently. The committee continues to be very active. They coordinate the Bike count on the Minuteman Bikeway, which is coordinated by the State. Ms. Shaw also reported that representatives from Bedford, Arlington and Lexington met recently to discuss some of the issues that have arisen with the Bikeway. Renovations to parts of the Bikeway in Lexington were recently completed. The liaison position to the Greenway Corridor Committee is currently vacant. 4. Outdoor Skating Rink Patrick Sullivan Mr. Sullivan reviewed the information presented at the June 18 th meeting by Richard Neumeier. Karen Simmons, Director of Recreation provided the Recreation Committee and residents in attendance with some historical background relative to outdoor ice skating in Lexington. For a number of years Kinneens Park was flooded for skating. The Town installed a liner on the field and the fire department flooded the area. The practice was discontinued in the late 198 Reservoir was maintained by the Parks Department as a skating area until a Town plow and employee had to be rescued after the ice broke while being maintained. Chris Filadoro, Superintendent of Public Grounds, was unable to provide a cost estimate for resuming maintenance of the ice at the Old reservoir. He indicated that the Parks Department budget would be seriously impacted if the practice were reinstituted. Chris Filadoro noted that the Economic Development Officer, Melissa Tintocalis, had also reached out to the Department of Public Works about this issue. Karen Simmons also reported that the Department had contacted the Topsfield Fair Grounds at the request of Mr. Neumeier. The area on which people skate at the fairgrounds floods naturally and there are no maintenance costs associated with its use and skaters handle any grooming of the area. Ms. Simmons also reviewed information gathered by Peter Coleman, Supervisor of Recreation, from other communities in the area, including Weston, Wellesley, Hudson, Canton and Sturbridge. Sandra Shaw noted that she has lived near the Old Reservoir for 50 years, and has personally enjoyed using the area for winter skating. Currently those who wish to skate clean it off themselves. She would like to see it maintained for outdoor skating, but is aware of budgetary, time and liability constrains and concerns. Lisah Rhodes, who also resides in the immediate area concurred with Mrs. Shaw. Mr. Sullivan told the committee that he understood the obstacles, but reiterated that it would be a positive to have outdoor skating again in Lexington. 2 5. Fitzgerald Field Lights Michael Schroeder, President of Lexington Little League presented the Recreation Committee with the results of the survey (attached) Little League had sent to its families regarding lighted field use at the Fitzgerald Field. The survey was sent to 1,000 families. Eighty-one families responded. Of the responses, 60% said that they would allow their older Little Leaguer to participate in a game ending at 9:45 p.m. on a school night; 40% Lisah Rhodes thanked Mr. Schroeder for sending out the survey and presenting the data to the Recreation Committee. Ms. Rhodes noted that she is a School Department employee, and as such, was not surprised by the responses. Wendy Rudner asked if the survey was sent to all participants who were registered for the program in 2014. Mr. Schroeder responded that the survey was sent out to participants ages 10 - 12 in the AAA and Major Leagues. Lisah Rhodes expressed her ongoing concerns about the timing of the lights. She asked if little league would still support the project if the timing was limited? Todd Cataldo, who initially proposed this project, responded that if the lights were to be shut off earlier than 9:45, it would allow Little League to still only have one game per night at the field. There would be no point in spending over $150,000 on the project. Mr. Schroeder told the Committee that unless Little League could have two games per night, including school nights at Fitzgerald Field they would not support the project. Wendy Rudner stated that she understood that parents could not get their child to a field early on a weeknight, but felt that Little League should consider playing more games on weekends. According to both Mr. Cataldo and Mr. Schroeder, the league plays the bulk of games Monday through Friday. There are no games on Saturdays, but 10 major league teams and 12 14 AAA teams practice on Sundays. Karen Simmons, Director of Recreation, told the recreation Committee that she had received a call from Margaret Coppe, Chairperson of the School Committee. Ms. Coppe is very concerned about the prospect of school-aged children being out so late on school nights. Other members of the committee asked if Little League had any comparable data from other communities about lighting. Ms. Shaw asked what the next step would be. Ms. Simmons reminded the Committee that she had presented her recommendations at the June meeting. The Committee has not officially voted on the recommendations or any modification. Ms. Shaw stated that they should vote at the September meeting. The members agreed. This item will be on the September Agenda for a final vote. 6. Request for Temporary Lights at Lincoln LUSC John Clough, Lexington United Soccer Club, presented a proposal to the Recreation Committee (attached) for approval of temporary lighting at Lincoln Park. The lighting request is for (5) five- weeks at Lincoln Field # 2, Monday through Friday from 5:30 8:30 p.m. The lights would be turned off by 8:40 p.m. Karen Simmons, Director of Recreation, reviewed the conditions for use of temporary lights at Lincoln (attached). Following a brief discussion, Lisah Rhodes moved that approved with the conditions specified by the Director of Recreation. Wendy Rudner seconded The Recreation Committee voted 4 0 to approve the use of temporary lights at the motion. Lincoln Field # 2. 