HomeMy WebLinkAbout1999-02-12-2020-min (Initiating Committee) Initiating Committee February 12, 1999 Minutes Members Present: Helen Cohen, Clark Cowen, Robin DiGiammarino, Peter Lee, Fred Merrill, Peggy Perry, and Fernando Quezada Staff Present: Michael Baker CALL TO ORDER APPROVAL OF MINUTES In the “Formation of Stakeholder’s Group” section, it was inaccurate to state that the formation of the Stakeholder’s Group was to be placed solely in the hands of the consultant. Instead, the minutes should be corrected to read that the Steering Committee would have the responsibility for Stakeholder’s Group formation after the consultant has been hired. Fred Merrill noted that his name should appear in the members present section, while Peggy Perry indicated that her name should not. DISCUSSION UPDATE ON STATUS OF RFP PROCESS A list of RFP recipients was circulated to all attendees, along with the news that the RFP was sent out to the consultants earlier this week. The committee discussed the issue of what action it will take if there is not an adequate proposal at the end of the RFP deadline. Options included accepting the best proposal that the committee had in hand, though it may only be mediocre, or reopening the RFP process and possibly rewriting the RFP document. The consensus of the group seemed to be that the latter response is more preferable. An issue was raised during the week about whether or not the list of all RFP recipients could be circulated to individual consultants. Though the committee could not answer this question on legal grounds, it did discuss the ethical implications. One member cited the potential unfair advantages for those consultants who did acquire the list. On the other hand, such information may provide opportunities for collaboration. It was on this point that the group agreed that it would be appropriate to send the list to all consultants, or at least call to ask if they would like it, barring any legal impediments. As a matter of clarification, the Steering Committee will be responsible for reviewing the proposals that are submitted from consultants. REPORT FROM THE RESIDENT RESPONSE REVIEW SUBCOMMITTEE Clark Cowen presented a report from the Feb. 5 meeting of the Resident Response Review Subcommittee. He stated that the sub-committee has been working to assemble possible Stakeholder Groups by narrowing the current field of 217 respondents first to 100 members and then to 50. At the heart of this effort is an attempt to create a diverse Stakeholders Group which is adequately representative of the various segments of the Lexington community. For those groups that were found not to be well represented, the Sub-committee decided that they should be contacted directly by phone and invited to participate. The Initiating Committee, disappointed with the location of the previous announcement about the 20/20 Vision in the local newspaper, suggested the submission of a press release. It would report on the status of the process and provide another mechanism for inviting interested residents to participate. Fernando Quezada agreed to write the press release, with the assistance of Peter Lee, and have the support staff forward it to the newspaper as soon as possible. CITIZEN PARTICIPATION The committee discussed the issue of resident participation in the process, and whether it should be limited only to those who filled out and submitted the form, or broader and more inclusive. Expecting that the original participants would likely invite friends and neighbors to become involved, the committee suggested that participation in the overall process should not be limited to the original group. Committee members expressed an obligation to try and involve all of those residents who submitted the response form. In order to hold the interest of those who submitted response forms until a consultant was hired and their involvement more clearly structured, the Initiating Committee agreed to send regular status reports updating interested residents about the process. DISCUSSION ON STEERING COMMITTEE FORMATION The Initiating Committee reviewed the sheet detailing the characteristics of the Steering Committee and offered some minor revisions to the description. In particular, the IC noted that public communication should be listed as a duty and responsibility of the Steering Committee, the initial tasks and activities should include the interview and selection of a consultant, and the structure should allow for the creation of internal sub-committees on an ad hoc basis. In regards to the meeting times of the Steering Committee, there was consensus among Initiating Committee members that meetings should continue to be held in the morning. INITIATING COMMITTEE MEETING SCHEDULE February 26, 1999 – meeting postponed to March 5, 1999