HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014-08-14-LBAC-min APPROVED MEETING MINUTES Committee Name : Lexington Bicycle Advisory Committee Date, Time and Location of Meeting : Thursday, August 14, 2014, 7 pm, Parker Room, Town Office Building Members Present: Peggy Enders (Chair), Marita Hartshorn, Mike Tabaczynski, Laurel Carpenter, Bob Dangel, John Frey, Bob Hausslein, (Chair FoLB), Mike Tabaczynski, George Gagliardi Others Present: Richard Canale (Planning Board Liaison), Joe Pato (Selectmen’s Liaison), Sandra Shaw (Recreation Liaison), Carolyn Levi, Jennifer Melot Minutes : The May 2014 minutes were approved as amended. LBAC Membership : Carolyn Levi has applied to be a member. The committee agreed unanimously to recommend her appointment to the Selectmen. TSAC Liaison: The new charge to the Traffic Safety Advisory Committee has a slot for a liaison from the Bicycle Committee; the chair has invited LBAC to send a representative to their monthly meetings. Carolyn volunteered and will attend the September meeting. Peggy has requested that pedestrian crossing bollards at Bikeway intersections be on the agenda. Minuteman Bikeway Signage Update: Bob Dangel shared with the committee a draft list of way-finding signage that he proposes for the Bikeway. (List is provided at the end of these minutes.) Safety signage was also discussed; Peggy mentioned the grant funds from CHNA that are available to test safety messaging. George Gagliardi volunteered to develop some “Burma Shave” messages. Themes should include: keep to the right; audible signal; look behind before turning; dogs; be polite; share the road. Comments from the committee included: mileage should be provided in half-mile increments; take advantage of current mile markers but indicate mileage in Arabic numerals; welcome-to-Lexington signage should be carved letters on a wooden sign to complement Arlington signs. Liaison Reports : Richard Canale questioned the data of the number of bike crashes per “10K daily bicyclists” in Lexington as stated on the “report card” from the League of American Bicyclists. Peggy said she had been in touch with the League about their data; it was based on the reported number of crashes over the last five years (60). She promised to check the data. Richard also talked about the Lexington Hills subdivision discussion upcoming at the Planning board. There was a general discussion about the trend toward developers pressing to make easements private. Other Business: …Town Engineer John Livsey asked the committee for its opinion on whether repairs to the Bikeway might be done over the winter. The committee sentiment was that any repairs should be done prior to the end of the paving season. …There is an abundance of vegetation near Hartwell Ave., which should be reported to Mark Valenti. …There are plans to have sidewalks on both sides of Hartwell. …The Minuteman Bikeway brochure will be updated and reprinted soon thanks to a healthy communities grant and will have additional information about conservation land and a health message about ticks. The meeting was adjourned at 8:44 pm. Record of the Discussions of the Friends of Lexington Bikeways Treasurer’s Report : There was not much activity in our account during the past two months. Non-Profit Status Update : We are in the 6-month waiting period to have our non-profit status reinstated. Farmers’ Market Bike Corrals : Sandra Shaw said she felt we would get more people using the bike corral at the farmer’s market if we had a better location. Peggy said the managers of the farmer’s market solely determine the location, but she will ask again whether the tent can be relocated closer to the Bikeway. Jennifer Melot, the Lincoln Lab Bike Coordinator, offered to work on a project benefiting the Bikeway. Possible ideas include: a pamphlet showing inter modal connections, a brochure clarifying rules for motorists and cyclists (same roads-same laws) where are there differences and where are there privileges, or a brochure on safety on the bikeway. She is also a web designer and offered to help with our site, perhaps adding videos. Upcoming Dates Traffic Safety Advisory Committee Meeting: Tuesday, September 2, 9 – 10:30 am Bike to Market Day: Tuesday, September 9 (2 – 6:30 pm) LBAC/FoLB meeting Thursday, September 11, 7 pm, Parker Room of the Town Office Building Grain Mill Alley Public Workshop 2: Thursday, September 11, 7:00pm-9:00pm at the Depot DraftListofProposedMMSigns:August2014 {ƷƩĻĻƷƭğƓķķźƭƷğƓĭĻƭ LocationonpathSign(distancesapproximatetobeconfirmed),arrowstobeadded AlewifeArlingtonCtr1.4,LexingtonCtr6.2,Bedford10 LakeSt.LakeSt LinwoodSt.LinwoodSt ArlCtratSwanPlaceMapofArlingtonCtrrouting ArlCtratMysticRt3MapofArlingtonCtrrouting(withnewpathparalleltobricksidewalk?) WaterSt.WaterSt. MillSt.MillSt.Alewife1.7,ArlingtonCtr0.3,LexingtonCtr4.5,Bedford8.3 BrattleSt.BrattleSt. ParkAve.ParkAve. BowSt.,LexBowSt.Alewife3.8,ArlingtonCtr2.1,LexingtonCtr2.4,Bedford6.2 FottlerSt.FottlerSt. MapleSt.atrampToMapleSt. WoburnSt.WoburnSt..LexingtonCtr0.2 LexCtr.LexingtonCtrAlewife6.2,ArlingtonCtr4.7,Bedford3.8 HancockSt.HancockSt. CamelliaPlaceCamelliaPlaceFireDept. RevereSt.RevereSt. BedfordSt.BedfordSt.Alewife7.5,ArlingtonCtr6.1,LexingtonCtr1.3,Bedford2.5 ValleyWayrampToValleyWay I95I95 HartwellAve.,Alewife8.6,ArlingtonCtr7.2,LexingtonCtr2.4,Bedford HartwellAve.1.4 WestviewSt.WestviewSt. WigginsAve.WigginsAve. BedfordterminusSouthRd.LexingtonCtr3.8,ArlingtonCtr8.6,Alewife10 bğƷǒƩğƌŅĻğƷǒƩĻƭ SpyPond ArlingtonReservoir GreatMeadows TowerPark ParkerMeadow TophetSwamp {źŭƓƭƚƓğķƆğĭĻƓƷƭƷƩĻĻƷƭƦƚźƓƷźƓŭƷƚƷŷĻ ƦğƷŷ MassAveatLakeSt. MassAveatLinwoodSt. MassAveatWaterSt. SummerStatMillSt. BowSt(Arl)atramp. MassAveatBowSt(Lex). MassAveatMaple,andattopoframp. MassAveatWaldorfSch. MassAveatSeasons4drive. MassAveatWoburnSt. MassAveatLexCtr. BefordSt.atCamelliaPl. MassAveandHancockStatRevereSt. WigginsAveatSummerSt. aźƌĻƒğƩƉĻƩƭǒŭŭĻƭƷźƚƓ Mountnumberonpathfacingsideofexistinggraniteposts IncludedistancestoAlewifeandBedfordwitharrows. LƓƷĻƩƭĻĭƷźƚƓƭ Solidlineforlast100ft Stop/yieldPendingintersectionredesign PaintonpathCrossing hƷŷĻƩͲƭŷƚǞƓǞźƷŷLĭƚƓƭƓƚƷǞƚƩķƭ Waterfountains Bathrooms Food {źŭƓ/ƚƌƚƩƭ WhiteongreenbackgroundStreetsignsatcrossings,tomatchstreetsignsintown WhiteonbluebackgroundPathspecificsignsmilemarkers,distances,iconstofountains,food,etc. WhiteonbluebackgroundNaturalfeatures WhiteonbrownbackgroundSpecialcultural&historic