7. Request for Permanent Lights at Lincoln LUSC Tim Carruthers, Lexington United Soccer Club, and Christian Boutwell, Lexington Youth Lacrosse, presented a joint proposal for the installation of permanent lighting at Lincoln Park. (The proposal is attached). Mr. Carruthers walked the Recreation Committee through the 3 proposal. Following the presentation Karen Simmons, Director of Recreation, pointed out that Haley & Aldrich had researched the Lincoln Park area There are numerous documents that LUSC could review. She also questioned the plan presented by LUSC which showed test bores being done on the pathways. Mr. Carruthers and Mr. Clough indicated that the test bores and possible siting of posts would be twenty-feet off of any pathway. Mr. Caruthers and Mr. Shiple told the Recreation Committee members that they want to be as transparent with their proposal as possible. They do not wish for the neighbors to be taken by surprise and want to involve all necessary parties in the entire process. Mr. Boutwell reiterated that they are not asking for approval to light the park at this point, but merely to start the process. The Committee members thanked LUSC and LYL for their excellent proposal. They appreciated the phased approach, but want to do their due diligence and consider the request more thoroughly. Ray Yuan asked the other members if they were to vote at the next meeting, would they be voting the entire proposal? Ms. Simmons responded that the committee would be voting on only the feasibility phase, which is doing core samples of the area suggested for light post and conduit. She noted that these samples are necessary for the proponents of the project to continue. 8. Recreation 5 Year Capital Plan Karen Simmons, Director of Recreation reviewed the Recreation 5 Year Capital Plan. The recommendation for FY2016 include: Lincoln Park Field Improvements Field # 3 turf replacement ADA Accessibility Study cost figures are not finalized. Pine Meadows Equipment Park and Playground Improvements Marvin Park Renovation of the Lincoln Park Softball Field Hard Court Surface improvements basketball courts at Marvin park and Sutherland Park After a brief discussion, Lisah Rhodes moved to support the FY 2016 FY2020 Recreation Capital Plan, with the understanding that the ADA Accessibility Study costs may increase. The cost estimate will be ready by the end of the week. Wendy Rudner seconded the motion. The Recreation Committee voted 4 0 to support the Recreation Capital Plan, FY2016 FY2020. 9. Lincoln # 1 Update Karen Simmons, Director of Recreation reported that she has no new information and she continues to work with Town Counsel. Joseph Winter, resident, asked several questions about the playability of the field and the safety concerns the Town has. In his opinion, the field is fine. Ms. Simmons explained the safety issues again, and reiterated the logical progression being taken by the Town to resolve the matter as quickly and safely as possible. 10. Community Center Advisory Committee Update A ground breaking ceremony will be held on September 11 at 10:00 a.m. at the new Lexington Community Center. (Invitation attached)The Town has awarded the general contract to Nauset Construction. The Programming Sub- Committee met weekly this past summer. Jon Himmel compiles a matrix of over 600 programs that are currently being offered or planned to be offered by Human Services and Recreation at the new Community Center. 4 11. Recreation Report Lisah Rhodes shared the positive responses and compliments she received about all of the summer programs and activities the Recreation Department facilitated. Karen Simmons, Director of Recreation, thanked Ms. Rhodes for her kind comments, and noted that most residents do not actually know what goes on behind the scenes to plan and facilitate programs, and commented that professional staff often work 60 70 hours per week especially during the summer, to assure their success. Peter Kelly has been designated as the new Board of Selectmen Liaison to the Recreation Committee. Ginna Johnson has been appointed to replace Greg Zurlo on the Planning Board until the next Town election. The Pool and Old Reservoir Aquatics facilities have closed. The head lifeguards and new manager this summer did a great job under the ongoing supervision and tutelage of Peter Coleman. Pine Meadows Golf Course looks great. The management company staff has done a wonderful job with the course. Monday through Thursday from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. continues to be a slow time for the course. The 4 th and 8 th greens experienced problems over the 2014 winter. The 4 th green was back in play in July, while the 8 th green stayed in play all season with aggressive treatment. The USGA Turf Evaluation is scheduled for September 24. The Fall ~ Winter Program Brochure was mailed out to all residents at the end of August. Registration opened on August 25. Fall programs are starting up in the next two weeks. The Recreation Department will be offering programs at the new Estabrook School this fall. This is a pilot program through early December. If all goes well the department hopes to continue programming at the new school through the end of the school year. There are signs of algae at the Old Reservoir. Treatment is not recommended due to the timing. Algae will naturally die in cold weather. There are new official public email addresses for all Boards and committees. The Recreation Committee email address is: Recreation Cmte@lexingtonma.gov . It is the responsibility of the Committee chairperson to monitor emails. Peter Coleman, Supervisor of Recreation told the Recreation Committee that the NFL Flag Football League program begins on September 7 th at Lincoln Park. This year there are 32 teams. 12. Parks Reports Chris Filadoro, Superintendent of Public Grounds reported on the following: New equipment has been installed at the Skate Park on Worthen Road. The park reopened the second week in August. Sheila Butts, Assistant Director, thanked Mr. Filadoro and the Parks Department for their efforts in removing the old equipment and assuring that the Park was cleaned and ready for the installation by American Ramp Company. New sod was installed at the Estabrook School fields at the end of August. In July and August the Parks Department fertilized 20+ acres of fields, core aerated and over-seeded 12+ acres, and deep tined aerated 4+ acres. Parks department personnel have laid out and have almost finished lining 45 soccer fields for the fall. The lacrosse field at Fiske is currently being laid out. Pop Warner football has a homer game on September 7. The Fitzgerald Field reconstruction is ongoing. Crews spent two weeks pruning the Minuteman Bikeway. 5 The Highway Department repaved the bike path between Worthen Road and the bridge School. The fencing contractor for the Sutherland Park project should be starting work very soon. 13. New Business The next meeting of the Recreation Committee will take place on Wednesday, October 8, 2014. The location and time of the meeting has yet to be determined. The September 3, 2014 Recreation Committee meeting adjourned at 9:44 p.m. The following documents/exhibits used at the meeting are attached: 1. Lexington Little League End of Season Light survey 2. Proposal to Install Temporary Lights at Lincoln 3. Proposal for Lighting Lincoln Fields 4. Invitation to new Community Center Groundbreaking Ceremony 6