HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013-12-09-ARTS-min Lexington Council for the Arts Approved Minutes – December 9, 2013 Present – Victoria Campos, Emily Passman, Cheryl Meadow, Regie O-Hare Gibson, Lynne Klemmer, Jean Hart, Leslie Masson, Diana South, Cristina Burwell, Zoe Perry- Wood, Jessie Steigerwald. Minutes were taken by Jessie Steigerwald Secretary's report – Jessie Steigerwald Members unanimously expressed appreciation for Victoria Campos and her dedicated service as Secretary for the LCA. Minutes from 9.9.13 (Campos), 10.21.13 (Campos) & 11.18.13 (Steigerwald) were discussed. 11.18.13 minutes were approved unanimously and will be submitted to town archives by Jessie Steigerwald to bring minutes up to date. Treasurer’s report – Diana South Voting meeting calculation – exact funds available for granting o Reimbursements – Reviewed importance of deadlines for grant recipients. o Reimbursements requests received after the deadline will not be granted and submitters will be reminded of policy. This information is provided in award letters and we need to follow the dates to keep our accounts updated in order to be able to provide the maximum grant funds available in each cycle. Current budget was reviewed. (See December treasurer statement.) o Chairperson report - Zoe Perry-Wood LCO Grant follow-up. We will not use these funds this year but are reminded that it is a possibility for next year’s cycle. Cristina Burwell will remind the group next year in a timely fashion. New show in Munroe Gallery / Future gallery schedule Members agreed to consider possible location of gallery space at alternate locations to find accessible space. Community Center would be helpful location. Scheduling exhibitions and publicizing the shows requires volunteer time and should be discussed further. Group would like gallery showings to generate interest for each artist who participates. Chairperson Transition Members unanimously expressed appreciation for Zoe Perry-Wood’s leadership as the LCA Chair and noted that this meeting marked not only Zoe’s last meeting as Chairperson, but, perhaps more importantly, an exciting transition for LCA as Zoe will now be able to focus her energy on a list of exciting projects that she has kept on a back-burner while serving in the leadership role. The group looks forward to Zoe’s future LCA projects! Action Items follow up- 1 Lexington Council for the Arts Approved Minutes – December 9, 2013 Community Center Jessie/Cristina – provided updates of developments on outreach to offer assistance to the Community Center Advisory Committee in the inclusion of art when the center opens, and while it operates. Cristina attended Community Center meeting, Jessie sent email offering our assistance. Members agreed to try th to attend the Open House on December 14 (10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.) to take notes and observe places where community art might be showcased. Cristina and Jessie will continue to offer our assistance and see whether Board of Selectmen would like to charge us with any specific tasks to support the Community Center. Ongoing business – Possible Spring 2013 Fundraiser. Members who are able will meet to discuss ideas and will report back at our January meeting. LHS community service interns – Regie provided update on outreach efforts Tabled for Future Discussion and Action: - The Resources and Support pages for our website - Update our page on the Town website -Twitter, Facebook, blog Main business: Grant Review for 2013 - 2014 The bulk of the meeting time was used for the 2013- 2014 grant review process. Each grant application was reviewed. Members discussed each grant to make sure that all criteria were met. Applications that did not meet our stated criteria (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 19, and 23) were noted and the applicants will receive Disapproval Letters. Cristina and Jessie will assemble the letters and send out by the end of the week. Recipients have the opportunity to reply to us if they believe they should have been found to meet our criteria and if this happens we will take the concerns up at our next meeting. After identifying all grants that met our criteria (7-18, 20, 21, 22) the group paid special attention to note that 7 (Uniforms for Fife and Drum) and 17 (Portable dance floor for Munroe) were for requests to support capital items. We reviewed rules specifically governing awards for capital projects. We then considered that the total amount requested significantly exceeded our available funds and recognized that we would be unable to fully fund all qualifying proposals. We then assigned award values to each grant to maximize some degree of support for all of the projects that met our criteria while providing a higher percentage of support for the projects which most closely met our stated criteria. Grant applications noted when they had other sources of funding and this was also taken into account. 7. Fife and Drum, $250.00 2 Lexington Council for the Arts Approved Minutes – December 9, 2013 8. Folk Arts Center of New England, $150.00 9. Fruitlands Museum, $100.00 10. Golden Tricorn, $275.00 11. Metropolitan Wind, $350.00 12. Historical Society, $250.00 13. Korean Cultural Society of Boston, $250.00 14. Lexington Arts & Crafts Society, Mural, $700.00 15. Lexington Arts & Crafts Society, Polymer Guild, $100.00 16. Lexington Arts & Crafts Society, Ceramics Guild, $250.00 17. Munroe Saturday Nights, $350.00 18. Denise Doucette, $150.00 20. Lexington Open Studios Group, $1,000.00 22. Andrei Baumann, $150.00 The Treasurer tracked our award decisions and the attached chart provides further detail. Next meetings: January 13, Feb 10, March 10, April 14, May 12, June 9 Attachment: Treasurer’s Allocation Worksheet, December 9, 2013 3