HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014-05-30-Bridge-min SITE COUNCIL 5/30/14 ATTENDANCE: Lynette Allen, Nimisha Asthagiri, Russ Bosbach, Angela Chang, Meg Collela, Betsy Conway, Susan Ornestein, Naomi Priver, Deidre Schadler, Debbi Side I.Approve minutes 4/11 II.Vote membership III.School Improvement Plan A.presented to School Committee B.5th grade to have Student Councils, Mr Pittman to lead 1.Harrington has one, will model from there 2.not to have ofÐcers, but Åclass leadersÆ 3.may have 3 different sessions to include more kids over the course of the year 4.meet during lunch or recess then go to different classes as liaison 5.maybe like a town meeting 6.likely to evolve 7.Susan Orenstein will help brainstorm 8.kids who came to Meg had community service spin to it 9.they can help organize spirit days C.RTI (Response To Intervention) 1.added morning meeting to schedule 2.to have quieter time after lunch to restart on a calm tone 3.many teachers in Responsive Classroom training a)Open Circle is more of a curriculum, whereas this is incorporated into Åway of beingÆ and Åhow we actÆ to permeate into the entire building b)has worked with aides for playground where most unstructured environment exists and how to intervene if troubles 4. to arrange coffee next year to inform parents D.focus on draft mission next year from the District E.from parents concern about overcrowding Ä is in district improvement plan, talk about overcrowding in the town not individual schools 1.will have 5 5th grades with 20 kids in each 2.have largest enrollment but class size equivalent 3.trying to come up with a plan for the buildings (Fiske has only 3 5th grades next year with no more space to add 4th section so 28-29 students in each) 4.HS putting on 12 modular classrooms for larger population 5.to do within our school Ä address parking, adding more swings, trafÐc mitigation 6.School Committee says parents need to go to SC to change deÐnition of ÅcapacityÆ 7.question about lack of parent volunteers, esp Big Backyard (talk to Karen McCarthy, K-5 Science coordinator), also PTA not always getting enough volunteers